Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 67

Asuka and Jackie were hanging out in Heywood, leaning against a worn-out wall by one of the neighborhood bars. The distant sound of laughter and music filled the air as the locals went about their evening. Jackie took a deep drag on a non-existent cigarette—his way of trying to process everything—as he talked about his break-up with Camilla weeks ago.

"Man, I'm tellin' ya, Camilla wanted things I just ain't ready to give her, you know?" Jackie said, his voice tinged with a bit of frustration. "Marriage, niños... I'm not cut out for all that, chica. I mean, not yet. She wanted more, and I get that, pero... it's not me."

Asuka listened, nodding, her chrome fingers tapping against the wall behind her. "Yeah, Jack, I hear you," she said, her voice understanding. “But what about Mama Welles? I heard she’s not too happy you broke up with Camilla.”

Jackie let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head. “Ay, don't even get me started on that, chica. My mamá, she’s been all over my ass since it happened. ‘Jackie, why’d you let a good one go?’ ‘Jackie, you’re being stubborn!’” He waved his hand as if shooing away a fly, rolling his eyes. “But what can I do, right? Ain’t no use getting hitched if your corazón ain’t in it.”

Asuka smirked, nudging Jackie’s arm with her elbow. “Well, now that you’re free... maybe you should try for Misty.”

Jackie blinked, looking at her as if she had just suggested the most absurd idea. "Misty?" He paused, his brows knitting together. “What makes you say that?”

Asuka gave him a knowing look, her smirk widening. “Come on, Jack. You think I don’t notice the way you and Misty look at each other? Please, choom, it’s as obvious as a Maelstrom gonk at a Valentino party.”

Jackie rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly looking a bit bashful. “You’re trippin’, Asuka. Misty’s... well, she’s different. Real spiritual, you know? Not sure I’m the kinda guy for her.”

Asuka rolled her eyes, laughing softly. “Jack, you’re exactly her type. She likes your big lug head; she just doesn't say it. You should try. Misty’s a good girl—a sweet one. You know it. And she’s not a jealous bitch like Camilla was, either.”

Jackie chuckled, shaking his head but smiling now, a little warmth in his eyes. “Alright, alright, maybe you got a point, chica. She’s always been there, even when I was with Camilla. Y'know, I could use a little less drama in my vida loca.” He looked down for a moment, then added, almost to himself, “And Misty... she’s got this thing, you know? Makes you feel tranquilo. Like maybe this city ain't such a shit place.”

Asuka nodded, her expression softening. “Exactly. You deserve someone like that, Jack. And Misty deserves someone who’s not gonna be afraid to show her off.” She gave him a gentle punch on the arm. “So, what are you waiting for, cabrón?”

Jackie laughed, rubbing his arm where she punched him, a mock pout on his lips. “Damn, chica, always hitting a guy when he’s down. Alright, alright, maybe I’ll go talk to her. Pero if this goes sideways, it’s on you, entiendes?”

Asuka gave him a playful grin, her eyes glinting. “Hey, it’s worth the risk. Besides, you’re Jackie Welles—ain’t nothing you can’t handle.”

Jackie smiled, nodding, his eyes looking out across Heywood, the place that had raised him, shaped him, and given him every reason to want something better. Maybe Asuka was right. Maybe it was time to see if there was more to life than just gigs and the street.

“Alright, chica,” he said, his tone more resolved now. “Guess I’ll give it a shot. Thanks for the push.”

Asuka just grinned, patting him on the shoulder. “Anytime, Jack. Just make sure to tell me all about it when it works out, yeah?”

Jackie laughed, his spirit lifted, the tension in his shoulders easing. “You got it, Asuka. Drinks are on me if it goes well.”

As they lingered in Heywood, the conversation shifted gears, Jackie giving Asuka a sidelong glance, a sly grin tugging at his lips. “So, chica, how’s it going with Judy?” he asked, his tone full of curiosity and a little bit of teasing.

