Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 75

The next day in Heywood, Jackie was testing out his new Gorilla Arms, flexing his enhanced strength as he punched through a concrete wall with ease. The sound of the impact echoed through the street, and he grinned, clearly impressed by the sheer power the arms gave him.

Asuka stood nearby, leaning into Judy’s embrace as they watched Jackie show off. "He’s like a kid with a new toy," Asuka whispered to Judy, smirking.

Just then, a big booty Latina walked past them, catching Asuka's eye. She couldn’t resist. With a playful grin, Asuka activated her Sandevistan, moving in a blur as she darted forward and gave the woman a firm slap on the ass before quickly returning to Judy’s side, trying to look completely innocent.

Judy, clearly having none of it, gave Asuka a teasing look before smacking her on the ass in retaliation. "You think you’re slick, huh?" she whispered with a sly smile.

The woman glanced back at them but, seeing the playful scene, decided to keep walking, shaking her head and muttering something under her breath.

Asuka grinned, trying to act like she had no idea what had just happened. "What? I didn’t do anything," she said, leaning back into Judy’s embrace.

Judy just laughed and held her closer. "You’re lucky you’re cute," she teased, giving Asuka another light smack.

Meanwhile, Jackie turned around, catching the tail end of the interaction, and burst into laughter. "Chica, you never change!" he shouted, still chuckling as he flexed his Gorilla Arms again, ready to punch through something else.

As Jackie was about to punch through another chunk of concrete, Judy shook her head and called out, "Hey, Jackie, you better stop before you end up wrecking all of Heywood!"

Jackie paused mid-swing, letting out a sheepish laugh. "Alright, alright, I'll cool it," he said, walking over to sit beside Asuka and Judy. Plopping down, he gave Judy a curious look and asked, "So, how’s it feel, graduating early?"

Judy shrugged, leaning back against Asuka. "Nothing special, really. Just a test, and bam, I’m done," she said casually, though there was a bit of pride in her voice.

Jackie smirked, shaking his head. "Damn, you really are a nerd. Asuka wasn't lying when she said you were a brainiac."

Judy chuckled, leaning into Asuka more. "Yeah, well, someone's gotta be the smart one between us," she teased, giving Asuka a playful nudge.

Asuka grinned, tightening her arm around Judy. "Hey, I have other talents, chica."

"Yeah, like slapping random women’s asses," Judy quipped, giving Asuka a knowing look.

Jackie laughed out loud, shaking his head. "She’s got you there, Asuka!" He leaned back, clearly enjoying the banter as the three of them relaxed in the afternoon sun, Heywood's chaotic energy humming around them.

After playing around outside for a while, the group decided to head to El Coyote Cojo. As they walked in, Mama Welles immediately spotted them. Her eyes lit up as she saw Judy beside Asuka. "Ah, so tú eres Asuka's girlfriend, huh?" she said warmly, wrapping Judy in a tight hug.

Judy, a little surprised, but smiling, returned the hug. "Sí, señora," she replied with a little laugh, picking up on the Spanish quickly.

"¡Ay, qué linda!" Mama Welles beamed, her voice dripping with warmth. She and Judy immediately started chatting away in rapid Spanish, laughing and bonding over whatever topics came up. Asuka just shook her head with a smile, letting them have their moment.

Meanwhile, Asuka and Jackie made their way to the bar. Pepe, ever the observant bartender, poured drinks for the duo. He raised an eyebrow at Jackie as he placed the glass in front of him.

"So, Jackie, you already demolished half of Heywood today with those new arms, huh?" Pepe asked, clearly amused.

Jackie grinned, flexing one of his Gorilla Arms in a mock show of strength. "You know me, Pepe. Just trying to keep things lively around here," he joked, taking a sip of his drink.

Pepe then turned to Asuka, giving her a knowing smirk. "And you, Asuka—how many big booty Latina, like you like to call them, asses did you slap today? Seems like you’re always up to no good when I see you."

