Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 57

The neon lights of Watson flickered in the distance, the constant hum of Night City’s nightlife a familiar backdrop as Asuka sat on a bench, Judy wrapped up against her. The air was crisp, the night settling in, and Asuka couldn’t help but feel a rare sense of calm. Judy had one arm around Asuka’s shoulder, pulling her close, while her other hand rested firmly on Asuka’s hip, her fingers teasingly inching over the curve of her ass.

Judy had learned something about Asuka over time—something that made her smile to herself whenever she thought about it. Despite all the chrome, the bravado, the cool, street-smart persona that Asuka carried with her, underneath it all, if you were just a little bit bold, just a little bit commanding, Asuka melted. She could be this badass= edgerunner, a menace on the streets, but the moment you took control, leaned into her, Asuka became putty in your hands. She was like ice thrown into an oven, turning soft and malleable when faced with someone who took the reins. And Judy, for all her shyness before, had learned to love that about her.

Now, as they sat together, Judy let her fingers trail lazily down Asuka’s side, watching with a grin as Asuka shivered slightly, her blue eyes widening for just a moment, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks.

“Y'know, Asuka,” Judy said, her voice carrying that playful edge, her fingers giving Asuka’s ass a light squeeze. “You play the badass role pretty well. But we both know what happens when I get a little aggressive.”

Asuka cleared her throat, trying to maintain her cool, though her eyes flicked to Judy, a spark of both challenge and warmth in them. “Oh yeah?” she murmured, her voice not quite as steady as she wanted. “You think you got me figured out, huh?”

Judy smirked, her face leaning in close, her lips brushing against Asuka's ear as she spoke, her voice low. “Oh, I know I do. Tough girl, all chrome and attitude, but one firm touch, and you melt.” She paused, her hand sliding further, teasing. “You’re lucky I like that about you.”

Asuka’s breath hitched slightly, her usual bravado faltering as she felt Judy’s words—felt the way Judy held her, touched her with a kind of confidence that made her weak. “Judes…” Asuka stammered but her voice held no real protest. There was something thrilling, something undeniably comforting about letting Judy take control.

Judy leaned back, her eyes glinting with mischief, her expression turning serious for just a second. “You know,” she said, her voice a little quieter now, though still laced with that playful edge, “if I was already eighteen, I’d drag your ass to bed right now, Asuka.” She sighed, her hand resting a little more firmly on Asuka’s waist, her thumb brushing back and forth, feeling the warmth of her through the fabric. “Mess you up real good, like you deserve.”

Asuka’s eyes widened, her face turning a shade of pink as she swallowed, the idea sending a shiver through her. She grinned, trying to keep her voice steady as she replied. “Yeah, well, maybe that’s why I’m making you wait. Gotta... keep things exciting, y'know?”

Judy rolled her eyes, but there was a warmth there, a genuine smile curving her lips. “Uh-huh, sure. Or maybe you’re just scared I’d be too much for you.”

Asuka chuckled, shaking her head. “Oh, I’m not scared. Just... holding off. Wanna do things right, y'know?” She looked at Judy, her eyes softening, her voice more genuine. “You’re worth waiting for.”

Judy blinked, her playful demeanor faltering for a moment as she looked at Asuka, her expression softening, her heart giving a little squeeze. “You’re a sap, you know that?” she said, her voice quieter, though there was a hint of emotion there.

Asuka shrugged, grinning, her chrome arm wrapping around Judy, pulling her in close. “Yeah, but only for you, Judes.” We know that is a lie.

Judy shook her head, leaning in and giving Asuka a gentle, lingering kiss, her lips soft against hers. When she pulled away, she rested her forehead against Asuka’s, her eyes half-closed, her voice a whisper. “Yeah, well, I’m not going anywhere. So you better get used to it.”

As the intense atmosphere between them started to fade, Asuka leaned back, taking a deep breath as she relaxed against the bench, her chrome arm still resting lazily across Judy’s shoulders. She tilted her head, her blue eyes glinting as she looked at Judy, her lips curving into a soft smile. “So, Judes,” she said, her tone casual, though there was a hint of genuine curiosity there. “What kinda bioware were you thinking of getting?”

Judy perked up at the question, her eyes lighting up slightly as she considered it. She had thought about it before, but having Asuka actually ask her about it—someone who had more chrome and enhancements than almost anyone she knew—made it feel more real. She glanced away, her brows furrowing slightly as she thought, and then nodded as she spoke.

“Well, I was thinking of getting a few things, you know? Nothing too crazy, but stuff that'll make life... easier. Make me tougher without going full chrome,” Judy began, her voice thoughtful. She looked back at Asuka, her eyes serious.

“First, Muscle & Bone Lace,” Judy said, her tone excited but steady. “I’ve heard it takes a while to really work, 'cause the nanites gotta thread through the muscles and bones. But it makes you stronger and tougher, without the weight of full cyberlimbs. It’d mean I can hold my own, do more without getting tired as quickly.”

