Cyberpunk: Asuka Vektor

Chapter 83

Asuka sat with Misty in her cozy shop, the familiar scent of incense and the soft glow of candlelight creating an atmosphere of calm. It was exactly what she needed after everything that had happened recently. Jackie had suggested she spend some time relaxing with Misty, sensing that the chaos in the cave and everything that had followed had taken its toll on her mental state. He hadn't mentioned his concerns directly but he subtly pushed her in Misty’s direction, and Asuka, who hadn’t seen her bestie in over a year, was more than happy to catch up.

Misty sat across from her, her peaceful energy grounding Asuka in a way few others could. They had spent the past hour talking, catching up on everything Asuka had missed while she had been in a coma and later in Tokyo. Asuka found herself relaxed in a way she hadn’t been in a long time.

"You’ve been through a lot," Misty said softly, her eyes full of understanding. "It’s no wonder Jackie suggested you come by."

Asuka smiled, leaning back in the plush chair. "Yeah, it’s been a ride, that’s for sure. But being here... it feels good. I’ve missed this, missed you."

Misty smiled warmly, tucking a strand of her long hair behind her ear. "I’ve missed you too. You always keep things... interesting."

They both shared a laugh, and the conversation continued, easy and natural, until Misty paused thoughtfully. "You know, there’s an art gallery showing tonight. Thought it might be a nice change of pace. Would you want to go with me?"

Asuka’s eyes lit up. She had always enjoyed their gallery and concert outings together, a way to experience a softer side of Night City—one that felt almost untouched by the chaos and violence outside. "Hell yes," she said with enthusiasm. "I’ve missed going to galleries with you. I think the last one we went to was right before... everything."

Misty nodded with a soft smile, her gaze warm. "Exactly. Let’s get back to that, even if it’s just for a night."

Asuka leaned forward, grinning. "I’m in. Let’s make a night of it."

Misty's eyes twinkled. "Good. I think you could use a little art and quiet after everything you’ve been through."

Asuka chuckled. "You’re probably right. And honestly? I think I’m really looking forward to it."

A few days later Asuka and Judy stood at the edge of Laguna Bend, the cool air of the early morning rippling over the water’s surface. Both of them were dressed in sleek wetsuits, the tight material hugging their forms perfectly. Asuka adjusted her gear, glancing down at her reflection in the water. A small smirk spread across her face as she admired the way the wetsuit accentuated her curves, her hands gliding playfully from her chest down to her hips and ass.

"This gear really hugs my form, doesn’t it?" Asuka teased, her voice filled with amusement as she ran her fingers over the wetsuit, reveling in the sensation.

Judy, slightly bent over nearby, was focused on calibrating their diving equipment with her laptop. The soft glow of the screen reflected in her eyes as she worked to link their emotions and sensations together, syncing the gear so that they’d share each other’s experiences while underwater.

But Asuka could feel Judy’s gaze drift toward her, lingering. The corner of her lips curled into a grin, and without missing a beat, she gave Judy a playful slap on the ass, her palm making a satisfying smack against the wetsuit.

"You like what you’re seeing, Judes?" Asuka teased, her voice light, but the heat behind her words unmistakable.

Judy straightened up, momentarily flustered but clearly amused, a playful smirk tugging at her lips. "You’re impossible, you know that?" She chuckled, giving Asuka an affectionate glance before going back to her calibration. "But yeah, I do like what I’m seeing."

Asuka grinned, stepping closer to Judy, her tone teasing but affectionate. "Good. Because I plan to make this dive as unforgettable as the view."

Judy rolled her eyes, laughing softly. "You’re a damn menace," she said, but the warmth in her voice made it clear she didn’t mind one bit.

After finishing the linking calibration, Asuka and Judy dived into the cool waters of Laguna Bend. Asuka, always the playful one, jumped in with a bomb, sending a splash up behind her as she plunged into the depths. The moment she hit the water, it surrounded her in a world of dark, eerie silence. The landscape beneath the surface was a mixture of old ruins and remnants of a once-thriving place, now left to be claimed by the murky waters.

Asuka glanced around, her sharp eyes scanning the surroundings. The underwater world felt dark and creepy, the shadows of submerged buildings looming around them. It had an unsettling stillness to it.

Judy’s voice crackled softly in her ear through the link. "Follow me, Asuka," she said, her tone calm, comforting. She took the lead, and Asuka swam after her, the underwater currents shifting gently around them.

They soon arrived at an old, rusted underwater elevator. Its structure had decayed over time, but it still stood solid, a testament to the technology of a lost era. The eerie glow from their lights illuminated the elevator as they approached.

"Let’s take this down," Judy said, gesturing to the elevator controls. She floated over and began activating the old machinery, the slow creak of gears groaning to life. As the elevator began to descend, Judy glanced at Asuka with a playful smile. "I’ll hum a song to test the calibration, make sure our link’s working."

As Judy started to hum, the familiar melody filled the space between them. Asuka immediately recognized it—the soft, haunting tune of "Only You" by Etta Sorrentino.

Asuka smirked inside her helmet, her voice filled with affection. "‘Only You,’ huh? I swear, I’ve heard you hum or listen to this song almost every time we’re together. It got so stuck in my brain that even after almost a year in a coma, I still can't forget it."

Judy laughed softly, the sound warm and comforting through the link. "Yeah, it’s one of my favorites. Guess I can’t help it."

Asuka chuckled, the sound reverberating through the water. "It’s a good one, I’ll give you that. But it’s really stuck with me now—like an endless loop in my head."

