Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 32

Asuka stood in the dimly lit hallway of the apartment building, the walls painted in fading hues, hinting at the past decades of wear and tear. She shifted slightly, adjusting the weight of the large gift-wrapped packages in her arms—Judy’s birthday gifts. The Carnage shotgun was longer than the others, with its neon-pink and green wrapping giving it away as something much more exciting than the usual birthday present.

The apartment door opened, revealing Judy’s grandmother, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Asuka. The older woman was petite, her face lined with age but warm and welcoming. She smiled, her eyes softening as she took in Asuka’s bright pink chrome and her stylish, revealing clothes, her warmth unfiltered despite the flashiness.

“Asuka, querida! Come in, come in!” she said, her voice full of warmth. She stepped aside, waving Asuka in. The apartment smelled faintly of home-cooked food, the kind of smell that instantly made you feel at ease.

Asuka grinned as she stepped into the apartment, carefully balancing the gifts. “Gracias, señora,” she said, her eyes quickly scanning the familiar surroundings. The small apartment was decorated with an eclectic mix of old trinkets, family photos, and a few high-tech gadgets that clearly belonged to Judy.

“Ranita!” Judy’s grandma called, her voice carrying through the hallway. “Ven aquí, mira quién está aquí para verte!”

Asuka couldn’t help but smile at the nickname—“Ranita”, which meant “little frog”. It was endearing and clearly something that only a loving grandma could get away with calling Judy.

Judy appeared from one of the rooms, her face lighting up when she saw Asuka standing there, her arms full of gifts. Her eyes widened, a mixture of surprise and delight crossing her face as she took in the sight. “Asuka, what... what is all this?” she asked, her eyes darting to the large, brightly wrapped presents.

Asuka grinned, her voice full of excitement. “Happy birthday, Judy! I told you I was gonna make it special, didn’t I?” She stepped forward, holding out the presents towards her, her grin widening. “Here—open 'em up!”

Judy took the gifts, her expression softening, her cheeks turning slightly pink. She wasn’t used to people doing things like this for her, and the fact that Asuka had gone out of her way to bring her presents—it meant more than she could put into words.

As Judy unwrapped the first package, her eyes went wide at the sight of the Nue pistol. She lifted it carefully, her fingers tracing the custom colors—pink and green, just like her favorite shades. She looked up at Asuka, her mouth slightly open. “This is... this is amazing. I’ve never seen a Nue like this,” she said, her voice filled with awe.

Asuka shrugged, her grin never fading. “Told ya I wanted you to have something special, Judes. That’s all yours. Figured you should have something to protect yourself, y’know?”

Judy gave a small, grateful smile, her eyes shining as she set the Nue down gently, reaching for the next package. She tore the wrapping off, revealing the Carnage shotgun. Her eyes widened even more, her breath catching for a moment as she stared at the massive, beautifully colored weapon.

“Whoa,” Judy breathed, her fingers hovering over the shotgun as if afraid to touch it. “This... this is for me?”

Before Asuka could answer, Judy’s grandfather entered the room, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the sight of the shotgun. He was an older man, with a stern but caring expression that softened only for his family. He stepped closer, examining the Carnage, his brow furrowed slightly.

“Judy,” he said, his voice low but kind. He reached out, carefully taking the shotgun from Judy’s hands, his eyes meeting Asuka’s for a moment before looking back at Judy. “You can keep the pistol, mija, but this...” He patted the shotgun, giving a small smile. “This one, I’ll keep for you until you’re a little older, okay?”

Judy pouted slightly, her shoulders slumping a bit, but she nodded, giving her grandfather a small smile. “Yeah, I get it, abuelo. Just... keep it safe for me, alright?”

Asuka chuckled, watching the exchange with a warm expression. “Hey, at least you know it’s in good hands, Judes. And trust me, you’ll be ready for it in no time.” She winked at Judy, who gave her a small, appreciative smile.

The last package contained some tech equipment—small, portable gear for working on braindances, something Judy had been interested in for a while. Judy’s eyes lit up at the sight of the gear, her excitement clear as she looked over the equipment. “This... this is amazing, Asuka. I can’t believe you got me all this,” she said, her voice full of gratitude.

Asuka shrugged, her smile softening, her eyes meeting Judy’s. “Hey, I told you I wanted to make your birthday special. You deserve it, Judes. Besides, I know you’re gonna do some awesome stuff with those BDs, right?”

Judy nodded, her smile wide and genuine. “Yeah... yeah, I will. Thanks, Asuka. Really.”

