Daddy Academy

Chapter 101 Kill to his house

Chapter 101 Kill to his house

Little Red Horse Academy was very quiet, the wind blew through the leaves and the leaves were rustling, the teacher and the children were not there, and the sentry box at the door was also locked. Before Lao Li came to work, Zhang Tan opened the door by himself, and locked it behind him when he went out.

To the left is the bustling West Chang'an Avenue, and to the right is Huangjia Village. Zhang Tan hesitated and turned to the right.

At this point, the Huangjia Village gradually became lively. People who went to work in the CBD came out of the office buildings and poured into the village to find delicious food to fill their stomachs.

Zhang Tan went to the small shop where he ate chrysanthemum herring last time, but it was full.He went out and decided to continue walking to the village, looking for those delicacies in the alleys.

Although he grew up here, he didn't know what small shops there were in the village. He used to not care about these. He enjoyed delicious food, but he didn't like the small shops in the village. Those high-end restaurants on West Chang'an Street were his favorite. frequented place.

After detouring several times, I entered a small shop and ordered their eight-treasure chili sauce.

"Can I choose the ingredients myself?" Zhang Tan asked.

The owner and chef is an old aunt, wearing a pink apron with many small pomfrets, she said with a smile: "You know, you can order ingredients, what do you want?"

According to the memory in his mind, Zhang Tan said: "Shrimp, diced chicken, diced meat, fresh shellfish, diced salted duck gizzard..."

Speaking of getting stuck here, the boss reminded: "Would you like cooked chestnuts?"

Suddenly, Zhang Tan smiled and said, "If you want it, you want this."

At the same time, he also remembered the next two ingredients.

"And ginkgo nuts and peas."

The old aunt glanced at him and said, "This is a very authentic Pujiang dish, did you eat it when you were young?"

Zhang Tan sat down, the shop was small, there were only four tables, and there was no one else except him.

"Eat it before."

In his previous life, he had worked in Shanghai for many years and dated a local girlfriend. When he was a guest at her home, his aunt made a dish of eight-treasure chili sauce.

It's a complex dish with so many ingredients that it's rarely cooked at home, except for chefs in restaurants.

You can tell from the name that it is a bit spicy, not only spicy, but also sweet.

Sweetness is the characteristic of Shanghai cuisine.

The girlfriend's mother said at the time that when two people get along, honey is mixed with oil, but quarrels are always inevitable, just like eight treasures hot sauce, which is spicy and sweet.

There was no one else in the shop, so Zhang Tan chatted with the old aunt in the kitchen while waiting for the dishes to be cooked.

There is only a curtain between the kitchen and the dining room, and the people inside can be seen walking around.

Not long after, the dishes came out, Zhang Tan picked up his chopsticks, and the old aunt asked expectantly, "How is it? Does it suit your taste?"

What Zhang Tan ate was a piece of cooked chestnuts, which were very sweet. After swallowing it, he praised: "It tastes the same as the ones I have eaten before. Auntie, you are really good at cooking."

"It's fine if you like it. I have plum wine here. I made it myself. Would you like some?"

The sun is hot outside, drinking some sweet and sour plum wine is the most comfortable.

"Come on then."

The old aunt brought a green ceramic wine bottle of about 2 catties, put down an equally green wine glass, filled it gently, and the white air-conditioning curled up.

Green ant new fermented grain wine refers to the green foam on unfiltered rice wine. Now, the glass of plum wine in Zhang Tan's hand also has such foam. It is hand-brewed, not as standardized as a winery. The standard makes this wine appear more intimate and lovely.

Zhang Tan took a sip, it was sweet and sour, cold and cold, with no prescription, it was very pleasant to drink in summer.

After the meal, no one else came to the shop, so Zhang Tan settled the bill and said to the old aunt, "There seem to be fewer customers."

"It's relatively few."

"Can it be maintained?"

"There's nothing you can't maintain. You don't need to pay rent for your own store. It doesn't matter if you earn more or less."

"That's quite comfortable."

Seeing that she was still cooking, he asked, "Did someone order takeaway?"

"No, cook well and wait for the grandson to come back to eat."

