Daddy Academy

Chapter 36 Don't mess with the drunk

Chapter 36 Don't mess with the drunk

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket
After get off work, Zhang Tan was about to leave when Luo Ming arrived in a hurry.

"You're still here, I just have something to tell you, did you receive the salary today?"

how?Are you talking about salary?

"Received an email."

"Is such that……"


Halfway through, Liu Dawei jumped in, and when he saw Luo Ming, he backed out embarrassedly.

"I'll send you the materials on WeChat, there's plenty of time, don't be in a hurry."

After Luo Ming finished speaking, he left in a hurry. He was going to pick up his daughter from school. Tomorrow is the weekend, and he is going to take his wife and children to the island for vacation.

After Luo Ming left, Zhang Tan changed the water for Luluo and Lucky Bamboo in the office, locked the door and left. Liu Dawen, who had come to him before, had already left and didn't know what was going on.

Out of the studio gate, I saw someone waiting, Jiang Rong.

"Let's go, the salary is paid today, let's have dinner together."

"No, please eat again?"

"Stingy, it's me who invited you."

"What about He Chao?"

"He Chao has a girlfriend, it's not like we are single dogs."

After dinner, Jiang Rong wanted to pay, but Zhang Tan paid first.

"How much is your salary?" Zhang Tan said.

Jiang Rong's family is good, and she drives a lot, but the salary is really low, not as high as Zhang Tan's basic salary.

"Let's sit at the bar?" Jiang Rong suggested after leaving the restaurant, eager to try. This is also a person who likes to play, and he looks a bit like Zhang Tan.

"Forget it, I have something to do."

Zhang Tan doesn't like going to bars, he's been drunk to death at a bar once, it's no wonder he likes it.

Jiang Rong asked curiously: "You go to get off work every day, like a family member, you won't get married, will you? Have a child at home?"

Zhang Tan smiled and said, "Not only do I have children at home, but there are many, dozens of them, and I have to take care of them every day, so I don't have time to go out to play at all."

Jiang Rong gave him a white look and waved: "Go back, go back, you are an otaku."

Zhang Tan smiled and said goodbye to her.

"Hey you……"

Jiang Rong didn't expect Zhang Tan to really turn around and leave without any hesitation, is she so unattractive?

Returning to the city village, parked the car, and walked back to the Little Red Horse Academy. Walking outside the walls of the academy, Zhang Tan heard a burst of laughter from children. He looked around and saw no one, but the laughter stopped. Around him, it was very clear, as if it came from the academy. If you look closely, there are two children standing at the foot of the fence in the academy. A row of plane trees is the best cover.

The child is covering his mouth with his hand, snickering at him, trying not to make too much noise, but it can still be heard clearly. Maybe, the child is too proud.

"Why are you here? Aren't you afraid of mosquito bites?" Zhang Tan asked, one of the children in front of him was Xiaobai with short hair, and the other was Shen Liuliu, who was jumping with horns.

One side of the academy is close to West Chang'an Street. For this reason, a row of sycamore trees are planted in the garden. They are tall and lush, and the children stand under the trees, and the sky is dark.


"Good uncle."

The two children jumped up and down excitedly when they saw that they had been discovered.

After the hide-and-seek children are discovered, it is always like this. The moment they are discovered is the most exciting.

Zhang Tan told them to go back quickly and not to run under the tree at night, there were many mosquitoes.

"Uncle, look, melon Xixi." Xiaobai whispered, pointing not far behind him.

Zhang Tan looked back, and the melon-like people Xiaobai said were three young people, walking crookedly, talking loudly, and smelled a strong smell of alcohol when they approached.

Zhang Tan didn't have to guess to know that these three people had just come out of the bar, obviously drinking too much.

On this road, people who drink too much often come out of the bar at night.

"Go back quickly, they will be very angry if they hear you say that they are melons."

"They can't catch me. Escape is my forte."

"Then I'll come in to catch you and see if you can run away."

Zhang Tan turned into the Xiaohongma Academy, and happened to see Xiaobai dragging Shen Luliu into the building.

Running really fast.

Old Li smiled and said, "Xiao Bai often hides under a tree to watch drunk people."

Zhang Tan said: "She's really brave, and she's not afraid of drunk people playing drunken madness, even children."

