Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 29 - This person can only be a friend, not an enemy!

“The second method is a little troublesome to operate. Although I only need 100 million yuan in funds, I not only need Dong Li’s full cooperation, but also Uncle Wang’s help!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled and looked at Wang Guichuan!

“CapitaLand Group is a major taxpayer in Tiancheng, providing a large number of jobs. I don’t know how many people in Tiancheng have been fed. Whether it is for public or private purposes, I should help!

But the ugly words are at the forefront. I am a more principled person. You can let me help, but you can’t go beyond the line! “

Wang Guichuan smiled.

“I’m doing things, don’t you worry about Uncle Wang?”

Liu Zhengyang responded with a smile.

“Brother Yang, what are you going to do with this second method?”

At this time, Wang Yanlong seemed more anxious than Li Dekai.

“It’s actually very simple! As long as the other party wants to do something next, we will let him do nothing!

If what I expected is good, starting from tomorrow, they will have to attract a lot of money! If this is the case, what do you think will happen to Tian’s stock price? “

Liu Zhengyang said with a smile.

“The stock price will of course grow wildly, and even the daily limit!”

Wang Yanlong said.

“Not bad! So what we have to do is continue to short stocks!”

Liu Zhengyang nodded.

“Ah? Let the stock fall? Then can they buy more chips at a lower price?”

Li Kaide on the side couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Yeah! Wouldn’t it be cheaper for those people to do this?”

Wang Guichuan also wondered a bit.

“Haha… Everything can’t just look at the immediate benefits, this is just a bait for me! Next, we can do this…”

Liu Zhengyang smiled, and then he talked about his plan.


“High! This trick is really high!”

After listening to the whole plan, Li Kaide couldn’t help swallowing, and compared with a thumb.

Fortunately, Liu Zhengyang is not his enemy, otherwise he would not know how he died!

“Brother Yang! Your trick is too ruthless. Now this bunch of crooked nuts can not only spit out all the money earned by shorting stocks, but also lose a large amount of principal!”

Wang Yanlong on the side was also amazed!

“It’s trying to catch it, screaming, and drawing money from the bottom of the pot! These 36 tricks are so perfect for you to play! You have such a talent, it is a pity not to participate in the official career!”

Even Wang Guichuan couldn’t help sighing.

“Hahaha…actually, there is nothing, as long as we know what the opponent wants in the end, we can think of some ways to deal with it!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled modestly.

“By the way! Brother Yang, we didn’t seem to know each other before, right?”

Li Dekai suddenly looked at Liu Zhengyang with some curiosity.

“Of course, how could I have known a big man like Dong Li before?”

Liu Zhengyang smiled.

“Brother Yang, don’t laugh at me! How can I be called a big man in front of you?”

After learning about Liu Zhengyang’s abilities, Li Dekai’s posture was very low, and then he asked: “Since we didn’t know each other before, it’s not a relative, why would you help me?”

“Hahaha…Actually, the cause of the matter was that my brother-in-law bought stocks, which happened to buy your CapitaLand Group, and then I didn’t even know my family at the loss!

My brother-in-law was hit hard, so I was very upset with the man behind the stock price suppression! It makes me unhappy, he has to pay a price no matter what! “

What Liu Zhengyang said was taken for granted.

But these words made the other three people a little frightened.

Especially Li Kaide.

This Yang brother must not offend!

Only friends, not enemies!

Think about it, just because his brother-in-law lost money by buying stocks, he can find the black hand behind the scenes and bite off a piece of meat!

If he offends himself, he won’t be punished to death?

Thinking of Liu Zhengyang’s enchanting strategy, Li Dekai couldn’t help but shudder.

“Of course! I won’t help you get this done for free, I want you 10% of CapitaLand Group’s shares! Of course, you can rest assured that I will not make any comments on the specific affairs of the group!”

Liu Zhengyang spoke again.

“Ten percent of the shares?”