Asuka raised her hands in mock innocence, her grin wide. "Hey, I only slapped one today, thank you very much. And Judy made sure to slap me right back. It's balance, you know?"

Pepe laughed and shook his head. "You two are trouble, chingona. But it's always fun when you're around."

Jackie chuckled and leaned back against the bar. "Well, at least we’re keeping things interesting. Can’t let Heywood get too boring, right?"

Pepe poured himself a quick shot, raising his glass to them. "To keeping Heywood wild," he said with a grin.

As dinner time approached, they all gathered around the table at El Coyote Cojo. The lively atmosphere was briefly interrupted when Misty walked in, looking a bit shy but happy to see Jackie. However, the moment she arrived, Mama Welles’ demeanor shifted. She looked visibly uncomfortable, her face showing clear disapproval.

Sensing the tension, Misty quickly excused herself, her expression hurt as she turned and ran out of the restaurant. Jackie stood up immediately, frustration flashing across his face. "You’re still stuck on Camilla, Mama?" he said, shaking his head before rushing out after Misty.

As the door closed behind him, silence hung over the table. Asuka, noticing the heavy atmosphere, looked over at Mama Welles, her tone serious but gentle. "Let’s talk," she suggested, standing up and gesturing towards the door. Reluctantly, Mama Welles followed her outside.

Once they were alone on the quiet street, Asuka turned to Mama Welles. "What’s going on? You’ve never really given Misty a chance."

Mama Welles sighed, her arms crossed defensively. "I don’t like her. Camilla was better—she came from the same culture as us. She’s family-oriented, wanted kids, and a proper future with Jackie. Misty... I just don’t see her fitting in."

Asuka listened carefully, then replied calmly. "But is Jackie family-oriented? You’ve known him all his life. He’s a merc, living on the edge every day. Do you think Jackie wants the same things as Camilla did? He loves Misty, and from what I’ve seen, she’s good for him."

Mama Welles frowned but didn’t interrupt, so Asuka continued. "And honestly, have you even tried getting to know Misty? You two barely talk, if at all. I know she’s not Camilla, but Jackie’s chosen her. Don’t you think you owe it to your son to at least give her a chance?"

Mama Welles sighed again, this time softer, her defenses dropping just a little. "I just... I want what’s best for him."

Asuka smiled gently. "And maybe Misty is what’s best for him. She cares about him, truly. You’ve raised Jackie to think for himself, to be strong. Trust that he knows what he’s doing, Mama Welles. You don’t have to like Misty right away, but at least try to talk to her. It’s what Jackie deserves."

Mama Welles looked down, quiet for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Maybe... maybe you’re right. I’ve been holding on to Camilla too tightly."

Asuka gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Just try, that’s all I’m saying. Jackie’s happiness is what matters most, right?"

Mama Welles nodded again, this time with more resolve. "Alright, I’ll give it a try. For my Jackito."

The next morning, Asuka and Judy woke up in the cozy room at Mama Welles' and Jackie's place, where they had stayed for the night after a long evening of family and apologies. The sunlight filtered in through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. Asuka stretched out beside Judy, her arm lazily draped over her.

She looked over at Judy, a playful smile on her face. "So, what do you think of Mama Welles, Jackie, Misty, and Pepe?" she asked, her voice still soft from just waking up.

Judy turned on her side to face Asuka, her hand resting gently on her hip. "They’re good people," she said with a smile. "Mama Welles is... a bit intense, but I can see she means well. And I’m glad she finally apologized to Misty. Misty’s sweet, she handled all that with grace. I can see why Jackie cares about her."

Asuka nodded, brushing a stray lock of hair from Judy’s face. "Yeah, Mama Welles is protective, but she’s got a big heart. And Pepe’s always been a solid guy. He’s seen so much over the years, but he’s always smiling."

