Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 71

Asuka and Judy stood at the edge of Laguna Bend, the dark, toxic waters stretching out in front of them. The air carried a sense of nostalgia, with the sun setting behind the hills, casting an eerie glow over the old, submerged suburb. Judy leaned against Asuka, her eyes focused on the rippling surface of the reservoir.

“Maybe in the near future, we should get some gear and do a scuba dive here,” Judy said, her voice thoughtful. She looked at Asuka with a spark of excitement in her eyes.

Asuka smiled, wrapping her arms around Judy’s waist and pulling her closer. “I like that idea, Judes. You know I’ll follow you wherever,” she whispered, pressing her cheek against Judy's.

Judy looked back at her, an affectionate smile on her lips. “Hey, did you work things out with Sasha?” she asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

Asuka nodded, resting her chin on Judy’s shoulder. “Yeah, we talked it out. It was rough, but we’re good now. Sometimes you just need a bit of space to figure things out, y’know?”

Judy smiled, giving a satisfied nod. “Good, I don’t like it when there’s tension between you and your crew,” she said softly, her fingers playing with Asuka's chrome hand.

They headed back to Asuka's bike, Judy hopping on the front and Asuka climbing on behind her, her chest pressing tightly against Judy's back. They took off, the roar of the engine cutting through the quiet of the Badlands. The wind blew through their hair, and Asuka leaned in close, her voice teasing in Judy's ear. “You know, Judes, I’ve been thinking... maybe we should try some cosplay when we finally dock,” she said, her tone playful.

Judy glanced back with a grin, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “Cosplay, huh? That’s a good idea, chica. Got any characters in mind?” she asked as she swerved the bike onto the main road.

Asuka laughed, her voice warm in the night air. “Oh, I’ve got a few ideas... I think you’d look hot in anything, honestly.” She hugged Judy tighter, feeling the warmth of her back.

Eventually, they came to a stop, pulling off the road to take in the view of Night City—its neon lights sprawling across the landscape like veins glowing in the dark. The chaotic beauty of it was something neither of them could get enough of.

Judy dismounted, turning to Asuka with a more serious look on her face. “Hey, I wanted to tell you... my grandparents are thinking of moving out of Night City. They want to go to Oregon.” She paused, her eyes searching Asuka's. “But I decided to stay here... because of you. And I’ve been thinking, maybe we should move in together?”

Asuka blinked, a bit surprised but clearly touched. She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head. “Wow, you’re fast, chica.” She paused, looking at Judy with a soft smile. “But you know what? I think it sounds good. How about we rent a place close to my dad? The lease on my current apartment’s ending soon anyway.”

Judy’s eyes lit up, her smile widening as she nodded, a hint of mischief in her gaze. “Yeah, I like that. Close to Father-in-law, huh? Sounds perfect.”

Hearing Judy refer to Vik as "father-in-law," Asuka's lips curved into a playful smirk. “Oh? You already want to put a ring on my finger, Judes?” she teased, her voice dripping with mock surprise.

Judy rolled her eyes with a grin, but instead of responding verbally, she gave Asuka’s ass a hard slap, the sound echoing in the stillness around them. Asuka let out an exaggerated moan, her voice dripping with playful drama as she grinned at Judy. “Mmm, more, mommy,” she purred, arching her back slightly, clearly enjoying it a bit more than she let on.

Judy couldn’t help but burst out laughing, her face flushing slightly as she shook her head, a glint of heat sparking in her eyes. “You’re such a brat, you know that?” she said, her voice both amused and a little turned on. She reached out, grabbing Asuka's hand and pulling her along. “Come on, let’s get outta here before I decide to give you what you’re asking for.”

The two of them walked off hand-in-hand, leaving behind a bewildered couple who had also been enjoying the view of Night City. The couple exchanged glances, clearly unsure whether to be shocked or amused by what they had just witnessed.

Asuka just gave Judy’s hand a gentle squeeze, her eyes full of laughter as she leaned in closer. “I think you just scared them off, Judes,” she whispered, her voice laced with humor.

