Cyber Ghosts

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Side Effect

At this moment, my mother got to understand that her mother-in-law was helping her deal with the problem between her and her husband! She quickly pointed at my father’s forehead. “You heartless man! Mother is waiting for your reply. How dare you go to the soldier’s home to play! ”

My father finally understood what was going on. As the azure and violet color on my body gradually darkened, my crying voice became louder and louder, he gritted his teeth, and kneeled on the ground, kowtowing to my grandmother before lowering his head and saying, “Mom, your son will not gamble anymore. If I do it once more, I’ll chop off both my hands!”

“Well,” my grandmother looked at my father and said, “Go out into the yard and get some straw!”

Straw was common in the countryside, which was mainly used for lighting. Because dry firewood was not easy to light, people usually first lit straw and then put dry firewood in, and in this way, dry firewood can easily be set on fire.

My father ran out. When my grandmother saw he brought with a pile of straw in, she was quite shocked. “Are you going to set this house on fire?”

My father chuckled, “I don’t know what it’s used for, so I just took more …”

My grandmother didn’t say anything more. She took some straw, put them on the ground, struck a match, lit the straw. She muttered something when she was holding naked me and passed me over the fire. It was amazing that as soon as I got over the fire I stopped crying and the black marks on my body began to fade and soon disappeared.

It was a false alarm, and I finally came back to life.

I knew the story since I could remember. With this story, my family often teased my father about his gambling history. When I was young, I didn’t think much of it, but when I grew up, I was actually quite moved. My grandmother used her grandson to teach her son, and when I was just born, she let my father know that he couldn’t play as much as those young men did, that he had to sacrifice something for the family. My father really stopped gambling from then on. Although this kind of sacrifice was simple, I knew that it wasn’t easy for him.

“What’s wrong with that? Is it over? Could it be that our ancestor is always following me? He has his own house in the Underworld.” I looked at Yan, not really understanding why he mentioned this.

“Hmm, does he?” Yan looked at me, “If it’s not that your granny doesn’t know, it’s that she’s intentionally hiding it from you guys. She should know that even if we walk on the small path at night, your great-grandfather would not come back with your father for no reason. He was so old, and you already said that it’s good to stay at his place. It was not a Ghost Festival Day, and there was no protection from the extreme Yin’s barrier between Heaven and Earth. So why did he take the risk of being killed to see you, a great-grandson that he’d never seen.”

“So, what’s that?” I had never thought about it this way before, and I didn’t blame myself for it. How do I know about the mysteries of yin and yang?

“And, has the black handprint on your body disappeared? There isn’t a trace of it on your body? ”

“This…” I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and subconsciously covered a part of my body. “My mom told me that’s a birthmark …”

Just as Yan was about to answer, the TV in front of me suddenly turned on automatically, showing a faint blue light with “no input signal” words. Yan looked at me strangely and asked, “What are you looking for?”

“The remote control. I might accidentally touch the remote control and turn it on. The blue light makes me uncomfortable, so I’m going to turn it off …” I kept searching. The most magical thing in the world was that you couldn’t find an item that was clearly a meter away from you.

“Stop it.” Yan said as he shook his head in the mirror. “Your TV seems to not work. It has been turned on many times for no reason in recent days. I often get woken up by it. But anyway, the programs are really good.“

“Even ghosts have to sleep …” I muttered in a low voice. I found the remote control, and turned off the TV before continuing the conversation, “About the birthmark on my body, my mom told me it’s on my body since I was a kid.”

“That’s what your grandmother told your parents.” Yan stood up and looked at me, causing me to immediately retreat backwards. “Do you want to know what actually happened that night?”

I looked at him and wanted to shake my head, but for some reason, I nodded out of nowhere.

“This is you who ask me to tell, thus you have to bear the consequences.” Yan looked at me and sighed, “He’s also a pitiful person.”

“That night, the one who came back with your father was not your great-grandfather at all, but your younger brother, the one who died before he was even born. When the twin babies were born, it was not certain who was who, and it was thought that your brother should reincarnate into your body, but by a coincidence, it turned out that you had reincarnated into your body. It was actually nothing. It was the first 7th night for your brother, and he originally wanted to return to the mortal world to have a look at you from afar. After all, your mother conceived you two for ten months, and he was your brother, so he wanted to do this before reincarnating.”

