Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 59

The next morning, the city was quieter than usual, at least in the small pocket of calm that was Misty's Esoterica. The shop had its usual atmosphere—a soft hum of mysticism, incense smoke curling through the air, and shelves lined with crystals, candles, and other artifacts that seemed to belong to another era. Asuka sat in one of the comfortable chairs, leaning back with her legs crossed, her chrome arms resting lazily on the armrests.

Misty moved gracefully around the shop, adjusting a few displays and occasionally glancing over at Asuka with a soft smile. She appreciated these moments of stillness with Asuka—moments where neither of them had to be anything more than two friends enjoying the calm before the next storm.

Misty turned, her eyes glinting with curiosity as she approached Asuka, her hands clasped gently in front of her. “You know, Asuka,” she began, her voice as soft and serene as ever, “I could do a tarot reading for you if you’re interested. Just to see what the cards have to say about... your future, maybe.”

Asuka looked up, her lips curling into a small, amused smile. She shook her head gently, her eyes meeting Misty's. “Nah, Misty. Thanks, but you know I’m not big on those readings,” she replied, her voice casual but with a hint of sincerity. “Not my thing, y’know?”

Misty nodded, her smile patient, but her curiosity still present. “Why not?” she asked, tilting her head slightly. “You never know what the cards might reveal. It’s not necessarily about telling the future—it’s about perspective, insight...”

Asuka leaned forward slightly, her sky-blue eyes narrowing playfully, but there was a hint of seriousness there. “I get it, Misty. I really do. But... I dunno, tarot makes it feel like my future’s already mapped out, predetermined, like I’m following some kind of plan, and I hate that feeling.” She shrugged, her chrome fingers drumming lightly on the armrest. “I prefer to make my own way, even if it’s messy. I like thinking I’ve got a choice, even if it's just an illusion.”

Misty smiled softly, her gaze understanding. “I can respect that, Asuka,” she said, her voice warm. “You’re a free spirit. I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.”

Asuka’s expression softened, and she nodded, her lips quirking into a half-smile. “Exactly. But hey, thanks for offering. I know it’s your thing, and I respect it—it’s just not for me.” She leaned back in her chair again, crossing her legs comfortably, her gaze shifting to the shelves of the shop. “Besides, the only kind of future I want to think about is one I make for myself—no predictions, no fate, just me.”

Misty moved back towards her counter, her fingers brushing over the edge of it as she smiled at Asuka, her eyes filled with a gentle understanding. “I think that’s what makes you, you, Asuka. You’re always chasing your own path, not letting anyone or anything dictate it. That’s a strength, you know.”

Asuka chuckled, her grin widening. “Yeah, well, let’s hope it stays that way.”

The night was alive in Santo Domingo, the rhythmic beat of music pumping from speakers set up on a makeshift stage, the crowd of mercs and edgerunners buzzing with the energy of a rare evening of camaraderie instead of chaos. A mix of neon lights, the smell of grilled street food, and the occasional roar of a modified bike gave the scene that distinct Night City touch—equal parts danger, flash, and freedom. Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha made their way through the crowd, Jackie already chatting up a group of mercs he knew, while Sasha hung back, surveying the party with her usual cool detachment.

Asuka’s eyes scanned the gathering until they fell on Maine’s crew, gathered around a table set with drinks and a pile of what looked like dubious "party favors." Her gaze locked onto Rebecca, the loud-mouthed and fiery little menace, and Asuka’s lips slowly curled into a grin, mischief sparking in her blue eyes.

Rebecca was laughing loudly, her voice carrying over the noise as she waved a bottle of something undoubtedly alcoholic. Asuka leaned in towards Sasha, her grin widening. "Hey, watch this," she whispered, though Sasha merely raised an eyebrow, her expression unimpressed but intrigued.

Asuka activated her Sandevistan, the world around her slowing to a crawl, people caught mid-laugh, frozen like statues. Rebecca, oblivious, was facing away, distracted by whatever Maine and Dorio were talking about. Asuka moved swiftly, a blur of pink chrome and neon, slipping up behind Rebecca. In her hand, she held a piece of paper, hastily scrawled in black ink.

It read: I am a little gremlin.