Judy shot Asuka a look, her lips curling into a smirk. “Maybe, but I think they’ll survive. Besides, you were asking for it,” she replied, giving Asuka’s hand a teasing tug.

Sitting in the dimly lit bar in Santo Domingo, the hum of conversation and clinking glasses surrounding them, Judy leaned forward, her fingers tracing the rim of her drink. “So, I got approached by some people from Clouds,” she said, her voice casual but with an undertone of excitement. “They want to hire me.”

Asuka raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Clouds, huh? And the conditions, are they good?”

Judy nodded, her smile widening slightly. “Yeah, they actually are. They want me to be a braindance technician. The pay’s really good and the time is flexible.”

Asuka smiled, leaning back in her seat, her eyes studying Judy. “Then do what you want, Judes. Sounds like a good gig. But if anything goes sideways, you tell me, okay?” Her voice had a protective edge, her gaze serious for a moment before softening again. “Also… what do you think about starting your own BD line? You know, making a name for yourself?”

Judy’s eyes widened a little, and she paused, clearly considering the idea. “I’ve actually thought about it,” she admitted. “But not now. I wanna make some money first, improve my skills, make sure I’m ready for something like that, you know?”

Asuka nodded, her smile widening. “That makes sense. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be right here to back you up.” She reached across the table, giving Judy’s hand a gentle squeeze. Judy squeezed back, her eyes full of warmth.

As they got up to leave, Asuka put her arm around Judy’s waist, pulling her close as they walked towards the exit. “Hey, Judes, by the way… Kerry’s got a concert coming up, and he gave me tickets as a gift some time ago. I was wondering—do you wanna come with me?”

Judy’s eyes sparkled with excitement, and before Asuka could say anything else, Judy leaned in, pressing her lips against Asuka’s in a soft, lingering kiss. When they pulled back, Judy looked at her, her eyes full of affection. “How could I say no to that?” she said, a grin spreading across her face. “I’d love to go with you.”

Asuka grinned, giving Judy a quick peck on the lips. “Then it’s a date.”.

The night was alive with music, laughter, and the buzz of a mercenary gathering—one of those rare moments when the people of Night City let their guard down and enjoyed a semblance of camaraderie. Asuka and Sasha were at the party, and Asuka had brought Judy along. They mingled with old faces, the kind that you only meet in the thick of gigs, and the party atmosphere was electric with the shared stories of chaos and near-death experiences.

Asuka found herself deep in conversation with Maine, discussing Jackie’s return from Mexico and catching up on things. Maine nodded, his eyes distant for a moment. “Jackie, huh? Miss him. Should be back soon.”

“Yeah, soon enough. Things haven’t been the same without him around,” Asuka replied, taking a sip of her drink. She shifted topics, glancing at Maine. “Heard about your netrunner, sorry for your loss.”

Maine sighed, shrugging slightly. “Yeah, it’s a damn shame. Got myself a new one, though. Kiwi’s her name. She’s got the skills, you know, just needs to get her head in the game.”

As they chatted, Judy stood close to Asuka, her arms wrapped loosely around Asuka’s waist, looking around with curious eyes. There was a sense of nervousness—after all, it wasn't every day that someone like Judy found herself at a merc party, surrounded by edgerunners with more chrome than skin. But as long as she was next to Asuka, she felt safe, protected.

Rebecca, with her trademark energy, came bounding up to them. She eyed Judy with curiosity before turning to Asuka. “Hey, big boobs, who’s this?” she asked, her voice loud enough to draw attention from the people standing nearby.

Asuka shot her a look, a smirk tugging at her lips. “This is Judy, my output,” she said, emphasizing the word with a wink. Then, with a teasing glint in her eyes, she added, “Oh, but you probably don’t know what that is, since you’re still just a kid.”

Rebecca scowled, her lips pursing in annoyance. “Hey, I know what an output is! And for your information, I get plenty of—”

But before Rebecca could continue, Judy decided to make her own statement. Hearing Rebecca refer to Asuka as “big boobs,” Judy’s hand moved almost instinctively, reaching up and giving one of Asuka’s large breasts a firm grope. “And Asuka is my big boobs,” Judy said with a grin, her voice dripping with humor.

