Daddy Academy

Chapter 9 1 must be funny

Chapter 9 Must Be Funny
PS: Brother Xiaobai asks for a recommendation ticket

Watching Scar's cute apprentice Xiaobai's shoes, like a bunny, he quickly slipped away. Zhang Tan didn't understand what was going on, as if he was afraid of him. Didn't we just chat easily?Oh, millet is not easy, the whole process is afraid.

When Xiaobai said something like a machine gun just now, Zhang Tan was a little stunned. He replayed it three times in his mind before he understood. It turned out to be for Xiaomi's platform.

Zhang Tan picked out a movie at home and watched it on the sofa.Last time I picked a movie with a high rating, this time I picked a movie with a high box office, the rating is relatively high, and the box office is really high.

After reading it, it was already very late. Zhang Tan went downstairs and came to the activity area on the first floor. Some of the children had already returned to the dormitory to sleep, and some of the children were watching TV, sitting on their small chairs with their heads held high. Black pressure, Qi brush brush.

Xiaobai sat among these children, his big eyes were glued to the TV, and there was no other existence in his eyes.

Zhang Tan couldn't help but look at her a few more times, because she was too "arrogant".

I saw Xiaobai Children's Shoes with his left arm around Xiaomi and his right hand on Meng Chengcheng's shoulder, with a Band-Aid on his face, wearing Dazhonghua, and he looked like I was a big brother, which made people look at him.

Teacher Xiaoliu reminded her several times, but it didn't work, and seeing that she just looked like a big brother, not really a big brother, so I didn't see it.

Zhang Tan chatted with the staff a few words, and told the children not to watch the TV for too long. As a result, the staff turned off the TV and drove the children to sleep like ducks. All of a sudden, small milk noises were heard everywhere, and they protested. And a large part of them looked at the innocent him.

Zhang Tan: →_→

What do you mean?I haven't had time to leave yet!Doesn't this make the kids hate me? ?
Xiaobai stared at the TV that had been turned off for a few seconds, ran to the staff, and asked if she could watch it for another 5 minutes, or 2 minutes. She must know whether the little donkey will die, otherwise she will be able to watch it tonight. I can't sleep, my dreams are full of donkeys.

The staff looked at Zhang Tan with questioning eyes.

Zhang Tan: *&%¥#@
It's not enough for you to push me into the fire pit, you have to identify me with a loudspeaker!What does this make Xiaobai think of me?Just made up!

Sure enough, Xiaobai glared at him, rubbed his little milk teeth, pulled the staff to him, and asked, "Uncle, what time is this?"

He stretched out two fingers and dangled them in front of his eyes.

What does this mean?
Zhang Tan said, "2."

Say I'm 2? ?Fart Hei just canceled, and then came to a new nickname?
After confirming that Zhang Tan wasn't drunk, Xiao Bai felt relieved and begged to watch TV again. It would be good to see the little donkey alive, otherwise she would not live well tonight.

Zhang Tan said: "Then let's watch 5 minutes, and start the timer now."

He said to the staff again, "Bring the other children to the dormitory, I'll take care of them here."

10 minutes later……

Zhang Tan: "Five minutes came early, and it's been two five minutes now."

Xiaobai stared at the TV and said without looking back, "But the little donkey hasn't been rescued yet."

Zhang Tan is also watching cartoons. He is a screenwriter. If he writes, the little donkey will have to be rescued at least two episodes later, and he will only be able to get out of trouble after the children’s appetite has been whetted. How can it be so fast? A naive child like Xiaobai.

"Go to bed, go to bed, I'll turn off the TV, you can watch it tomorrow. Tell you, I've seen it, the little donkey is not dead, it will definitely be rescued."

After finally driving Xiaobai to the dormitory, Zhang Tan also returned to the room, sat back at the desk, turned on the computer, saw the boiled peanut in the bowl, pinched one, and peeled off the shell, revealing two full cooked peanuts. The aroma of peanuts floated to the tip of the nose, making people want to send it to the mouth.

He moved the mouse, opened a real estate agency, and checked the house prices on West Chang'an Avenue. Indeed, as the owner of the private kitchen said today, the house prices in this area are ridiculously high, and the rents are astonishing.

Zhang Tan browsed for a while, but didn't see how many houses for sale on West Chang'an Avenue.

Zhang Tan estimated that if he sold the land of Little Red Horse Academy, he would immediately be worth hundreds of millions, and he would no longer have to worry about the funds of the academy, nor would he have to worry about work, and could choose to live the life he wanted.

If he is passionate, he can write a script by himself, pull up the crew by himself, be the director by himself, do it, chase his dreams, completely omit the stages of starting and accumulation, and do it all in one step.Of course, I don't know if it will be successful or not.

Zhang Tan was very moved, the only concern was that the Little Red Horse Academy was left to him by his grandparents, and although he didn't know much about it, he could guess that when the two old men were still there, they cherished it very much.

Little Red Horse's late night school has gathered the efforts of the second old man.

Zhang Tan hesitated, didn't want to understand, closed the page and went to sleep!
Came to the company early the next morning, and a staff member brought a new script.

Zhang Tan opened it and saw that the script was called "Under Tianyu Mountain".

Zhang Tan's work flow these days is generally to read the script in the morning and hold a meeting to discuss it in the afternoon.

