Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 40

The Badlands stretched out around them in a seemingly endless sea of dust and rock, the orange glow of the setting sun casting long shadows across the rugged terrain. The Pink Kitty rumbled over the rough roads, kicking up a plume of dirt as Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha drove deeper into the wastelands, the heavy Militech Behemoth feeling almost invincible on the uneven path. The gig was a risky one, but they were confident. Their target? A Militech convoy rumored to be transporting high-value tech—just what they needed for a solid payday.

As they approached a connecting road leading to the highway, the convoy came into view—two armored cars flanking a Kaukaz Bratsk U4020 truck in the center, clearly the one carrying the goods. Asuka smirked, her eyes glinting in the low light. She could feel the anticipation bubbling up as they closed the distance. She loved this part of the job—the thrill, the high stakes, the chaos.

“Alright, chooms,” she called over the roar of the engine, her hands tightening on the wheel. “Time to make our entrance.”

She pressed her foot down on the accelerator, the Pink Kitty roaring forward with the kind of power only a heavily armored truck could muster. Jackie and Sasha braced themselves as Asuka aimed for the lead armored car, slamming into it with all of the Behemoth's might. The impact was deafening—a crunch of metal as the smaller vehicle crumpled under Pink Kitty’s bulk, skidding off the road, disabled.

With the lead vehicle out of commission, Asuka swerved to block the Kaukaz truck and the second armored car, forcing them to a halt. She grinned as she shut off the engine, turning to Jackie and Sasha. “Let's dance.”

Asuka kicked open the door, activating her Sandevistan as she hit the dirt. Time seemed to slow around her, the world taking on an almost dream-like quality. The closest Militech soldier barely had time to react before Asuka was on him, her Mantis Blades flashing in the sun. She stabbed forward, the blades piercing his chest, and with a quick twist, she pulled them free, the soldier falling in a heap.

Jackie followed behind, activating his Berserker implant, his muscles bulging as the enhanced drugs and nano bots flooded his system. He raised his shotgun, pumping it once before aiming at a second Militech soldier. The blast echoed across the Badlands, the soldier collapsing as Jackie moved forward, an almost feral grin on his face. “Who’s next?!”

Meanwhile, Sasha was still in the Pink Kitty, her eyes focused on the convoy’s security systems. She quickly hacked into the systems of the remaining Militech soldiers, targeting their Kiroshi optics. She smiled slightly as three of the soldiers suddenly flailed, their vision cut off. “They're blind!” she announced over comms, her voice steady. “But there’s a netrunner in the mix—take him out, fast!”

Asuka's eyes locked onto the Militech netrunner, his body language betraying his frantic attempts to counter Sasha’s hack. With her Sandy still active, she darted forward, everything around her moving in slow motion as she approached him. The netrunner barely had time to react before her Mantis Blades plunged into his torso, the force of the strike cutting deep before she twisted, severing his body in two with a clean slice. Blood sprayed across the ground, and Asuka moved on without a second glance.

Jackie took aim at one of the still-blinded soldiers, his shotgun booming as he fired. The soldier crumpled, and Asuka, her Sandevistan finally powering down, approached the last two. She wasted no time, her blades flashing as she cut through one, while Jackie shot the other, his shotgun echoing once more in the stillness that followed.

When it was all over, they turned their attention to the first armored car. There were still soldiers inside, groaning in pain, clearly too wounded to fight. Jackie and Asuka exchanged a look.

“Leave 'em,” Jackie said, his voice gruff, but with a hint of sympathy. “Ain’t no point in killin’ 'em if they’re down for the count.”

Asuka nodded in agreement, stepping back.

They turned away, heading to the Kaukaz truck. They broke into it quickly, finding the cargo they were after—many tech crates marked with Militech insignias. It was a score, no doubt, and Sasha grinned as they loaded the crates into the back of Pink Kitty.

“Good haul,” she said, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow as she helped Jackie secure the gear.

“Yeah, and Pink Kitty handled it like a pro,” Jackie added, patting the side of the Behemoth, which bore only a few scratches from the whole encounter.

Once everything was loaded, Asuka climbed back into the driver’s seat, her adrenaline finally starting to wear off as she leaned back with a satisfied sigh. Jackie and Sasha joined her, and soon the Pink Kitty was rolling once more, leaving the wrecked Militech convoy behind.

“Think we’ll see those soldiers again?” Sasha asked, glancing over at Asuka as they drove.

“Maybe,” Asuka replied with a smirk. “But if we do, they’ll know better than to pick a fight with us.”

Jackie laughed, shaking his head. “Damn straight. Ain’t nobody that can take on the Pink Kitty and come out on top.”

The Pink Kitty rumbled as it made its way into Heywood, the city lights flickering to life as the sun fully dipped below the horizon. The deposit was an old warehouse, one that Valentinos often used for operations—out of sight, out of mind, perfect for stashing high-value cargo.

When they arrived, a group of Valentinos were already there, waiting by the doors. They were a mix of street soldiers and lieutenants, some of them leaning against the side of the building, others smoking or chatting quietly. The mood shifted as Pink Kitty pulled in, the imposing armored truck turning heads.

Asuka cut the engine, her fingers brushing over the dash for a moment before she glanced at Jackie. “Ready to hand this off?” she asked, her lips quirking up into a small smile.

Jackie nodded, opening the door and hopping out, his boots crunching against the gravel. Sasha followed, the crew quickly moving to the back to open up Pink Kitty’s cargo doors. The thick steel creaked slightly as Jackie swung them open, revealing the Militech crates inside. Several of the Valentinos straightened, making their way over.