Asuka let out a surprised laugh, blushing slightly at the public display, but she didn't seem to mind. Rebecca blinked, her eyes widening for a moment before she burst into laughter, clearly amused by Judy's boldness.

Pilar, who was standing nearby, caught sight of Judy’s move, and his jaw dropped, a look of sheer envy washing over his face. He muttered under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief, “Fucking hell... lucky...” He clearly wished he was in Judy's position, and it showed as he stared, visibly sulking.

Judy just grinned, pulling Asuka closer as she rested her chin on Asuka’s shoulder, enjoying the attention and the claim she was making. Asuka looked at Judy, her eyes full of warmth as she smiled. “You’re getting bolder, Judes,” she whispered, her voice filled with affection, giving Judy a quick kiss.

Judy shrugged, her smile widening. “Guess you bring out the wild side in me,” she replied, her tone playful as she held Asuka close.

Asuka watched as Rebecca wandered off to chat with someone else, her drink held lazily behind her. Asuka’s eyes narrowed, her lips curling into a mischievous grin. This was too good an opportunity to pass up. She activated her Sandevistan, the world around her slowing to a crawl as she moved with precision and speed.

She reached into the pocket of her shorts, pulling out a small baggie filled with a white powder—a powerful laxative she had stashed for just such an occasion. Asuka moved swiftly, carefully pouring it into Rebecca’s drink before slipping the baggie back into her pocket. By the time the Sandevistan effect ended, Asuka was back where she had been, casually leaning against the table with an innocent smile on her face.

Rebecca, oblivious to what had just transpired, continued talking, leaving her drink unattended. As luck would have it, a few moments later, Pilar swaggered up not seeing Asuka action earlier, noticed the bottle and, without a second thought, grabbed it and took a big gulp.

Asuka watched, her grin widening as she nudged Judy, who looked on, her eyes curious. Rebecca turned around just in time to see Pilar taking another sip. “Hey! That’s mine, you asshole!” she yelled, snatching the bottle from Pilar’s hands. Without a second thought, she downed the rest of the drink, glaring at her brother all the while.

Judy covered her mouth, trying to suppress a laugh, knowing exactly what was about to happen. Asuka just leaned back, her grin never faltering as she waited for the inevitable.

Barely a minute later, Rebecca and Pilar both started shifting uncomfortably. Rebecca’s eyes went wide as she looked around, and Pilar had a similar panicked expression. The discomfort on their faces turned quickly into pure desperation as they both suddenly bolted for the portable bathroom set up at the edge of the party area.

They reached it at the same time, both trying to push the other out of the way, shoving, yelling, each one insisting that they needed to go first. “Move your ass, Pilar, I need it!” Rebecca shrieked, her voice high-pitched with urgency.

“No way! I’m going first!” Pilar shot back, his face contorting in discomfort.

The scene was too much. Asuka burst into laughter, clutching her sides as she watched the chaos unfold. Judy was right beside her, doubled over, tears in her eyes from how hard she was laughing. “Oh my god, Asuka, you’re terrible!” Judy managed to say, her voice filled with amusement.

Maine walked up, having caught the scene unfold from afar. He looked from Rebecca to Pilar, who were now practically wrestling to get into the bathroom. He shook his head, a grin spreading across his face. He looked at Asuka, nodding approvingly. “That was a good prank but also a bit mean.” he said, chuckling.

Asuka just shrugged, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “They were asking for it,” she said, her voice playful.

Rebecca finally managed to shove Pilar aside, slamming the door to the portable bathroom shut behind her. Pilar banged on the door, groaning loudly, his face flushed with urgency. “You’re gonna regret this, Rebecca!” he yelled, his voice strained.

Judy, still giggling, leaned against Asuka, shaking her head. “You’re going to start a war with these two, you know that, right?” she said, her tone both teasing and affectionate.

Asuka grinned, wrapping an arm around Judy’s waist. “Let ‘em try, Judes. It’ll just make things more fun.” She gave Judy a quick kiss on the cheek, her laughter echoing as she watched the chaos she had caused.

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