Judy chuckled, snuggling closer to Asuka. "I like Jackie too. He’s like this big, protective brother vibe, and the way he talks about Misty—it’s cute. You can tell he’s really into her."

"Yeah, they’re a good match," Asuka agreed. "And it’s good that things are starting to work out between them and Mama Welles. She needed to let go of the past."

Judy kissed Asuka's shoulder and sighed contentedly. "It feels good being around people like that—family, y’know? Even in Night City, there’s still a bit of that old-school vibe where family means everything."

Asuka smiled, feeling the warmth from both Judy’s words and the sun streaming in through the window. "Yeah," she said, holding Judy closer. "It’s nice having that kind of energy around."

The two of them lay there in comfortable silence, wrapped in each other’s warmth, taking a moment to appreciate the rare peace in the chaos of their lives.

Asuka and Jackie found themselves in an abandoned building on a easy gig—a scav den cleanup. It was an opportunity to try out their new cyberware and, at the same time, rid the city of some of its more troublesome pests. They moved quietly through the corridors, the faint smell of blood and rusted metal filling the air. Meanwhile, Judy was hard at work over at Clouds, now even having the position of engineer, dealing with malfunctioning doll chips and other big brain stuff Jackie likes to say earning even more for her expertise.

Jackie, however, was getting impatient. He stood by the entrance, ready to rush in and tear through the scavs like a bulldozer. His new Gorilla Arms itched for action. "C'mon, chica, I can’t wait any longer," he muttered with a grin, his Berserk module warming up.

Asuka, more methodical, gave him a sideways glance but didn’t argue. With a smirk, she unlocked the front door, swinging it open slowly. "Alright, Jackie, go wild."

In an instant, Jackie’s Berserk activated, and before Asuka could even take a step forward, she heard the thunderous sound of his footsteps pounding into the building. The quiet night was shattered by loud booms, gunshots, and the unmistakable screams of scavs caught completely off guard.

From her position near the entrance, Asuka heard a scav’s panicked scream. "What the fuck is that?!"

The sound of metal smashing against bone echoed through the hallways. Jackie’s laughter mixed with the chaos as he tore through them, his Gorilla Arms turning bodies into nothing more than splatters of blood and shattered limbs. Gunfire rang out, but the scavs' bullets did little more than ping off Jackie’s subdermal armor. The echoes of his rampage filled the entire building like a storm ripping through a small town.

Asuka casually strolled in behind him, her Malorian in hand, hearing more scav screams in the distance. "Jackie’s having way too much fun with this," she muttered, shaking her head with a small grin.

As she moved forward, she casually picked off any stragglers trying to run, sending them into a panicked scramble. "Nah, no one’s getting out of here," she whispered under her breath, shooting a scav in the back of the head as he tried to bolt for the exit.

Rounding a corner, she finally caught up to Jackie, who was finishing off the last scav with a punch so strong it sent the poor guy crashing into the far wall. Blood and debris littered the room, and the walls were painted with the scavs' last moments of terror.

Jackie looked at Asuka with a grin, his breathing heavy from the adrenaline. "That was a blast! Berserk and these new arms? Fuckin' unstoppable, chica!"

Asuka chuckled, holstering her gun. "Yeah, you really went all out. Guess I didn’t have to do much after all."

"Next time, I’ll leave a few for you," Jackie joked, shaking the blood off his fists. "But damn, these upgrades? Best decision I’ve made in a while."

Asuka laughed, "Yeah, Vik really hooked us up. Now let’s wrap this up and call it a day before Judy finds out I let you go berserk again to destroy stuff."

Jackie grinned, walking over to her. "She’s too busy making bank at Clouds to care. But hey, drinks at El Coyote after this?"

Asuka smirked. "You know it."

Hey everyone, my original novel Good Night: An Apocalypse Story just got approved, and I’ve already got 18,000 words published! If you’re interested, maybe give it a try, and with some luck, I might make it to the trending page.

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