Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 78

Asuka was led into the inner rooms of the compound by a group of staff dressed in traditional clothing. Their movements were efficient and graceful, and before she could protest, they had whisked her into a quiet room. There, they dressed her in a traditional kimono—soft white fabric adorned with delicate pink and cherry blossom patterns. The material felt foreign yet strangely comforting against her skin. When she left the room, Hanako stood waiting, dressed in a sleek black kimono that contrasted sharply with Asuka's lighter attire. Hanako's gaze swept over her, and a faint smile of approval tugged at her lips.

“You look... fitting,” Hanako remarked softly, nodding as they moved to sit at a small, low table, kneeling on the tatami mats. A woman entered, placing tea before them, and then silently left, leaving the two of them alone in the tranquil room.

The only sounds were the soft rustling of the garden outside and the faint clink of porcelain as Hanako sipped her tea. Asuka followed her lead, the unfamiliar weight of the kimono making her shift slightly as she tried to get comfortable. The silence lingered until Hanako finally spoke.

“My father, Saburo,” Hanako began, her voice calm but carrying the weight of something serious, “wishes to meet you.”

Asuka’s eyes widened slightly. Saburo Arasaka was a legend—a towering figure of power in the world of Night City, and here in Tokyo, he was practically untouchable. The prospect of meeting him was equal parts thrilling and terrifying.

“The meeting will take place in a few weeks,” Hanako continued, placing her teacup down delicately. “During that time, I will prepare you. There are many things you must learn. You will need to make a good impression.”

Asuka nodded slowly, trying to process it all. “So, what’s the plan?”

Hanako’s expression softened. “We will work on your Japanese, of course, but also on your manners, your knowledge of the Arasaka family... and the appropriate way to behave in front of someone like my father. He has very specific expectations.”

There was a pause before Hanako asked, “What was your mother’s family name?”

“Koukawa,” Asuka responded quietly, the memories of her mother still tender in her heart.

Hanako’s eyes glinted with recognition. “Good. Use your mother’s name here. My father... he despises Westerners. Like Yorinobu likes to say, he’s an imperialist prick from a bygone era.”

Asuka’s lips twitched into a small smile at Hanako’s frankness, but the gravity of the situation wasn’t lost on her. She had a lot to learn, and the idea of meeting Saburo Arasaka loomed over her like a heavy shadow. But if anyone could teach her to navigate this world, it was Hanako. And if she wanted to survive in this new environment, she’d have to take the lessons seriously.

Taking a sip of her tea, Asuka looked up at Hanako and nodded. 

Asuka stood in a quiet room, continuing to explore her new body. Outwardly, it seemed nearly the same—her figure still full, her chest and hips still curvaceous. Her boobs were just as massive, her ass still as bouncy and soft, but everything felt even better, more refined, more sensitive. Running her fingers over her skin, she marveled at the way her body responded, each touch more intense than it had ever been before. It was like Hanako had turned her body into a perfect combination of sensation and strength.

Out of curiosity, Asuka slipped a finger between her legs, and the sensation was overwhelming. Her body was even more sensitive than she remembered—hotter, tighter, and softer in every way. A wave of pleasure rippled through her as she realized just how much control Hanako had over her reconstruction. Elegant as Hanako appeared, Asuka knew better—there was always a degenerate side beneath her composed exterior.

As if summoned by the thought, Hanako appeared, silently entering the room and catching Asuka mid-exploration. Her dark eyes glinted with amusement as she approached. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Asuka from behind, her hands gliding over Asuka's body with practiced ease. Hanako's fingers found their way to Asuka’s chest, squeezing her softly, sending an electric pulse of pleasure coursing through her.

"You’re enjoying your new body, I see," Hanako murmured, her voice laced with amusement as her fingers continued to trace delicate patterns over Asuka's skin.

Asuka let out a small gasp, her body responding instinctively to Hanako’s touch. “It’s… more than I expected,” she breathed, trying to maintain composure as Hanako's hands teased her with feather-light caresses.

Hanako leaned closer, her breath warm against Asuka's ear. “Do you want to see a surprise?” she whispered, her tone sultry and playful.

“What surprise?” Asuka asked, her curiosity piqued but her voice shaky from the pleasure already building inside her.

Without another word, Hanako slipped deep her finger into Asuka's nipple, eliciting a sharp jolt of pleasure that nearly made Asuka’s knees buckle. A moan escaped her lips before she could stop it, her body trembling with the unexpected sensation.

"I made your boobs have pleasure holes," Hanako whispered, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "Sensitive, responsive... perfect for when I want to play with you."

Asuka's breath came out in ragged bursts as she tried to collect herself, her head spinning from the overwhelming pleasure. “No surprise you’re a degenerate,” Asuka muttered through a strained smile, though the pleasure in her voice betrayed her attempts to sound serious.

Hanako chuckled softly, pulling Asuka closer as her fingers continued their teasing exploration. "Oh, darling, you haven’t even experienced the half of it yet."

After that intimate episode, Asuka found herself surrounded by a group of scientists and engineers who had worked on her new body. They entered the room carrying various pink arms and legs, all different in design—some sleek and elegant, others more combat-oriented, all customized to match her aesthetic. It was clear these limbs were meant to be interchangeable, something Asuka could switch out like accessories, depending on her needs or mood.

One of the engineers, a man with glasses, eagerly began explaining the mechanics of the limbs, going into complex detail about the integration of mechanical components with biological systems. Another scientist launched into a technical spiel about the bioengineered tissues, hybrid muscle fibers, and the intricate neural connections that allowed Asuka to experience sensation just as if her body were entirely organic. They spoke quickly, words flying over her head, throwing in terms like "quantum synapse relays" and "nano-biointegration protocols."