Others also received it. Jiang Rong, who was sitting opposite Zhang Tan, turned his head from the computer and asked, "Zhang Tan, what is the name of the script you received?"

Everyone doesn't necessarily read the same script. Sometimes everyone has one, and they are different, sometimes it is the same script, sometimes several people are the same, and others are different, so Jiang Rong will ask this question.

""Under Tianyu Mountain"." Zhang Tan said, "What about yours?"

Jiang Rong showed him the script in her hand and said with a smile, "What a strange script, this is the first time I have seen such a long name."

Zhang Tan was surprised to see: "This brave man is obviously strong but overly cautious"!
Isn't this the script that came with his resume? ? ! !
He thought the studio had forgotten about the script, and it looks like it's going to be evaluated today.

"I think this name is very personal, it's easy to remember, and it's very pointy, strong, and overly cautious, I think it's very interesting." Zhang Tan boasted silently.

Jiang Rong heard the words, thought for a while, then nodded and said that was true.

The scripts they evaluate do not have the author's name and are anonymous, so that everyone can open it up and don't have any concerns.

The script in Zhang Tan's hand also has no name, but after reading it, he feels that it is definitely written by an old handwriting, the plot is rigorous and logical, and it is very attractive.


Jiang Rong, who was sitting opposite, suddenly laughed, turned her head and said to Zhang Tan, "Zhang Tan, this script is so funny, so funny, do you want to watch it? This brave man is so funny, it's a serious kind of joke, you know. How did he hit a slime at the bottom of the biological chain?"

Zhang Tan was very enthusiastic.

"How did you fight?"

If you want to cheer, you have to work hard to the end, Zhang Tan pretended to think about it, and then asked: "Using a big move?"

Jiang Rong smiled and said, "I guessed something, but it's not accurate, keep trying."

Zhang Tan made a mistake twice, Jiang Rong couldn't help it anymore, and laughed loudly: "He actually gave his all, did you know that? He is a hero who was summoned to save the world, a peerless genius in the realm of the gods. Killing a slime takes all your strength, haha."

Zhang Tan followed and laughed twice, Jiang Rong said again: "You know what? He has to prepare three sets of armors when he fights with others, one to wear, one to spare, and one to spare, hahaha. Who the hell is this? It must be a joke."

Zhang Tan: ( ̄ェ ̄;)
Allows you to rearrange the language!

Zhang Tan didn't reply to her, and the others interjected one after another.

"Yes, yes, I am also reading this script, this brave man is going to make me laugh to death, I have never seen such a coward."

Another person said: "People are not called cowards, they are just too cautious. Who is this, what has he experienced."

Another person answered: "He is a person who is greedy for life and fears death."

"I don't think he is cautious, but he is definitely not a person who fears death."

"Isn't this called greed for life and fear of death?"


Jiang Rong also joined their discussion: "He's a funny guy."

"Which script are you talking about?" Someone joined.

Because he has his own script, Zhang Tan is looking forward to the evaluation meeting in the afternoon.

In the afternoon, after having lunch and taking a nap for a while, at two o'clock, the deputy team leader informed everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting.

Zhang Tan brought his laptop and sat down at his old seat. Jiang Rong sat on his right, and said to him in a low voice excitedly, "Finally, I need to know who wrote this heroic book."

Zhang Tan stared at her and thought, are you sure you want to keep calling this author Doubi?
The group elder, Liu, was the last to arrive, and he took a seat and said, "As usual, come here and talk about the script in your hands. Zhang Tan will come first."

He sighed first every time.

Zhang Tan was used to it, and he heard the words and said, "My script is called "Under Tianyu Mountain", and it's about... There are many advantages..."

After talking about a lot of advantages, let's start talking about disadvantages.

Jiang Rong whispered by the side: "There are three shortcomings."

Zhang Tan: "There are three shortcomings."

Jiang Rong glanced at Zhang Tan proudly. She was used to Zhang Tan's habit and wondered if he had obsessive-compulsive disorder. Every time he evaluated the script, he listed three shortcomings.

As for the advantages, there may be one or many, but the disadvantages are always three.

Zhang Tan continued to say: "The first one, the whole story is a bit boring, lacks novelty, and is a little boring..."

After finishing speaking, the group elder Liu asked again: "For these three shortcomings, tell me how to solve them."

Zhang Tan: "For the first item, I think a supporting role can be added. The main function is to activate the atmosphere. For example, pets..."

There are many such examples, such as Mushulong in the cartoon "Mulan". Because of the addition of this small character, this cartoon is much more lively and interesting.

There are such settings in many animes, not only anime, but also live-action film and television. Often, a funny character is set around the protagonist to activate the atmosphere, such as the fat man in "The Tomb Raiders".

After listening to the group elder Liu, he nodded noncommittally, and asked the three colleagues who also received the script to share their views.

After everyone finished speaking, he said: "I will feedback all the opinions you have raised to the crew."

"The crew?" Someone asked curiously.

Lao Liu nodded and said, "This is actually a project that the factory is going to start. This script was written by the screenwriter in the factory. I came here to hear our opinions and suggestions. You guys are all good."

Everyone was a little excited. This was the first time they encountered a script that they had evaluated to be put into use.

Old Liu: "Okay, let's continue, Jiang Rong, I see you are eager to try, tell me your story."

(End of this chapter)

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