Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 69

Asuka was scrolling through the newsfeed, her eyes half-focused as she scanned headlines about the usual chaos—gang fights, corpo feuds, new tech releases. But one ad in particular caught her eye: a bold, glossy promo for an Arasaka product, the name Saibādon flashing across the screen with an over-the-top jingle and imagery. It took her a moment, but her recent Japanese lessons kicked in, and she let out a loud laugh, the kind that turned a few heads even in the crowded street.

“Cyberdong?” she snorted, barely able to keep it together. It was the very same tech Hanako had used on her, now being openly advertised in America. The polished, almost clinical nature of the ad was worlds apart from the experience Asuka had with Hanako, and the contrast made it even more hilarious, also the name.

Sasha, who was nearby, raised an eyebrow, looking at Asuka with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. “What’s going on, Asuka? You look like you just read the funniest joke in Night City.”

Asuka shook her head, her laughter dying down as she tried to regain her composure, though her lips still twitched with a grin. “Nah, nothing. Just some... corpo nonsense,” she said, waving a dismissive hand. “Anyway, I've got to head over to the clinic. Judes and her grandparents are waiting, and today’s the day she gets her bioware.”

Sasha nodded, giving her a smirk. “Alright, alright, go play nurse. Just don’t cause too much chaos in that clinic. Some people actually need a quiet place to recover.”

Asuka gave her a mock salute before heading out.

Arriving at the clinic, Asuka was greeted by the familiar sterile smell of medical chrome and disinfectant. Judy was already there, her grandparents sitting beside her in the waiting area, their expressions a mix of worry and pride. Asuka gave them all a warm smile, taking a seat next to Judy, whose eyes lit up upon seeing her.

Judy leaned in, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know, it’s a bit surreal. I’m finally getting the bioware, but at this clinic is damn expensive,” she admitted, her expression a mix of excitement and concern. “It’s more than the 200.000 eddies i saved up, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to—”

Before she could finish, Asuka leaned in closer, her chrome arm wrapping around Judy’s shoulder in a reassuring hug. “Don’t worry about the eddies, Judes,” Asuka said softly, her tone warm but firm. “Hanako's got it covered if we’re short. All you need to focus on is getting this stuff done and getting out of here in one piece.”

Judy blinked, her eyes softening as she looked at Asuka, a grateful smile spreading across her face. “You mean that?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Asuka nodded, her blue eyes locking with Judy’s. “Of course I do. I want you happy, Judes. And if this makes you happy, we’ll get it done. I’m not gonna let anything hold you back.”

Judy reached up, touching Asuka’s cheek gently, her eyes misty. “You’re something else, you know that?”

Asuka grinned, leaning in to press a quick kiss to Judy’s forehead. “I know, but keep that to yourself. I’ve got a reputation to maintain.”

The staff came by shortly after, guiding Judy away as she was admitted for the bioware procedure. Asuka gave her a confident nod as Judy looked back, her grandparents giving her comforting words before she was taken into the back.

Fast forward a week, and the clinic had become something like a second home for Asuka. She’d spent most of that time avoiding gigs, prioritizing coming to see Judy during her treatment. She brought her flowers the first day—bright pink and green ones that stood out against the white of the clinic room—and after that, it became a daily routine. She’d bring little things—BD chips, snacks, anything to keep Judy entertained while her body adjusted to the new bioware.

One day, as Asuka sat beside Judy’s bed, her fingers gently brushing against Judy’s now-reinforced skin, she gave her a soft smile. “Almost there, Judes. You’ll be out of here soon, and we’re gonna celebrate big time. No more clinics, no more needles. Just you, me, and a hell of a lot of fun.”

Judy, her face a bit pale but her smile genuine, nodded, her eyes full of warmth. “Yeah, Asuka. I can’t wait. And you know, once I’m out... I’m not letting you out of my sight for a good, long while.”

Asuka laughed softly, leaning in close, her lips brushing against Judy's ear as she whispered. “Promise?”