Asuka nodded along, trying to appear as though she was following the conversation. She caught bits and pieces—something about how her nervous system was enhanced and how she could swap out limbs like socks—but beyond that, her brain started to shut down. It was way too much technobabble for her to process. Still, she tried to keep her expression interested, giving the occasional nod or "hmm" to make it seem like she understood.

The only part she really grasped was the disturbing realization that her brain was now floating in a vat somewhere inside her new body. "Wait, so... my brain’s in a jar? In here?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and tapping her temple.

The lead engineer gave her a small smile, clearly impressed she’d caught on to that part. “Essentially, yes. Your brain is preserved in a specialized containment unit, linked directly to your new body's systems. It's completely safe, of course.”

Asuka just blinked at him, trying not to think too hard about her brain being in a jar. "Right... sure. Totally got it."

In the end, Asuka let them finish their long-winded explanations, but the only thing she cared about was that her body still felt amazing and that she had a whole collection of pink arms and legs to choose from. The rest of the tech talk? It was just noise.

After some time, Asuka's curiosity got the better of her. The lingering question of what had happened to her old body—her organic self—finally surfaced. She turned to the lead engineer, who was still lingering around, clearly eager to talk more about the technology behind her new form.

“So... what happened to my old body? The organic parts, you know?” Asuka asked, trying to keep her tone casual despite the weight of the question.

The lead engineer glanced at her before responding, his expression neutral but respectful. "Your old body was... disposed of. Hanako-sama ordered its removal after the transfer was complete."

Asuka's eyes narrowed slightly at the thought. "All of it? Even..." She hesitated, unsure if she really wanted to know the answer.

The engineer nodded. "Yes, your organic components were no longer viable after the damage sustained. However, we were able to save a few things—specifically, your eggs from your womb—per Hanako-sama's order."

Asuka let out a breath she didn't realize she'd been holding. The tension in her shoulders relaxed slightly, and a bit of relief washed over her. Despite everything that had changed, despite becoming more machine than human, the fact that her eggs had been saved meant something to her. She'd always dreamed, deep down, of having a future where she could settle down—maybe even give her dad, Viktor, some grandkids.

"That's... good to know," Asuka said, her voice softer than usual. She looked away for a moment, processing the information. She had always been reckless, living life on the edge, but after that she wanted a quiet and luxurious life.

A small, grateful smile tugged at the corner of her lips. "Guess I still have some future options, huh?" she said, more to herself than to the engineer.

The lead engineer, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden emotional shift, simply nodded. "Yes, you do. And... it's thanks to Hanako-sama's foresight." He quickly excused himself, leaving Asuka to her thoughts.

After the engineers and scientists left, Asuka wasted no time experimenting with the new set of arms and legs they had brought her. Each pair was unique, and she quickly discovered that the variety was almost overwhelming. She started with the pink Gorilla Arms, marveling at the immense strength they provided. Next, she tested the Mantis Blade-equipped arms, watching as the gleaming blades extended with a swift and deadly precision. The Monowire and Projectile Launcher arms were equally impressive, designed for long-range, tactical strikes. There was even a hybrid combination of Gorilla Arms and Mantis Blades, allowing for both raw power and lethal slashing—an impressive mix of brute force and finesse.

After testing them all, Asuka had already decided her favorite. The combination of Gorilla Arms and Mantis Blades felt the most natural, perfectly complementing her aggressive and fast-paced fighting style. She smiled to herself, thinking that she could probably toss the other combinations aside. The Monowire was cool, and the Projectile Launcher had its uses, but nothing beat the thrill of using raw power and precision all at once.

The legs, on the other hand, were a more interesting selection. She tried out each pair, one designed specifically for combat with enhanced stability and shock absorption, another built for maximum speed and jump height, and the last pair tailored for stealth with sound-dampening features. Asuka found herself favoring the running and jumping legs. They gave her the agility and speed she loved, allowing her to move fast, leap great distances, and maneuver with ease. For combat, she figured she had her arms and her trusty pistols—why overcomplicate things?

After spending some time trying out the different combinations, Asuka stood in front of the mirror, looking at her reflection. The pink metallic gleam of her favorite arms shimmered under the light, the sleek, powerful design making her feel both deadly and invincible. She grinned, flexing her new limbs.

"I could get used to this," she muttered to herself, already imagining the chaos she could cause.

After thoroughly testing her new body, Asuka decided to swap back to her normal arms and legs—ones that looked and felt more natural, despite being high-end cyberware. She leaned back on the bed and started making a series of calls to the people closest to her: Judy, her father Vik, Jackie, Mama Welles, and others.

The conversations went long into the night. Asuka explained everything that had happened—how she was in Tokyo and the fact that her body was now entirely cybernetic, though designed to appear as human as possible.

As night fully settled, the quiet was broken by the soft sound of footsteps. Hanako entered the room, her expression unreadable but with a hint of something playful in her eyes. She approached Asuka, who was still lounging on the bed after her calls, a sly smile on her lips.

"You've been on calls all evening," Hanako remarked, her voice calm and elegant as always. "But now, I think it's time for something a little more personal."

Asuka raised an eyebrow, sensing the shift in Hanako’s tone. “Oh? And what might that be?” she asked, already knowing where this was heading.

Hanako moved closer, placing a gentle hand on Asuka’s shoulder before letting it trail down her arm. “I want to try your new body tonight,” she whispered, her voice soft but filled with intent.

Asuka felt a thrill run through her. "Of course you do, you degenerate," she said with a smirk, but the excitement in her voice was undeniable.

Do you guys want some smut? Who wants to preread the smut chapter should message me.

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