Asuka nodded, her eyes narrowing with interest, her lips curling into an encouraging smile. “Yeah, makes sense. You’d still be you, but tougher, right? Bet you’d pack a meaner punch too.”

Judy grinned at that, nodding. “Exactly. Then there’s Skin Weave. It’s kinda like the muscle and bone lace, but for the skin. Threads fibers through it, makes it tougher—more like body armor, but still looks like me, still looks natural. Figure it’d keep me safer, y’know? Just in case things go sideways, like they do in this damn city.”

Asuka’s expression softened, a touch of concern showing as she nodded. “Yeah, Judes, anything that keeps you safer, I’m all for it. The more armor, the better.”

Judy smiled at that, appreciating Asuka's approval, her fingers absently playing with the hem of Asuka's jacket as she continued. “Then I was thinking about getting Enhanced Antibodies. They're fully organic, boost your immune system, make you heal faster from diseases and stuff. Not that I get sick often, but it’d be good, y'know? Especially if I get hurt. Cuts healing time in half.”

“Smart,” Asuka nodded, her grin returning. “Never hurts to be able to bounce back faster. What else?”

Judy paused, her fingers tapping on the bench for a moment, then she spoke again. “Last one, Toxin Binders. They’re nanites that go around binding with poison in your system. They won’t make you immune, but they’ll make me pretty resistant to toxins and poisons. And considering what we deal with? Might save my life one day.” She shrugged, her gaze meeting Asuka's, her lips curving into a wry smile. “Figure it’s all about keeping myself as ready as I can be, y’know? Tougher, harder to hurt, harder to poison... but still me. No chrome. Nothing to make me lose touch with who I am.”

Asuka watched Judy for a moment, her expression softening, her admiration clear in her gaze. She leaned in, her forehead resting gently against Judy’s, her voice quieter now, sincere. “You’ve thought this through, Judes. That’s smart. You’re gonna be tough as nails, and I’m here for all of it. And honestly?” She smirked, her voice carrying that teasing edge again. “You’re already pretty badass in my book. This just makes sure you’ll always be ready for whatever this city throws at us.”

Judy smiled, her eyes glinting with affection as she leaned forward, capturing Asuka’s lips in a soft, lingering kiss. When she pulled back, her voice was quiet, carrying a hint of emotion. “Thanks, Asuka. It means a lot, you being okay with all this. You know me—I don't want the chrome. But this, the bioware, feels like... it feels like my way of being as ready as I can be.”

Asuka nodded, her chrome fingers brushing against Judy’s cheek, her eyes filled with warmth. “I get it. And I’ve got your back, Judes. Always.”

"Hey, Misty. What’s up?"

Misty's voice came through, carrying that soothing calm she always had. "Hey, Asuka. I was thinking... I've got tickets to a new exhibit at the museum. Thought it might be something you'd be into. Want to come with me?"

Asuka raised her eyebrow, surprised but curious. "Museum, huh? You think I got that high-class taste now, Misty?" she teased, but there was warmth in her voice.

Misty chuckled on the other end. "You might surprise yourself, Asuka. Besides, it's not all posh stuff. It's an exhibit about the city—the old tech, the history, the culture. Could be fun. And maybe you'll learn something."

Asuka smiled, her gaze flicking to Judy, who was watching her curiously, her eyebrows raised. "Hey, uh, can Judy come too?" Asuka asked, glancing between Judy and her holo display. She knew Judy loved anything related to tech, and a Night City exhibit might be right up her alley.

Misty's voice was cheerful in response. "Of course, the more the merrier! I'd love for Judy to come along too."

Asuka's lips curled into a grin as she ended the call, her attention turning back to Judy, who was still watching her with an amused look. "Alright, Judes," Asuka said, her voice full of excitement. "Looks like we’re going to the museum. C'mon, let’s go.”

Judy blinked, a surprised smile spreading across her face. "A museum? Us?" She gave a small laugh, shaking her head. "Never figured you for the museum type, Asuka."

Asuka shrugged, standing up and extending her hand towards Judy, pulling her to her feet. "Hey, Misty says it's about Night City history and all that cool tech stuff. Could be interesting, right?" She paused, a playful glint in her eyes. "Plus, y'know, it's Misty. She’s always got her weird but interesting stuff."

Judy grinned, leaning in to give Asuka a quick kiss on the cheek before heading towards Asuka's bike, parked nearby. "Alright, chica. Let’s see what this museum is all about."

Asuka swung her leg over the bike, the neon pink paint shining under the city lights. She started it up, the engine roaring to life, vibrating through the seat as Judy settled in behind her, her arms wrapping around Asuka's waist. Judy leaned in close, her voice barely above a whisper, filled with amusement. "Just try not to get us kicked out for any stunts, alright? Museums are supposed to be chill."

Asuka chuckled, twisting the throttle, the bike rolling forward. "No promises, Judes. But I’ll try to behave. Scout's honor."

With that, they sped off, weaving through the streets of Watson, the museum not far off. The neon lights of the city streaked past, and as they rode, Judy tightened her grip around Asuka’s waist, the wind whipping past them, their laughter mingling with the roar of the bike.

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