Daddy Academy

Chapter 864 Home (22)

Chapter 864 Home (22)

Liuliu is on the stage, holding a microphone, singing the mutant version of "Gourd Baby" intoxicatingly.

She sang, hilarious, twisted her buttocks, danced an inexplicable dance, and called her girlfriends to join her, but none of them were willing to go up and dance with her. Xiao Zhengzheng is a silly child, but Even silly kids know how embarrassing it is to dance in public.

Perhaps, only Lao Li and Lao Bai, who danced in the square dance, could have a sense of identity. Unfortunately, Liu Liu did not invite Lao Li and Lao Bai, although they were both present.

Lao Li was sitting by the edge of the grove, watching her sing and dance with a smile while making tea. It seemed that he was really of the same kind, but in fact, his private evaluation was that what the hell was singing and dancing.

Lao Li thinks that the silly kid's dance that Liuliu dances is far from his square dance.His square dancing is both vulgar and elegant, while Liuliu's is just vulgar.

Liuliu always has honey-juice confidence, she doesn't care if others like it or not, she doesn't even care if she covers her eyes, she dances her own dance, sings her own song, let others talk about it.

"Malan flower, Malan flower... Calabash baby, calabash baby..." She sang like this, and the more she sang, the more she sang, and the two songs were confused.

Standing under the stage, Dudu stared wildly with his big eyes, and at first glance he was an overly clever kid.

Seeing that Lao Li was intoxicated by Liuliu's singing, she glanced at the sentry box, and under the cover of color, she slipped away from the pile of dolls and went around to the sentry box...

Recently, she has taken a fancy to a reclining chair that Lao Li newly bought. It is used for Lao Li to take a nap. It is late at night, and he can also lie down for a while.

Rocking chairs are no longer enough for him. As he gets older, his body will inevitably go downhill, so he has to face reality.

Dudu took a fancy to his new recliner and wanted to move it away.

Taking advantage of today's opportunity, he sprinted over and ran in a hurry, suddenly braked suddenly, and saw Xiaobai's uncle and aunt standing in front of him.

"Dudu, why are you going?" Bai Jianping knew this little guy, he was Xiaobai's best friend, and he was usually very close.

Dudu: "*...¥...%#¥%"

Bai Jianping didn't care what she said, and said to himself: "Don't go out, go back."

Dudu had no choice but to go back, and suddenly saw Liuliu on the stage singing Malanhua loudly, she was startled, aimed at Malanhua, only glanced at it, stood at attention quickly, straightened her small body, walked None left.

"Let's go, Dudu." Bai Jianping wondered how she stood at attention while walking.

"Ho ho ho ~~" Dudu laughed awkwardly, stepped forward again, waved his little hands, swished, and slipped away, not knowing where he went.

Liuliu, who was singing on the stage, was singing with great vigor, when suddenly she heard a small voice from under the stage.

"Xiaobai's aunt is here~~~~"

Liuliu first subconsciously looked for the person calling, but she didn't see it. The person yelled and then slipped away and disappeared.

Then, Liuliu thought of the meaning of this sentence, and immediately saw two adults standing outside the pile of dolls, one was Dabai, the other was...

Liuliu dropped the microphone without hesitation, turned around and ran off stage...

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai~~~good guy~I won't sing~~you sing~~~"

The little chubby girl quickly slipped into the classroom and hid, leaving behind the expressionless Malan flowers in the yard.

Malanhua originally came to reconcile with Xiaobai, but reality gave her a critical blow. Look, she came here casually, and someone sang Malanhua loudly. Who would believe that it had nothing to do with Xiaobai? ?

As the saying goes, when you find a stalker at home, there is no need to doubt that there are thousands of stalkers where you can't see it.

In the same way, when she came to the little red horse once in a while, she met Liuliu and sang "The Song of Malan Flower", so it can be imagined that when she was away more often, she must have been hung up by the melons. Mouth!
"Let's go back."

Ma Lanhua turned around and was about to leave, not to reconcile with Xiaobai, that melon boy, black ass, she really wanted to give her two earwax.

"Don't, don't." Bai Jianping hastily persuaded him to stay.

"Climb away!"

Ma Lanhua only said one sentence, and Bai Jianping moved out of the way embarrassingly, but he still persuaded with kind words, saying that girls and villains are difficult to raise, so little girls are the most difficult to raise.

Malanhua almost gave him earwax!

"Why do younger brothers and sisters just come and leave?" Lao Li asked curiously.

Ma Lanhua glanced at Bai Jianping, brother and sister?Brother and brother?

She said that she thought that the stove at home had not been turned off, and she was anxious to go back and turn off the fire.

Lao Li had nothing to say, but Bai Jianping secretly told him that the fire in his heart had flared up, and it was blazing and could not be extinguished.

"Sister Ma, why are you leaving?"

Zhang Tan is here.

Ma Lanhua couldn't leave now.

Xiao Bai came out from behind Zhang Tan, and said with a smile, "Aunt~~ come to my house to play."

Under Zhang Tan's persuasion, she stopped being angry with her aunt and warmly invited her aunt to visit her new home.

Hearing Xiaobai said that her family was coming to play, Ma Lanhua was startled, as if taken aback, nana speechless, since when did Xiaobai have a new home of her own?

In Malanhua's conception, Xiaobai is still the Xiaobai before, the Xiaobai who eats and lives with them like her own doll.

Wherever the three of them go, there is home.

Pujiang is just a place for them to stay, and that rental house may be called a half home.

Now, according to Xiaobai, she has a new home.

She said she was so happy, because she really regarded this place as her own home.

In a daze, she followed Xiaobai to her new home absent-mindedly, and listened to Xiaobai introducing her to her by chirping like a little sparrow, saying what is there for here, what is for there, and the paintings hanging on the walls She painted it, she used the small toilet in the bathroom, the princess bed can sleep many dolls, this doll was bought for her by Zhang Boss, and that yo-yo car broke down yesterday...

There is also a beautiful piano at home, and Xiao Bai confidently played the song "Insects Fly" for her.

She has good fingers, she is so small, she looks like a kitten sitting in front of the piano, but she plays the music so smoothly and beautifully.

She had only seen children playing the piano so skillfully and tall on TV before, and never thought that her Xiaobai would be so good one day.

She sits in front of the piano like a little princess.

Malanhua is crazy.

At the end of the song, Xiaobai asked them if it was good.

Bai Jianping said it nicely.

Malanhua was in a daze.

Xiaobai asked again,
Ma Lanhua said slowly, it sounds good, it sounds good.

"Hohoho~~~" Xiaobai smiled triumphantly, saying that she can also dance with a sword, and ran to get her own wooden sword, vigorously, and played a set of swordsmanship on Ma Lanhua, Bai Jianping looked peaceful Malanhua was surprised.

Before they could digest it, Xiaobai told them that tomorrow she was going to sing and perform in the kindergarten, and asked her aunt if she could come and see.

 One more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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