One of them—a lieutenant with a gold-plated cyberarm—gave Jackie a nod. “Preem job, choom. Heard you all had some trouble out in the Badlands?”

Jackie smirked, glancing at Asuka and Sasha. “Nothing we couldn’t handle. Besides, Pink Kitty here was built for a little trouble, ya know?”

The lieutenant chuckled, looking over the truck with a nod of approval. “Looks like it. Alright, boys, let’s get these crates unloaded.”

The Valentinos moved efficiently, grabbing the crates from the back of the Behemoth and hauling them into the warehouse. The crates were marked with Militech insignias, their heavy, reinforced locks indicating their value. They were filled with supplies meant for 6th Street—weapons, ammunition, and tech gear that Militech was funneling to their allies. Instead, thanks to Asuka’s crew, they’d end up in Valentinos' hands.

As the last of the crates were hauled out, Asuka pulled out her Kiroshi HUD and called Padre, her eyes scanning the warehouse as she waited for him to pick up. The familiar click of the line connecting made her smile.

“Padre,” she greeted, her voice calm but satisfied. “Just letting you know the gig’s done. The crates are in Heywood.”

There was a pause, and she could almost hear Padre's smile. “Good work, Asuka. The Valentinos are pleased with your efforts. Those supplies are far better off in they’re hands than with 6th Street. They’ll serve our community well, and keep us ready for whatever comes.”

Asuka nodded, glancing over at Jackie, who was chatting with one of the Valentinos near the front of the truck. “Glad to hear it. Anything else we should know?”

“Not tonight, niña,” Padre replied, his voice holding a note of approval. “Enjoy the rest of your evening. You've earned it. And remember, if you need anything, you know where to find me.”

“Thanks, Padre,” Asuka said before disconnecting. She looked over at Sasha, who was leaning against Pink Kitty.

“Hey, what do you think?” she asked, catching Jackie’s eye too. “We got some time now. How about we go celebrate a gig well done?”

Jackie’s grin was instantaneous, a glimmer of excitement lighting up his eyes. Sasha looked up from her cyberdeck, giving a small smile and nodding. “Yeah, could use a break,” she said, pushing herself away from the side of the Behemoth.

“That's what I like to hear,” Asuka said, already heading toward the back of Pink Kitty. Together, they opened the storage compartment, pulling out their bikes—a neat trick that made their arrival and departure from gigs a little more stylish, and a lot more efficient.

After parking Pink Kitty securely behind El Coyote and hopping on their bikes, the three of them sped through Night City, weaving between cars and neon-lit streets until they reached Lizzie's Bar. The familiar thump of bass echoed out into the street as they dismounted and walked in.

The celebration spilled into the early hours, and after leaving Lizzie's, they ended up outside, sitting on a beat-up bench in Watson, a chill breeze brushing against their faces as they tried to catch their breath from all the excitement of the night.

Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha sat on the bench, staring out at the road. They could see many USSR supply trucks rumbling down the street—large, clunky vehicles loaded with military supplies, their insignia stark and bold under the lamplight. It was a surreal sight—something from another era, yet undeniably part of their present.

“Can’t believe it,” Jackie muttered, his voice thoughtful, staring at the convoy. “Never thought I'd see so many Soviet trucks rolling through Night City.”

“Yeah,” Asuka said, leaning back, her eyes still fixed on the trucks. “But guess with NUSA making moves, everyone’s picking sides, even though Night City tried to remain neutral.” She shook her head slightly. “I heard the NUSA army is approaching Night City from the south—California got hit hard, heard Sacramento was just gone, carpet-bombed.”

“More and more Arasaka and USSR trucks rolling in every day,” Sasha added, her voice quieter than usual, thoughtful. “They're already supplying the Free States. If NUSA wants this place, they’re gonna have to fight for it.”

Jackie let out a low whistle. “Yeah, and the way things are lookin', seems like Night City Council is ready to call in Arasaka for protection. Heard they want Arasaka to come back in full force to help defend the city against NUSA. Crazy, huh? They were only supposed to have Konpeki Plaza, and now...” He trailed off, shaking his head.

“Yeah, the council’s desperate,” Asuka said, her tone edged with cynicism. “They gotta choose between Arasaka or gettin' their asses handed to them by NUSA. The only surprise is how long it took 'em to make that decision.”

She paused, looking at her friends, a slight frown tugging at her lips. “I don’t care about Arasaka coming back, but if this place turns into a warzone...” she sighed, her eyes reflecting the blue glow of neon. “Could get real ugly, real fast. Bombs, crossfire... It ain't gonna be good for anyone stuck here.”

Sasha nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’s not just the corpos. This whole place could end up like Sacramento if things go south. NUSA might decide it’s easier to flatten the city than fight for it.”

A silence hung between them for a moment, the weight of it pressing down on them. The idea of Night City turning into a warzone wasn’t something they wanted to imagine—neon lights replaced by fire, the buzz of music replaced by the sounds of bombs and gunfire, let’s be real Night City is already a kind of warzone, having the sound of bombes and gunfire almost everywhere.

“Guess we’re just gonna have to roll with it, right?” Jackie finally said, his voice steady but laced with a kind of grim determination. “I mean, we’ve made it this far. We’ve faced gonks, corpos, gangs... and Night City is already a wazone.”

Asuka smiled at that, nudging Jackie’s shoulder. “Yeah, choom. As long as we got each other. And Pink Kitty, too. She’ll get us outta whatever mess we end up in.”

Sasha chuckled, the sound a bit lighter than before. “Not to mention all that chrome you keep bolting on,” she teased Asuka, who just grinned in response.

“Hey, that chrome's what's gonna keep us alive when the shit hits the fan,” Asuka said, shrugging.

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