Dad! Love My Daughter To Death

Chapter 90 - Tang family three brothers and sisters.

I saw this strong man, holding his stomach with one hand, and holding the black plastic bag with the other.

This black plastic bag seemed to contain some valuables. Even if the strong man fell down, he never let the black plastic bag touch the ground.

Because of his sudden fall, all the pedestrians around were taken aback.

After taking a look at the strong man who was gritted his teeth because of pain, his forehead was violent, and struggling to get up, all passers-by subconsciously stayed away from him, and then left!

Even if someone’s eyes flashed unbearable, they wanted to step forward to help this strong man, but they were all taken away by the people around him.

The indifference of human nature is fully revealed at this moment.

The strong man gritted his teeth, clasped the black plastic bag in his hand, and struggled to get up!

Strong man. There seems to be some persistent goal in my heart.

I saw him take a deep breath.

Then gritted his teeth and held his breath.

Strive to move forward.


Because of the intense pain in the abdomen.

The strong man only took two steps and fell to the ground again.

Knocked the elbow directly and opened a big hole!

The black plastic bag in his hand fell to the ground as a result.

The stacks are neatly arranged, with 10 yuan, 20 yuan and even 5 yuan of gross tickets scattered around.

A gust of wind passed.

These banknotes drifted away in the wind.

The streets are scattered all over the place.

“Damn! A lot of money!”

“Everyone, hurry up!”

This kind of thing, as soon as someone takes the lead, someone will rush into it!

Pedestrians on the road scrambled for money!

After seeing this scene.

The strong man who didn’t say a word from beginning to end suddenly yelled, “This money belongs to me! Give it back to me!”

It’s a pity that the voice of the strong man appeared weak because of the pain, and no one seemed to hear it!

Of course, someone will definitely hear it too!

But they pretended not to hear.

Still burying his head and picking up banknotes madly!

“Please! That’s my sister’s life-saving money. The money we got from selling iron and drawing blood! Please give it back to me…”

The strong man knelt down helplessly and hit the ground with his head, even if his head was broken, he continued to hit it!

At this moment, this man who seemed to be iron-fighted was bursting into tears!


Everyone turned a blind eye, and even some people were ready to leave after they picked up the banknotes!

Liu Zhengyang finally couldn’t stand it anymore!

He opened the car door and walked quickly to the side of the strong man, shouting loudly: “Everyone, please return the banknotes in your hands!”

“Cut! Which green onion are you? Why should we listen to you?”

“Yes! Maybe, he is going to let us give all the money to him, and then he takes it away by himself!”

Someone in the crowd suddenly spoke with disdain.

“Heh! Do you think that I am driving a car worth more than five million yuan, so I will covet this little money?”

Liu Zhengyang sneered and pointed to the red Ferrari on the side.

“Cut! You are great when you have money? Are you not greedy when you have money?”

“Yes! The ghost knows what you rich people think!”

There was another sneer of disdain from the crowd.

“I am not greedy, but I am a little bit more loving than you!”

There was a sneer at the corner of Liu Zhengyang’s mouth.

Just one sentence hurt the conscience of most people present. Many people blushed involuntarily, and the banknotes in their hands seemed to become hot!

“Everyone, don’t listen to him! He is a virgin bitch. It’s not his business to pick up other people’s money!”

“That’s right! We picked up this money, and we didn’t steal it!”

However, there are a very small number of people, and some are unwilling to give up the banknotes in their hands.

After being said by these people, there are many people in the field, and the banknotes in their hands don’t seem to be so hot!

Anyway, if you don’t pick it up, others will pick it up. Why don’t others make it cheaper?

“Friendly reminder! According to Article 270 of my country’s Criminal Law, anyone who illegally seizes others’ forgotten or buried objects as one’s own in a relatively large amount and refuses to hand it over shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than two years, criminal detention or fine;

If the amount is huge or there are other serious circumstances, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than two years but not more than five years and shall be fined.

This brother just said that this is his sister’s life-saving money! Don’t you feel hot when you hold the money?

And unfortunately to tell everyone that there are cameras everywhere on our heads! What you did should have been photographed in all directions without blind spots!

If you don’t want to face legal punishment or being searched by human flesh, I advise you to quickly return the money to this brother! “

Liu Zhengyang smiled coldly, and then pointed at the cameras on the top of everyone’s heads.

This statement came out.

Everyone’s face changed!

To be honest, everyone didn’t pick up much money, the most was only a few hundred yuan.