Judy hummed a few more notes, her voice wrapping around the quiet darkness of the depths. "Well, at least you’ve got good taste in music stuck in there."

The elevator continued its slow descent into the unknown, the eerie world below waiting for them, but with the sound of Judy’s voice and their linking, it felt less lonely, less foreboding.

As they descended deeper into the sunken remains of Laguna Bend, Asuka couldn’t help but marvel at the underwater ghost town before her. The ruins had a haunting beauty, like pieces of a forgotten world suspended in time. But as they swam through the submerged streets, she felt a wave of nostalgia that wasn’t her own—it was Judy’s. The deep link between them was strong, and Asuka could sense Judy’s emotions, memories surfacing like old wrecks beneath the water.

They passed by the faded sign of Flo's Diner, the only eatery in the small town. Its neon lights, long dead, still clung to the rusted metal frame. Judy paused, glancing at it with a soft smile.

"Best burger in town," Judy said, a mix of affection and humor in her voice.

Asuka grinned, glancing at the abandoned diner. "Maybe because it was the only one."

Judy laughed, the sound carrying through the water, making Asuka smile wider. "Yeah, you’re right. Still, it felt like the best back then."

As they swam past the diner, Asuka’s curiosity led her to explore more, glancing around at the broken windows and sunken debris. But then, she suddenly heard the faint sound of children’s voices. Startled, she looked around, but there was no one there. The voices continued—laughing, playing, but with an edge of cruelty in their tone. It didn’t take long for Asuka to realize those voices weren’t real; they were echoes of Judy’s memories, woven through the emotional connection they shared.

The voices belonged to kids who had played with Judy long ago, pretending to be MAXTAC officers and psychos. But instead of fun, they had mocked her for being poor, the sting of their words still lingering in the depths of Judy’s mind.

Trying to shift the mood, Asuka spotted an old, rusted camera half-buried in the sand. She picked it up and swam over to Judy, handing it to her with a grin. "Hey, check this out. Think it still works?"

Judy took the camera, and her face lit up with a smile. "Wow, this brings back memories. My grandpa had one just like this. He used to show me how to take photos with it... guess that’s how I started getting into tech, always tinkering with stuff."

As Judy talked about the camera and her grandparents, Asuka felt the weight of the darker memories lifting, replaced by a lighter, more peaceful feeling. Judy’s voice filled with warmth as she reminisced, her emotions slowly shifting to happier ones.

They swam deeper, arriving at what used to be Judy's childhood home, now a sunken relic of the past. But before Asuka could take in the sight, the haunting sound of children’s voices echoed again—this time, crueler, mocking Judy for not having parents. The words cut through the water, and Asuka winced, feeling the raw pain behind them.

To distract Judy, Asuka pointed to an old hockey stick floating near some rubble. "Did you play hockey? That thing looks like it's been through hell."

Judy nodded, her voice softer now. "Yeah, we used to play on rollers. Me and the kids from the neighborhood. The stick was all beat up, but I loved it." She paused, then smiled. "We used to get pretty competitive. Probably why I’m still into all this stuff, fixing things, putting them back together."

Judy gestured ahead. "Come on, let's go to the church. It’s beautiful, even underwater. Feels like it’s from another era."

As they swam past the remains of a gas station, Asuka noticed a wrecked car, its frame twisted and decayed. "Looks like someone didn’t make it out of here in time," Asuka remarked.

Judy glanced at the car and smiled. "Nah, that car was wrecked way before. I used to play MAXTAC and psychos around here with the other kids. The car was our cover when we pretended to be under fire. Guess it’s always been part of the landscape."

As Asuka swam through the sunken ruins, something small caught her eye beneath a pile of debris—a doll, its faded features still intact despite the years spent underwater. She picked it up, a curious smile on her face, and swam over to Judy, holding it out for her to see.

"Hey, look what I found," Asuka said, grinning.

Judy’s eyes widened in recognition as she took in the sight of the doll. "Oh wow… I remember this. It belonged to Jenni Chapman." Judy’s voice softened with nostalgia. "I used to hide it, you know? I thought only losers played with dolls. But really…" She paused, a bit embarrassed. "I just wanted Jenni to notice me."

Asuka raised an eyebrow, her teasing smirk already forming. "Oh, so Rannita had a childhood crush, huh?"

Judy rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the small smile that crept onto her lips. "Don’t make fun of me," she said, laughing. "I bet you had one too."

Asuka chuckled, leaning back slightly. "Yeah, I had one," she admitted, her tone playful but genuine. "It was on an older Valentino girl. I used to see her when I was hanging out with Jackie as kids in Heywood. She was cool, beautiful, confident, always knew how to handle herself."

Judy tilted her head, curious now. "What happened to her?"

Asuka’s grin faded just a little, though she still carried a lightheartedness in her voice. "She got flatlined in a gang fight. I remember hearing about it just some months after I started crushing on her." She let out a short laugh. "Typical Night City story, right?"

Judy gave a sympathetic nod but couldn’t help laughing with her. "Sounds like you got over it pretty quick, then."

Asuka shrugged. "What can you do? It’s Night City."

Their conversation trailed off as they swam further, the deep water growing darker as they approached the ruins of the church. When they reached it, both women paused, gazing at the towering structure. Even underwater, the church had a grandeur to it, like something from another time entirely. The stone pillars and arches stood tall despite the decay, giving the entire place an almost mystical aura.

"Wow," Asuka said softly, the reverence in her voice clear. "It really does look like it’s from another era."

Judy nodded, her expression filled with awe as she floated beside her. "Yeah… this place always gave me chills, even before it went underwater. It’s kind of surreal seeing it like this."

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