Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 4 - Love is priceless

“Dad! You actually came to the parent meeting today, and you are not late. I’m so happy!”

Xiaodomi’s big smart eyes are full of happiness.

“Haha… Little baby, in the future, Dad will attend your parent conference on time!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled faintly, and gently touched Xiaodomi’s head.

At this time, a teacher with glasses and thin eyelids and lips walked in on high heels.

Just about to speak.

“Sorry, I was delayed by something at work!”

Xiaoduo Mi’s good friend Xiaotian’s mother, Hu Wei, hurriedly walked to the door.

“Really! Parents can be late for such an important meeting, how do you be a parent?”

The teacher rolled his eyes.

“Sorry, teacher, not next time.”

Hu Wei looked apologetic.

“Humph! Come in!”

To be honest, Hu Wei is indeed very beautiful, her skin is white as snow, and her black hair is rolled up at will. Although her clothes are slightly worn, they can’t conceal her proud figure.

But there was a trace of sadness hidden deep in her big bright eyes, which made her look a little dull.

There is no reason for him. Her husband died a few years ago because of an accident. She did not remarry for the sake of Sweetie.

It is necessary to support the four elderly people on both sides, but also to take care of the children’s study and health.

In order to support this family, she had to work hard.

But even so, her life is difficult!

Along the way, Hu Wei attracted the attention of many male parents, but she turned a blind eye and went straight to her daughter Xiaotian and sat down.

Liu Zhengyang also looked over and gave a kind smile.

After all, Hu Wei sent Dormy home last night.

However, Hu Wei cast a faint glance at Liu Zhengyang and did not respond, still with contempt in her eyes.

Liu Zhengyang couldn’t help but smile.

After seeing myself as a scumbag, I can’t get rid of it for a while!

“Okay! Everyone is here, so please be quiet for a meeting!”

The teacher patted the podium lightly.

The classroom soon became quiet.

“Before the meeting, I still think it is necessary to remind some parents that the parent meeting is related to the children’s learning and growth! It is a very important meeting!

Some people shouldn’t use busy work as an excuse, be late or even not come to the parent conference! After all, the time of the parent meeting has already been notified to everyone! “

After speaking, the teacher gave Hu Wei a weird look.

The eyes of other parents couldn’t help but looked over.

Hu Wei’s pretty face turned red in an instant, and she lowered her head helplessly.

Liu Zhengyang’s brows frowned, feeling that this teacher was a bit too much!

“Okay! I won’t say more digressions, now we will start the meeting!”

The teacher took a sip of water casually, and then said: “This meeting will mainly talk about our charitable donations for the disabled this time, and the student representatives to come to condolences!”

With that, the teacher took out a form and began to read it.

“Ma Xingyu, donate three thousand! Please give Ma Xingyu applause and encouragement!”

A little boy stood up quickly and accepted everyone’s applause with pride and pride.

The male parent sitting next to him helped his gold glasses and arched his hands at the crowd.

Modestly said: “It’s just a little money, not much, nothing!”

However, his eyes flashed with undisguised pride.

Then the teacher announced the second and third place. Although the donation was not as much as Ma Xingyu, it also exceeded 1,000 yuan. The teacher also asked everyone to cheer them up with applause!

But then, the amount of donations plummeted, and the teacher hurriedly finished reading, and did not ask everyone to encourage the children with applause.

Liu Zhengyang’s brows couldn’t help but frowned, feeling that the teacher’s approach was a little improper.

Because not only Xiao Duo Mi, but the other children who were not encouraged by the applause, were somewhat depressed, and the tears of the introverted Sweetie were almost streaming out.

Hu Wei couldn’t help but feel a pain when she looked at her baby girl, and then stood up.

“Teacher! Can I ask a question?”

Hu Wei seemed a little lacking in confidence. The pressure of life for a long time and the strange vision of the people around her made her gradually feel inferior.

Then today for her daughter, she summoned the courage to bite the bullet and stood up.

“Just ask!”

The teacher gave her a faint look.

“I want to ask, why only the top three children received applause and encouragement, but the other children did not receive applause encouragement?

They are all showing love for public welfare. Isn’t it unfair to do so? “

Hear the words.

The teacher pushed his glasses and looked at Hu Wei squintly.

“You are Hu Xiaotian’s parent, right?”

“Yes! I am!”

Hu Wei nodded.

“Heh! I haven’t said about you yet, but you asked me! This year, there are only a few donations in total. How much did your family donate? Only 20 yuan!

You know, this donation is not only for ranking in the class, but also for the entire grade!

Had it not been for Ma Xingyu and their three classmates, our class would have been ranked bottom! Where will you put the face of my head teacher at that time?