Li Dekai couldn’t help being surprised!

You must know that your group’s true market value is estimated at around 10 billion!

10% of the shares, that is 1 billion!

I have to say that Liu Zhengyang’s appetite is really big!

But then I think about it again, if I can’t get Liu Zhengyang’s help, then it will be more than 1 billion!

Maybe the entire group will change hands!

“Capita, don’t think you are at a loss. Although you gave Zhengyang 10% of the shares, you are still the largest shareholder of the group!

And with this 10% share, Zhengyang can be regarded as one of the bosses of your group! With his talents, he can give you an idea casually. Are you still worried that your group can’t develop and grow? “

Seeing Li Kaide’s tangled look, Wang Guichuan on the side couldn’t help but speak.

“Hahaha… the old man really wakes up the dreamer! Isn’t it just 10% of the shares? I promised!

At that time, Liu Dong can give more pointers! “

Hearing this, Li Kaide immediately made up his mind.

“Li Dong is polite, the direction of the group’s development, when that time, I can talk about my thoughts.

But I can say ugly things first, don’t arrange some specific affairs for me in the future.

My main job is my dad. I have to take my children to school every day, help them with homework, cook and cook, and do housework. I am very busy!

But there is no time to care about the trivial things of your group! “

Liu Zhengyang said solemnly.

“Brother Yang, you are such a wonderful person, hahaha…”

Li Kaide thought Liu Zhengyang was joking and couldn’t help but laugh.

Liu Zhengyang did not explain again.

“Haha…Since the CapitaLand business has been negotiated, Zhengyang will come and talk to me about the construction of the new city!”

Wang Guichuan laughed.

“The elders are dead, how dare I not follow?”

Liu Zhengyang smiled slightly, and then chatted with Wang Guichuan about the construction of the new city.

Wang Yanlong on the side also hurriedly pricked his ears to listen.

After all, the three of them also spent 20 million to stock up three plots of land in the northern suburbs!

I don’t know how much I can make then!

I hope that Brother Yang can give a side-knack and make idioms from his father’s mouth.

However, Wang Yanlong was extremely disappointed that Liu Zhengyang never mentioned the three pieces of land from beginning to end.

I only talked with my father about the future design, construction and development direction of the new city.

The two talked very happily, and even Li Kaide on the side couldn’t help but join in.

Liu Zhengyang’s endless eloquence and endless ingenious ideas made Wang Guichuan and Li Kaide admire them!

Especially Liu Zhengyang’s idea of ​​building roads before getting rich!

Make them nod again and again!

After all, you go to any place, just look at the traffic development here, you can know whether the development level here is high or not!

In the end, Wang Yanlong, still young and uncomfortable, couldn’t help but ask: “Dad! You talked so much, what is the specific construction scope of this new city?”


The voice did not fall.

Wang Guichuan directly appreciated Wang Yanlong’s loud scalp.

“Dad, what are you doing to beat me?”

Wang Yanlong rubbed his scalp with aggrieved expression.

“You brat! Do you really think your dad drank too much? Don’t you know this is absolutely confidential?

Everyone must sign a confidentiality agreement! Can I tell you about this kind of thing? Do you want to dig a hole for your dad again? Why did I give birth to your cheating son! “

Wang Guichuan glared at Wang Yanlong fiercely, then raised his hand and tried to fight again!

“Eh! Don’t! Don’t fight, Dad! I was wrong!”

Wang Yanlong quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake.

“Hahaha…you kid, didn’t you mean to beg?”

After seeing this scene, Liu Zhengyang and Li Kaide couldn’t help laughing.

What Liu Zhengyang and others did not expect was.

It’s in another box in Piaohualou.

Smith, the general manager of the Yanguo region of Auchanfu Supermarket, was dangling a cigar and holding a red wine glass. He had a very happy conversation with a middle-aged man who looked a little bit gloomy and looked a little wretched…

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