“In the end, on that night, who would know your father would rush back from the small path. At the same time, your brother was just there by your great-grandfather’s grave. When he saw his biological father, who, after all, had given birth to him, he couldn’t help but cry as he followed him. Your great-grandfather felt pity for his great-grandson, and was afraid that the strong wind would blow away your brother’s soul, so he was protecting and pulling him along the way, but just like that, your brother came to your house with your father. When they entered, they were stunned. Your great-grandfather saw the family, his former son, his grandchildren, and his grandchildren’s wife. All kinds of feelings welled up in his heart, and your brother hugged you when your great-grandfather did not notice it.”

“If it’s someone else, it’ll be fine. Newborns have their own protections so that external evils will not enter the extremely Yang bodies of newborns when they are younger than forty-nine days. However, you are an Imbedding Body, and furthermore, you are a so unique Imbedding Body. Your brother just wanted to give you a hug before returning, but in the end he directly drilled into your body! And the place where he inbedded you was right in your brain. As long as your brother’s soul returns to the body, both of you will die. The bruises on your body were not so much caused by your great-grandfather holding on to you, but more like it was caused by your great-grandfather holding on to your brother, wanting to pull him out of your body … ”

“Unfortunately, it’s been too late. No matter how hard he tried, a portion of your brother’s soul still remained on your body, so there are still some bruises on your body. Rather than say it’s a bruise or a birthmark, it’s more accurate to say that it’s a part of your brother’s soul … ”

After Yan finished speaking, he looked at me in the mirror, as if he was waiting for me to speak.

I was already stunned at this time. No matter how much imagination I had, it was impossible for me to imagine that there would be such a thing, and for a moment, I didn’t know what to say. Seeing I did not speak, Yan continued:

“Originally, the mark should be on your head, but your brother knew that this disaster was caused by him that he did not control himself well, so he knelt on the ground and begged me to move the birthmark to a different place. Otherwise, if there is a mark on your face in your entire life, you would be looked down upon and mocked by others. For this reason, he would like to not reincarnate in one hundred years and would atone for it in the Underworld.”

“Originally, everything was fine. But a while ago, I talked to you about something while I was working on taking a soul, and I found it interesting. After your brother found out about this, he asked me to come see you more.“

“Ahh, this is each single thing has its own destiny. How would I know that I would be like this because of meeting you and your younger brother.”

Yan looked at himself and laughed bitterly.

At this time, I regained my senses, and felt embarrassed when I looked at Yan. I still had more questions in my mind, but I shouldn’t ask. So the two of us just kept looking without saying any words.

After a long time, Yan looked at me and broke the silence. “You asked one question just now and you still have another chance.”

At this moment, I had another question in my mind, but I couldn’t say it. I could only say, “Well, how can I save you?”

Yan looked at me, and laughed while waving his hand. This was the first time I had seen warmth on his face since I had known him. “Alright, that’s not the question you want to ask me. Furthermore, you can’t save me now. What you want to ask is, why can you borrow the power of other things?”

“Yes”, I nodded hesitantly. Actually, I had planned to ask Liu Shuai about this. I had already guessed a bit about my situation, but I would keep my distance from this strange ability. Now that he had spoken it out, I did not want to make him lose face, so I could only continue it.

“Honestly speaking, I am not completely sure either. But it seems to have quite a lot to do with your unique Imbedding Body… Don’t you realize that you usually like to imitate familiar people? For example, imitating your boss’s speech, or some of your colleagues’ catchphrases. Of course, those are mostly used as a joke skill. At the same time, people like you who have a part of the soul of the Underworld will experience a qualitative change when you are activated by some conditions. The qualitative change is, what you imitate might not be a person’s ability, but some kind of ability that you believe in your subconscious mind, which has already become a classic, or even a semi-classic one. “Yan thought for a moment, and tried his best to use the simplest words to make me understand it. “For example, that night, what you imitated was actually what you subconsciously believed, and what most people thought were martial arts from classic literary works. Of course, this is also because you have read these works many times, and have a deeper understanding of them in your mind.”