Asuka couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head as she leaned back against the wall, her chrome fingers toying with a loose chain on her belt. “Oh, it’s going alright,” she said, though the smirk on her lips hinted that there was more to the story. “She’s getting more aggressive lately, you know? Her eighteenth birthday’s coming up, and I swear, Jackie, she’s just waiting for that day to finally have her way with me.”

Jackie let out a hearty laugh, crossing his arms over his broad chest, his grin growing wider. “¡Vaya! So, Judy is ready to jump your bones, huh?” He nudged her playfully. “She’s been patient long enough, I guess. You better be ready, chica, 'cause sounds like she’s not gonna take it easy on ya.”

Asuka chuckled, nodding. “Oh, trust me, I know. She’s got plans, and she’s not exactly subtle about them,” she said, a light blush touching her cheeks despite her confident tone. “But there’s a bit of a hiccup. She wants to get that bioware I told you about, right around her birthday. It’s gonna make her happy, so I’m all for it, but it also means she’s gotta take two weeks to recover while the bioware integrates.”

Jackie raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of amusement and sympathy. “Two weeks, huh? Man, she’s not gonna like that one bit. You sure you ain’t setting yourself up for a hell of a storm, chica?” He laughed again, clearly finding the whole situation entertaining.

Asuka sighed, though there was a smile in her voice. “Yeah, it’s got her a bit torn—happy she’s finally getting the upgrades, but sad 'cause it means she can't jump me the day she turns eighteen. She’s even mentioned it a few times, saying it’s unfair.” Asuka rolled her eyes with a grin. “It’s sweet, really. I think she’s more worked up about it than I am.”

Jackie shook his head, still grinning. “Well, you got yourself a wild one there, Asuka. Sounds like Judes is dead set on showing you how she feels, once she’s good and ready.” He clapped her on the shoulder, giving her a gentle shove. “Just make sure you survive whatever she’s got planned, eh? Wouldn’t want my best choom disappearing off the map just 'cause she couldn’t handle a little love from her girl.”

Asuka laughed, her blue eyes glinting with amusement. “Yeah, yeah, I think I’ll manage. And hey, once she’s got the bioware all set, it’ll be worth the wait. She’s excited about it, and I’m excited for her.”

Jackie nodded, his smile turning more genuine, less teasing. “She’s got herself a good partner, chica. Just take care of her, alright? Sounds like she means a lot to you.”

Asuka smiled softly, nodding. “She does, Jack. She really does.”

Asuka was at Konpeki Plaza, making her way up to Hanako’s penthouse. The opulence of the place still amazed her, no matter how many times she visited. As she entered the penthouse, she spotted Hanako near the far side of the room, her elegant frame leaning over a box on a low table.

Curious, Asuka walked over, her footsteps quiet against the plush carpet. “Hanako,” she called softly, her blue eyes flicking to the box. “What are you looking at?”

Hanako glanced up, a small smile playing on her lips when she saw Asuka. “Ah, Asuka, you’re here,” she said, her voice carrying that calm, almost detached elegance she always had. She stepped aside slightly, allowing Asuka to look inside the box.

Asuka's eyebrows shot up as she saw what was inside—three very big, realistic-looking penises, all crafted with almost artistic detail. They looked as real as possible, but there was something more refined about them, something beautiful. Asuka blinked, a curious smile tugging at her lips.

“Uh, Hanako... what exactly are these?” she asked, unable to hide her surprise.

Hanako gave her a coy smile, her eyes glinting with a hint of amusement. “These are something I requested from one of my engineering teams—a kind of Mr. Stud implant, if you will. But unlike the standard model, these are wearable. The wearer can experience pleasure as if it were their own, and the sensitivity can be controlled at will.”

Asuka stared for a moment before breaking into a grin, a chuckle escaping her. “You never cease to amaze, Hanako. And here I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore,” she said, her eyes glancing back at the box, inspecting the craftsmanship.