Judy’s grandma stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on Judy’s shoulder as she looked at Asuka with a kind smile. “Thank you, Asuka. You’re always welcome here. You make our Ranita so happy.”

Asuka blushed slightly, rubbing the back of her neck, her usual confidence wavering a bit in the face of such warmth. “Aw, c’mon, señora. It’s no big deal. I’m just glad I could do something nice.”

Judy stepped closer, giving Asuka a quick hug, her arms wrapping around her waist. Asuka smiled, returning the hug with one arm, her other still holding onto the wrapping paper she hadn’t put down yet.

“Thanks for everything, Asuka,” Judy said softly, her voice full of emotion.

Asuka gave a small nod, her smile widening. “Anytime, Judes. You know I’ve got your back.”

After dinner with Judy's grandparents—a warm, familiar meal filled with the kind of home-cooked flavors Asuka rarely got to enjoy—Judy had been eager to head out to a party she had planned with some of her classmates and friends. Asuka, never one to turn down an opportunity for a party, agreed immediately, and soon enough they were heading across Night City to a venue that Judy had chosen for the night’s festivities.

The venue itself was lively and full of energy—the beats of electro-funk pulsing through the place, neon lights casting colorful hues across the dance floor. Judy’s classmates were all gathered, some already dancing, others hanging out by the bar or lounging on couches set up around the room. Judy led Asuka inside, her arm wrapped around Asuka’s, and from the moment they stepped in, Judy seemed to stick to her like glue.

Asuka found it kind of cute—Judy holding onto her arm, her head resting against Asuka's shoulder as they moved through the party, greeting friends. She’d always known that Judy admired her, maybe even looked up to her, but tonight there was something different about it. Something more intense.

They mingled for a bit, Judy introducing Asuka to her friends. Some of Judy's classmates gave Asuka looks of curiosity, while others eyed her with a mix of surprise and admiration. Asuka smiled, relaxed and confident, her chrome limbs and revealing pink clothes catching the attention of just about everyone they passed.

But what surprised Asuka was how Judy behaved the whole time. She was practically glued to her—hugging her arm tightly, her fingers sometimes slipping around Asuka's waist possessively, almost as if she was making sure everyone knew they were together. At one point, Judy even given her a light kiss on the lips right in front of a group of her friends, who immediately broke into cheers and whistles.

Asuka blinked, momentarily stunned by the kiss. Judy's lips were soft, her touch gentle, and the kiss was quick, but it was definitely more than just a friendly gesture. Asuka glanced at Judy, seeing her smiling, her cheeks a little flushed.

“Uh, Judes?” Asuka began, her voice a mix of surprise and amusement. But Judy just grinned, giving her a playful nudge, clearly enjoying the attention they were getting.

“C'mon, Asuka,” she said, her tone light and teasing. “It’s my birthday. Don’t I get to do whatever I want?” Her eyes twinkled as she looked up at Asuka, her smile widening.

Asuka couldn’t help but laugh, her confusion fading into something more relaxed. She shrugged, letting it go for the moment. “Alright, alright, birthday girl gets a free pass,” she said, wrapping her arm around Judy's shoulders and pulling her close. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of Judy's behavior, but she also didn’t want to spoil her birthday by making things awkward.

The rest of the party continued in the same vein—Judy sticking close to Asuka, her hands always finding their way to her waist or arm, her head resting on Asuka's shoulder when they weren’t dancing. A few more times, Judy leaned up, giving Asuka quick kisses, always in front of her friends, always with that same playful smile.

Asuka went along with it, smiling and laughing, enjoying the party for what it was. She figured maybe it was just Judy's way of showing off a bit in front of her friends—after all.

The next morning, Asuka found herself lounging on Judy's couch when her grandparents were out, her head resting against the back cushion, her eyes half-closed. It was early, the sunlight filtering through the faded curtains in Judy’s apartment, casting long shadows across the room. Judy was sitting cross-legged on the opposite side of the couch, her face a mix of happiness from last night and a slight tension that Asuka couldn't help but notice.

The party had been a blast. They'd danced, drank, laughed—it was everything a birthday party should be. But Asuka knew she needed to address something. As fun as the night had been, there was something more in the way Judy had clung to her, the kisses, the possessive touches. And now that the buzz of the party was over, she couldn't just ignore it.

She opened her eyes, glancing over at Judy with a half-smile. “Hey, Judes,” she began, her voice soft but carrying an undertone of seriousness. “About last night... what was all that?” She raised an eyebrow, her eyes watching Judy closely. “You know, all the, uh, sticking close, the kissing in front of your friends. Not that I mind, but...” She trailed off, giving Judy the space to explain.