Judy nodded, her expression playful, despite her exhaustion. “You bet.”

Asuka stood outside the clinic, her eyes scanning the doors eagerly as she waited for Judy to finally come out. The day was bright, the kind of blinding neon glow that filtered through the smog of Night City, but Asuka barely noticed. Her mind was focused on seeing Judy again, knowing that after two weeks of recovery, her girl was ready to get back out into the chaos of their lives.

The clinic doors slid open, and Asuka's face lit up with a bright grin as Judy stepped out. Judy looked different—not in a drastic way, but Asuka could see the subtle changes in her physique. Asuka's grin widened, her heart racing with excitement.

Without hesitation, Asuka ran forward, leaping into Judy’s arms, her legs wrapping around her waist as she hugged her tightly. Judy let out a small laugh, easily catching Asuka and resting her hands on her ass, supporting her weight. With the new muscle and bone lace bioware, Judy lifted her effortlessly, barely needing to brace herself.

“Damn, Judes, look at you!” Asuka said with a laugh, her voice full of pride and admiration. 

Judy blushed slightly, though her expression was full of affection. “Well, it’s easy when you’re this excited to see me,” she replied, giving Asuka a gentle squeeze before setting her down. Judy had grown a bit, now standing close to 170 cm, which meant Asuka had to give a little jump to latch onto her in the first place. She looked stronger— her muscles more defined, but still retaining her natural softness.

As Asuka landed back on her feet, she stepped back slightly, looking Judy up and down with a playful grin, her hands on her hips. “But Judes... you didn’t just get what you told me, did ya?” she said, her tone teasing as she pointed at Judy's thighs and ass. “Your thighs—they’re thicker and your ass is also bigger. Your calves too. And, oh, what’s this?” She gestured at Judy’s chest, her eyebrows raised. “Your boobs look bigger too. You got grafted muscles and... something else, didn't ya?”

Judy blushed harder, her face turning a light pink as she avoided eye contact for a moment. “Uh... yeah, okay, you caught me,” she said, her voice a bit sheepish. “I figured, if I was already getting bioware done, and with Hanako covering anything extra... I might as well go all out.” She gave a small shrug, her lips curling into a shy smile. 

Asuka laughed, her eyes sparkling with affection and amusement she leaned in, giving Judy a slap on the ass, her smirk growing wider. “I am okay with it, but next time, give me a heads-up so I can be prepared for all these surprises.”

Judy rolled her eyes but smiled, leaning in to give Asuka a quick kiss, her hand brushing against Asuka’s arm. “Just wanted to impress you,” she said softly, her tone full of warmth.

“Oh, you do, believe me,” Asuka said, her voice sincere as she looked at Judy, her eyes tracing the subtle new lines of her body. She then nodded towards the street, her grin returning. “Now, come on. Your grandparents are probably losing their minds waiting for you to get back home.”

Arriving at Judy's grandparents' apartment, the rumble of Asuka's bike came to a halt just outside. Asuka climbed off, followed by Judy, who swung her leg over the side and hopped off. The two walked in building and used the alarm of the apartment, Judy forgetting that she is registered.

The door swung open almost immediately, and Judy's grandma appeared, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her granddaughter. "Ranita!" she exclaimed. She pulled Judy into a tight embrace, her arms around her granddaughter with all the warmth of someone who had been waiting for this exact moment.

Judy smiled, her eyes crinkling as she returned the hug. "Abuela," she whispered, her voice warm and affectionate. Her grandma held her tightly for a long moment before finally letting go, her hands still lingering on Judy’s arms as she looked her over.

Judy's grandpa appeared in the doorway, his eyes narrowing slightly as he took in the sight of Judy, now looking stronger and definitely different. He nodded approvingly before a grin spread across his face. He stepped back, grabbing something from just inside the door—a Carnage shotgun with vibrant pink and green accents. He turned, holding it out to Judy.