I give them a little special care, shouldn’t it? Do you still have a sense of collective honor? “

The teacher is plausible.

This statement came out.

The faces of several parents who donated a lot showed a sense of superiority.

And those parents who donated less donated a bit of embarrassment and guilt on their faces.

Facing the teacher’s questioning, Hu Wei froze there for a while, neither standing nor sitting!

Hu Xiaotian’s tears even fell, and she sobbed softly.

Liu Zhengyang couldn’t stand it anymore, stood up, and said loudly: “Teacher, I think your understanding of love seems to be a little off!

In fact, donations and materials are all forms of expression of love. Individuals have various abilities, and as long as they try their best, they are worthy of respect.

Don’t talk about 10 yuan, even a penny, you should be respected!

Moreover, giving love is a conscious and voluntary behavior. It is purely a personal will. Discharging highs and lows will change the taste of love and charity, discourage the enthusiasm of the giver, and make love lose its original intention.

Love donations, there is no real difference between 1 yuan and 1 million. Those who have the financial means can donate 1 million yuan, and those who do not have the means can donate 1 yuan. We should also give applause, because love cannot be measured by money.

Love is priceless, and love does not need to be ranked! “

The remarks made by Land Land, coupled with Liu Zhengyang inadvertently, revealed the aura of a long standing position in the previous life, and shocked everyone.


Silent silence!

Even the teacher is lost in thought. Is it true that he is doing something wrong?

“well said!”

“Love is priceless!”

Finally some parents reacted!

Then even thunderous applause sounded!

“Sit down! Don’t stand stupid!”

Liu Zhengyang turned his head and smiled at Hu Wei.

“Ah! Thank you!”

Hu Wei came back to her senses and gave a grateful look.

It seems that this man is different from the rumored one?

It seems…not so scumbag?

After Hu Wei sat down, Liu Zhengyang was just about to sit down.

A discordant voice suddenly rang.

“What kind of love is priceless? I think this is just an excuse for your incompetent parents to find for your incompetence!”

Following the reputation, I saw Ma Xingyu’s father, looking around with contempt.

As if he was superior to others.

Some people, like this, want to show their superiority all the time.

But this time, his words were offensive!

“What do you mean?”

A long, five-and-three-thirty parent came up against the crime.

“I don’t mean anything. I just think that you people are very sad. It is obviously your incompetence that caused your children’s donations to rank low.

Not only do you not look for reasons on your own, but instead say that the teacher did not do it properly. It’s sad and ridiculous! “

Ma Xingyu’s father was full of disdain.

“Huh! Saying we are incompetent, you are so amazing?”

“Of course I have nothing great, but I graduated from Harvard, and now I work as a manager in a foreign company, with an annual salary of only 700,000 or 800,000 yuan! Dare to ask where you are?”

Ma Xingyu’s father played with the keys of his Mercedes-Benz car and “inadvertently” revealed his Rolex gold.

“I…I sell meat in the vegetable market…”

The parent’s face flushed red, and his momentum suddenly weakened.

“Ha… I’ll just say it!”

Ma Xingyu’s father curled his lips in disdain, and then said loudly: “Don’t tell me that love is priceless! Today’s society is a money society! There is nothing that can’t be bought! Don’t say that the teachers do not rank badly in the school. Which one of the company’s interviews does not rank you?

I think it is very necessary to instill the idea of ​​always striving for the first place in children from an early age! Only in this way can children be admitted to Harvard University just like me! “

At this moment, all the parents felt aggrieved, knowing that Ma Xingyu’s father was wrong, but they could not refute, or dare not refute!

The face of the parent who sold the meat turned into a pig’s liver color.


Liu Zhengyang suddenly came up with an English sentence.

“what does it mean?”

There are parents who don’t understand English feeling baffled.

“It means that you must judge yourself correctly before you have the ability to judge others!”

Ma Xingyu’s father opened the mouth and translated it, and then he turned his lips at Liu Zhengyang somewhat proudly: “What? I feel like I have learned a few words in foreign language, and I feel that I am amazing?”

“I didn’t think I was great, but I think since you graduated from Harvard, you know you are familiar with this sentence!”

Liu Zhengyang smiled and shook his head.

“Heh! A joke, why should I be familiar with this sentence? Is it possible that this is still a famous aphorism?”

“Yes! This sentence is one of Haval’s 25 successful golden sentences! I believe every Harvard graduate will remember this sentence!”

Although Liu Zhengyang’s voice was not loud, he confirmed that the entire classroom was quiet, and everyone subconsciously looked at Ma Xingyu’s father…

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