Judy looked down at her hands, her fingers fidgeting for a moment before she took a deep breath, her eyes lifting to meet Asuka’s. There was a slight flush to her cheeks as she spoke, her voice soft. “Okay, so... there’s something I probably should tell you.” She hesitated, her fingers tightening slightly. “I... kinda lied. To my friends, I mean. I told them you were my output.”

Asuka’s eyebrows shot up, her eyes widening in surprise. “Wait, what?” she asked, though her voice held no anger—more curiosity, confusion. “You told them I’m your...?”

Judy nodded, biting her lip. “Yeah. I mean, everyone was talking about stuff, about, you know, dating and outputs, and I just... I wanted to fit in. And then they started asking about you, and I sorta... said we were together.” She looked down, her face reddening. “I just... I wanted to look cool, I guess. And then, at the party, I thought if I acted like it was real, it’d be easier.”

Asuka let out a long breath, leaning back against the couch, processing what Judy had said. She could see the nervousness in Judy’s eyes, the way she looked like she was bracing herself for some kind of rejection or disappointment. But Asuka wasn’t angry. She knew how it felt to be in high school, to feel like you had to prove something, to fit in. And, honestly, Judy was just being a teenager.

A small smile played at the corner of Asuka’s lips, and she reached out, ruffling Judy’s hair lightly. “Oh, Judes,” she said, her voice softening, her tone gentle. “I get it. I really do. I know what it’s like, being in high school, trying to impress people. It’s tough, y’know?”

Judy looked up, her eyes a mix of hope and curiosity. “You’re not mad?”

Asuka shook her head, her smile widening slightly. “Nah, I’m not mad. I mean, it’s kinda flattering, honestly. You think I’m cool enough to make people think I’m your output?” She winked, trying to lighten the mood, and she could see Judy relax a little, a small smile crossing her lips.

“But listen, Judes,” Asuka continued, her voice a little more serious. “If you really want us to, like, actually date... we could try that. But only after you’re a bit older, like eighteen, y'know? I wanna make sure you know what you’re getting into, and that it’s what you really want. I care about you, and I want you to be happy, but I also want you to be ready.”

Judy’s eyes widened, a mix of surprise and excitement crossing her face. “You mean... you’d really be willing to—?”

Asuka nodded, holding up a finger. “On one condition though. If we do this, we’re not gonna be exclusive, okay?” She sighed, leaning back, her eyes looking up at the ceiling for a moment before turning back to Judy, a wry smile on her lips. “Even if I wanted to be exclusive, I can’t exactly do that right now.”

Judy blinked, clearly confused. “Why not?”

Asuka let out a small laugh, her eyes narrowing playfully. “Because I’ve got a rich, powerful 69-year-old grandma who likes to dock with me, and I’m not talking about just anyone. It’s a secret who it is, but trust me, it’s... complicated.” She shook her head, a grin spreading across her face. “So yeah, there’s that.”

Judy stared at Asuka, her eyes widening even more, her mouth dropping open in shock. “Wait, wait, wait—did you just say... 69?” she asked, her voice full of disbelief. “And she’s... rich and powerful?”

Asuka nodded, chuckling at Judy’s reaction. “Yup. And let’s just say she’s not your average grandma. It’s not exactly a normal thing, but hey, it’s Night City. Everyone’s got their secrets, right?”

Judy was silent for a moment, her expression a mix of surprise, confusion, and something like reluctant acceptance. Finally, she let out a long breath, shaking her head. “Okay, you know what? I don’t even wanna know,” she said, a small smile tugging at her lips. “I mean, as long as you’re happy, right?”

Asuka laughed, reaching over and giving Judy a light punch on the arm. “You’re a good Judes. And hey, who knows what’ll happen in a few years? We’ll figure it out when we get there.” She leaned back, stretching her arms above her head. “For now, let’s just keep things chill, okay? We’ve got time.”

Judy nodded, her expression softening, her smile genuine now. “Yeah. Okay. Thanks, Asuka. For... you know, understanding. And not being mad.”

Asuka waved a hand dismissively, her grin returning in full force. “C’mon, Judes. You know me. I don’t do mad. I do fun, chaos, and maybe a little bit of crazy.” She gave Judy a wink. “Now, what do you say we go grab some breakfast? I’m starving.”

Judy laughed, getting up from the couch and offering Asuka her hand. “Sounds good to me.”

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