"Well, Judy," he said, his voice filled with pride, "looks like you’re finally old enough for this one, and I think you can handle the kick now." He gave her a wink, extending the shotgun towards her, the weight of it clear by the way it rested across his palms.

Judy's eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open slightly as she looked at the Carnage, recognizing it immediately as the custom shotgun Asuka had given her for her birthday. She blinked, reaching out slowly to take it, her hands wrapping around the weapon carefully.

"Really, abuelo?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper, her eyes shining. "You think I’m ready?"

Her grandpa gave her a stern nod, his expression turning serious for a moment. "You've got the bioware, you've got the strength—and most importantly, you've got the heart, Judy." He patted her shoulder firmly. "This was just collecting dust."

Judy smiled, her eyes misting as she looked at the shotgun, then at her grandpa. "Gracias, abuelo."

From behind, Asuka smirked, leaning casually against the doorframe, her arms crossed over her chest. “See, Judes? Told you everything was gonna turn out just fine.” She winked at Judy, giving her an approving nod. “Now you’ve got the best toy on the block.”

Judy laughed, shaking her head, her cheeks flushed with pride and emotion. She looked at Asuka, then back at her grandparents. “Yeah... yeah, I think I do.”

Her grandma gently took her by the arm, guiding her into the apartment. “Come, come, mija. There’s food, and we’ve been waiting for you to get better and eat a real meal.” She smiled warmly, glancing at Asuka. “You too, Asuka. Come in, make yourself at home.”

After the comforting warmth of a family meal, Asuka and Judy stepped out of the apartment, the night in Night City as chaotic and vibrant as ever. Neon lights flickered across the street, casting their usual colorful glow. As they made their way to Asuka's bike, Asuka turned, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"How about we hit up Lizzie's? You're 18 now." she said, her eyes sparkling with a hint of excitement. Without waiting for Judy to respond, she took Judy’s arm and wrapped it around her waist, then subtly moved Judy’s hand to her ass.

Judy raised an eyebrow, a smile breaking across her face. She didn’t hesitate for a second—her hand firmly groped Asuka's ass cheek, her fingers digging in slightly, and she pulled Asuka closer, their bodies pressing together. “Oh, you’re something else, Asuka,” she murmured, her voice dipping into something more seductive.

Asuka smirked, leaning in to whisper into Judy's ear, her tone dripping with promise. “And after that, how about we head to a hotel? Just the two of us, somewhere nice... where we can do everything you’ve been dreaming of.” She emphasized the last words, her voice sultry and teasing.

Judy’s eyes widened just slightly, her breath hitching for a second as a flush spread across her cheeks. She let out a slow breath, her lips curling into a smirk. “Oh, yeah?” she replied, her voice low and full of anticipation. “You mean everything I want?” Her eyes searched Asuka’s, filled with a mix of desire and excitement.

Asuka nodded slowly, biting her lip playfully. “Everything, Judes. You’ve been patient enough. Tonight’s all yours.” She gave Judy a small nudge, her smile softening. “Let’s make it a night neither of us will forget.”

Judy grinned, her grip on Asuka’s waist tightening, her other hand moving up to brush a stray lock of hair behind Asuka's ear. “Then what are we waiting for?” she said, her voice a mix of excitement and confidence.

Asuka laughed softly, her blue eyes twinkling with the anticipation of what was to come. “Nothing, Judes. Absolutely nothing.” She swung her leg over her bike, Judy climbing on right behind her.

With a rev of the engine, the bike roared to life, and they sped off into the neon-lit chaos of Night City.

If you guys want to know the height differences between Asuka and her current and future girlfriends:

  • Asuka: 162 cm (5'3")
  • Judy: 168 cm (5'5")
  • Hanaka: 174 cm (5'7")
  • Valeria: 183 cm (6'0")

Also, should I add the harem tag? In the future with the addition of Valeria the relationships won't be focused solely on Asuka; there will be some polyamory involved.

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