It turned out to be the case.

"Auntie, thank you for the food and wine, I'm leaving."

"Walk slowly."

When I went out, the sun was shining brightly above my head, but the alley was shady and cool, with gusts of draft blowing through the hall, I didn't feel the heat.

When Zhang Tan came here, he turned several corners, and now he has forgotten how he got here, so he can only walk around. I don’t know if it’s an illusion, as if he heard someone calling uncle, and when he looked back, there was no one in the alley.

After walking for a while, I didn't hear it again.

"Huh? It seems that you walked here just now?"

After walking for a while, I realized that I was completely dizzy, and couldn't tell where the Little Red Horse Academy was, or, had I drunk too much? ?Impossible, the strength of that wine, with his amount, it won't be a problem to drink ten or eight catties.

He looked up at the sun, identified the direction of the academy, and walked in one direction.


As soon as I walked into an old but extremely clean old alley, I immediately heard a small milk sound, with a Sichuan flavor.

noob? ?
Zhang Tan followed the sound and saw that there was no one in the alley, a small yellow flag inlaid with gold was planted on the edge of a mountain gate, fluttering with the draft, it said "wine shop".

"Where are you looking, don't look around here, here, here, here, here~~"

Zhang Tan looked up, and saw a small window on the blue brick wall covered with creepers, about the third floor, with a bright smiling face pasted on the anti-theft window, waving cheerfully at him.

It's not who Xiaobai is.

"Xiaobai~ It's you." Zhang Tan smiled, he didn't expect to meet Xiaobai here, it seems that her family is here.

Hearing Zhang Tan's words, Xiao Bai was even more happy. He leaned on the window, waved his hands enthusiastically, and said, "Uncle, why did you kill me here? Do you know that I live here? Are you playing with me?" Is it?"

Xiaobai children's shoes is a little too excited, I have never seen her so excited when seeing him in the academy.

However, this is a good thing, Zhang Tan thinks, it shows that his affinity has exploded.

"Xiaobai, does your family live here?" Zhang Tan came to the wall and raised his head to talk to Xiaobai upstairs. The sunlight here was blocked by the wall, and he was in the shadows, and the draft was blowing, making it very cool.

"My home is here, how do you know?"

In fact, I don't know, I came here by mistake.

"I heard what Lao Li said." Zhang Tan made up an excuse.

"Ha, it's Uncle Li. Uncle Li wants it. I went to his house to play." Xiaobai said happily, as if recalling a very good thing.

Kill him at home?Is this Trump too?It sounds scary.

Zhang Tan knew where Old Li's house was. Hearing what Xiaobai said, he probably knew where it was and where it was now.

It's not far from Lao Li's house, go through this alley, turn left into another, and walk to the middle, which is Lao Li's house.

"Did you call me before?"

Zhang Tan remembered that when he passed by here before, he seemed to hear someone calling uncle, but at the time he thought it was an auditory hallucination, so he didn't pay attention. Now that he thinks about it, since Xiao Bai lives in this alley, she might be the one calling before.

Sure enough, Xiaobai said: "It's me. I called a lot of uncles, but you ignored me. I'm so angry."

As he spoke, his little face was bulging, as if he was very angry, but his eyes were crooked and smiling.

Zhang Tan apologized: "It's really you, you saw me before? I'm sorry, I didn't hear it before, I thought I heard it wrong."

The first time Zhang Tan walked past here, Xiao Bai happened to see it, but it was a bit late, he had already reached the end of the alley.

Hearing her call, the uncle glanced back, and then left again, which made her angry for a while, but unexpectedly, the uncle turned back again.

She thought that Zhang Tan came back to find her, so she was very happy.

Little did she know that the uncle in her mind had gone the wrong way, made a detour, and came back here again.

Hearing Zhang Tan say I'm sorry, Xiaobai children's shoes immediately couldn't hold back his face, and his face was full of brilliance, pointing to a certain place on the balcony, and said like a treasure: "Uncle, look, this is my little baby!" .”

 Guawazi, you are too good, the recommendation list has rushed to about 110, huh huh huh
(End of this chapter)

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