Old Li nodded and said, "I will pay attention to it in the future, and I won't let her do this."

"It's not safe under the tree at night, there are many mosquitoes."

"Indeed, there are many mosquitoes in the summer, and there are even mosquitoes hidden under the trees. I will watch over Xiaobai, mainly because she takes the lead. If I watch over her, it is basically forbidden. Before you came, Xiaomi and Meng Chengcheng were there, and later Teacher Xiao Liu came to call, and the two children went back, leaving only Xiao Bai and Shen Liuliu. This little child, Liuliu, is very naughty, and may be more noisy than Xiaobai in the future."

Shen Luliu, really naughty.

Zhang Tan just frightened Xiaobai, didn't intend to catch her, and went back home. As soon as his front foot entered, he knocked on the door with his back foot. When he opened it, he saw that it was Xiaobai's children's shoes.

"Uncle, let me run fast." Xiaobai asked proudly, saying that the uncle who wanted to catch her could only eat her ashes.

"It's really fast."

"Goose goose~~ I run as fast as the second son of Shuo."

Shuo Er means snake, Zhang Tan checked it online.

"Come in and sit down."


I just took off my little shoes and was about to come in. When I remembered something, I asked cautiously, "Uncle, have you been drinking?"


"Then I'm in. Uncle, I'll give you something to eat."

Xiaobai changed his slippers and handed Zhang Tan the fish maw glass bottle he brought, which contained candied fruit.

"It's so sweet." Zhang Tan squeezed one and asked, "Do you like it?"

"Yeah." Xiaobai nodded, and he put one in his mouth, squinting his eyes sweetly, his eyes seemed to be smiling.She smiled cutely and sweetly, her eyes narrowed into two crescent moons. If you hadn't seen anyone who was mad at her, she would have thought that she was a sweet girl, the kind of sweet and breezy.

"Thank you uncle."

"Don't save too much, eat as much as you want, I still have it here, I'll pack some for you later."

These candied fruits were given to Xiaobai by Zhang Tan. Last time, Xiaobai gave him half a jar of salted peanuts to eat. It was a gift. After he finished eating the peanuts, he filled a half jar of candied fruits and gave them back to Xiaobai.

The candied fruit was so sweet, Zhang Tan poured a glass of water and asked Xiao Bai, "Do you want to drink water?"

Xiaobai nodded and asked if she could go to the kitchen to drink.

"Okay, your water is in the kitchen?"

I saw Xiaobai running to the kitchen, standing on the small stool, turning on the faucet in the sink, and drinking like that.

"Wait, don't drink."

Zhang Tan hurriedly lifted Xiao Bai down, put it on the ground, and said, "Don't drink the water here, it's raw water, and children will have stomach ache after drinking it."

"That's how Xiaobai drinks thiocyanate."

This child is drinking water like this at home, and he is not so particular about it.

Zhang Tan turned off the faucet, took her out of the kitchen, took out a can of bear drink from the refrigerator, unscrewed it, and gave it to her.

"Drink this."

He originally wanted to say, don't drink water like this in the future, but the words came to his lips, and he endured it. Maybe Xiaobai's family conditions are like this, it's useless to talk to her, you have to talk to her aunt.

"It's the bear again!" Xiaobai said cheerfully, holding the bear drink.

"The bear drink that children love to drink."

Xiaobai took a mouthful of the straw, smashed it, smashed his mouth, narrowed his eyes, and kept saying it was delicious.

After taking a few sips, Xiao Bai Tong's shoes staggered, grinning and swaying to Zhang Tan's feet, hugging his thigh, and shouting, "I'm drunk, I'm a melon~~~"

Zhang Tan: "..."


"What are you doing?"

"When you're drunk, you'll vomit and stink."

Zhang Tan: -_-||
"Then you vomited all over my feet."

Xiaobai jumped up, jumped up and down, sat on the small stool and said, "Uncle, I am teasing you, goose goose goose."

Zhang Tan said amusedly: "You child is still pretending to be drunk, and tell you, don't provoke those drunks on the street in the future, they will beat people, and children will beat you too, you have to be careful."

Xiaobai heard the words, his face was tensed, and he nodded: "Shovel! My uncle poked like this."

(End of this chapter)

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