Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 18 - Two betting agreements!

“Xiaolong, why do you think I’m pitting you?”

Liu Zhengyang looked at Wang Yanlong with a smile.

“Heh! I only need 51% of people’s shares for nothing. Why are you cheating on him?”

Lin Xuan on the side immediately sneered and mocked.

“Then if you say, I’m actually helping Xiaolong, do you believe it or not?”

Liu Zhengyang still smiled slightly.

“Do not believe!”

Lin Xuan curled her lips in disdain.

“What about the little dragon?”

Liu Zhengyang looked over.

“I… Brother Yang, it’s not that I don’t want to believe you. It’s just…”

Wang Yanlong’s face was tangled. He had seen Liu Zhengyang’s power.

But his own Dalong Construction Company has a market value of at least 100 million.

As soon as Liu Zhengyang opened his mouth, he wanted half of it. No one can bear it!

“Haha…you kid still doesn’t seem to have confidence in me!”

Liu Zhengyang laughed, but he was not angry. Then he said: “Since you all don’t believe me, then let’s sign a gambling agreement!”

“What is the gambling agreement?”

Lin Xuan and Wang Yanlong were curious.

“In the new company, you vote for 10 million alone, so that’s 20 million in total, right?”


The two nodded.

“Then I first set myself a small goal, in a month, turn 20 million into 100 million! How about?”

Liu Zhengyang said with a smile.

“Change from 20 million to 100 million in a month? How is this possible?”

Lin Xuan and Wang Yanlong suddenly exclaimed.

Knowing that 20% of profits can be made a year is enough to drive capitalists crazy.

Liu Zhengyang actually said that he could make 400% of profits in one month!

This is nothing short of a fantasy in the eyes of the two!

“Don’t worry about it, it may not be possible! I can sign a betting agreement with you. If I can’t do it, then no matter how much money the new company makes, I don’t want a penny of profit!

but! If I really do this, then you have to give me 60% of the shares! “

Liu Zhengyang smiled slightly.

“Uh… Brother Yang, didn’t you just say that you have 50% of the shares?”

Wang Yanlong couldn’t help but stunned.

“Yeah! But who told you that you didn’t trust me just now? The extra 10% is a small punishment for you!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled and took a sip of tea.

“Good! We can sign this gambling agreement!”

Lin Xuan on the side thought for a moment. If Liu Zhengyang really did it, even if he divided 60% of his shares, the two of them only had 20% of the shares, that would turn 10 million into 20 million!

More than double the profit!

And if Liu Zhengyang didn’t do it, then the two of them would have nothing to lose!

After all, the construction of a new urban area in the northern suburbs is already a certainty!

Wang Guichuan has passed the resolution at the seminar!

Now we have reached the site selection stage!

The two of them randomly spend 20 million to buy a piece of land in the northern suburbs, and there will be a lot of room for appreciation at that time!

“Well, then, let me talk to Xiaolong about his company’s gambling agreement!”

Liu Zhengyang nodded, and then asked, “Xiaolong, now your company’s market value is estimated to be around 100 million, right?”


Wang Yanlong nodded.

“Then you said that if I want 51% of your shares, but within a month, you can sign a super big order starting at 10 billion yuan, do you think you have lost or earned?”

Liu Zhengyang put down the teacup and asked softly.

“Hi… a big order that started with tens of billions!? Of course I made it! A big order that started with tens of billions, I have at least 10% of the profit! That is 1 billion, even if you divide half of your shares, I also earned Five hundred million!”

At this point, Wang Yanlong said that he would still calculate it.

“Then let’s make it so. If I can do it, then I will be the majority shareholder of your company. Of course, you can rest assured that I will not interfere with your business at ordinary times!

After all, my time is more precious, so I have to spend more time with my children!

Of course, if I fail to do so, even if only 9.9 billion orders are signed, this agreement will be invalidated, and you will lose nothing!