Hanako’s smile widened just slightly, her gaze softening as she looked at Asuka. “I like to ensure my time is enjoyable, Asuka. And I thought it might be interesting... for us.”

Asuka's grin grew wider. “You always know how to keep things interesting, Hanako,” she replied, stepping closer, her fingers brushing gently against Hanako's hand, their eyes meeting in the soft light of the penthouse.

The next morning, the soft early light filtered into the penthouse, the luxurious bed cradling both of their forms. Asuka was busy, her head bobbing between Hanako’s legs, her hands resting gently on Hanako's thighs as she worked with a skill honed to near perfection, in just this night. Hanako's hand gripped the sheets, her usually composed demeanor shattered, her face flushed with pleasure.

When Hanako finally finished, her body tensed and then relaxed completely, Asuka swallowed, the taste lingering in her mouth. Sweet, she thought, licking her lips. She looked up to see Hanako sprawled back, her eyes half-lidded, her chest rising and falling slowly, a look of pure bliss across her face.

Asuka crawled up beside her, waiting for her to recover, a playful smirk playing on her lips as she watched Hanako’s usually calm and collected features completely undone.

After a few moments, Hanako turned her head, her eyes meeting Asuka's, still filled with the haze of pleasure. She let out a slow breath, her voice soft and almost dreamy. “Your talent in... in these arts... is unmatched, Asuka,” she said, her tone almost reverent.

Asuka grinned, leaning in to place a kiss on Hanako's shoulder, her blue eyes glinting with amusement. “Only the best for you, Hanako,” she replied softly, her voice full of warmth.

As Hanako slowly recovered, she eventually sat up, stretching before gracefully getting out of bed. She moved across the room, collecting her clothes, her movements fluid and elegant, despite the evident exhaustion in her eyes. As she dressed, she glanced over her shoulder at Asuka, her expression softening as she watched her sprawled on the bed, relaxed and clearly satisfied.

With a small smile, Hanako spoke, her voice calm but affectionate. "I know your little girlfriend, Judy, has been thinking about getting bioware," she said, her tone betraying just a hint of curiosity. "I may have overheard a few things. Go to this clinic in City Center." She paused, pulling on her blouse, her fingers moving smoothly over the buttons. "If your money doesn’t cover everything she wants, I’ll take care of the rest."

Asuka, lying there comfortably, her head propped up by one arm, blinked in surprise. A grin spread across her face, a chuckle escaping her lips. "Generous, aren't you?" she teased, her blue eyes glinting as she watched Hanako adjust her clothing.

Hanako turned back towards her, her gaze calm, but there was a hint of something deeper—possessiveness, maybe, or simply an affection she struggled to put into words. She approached the bed, leaning over to brush her hand softly against Asuka’s cheek, her lips curling into a small, satisfied smile. "Consider it a gift... for being such a good girl, Asuka." Her touch lingered, her fingers brushing lightly over Asuka's skin.

After giving Asuka a lingering kiss on her forehead, Hanako finished dressing, smoothing down her skirt before turning to leave.

Asuka watched Hanako leave, her eyes narrowing with thought and a sly smile still playing at the corners of her lips. After a moment, she turned her head, feeling something sticky and sweet trickling down her inner thigh. She glanced down, her gaze moving to where some of the white substance still lingered, just a drop of evidence from their earlier activities.

Unable to resist, she dipped her fingers, scooping a bit of the milky liquid and lifting it to her mouth, licking her fingers clean. She smirked as the sweetness hit her tongue, her expression half-amused, half-satisfied.

"Still sweet, huh?" Asuka murmured to herself, her voice low, a hint of playfulness in her tone.

Would this be considered futanari? Also, I'm planning to get on a writing schedule soon. I had a lot of time to write this week since I was on sick leave. By the way, I also increased Judy's age by a year.

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