With a grin, she pressed it firmly onto Rebecca's back, the adhesive strip sticking perfectly to the back of Rebecca's vest. Without skipping a beat, Asuka moved back to her original spot, deactivating her Sandy just as time returned to its usual flow.

Rebecca carried on, oblivious, her wild gestures only making the note on her back sway more visibly. Sasha saw it, and her lips twitched, fighting off a smile. "You’re a menace, you know that?" she muttered, her tone amused.

Asuka winked at Sasha, her grin widening. “What? I’m just spreading some love,” she said, her voice dripping with feigned innocence.

It didn’t end there. Later, as the party wore on, Asuka spotted Rebecca disappearing towards the makeshift bathroom setup—some portable stalls that had been dragged out to the party grounds. That’s when she saw Pilar, leaning against a barrel and rambling to a couple of guys who looked half-interested, half-annoyed by his antics.

Asuka’s eyes sparkled with the opportunity, another idea forming. She reached into her jacket pocket, pulling out another piece of paper—one she had scribbled with something a bit more… colorful.

It read: I am a masochistic pervert who likes big black men.

Without hesitation, Asuka activated her Sandy again, moving like a pink flash through the crowd. She approached Pilar, his attention fully focused on the unsuspecting dudes he was bothering. In the slowed-down world of her Sandevistan, Asuka carefully slapped the note onto Pilar's back, patting it into place for good measure.

She retreated quickly, back to where Sasha stood, deactivating the Sandevistan just as Pilar continued his rambling, unaware of the new decoration he now carried. Asuka leaned against the table beside Sasha, taking a sip from her drink, her eyes gleaming with barely contained laughter.

Sasha glanced at Pilar, then at Asuka, her eyes narrowing in mock disapproval. “You really have it out for Maine's crew tonight, huh?”

Asuka shrugged, her grin never fading. “Hey, they’re fun targets. Besides, it’s all in good fun. Rebecca’s always acting like a gremlin, and Pilar... well, he kinda brings it on himself, doesn’t he?”

Jackie, returning from wherever he’d been chatting and laughing, caught the end of Asuka’s statement. He looked between Asuka and Sasha, his brows furrowing. “What are you two plotting?” He looked around, his eyes landing on Pilar and then Rebecca, and then he noticed the papers.

He burst out laughing, his voice booming over the music, drawing a few curious glances from nearby mercs. “Chica, you’re gonna get your ass kicked if they find out it’s you.”

Asuka just grinned, completely unbothered. “If they catch me, sure. But let’s be real, Jackie. Who’s fast enough to catch me?”

Jackie laughed, shaking his head. “Alright, alright. Just don’t come crying to me if Rebecca pulls a piece on you.”

Asuka waved a dismissive hand, her grin turning into a smirk. “I’ll handle it. Besides, it’s not like anyone got hurt. It’s just a little harmless fun, right?”

Sasha snorted, her eyes still watching Pilar, who was now getting more animated, unaware of the note flapping against his back. “Yeah, harmless... until Rebecca gets wind of it.”

Maine’s deep voice boomed over the noise of the party as he approached Asuka, Jackie, and Sasha, a broad grin splitting his face as he walked up, his muscular frame making him stand out even among the crowd of mercs. He took a look at the chaos unfolding around Rebecca and Pilar, and then at Asuka, his grin widening even further.

“Never thought I’d see someone use a Sandevistan for pranks, but damn, Asuka, you always find new ways to surprise me,” Maine laughed, his voice full of genuine amusement. He pulled over a folding chair, the metal creaking slightly under his weight as he sat down, relaxing with his drink in hand.

Asuka shrugged, her grin never fading. “Hey, gotta make the most of what you’ve got, right? Besides, I figured a little chaos wouldn’t hurt.”

Jackie nodded, giving Maine a knowing look. “Yeah, she’s been like this since we were kids. Always pulling pranks, always getting into trouble. If anything, the Sandy just lets her do it faster,” he added with a laugh.

Maine chuckled, shaking his head. “Well, gotta hand it to you, that’s creative. A bit of harmless chaos in the middle of Night City is good for the soul.”