What do you think of this? “

Liu Zhengyang smiled lightly.

“This… how embarrassing is this?”

Wang Yanlong couldn’t help but feel embarrassed.

“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. What you said just now is right, friendship belongs to friendship, business belongs to business! Brothers have to settle accounts clearly, otherwise they can’t mess around?”

Liu Zhengyang didn’t care, and then he said: “Since you two have agreed, my bet agreement! Then, from now on, everything must be led by me. As long as I order things, you can do it all. , It will definitely make you a huge profit!”


Looking at Liu Zhengyang’s confident smile, Wang Yanlong nodded without even thinking about it.

Even Lin Xuan, who has always been arrogant, couldn’t help but nodded, without realizing that he had already begun to be led by Liu Zhengyang by the nose!

“Is there a map of the northern suburbs of Tiancheng?”

Liu Zhengyang asked.


Wang Yanlong quickly took out the map he had prepared.

“Um… now we have 20 million in funds! Although the land price in the northern suburbs is very cheap now, the area we have circled should not be too big!”

Liu Zhengyang spoke while studying the map.

Lin Xuan and Wang Yanlong nodded involuntarily.

“Then we will buy these three places first!”

After a little research, Liu Zhengyang directly drew three small circles on the map with his pen!

“Isn’t it? Brother Yang, your location is too biased? If we buy these three pieces of land to make money, it will take a long time!”

Looking at the three plots of land circled by Liu Zhengyang, Wang Yanlong couldn’t help but exclaimed!

I saw that the places circled by Liu Zhengyang were very remote.

A place is close to the Grand Canal. Although there is a natural port here, because the place is remote and sparsely populated, this natural port has not been exploited at all.

The second location is even more remote, but fortunately, there is a high-speed entrance nearby, which is justified.

But this third place, the place chosen was a bit too much, because Liu Zhengyang directly circled a hill!

This hill is not famous at all, and it is still a small rocky mountain with few trees, and it has no development value at all!

“Whether you make money or not, don’t worry about it! I didn’t say it just now, these things are now led by me! You just need to follow my instructions and do them one by one!”

Liu Zhengyang’s complexion was straight, and the momentum that had been at the top for a long time was full of vigor.

Wang Yanlong couldn’t help but stared at Liu Zhengyang in amazement.

Because he felt that Liu Zhengyang at this time was actually stronger than his father!

Lin Xuan on the side was just about to speak, but was involuntarily frightened by Liu Zhengyang’s powerful aura.

“I don’t care what method you use, you must buy all of the three pieces of land I have circled today!

These plots are in remote locations, and the utilization rate is not high. I think there should be more money for 20 million! As for the money, you can build me a house on these three pieces of land or a fence. Anyway, you can build something for me. The more you build, the better! have you understood? “

Although it seemed to be an inquiry, Liu Zhengyang’s tone was full of irresistible!


The two nodded involuntarily.

“Very good! Since you want to cooperate with me, you must listen to me!

Of course, as long as you follow my instructions, I won’t cheat you! Anyway, the time is not long, only one month. Will you be able to see the results by then? Isn’t it? “

Liu Zhengyang dissipated his aura, his face regained a smile.

“Yeah! Brother Yang, I believe you!”

Wang Yanlong nodded heavily.

“Well… it’s time for dinner now, and I’m hungry too, or Brother Yang will eat with us too!”

After Liu Zhengyang dissipated from the aura, I don’t know why, Lin Xuan seemed to feel that a big rock pressed against her chest had disappeared!

“Yeah! Brother Yang, the chef in Sister Xuan’s Fortune Tea House is a Michelin chef specially invited! Although the dishes may not be as good as you, the taste is also different!”

Wang Yanlong on the side also nodded in agreement.

“Oh? It’s still a Michelin chef? Then I’m not welcome!”

Liu Zhengyang raised his brows and readily agreed.

Then the three got up and left, and came to the restaurant…

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