There is hardly any hesitation.

Everyone returned the money with ashamed expressions.

“Thank you, brother!”

At this time, the strong man had already collapsed in pain, but after tremblingly borrowed money, he still gritted his teeth, and 4 words popped out of his teeth!

“Brother! Why don’t I take you to the hospital, you should have an acute appendicitis!”

Liu Zhengyang simply checked the hardcover man, and then said.

However, Liu Zhengyang was even more shocked at this moment!

You must know that when acute appendicitis occurs, the kind of pain is simply not something ordinary people can tolerate!

However, the strong man in front of him did not say a word of pain from beginning to end!

“No! I don’t need it anymore, this hurts me for a while and it’s over!”

The strong man squeezed out a smile with difficulty, and finally grabbed Liu Zhengyang’s hand!

Liu Zhengyang’s brows suddenly picked up!

This strong man is not easy!

Because Liu Zhengyang can clearly feel that there are thick calluses on his thumb and index finger!

This shows that this strong man is an old gunner!

“Brother! My name is Tang Hao, I know you are a kind person! Can I ask you something?”

Tang Hao said with difficulty.

“You said, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse!”

Liu Zhengyang nodded.

“Can you help me send this money to the First People’s Hospital? This is my sister Tang Yuting’s hospital fee! My brother is Tang Yu, and he is waiting in the hospital now! As long as you can help me send the money to my brother Just do it in your hand!”

Tang Hao almost pleaded.

“how about you?”

Liu Zhengyang frowned.

“Me? Don’t worry, brother, I’m okay! I’ll just sit here for a while, and it shouldn’t hurt after a while!”

Tang Hao smiled slightly.

“Are you kidding? If acute appendicitis is not treated in time, it can really kill people!”

Liu Zhengyang grabbed Tang Hao, trying to drag him into his car.

But what Liu Zhengyang never expected was that even if he tried his best, even now Tang Hao was already a bit exhausted in pain, he didn’t actually pull Tang Hao a bit!

“Brother! I’m not afraid of your jokes. I really don’t have any money at home, so I won’t go to the hospital! Anyway, I have a tough life, and I should be able to survive it!”

Tang Hao squeezed a smile again, only with a hint of bitterness.

“I have the money! I’ll help you see a doctor first, is it OK for me to lend you?”

Liu Zhengyang looked serious!

“Is what you said true?”

There was a hint of disbelief in Tang Hao’s eyes!

To be honest, in order to see a doctor for his sister, the brothers begged their grandfather to tell their grandmother. They ran all the relatives and didn’t borrow much money.

But now a person who has never met, is actually willing to lend himself money to see a doctor?

“Hurry up! How can a big master do things?”

After speaking, Liu Zhengyang pulled Tang Hao into the car!

After getting in the car, Liu Zhengyang kicked the accelerator and drove directly to the First People’s Hospital!

As soon as he arrived at the hospital, Liu Zhengyang immediately arranged for a doctor to see Tang Hao.

The final diagnosis was acute appendicitis, which required immediate surgery.

“Brother! Give the money to my brother quickly! He must be anxious! You don’t have to worry about me!”

Before entering the operating room, Tang Hao continued to urge Liu Zhengyang.

“Well, when you enter the operating room, I will help you send money, okay?”

Liu Zhengyang looked helpless.

After seeing Tang Hao being pushed into the operating room, Liu Zhengyang turned to look for Tang Hao’s brother Tang Yu.

And this time.

The entrance to the intensive care unit of the hospital.

A burly man was kneeling down in front of a doctor, begging bitterly: “Doctor! Please do it well, my brother has already raised money, don’t tell me whether my sister’s medicine is good?”

“Brother! I can’t help it. In fact, you have owed money for a month. You have your difficulties, but our hospital also has our rules and regulations. From my personal point of view, I sympathize with your experience very much, but… Ugh……”

The doctor also looked helpless.

“Doctor please! Haozi will send the money soon…”

It turns out that this brawny man is Tang Hao’s brother Tang Yu!

After seeing this scene.

Liu Zhengyang frowned, speeding up his pace.

But at this moment.

In the ward inside, there was an exclamation of the nurse!

“Come on! The patient inside wants to commit suicide by jumping off the building!”


Hearing this, Tang Yu bounced off the ground directly, before he could even open the doorknob, he rammed in!

The door of the client’s ward was knocked down by him directly with the door frame!

Ignoring the exclamation of the doctors and nurses, Liu Zhengyang quickly followed in…

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