He took a long sip from his drink before leaning back and looking at the two of them with a more curious expression. “Heard about that gig you all pulled out in the Badlands, though. Heard you faced down a whole convoy—couple of Basilisks, too?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed. “That’s some serious shit, taking on a Militech convoy like that.”

Jackie grinned, his chest puffing out a little, clearly proud. “Hell yeah, choom. It was wild—full-on battle zone out there. Had every gonk with a gun trying to get a piece of that convoy. We saw our chance, and well, you know us. Go big or go home.”

Asuka nodded, her grin turning more intense. “Yeah, we figured, why not let the other gonks soften them up a bit first? Sold some info here and there, set up a distraction, and when things went to hell, we went in for the prize.” She made a throwing motion, mimicking the explosive she’d used on the wind turbine. “Took down a Basilisk with a damn wind turbine and a well-placed grenade. Those Militech bastards never saw it coming.”

Maine whistled, shaking his head. “Damn, that’s something. You two are always pulling off crazy shit, but that’s next level. Basilisks aren’t anything to mess with—you gotta have some serious guts, or maybe just a death wish, to take one on in the Badlands.”

Jackie laughed, giving Asuka a playful nudge. “You hear that, Asuka? Maine thinks we’re either brave or crazy. I’m betting he’s leaning towards crazy.”

Asuka laughed, her chrome arm glinting as she nudged Jackie back. “Probably. But hey, crazy works. And it was worth it—got out of there in one piece, and the prize was definitely worth it.”

Maine nodded, his eyes twinkling with a mix of respect and amusement. “That’s what I like about you two. Always pushing the limits, never backing down. You keep that up, and you’ll be carving out your names in this city, for sure.” He leaned back, a grin playing on his lips. “Maybe one of these days, we’ll end up on a gig together, and I can see this crazy firsthand.”

Jackie raised his drink, his grin matching Maine’s. “Hell yeah, Maine. You know we’d be down for that. Running with you? That’d be a blast.”

“WHO THE FUCK DID THIS?!” Rebecca yelled, her voice cutting through the music, causing several heads to turn.

Not far from her, Pilar was staring at the paper he'd just peeled from his own back, his expression shifting from confusion to disbelief, then irritation as laughter began to bubble up around him. He looked around wildly, his eyes darting through the crowd as though trying to pinpoint the culprit.

Asuka couldn’t hold it in any longer. A chuckle escaped her, her shoulders shaking as she quickly turned away, her eyes meeting Jackie’s, who was already grinning from ear to ear. Sasha sighed, shaking her head but unable to completely hide her smile. Maine looked between the chaos and Asuka, and then let out a booming laugh, his hand patting her shoulder.

“Alright, alright,” Maine said, his grin wide, “you better get out of here before those two start connecting the dots.”

Asuka nodded, the smile still plastered across her face. “Yeah, think it’s time we made our exit.”

Jackie and Sasha didn’t need any more convincing. They all turned, slipping through the crowd with the easy grace of people used to disappearing when needed. As they made their way towards their bikes, Asuka could still hear Rebecca in the background, her voice a mix of rage and confusion, demanding answers from anyone close enough to hear her.

They reached their bikes, each one gleaming under the neon lights of the party. Asuka swung her leg over her Yaiba Kusanagi, Jackie getting onto his own ride, while Sasha climbed onto hers. The engines roared to life, vibrating beneath them as they exchanged one last look, all of them grinning in that unspoken acknowledgment of what they’d just pulled off.

Jackie turned to Asuka, his grin turning into a smirk. “Think they’ll figure out it was you, chica?”

Asuka shrugged, adjusting her visor. “Maybe, but not before we’re long gone. Let’s get out of here.”

Sasha gave a final glance towards the commotion in the distance, Rebecca’s small form still visibly animated, Pilar looking equally worked up. “They’ll probably figure it out eventually,” Sasha said dryly, shaking her head. “But hey, worth it.”

With that, Asuka revved her engine, the sound echoing off the walls of the surrounding buildings. “Alright, choombas, let’s ride,” she called out, her voice filled with exhilaration. They took off, the wind whipping around them as they sped away from the party, leaving behind laughter, chaos, and a pair of very confused and angry siblings.

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