“So powerful?” I suddenly felt that I could rove all over the world with my sword and see the prosperity of the world.

“Humph, do you want to try what happened to Zhou Yuan?” Yan looked at me coldly, and I couldn’t help but shiver. “There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world. If you think you can eat it for free, you will not be far from becoming an idiot. There are two problems in this kind of special body. The first is, this ability must be activated through the use of mana, otherwise it would not work. The second is, it was almost impossible to cultivate such a body like Liu Shuai does. In other words, you won’t be able to acquire mana. Unless someone else uses their own mana to activate it for you. So this ability of yours is basically a piece of trash.”

After Yan finished saying this, a faint smile appeared on his face.

“Damn it!” I collapsed onto the sofa. I had thought that I was just like the main character of a web novel who got an extremely powerful ability at once, but in the end, it was completely useless! Wait, that’s not right. I suddenly thought of a detail from that night. “That night, the first time you placed my hand on your forehead, it should be your mana that activated my ability, right?”

“That’s right!”

“But the second time, when I placed my hand on the Kindle, you were already tied up by the Immortal Tying Rope, even though it was fake …” Fake…I muttered to myself. How did those unreliable magic tools come. “Your mana was restricted. So how could I use that ability?”

“Why do you have such a good memory!” Yan shouted, “No strict logic, ok? Can’t you take it as a plot of Xuanhuan novel that riddled with errors? If you write novels on Chinese website Zongheng, you will be down and out! ”

“And here I was wondering how a staff member from the Underworld would know so much about the new products of the mortal world.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Stop bullshitting, hurry up and say it.”

Yan was immediately embarrassed. After thinking for a long time, he said, “I will say, but you will not be angry.”

“I won’t. I will learn a way to activate my ability without borrowing your mana. What a great thing!” I smiled as I looked at him, thinking to myself that you’d better not to forget what I was good at, and I had a nickname in the company called “Prince of Seeking Bugs”. I can even find out more than one bugs from the codes Liu Shuai wrote. If I could find the bug, this old guy would not be able to fool me. And as long as I learned activating the ability of Borrow Me Your Mana without the help of others’ mana, I would be as awesome as the God of Thunder. No, I should be more awesome than the God of Thunder.

“Well, do you know the basic principles of Daoist cultivation?” Yan asked.

“Yes, I know the basics of theory, such as refining the energy into the qi, refining the qi into the spirit, refining the spirit into the void. What’s wrong?” I wonder why he mentioned this.

“The principles are correct. Since your body cannot be cultivated, you cannot store mana. However, as long as the essence energy in your body is sufficient, you will be able to refine the energy into qi, then into spirit, and produce weak mana if you activate fast, even if I don’t lend you mana. It is not much mana, but from what I could do that night, I could only activate it that way. But that’ll bring side effect…”

“What side effect?” The corner of my mouth twitched, and my smiling face started to stiffen. I have a kind of foreboding feeling.

“Well, you know essence energy. Normally, people won’t use it for refining qi, but for making love, as you know. So don’t make me say something that isn’t appropriate for children. However, this method will drain your essence energy in one go, and then your body will be in a protective state for a long time due to the lack of essence energy, so …”

“Don’t stutter. What do you want to say!” I got more and more anxious, and my foreboding feeling got worse and worse.

“Well, it is that your cock won’t have any reactions in a few days. You know, it’s scientifically called ED in English.” Yan kept silent for a long time and finally said it. Then looking at my dull face, he felt that the atmosphere was too awkward, so he quickly added, “Don’t worry, it’ll be ok in ten days or half a month. Hahaha, you’re single anyways. So let it be. It’s just September, and no masturbation in September, right? Take it easy. It’s already been a week. Liu Shuai is even worse than you. He used even more essence blood than you did on that night. He will have to sing the song Wukong in half a year. As its lyric says — — What will my iron rod be used for?’

… ….

I ran into the bedroom…

… ….


… ….

Again and again

… ….

After more than ten minutes, everyone in the neighborhood could hear that …

“Yan! Fuck you!”

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