Dad’s Science and Technology Martial Arts Museum

Chapter 861

Chapter 101 Yunxing


As soon as the voice fell, Chen Xuan immediately disappeared in the same place, no more traces.

Because Chen Xuan couldn’t be more aware that with this incident, his Thousand Chance Empire branch hall would surely be able to name the entire Central Star!

For a long time in the future, he can also expect that countless people will come to visit the museum every day.

In this way, Chen Xuan doesn’t have to worry about the profitability of the Thousand Chance Empire branch at all, just let Lei Mai and Xia Qian manage it slowly…

“If you are lucky, I believe that within a month, my branch will be able to earn 300 billion thousand purple gold coins for me!”

An Ran sat quietly in the Realm Shenzhou, even though the Realm Shenzhou took him to shuttle space, Chen Xuan couldn’t help thinking about the future: “Hey, look like this, I will soon be able to obtain a second super-universe-level secret technique! ”

“I don’t know what kind of power that secret technique has… I really look forward to it!”


In this way, time keeps passing by every minute and every second.

At this moment, the Realm Shenzhou had already taken Chen Xuan and left the star field where the Thousand Chance Empire was located, and entered a “desolate star field” with very few living planets.

Through the star map provided by the system, Chen Xuan quickly learned that there were only six elementary civilizations in this huge star field.

Among them, the one with the highest level of civilization is only the third-level elementary civilization, which is extremely weak.

However, Chen Xuan also knew that this was a very normal thing.

Generally speaking, the surrounding world of a powerful higher civilization will be extremely “desolate”, and there are very few other civilizations.

Because that powerful world of higher civilization can easily conquer all surrounding civilizations!

Either be enslaved or completely slaughtered… In short, it is almost impossible to rise up around a powerful higher civilization world.

As for these six weak elementary civilizations, Chen Xuan can probably figure out why they can “survive” – ​​they are too weak, so weak that even the Thousand Chance Empire doesn’t bother to take care of them!

This is like a billionaire who will not pay attention to a business that costs thousands of dollars a month…

“Anyway, idle is idle, just go to these elementary civilized worlds, relax, increase your knowledge and knowledge, it is also good!”

After stretching his waist, Chen Xuan quickly made a decision to travel alone in these fragile and elementary civilized worlds.

After all, during this period of time, due to Zhao Liuli’s relationship, Chen Xuan has been putting pressure on himself, and his nerves have been very tense. He really needs to relax…

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan quickly descended directly into the nearest elementary civilized world and began to travel around…


For nine days in a row, Chen Xuan traveled through five elementary civilized worlds, making his spirit much more comfortable.

And on this day, Chen Xuan successfully arrived at the last elementary civilized world under the control of the Realm Shenzhou.

Here, the name “Lingyunxing” is a second-level elementary civilization.

It is completely conceivable that everything here is far from the human world.

Based on the information provided by the system, Chen Xuan knew that Lingyun Xing was roughly equivalent to the Republic of China, where he was in his previous life. Industrialization had just begun and wars were frequent.

As for the development level of martial arts, it is naturally quite backward.

Looking at the entire Lingyun Star, there is no warlord level, let alone the God of War!

Even people with low-level martial artist-level physical qualities are rare…

“The development situation here in all aspects seems to be similar to the previous elementary civilized worlds, and the language and culture are almost the same as our human world.”

After reading all the information, Chen Xuan smiled slightly and said, “Well, you can go and take a look around…”

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan immediately put away the territorial divine boat, turned it into streamer, and dropped straight to the ground below.


After an instant, Chen Xuan found that he had landed in an elegant manor.

Looking around, I saw small bridges, running water, rockeries, stone tables, etc., and so on.

“Oh? This should be the kind of big family, right?”

After murmured something like this in his heart, Chen Xuan urged the fourth-level electromagnetic force to control the electromagnetic wave to affect the visible light, causing himself to enter a “stealth” state that is not visible to ordinary people.

Of course, this kind of invisibility is absolutely impossible to compare with the invisibility of the quantum cloak.

The reason is very simple. Chen Xuan only controlled the visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum to prevent him from being detected by ordinary people’s eyesight…

Some other detection methods, such as the force of heaven and earth, heat and temperature, infrared, etc., can easily find his trace.

However, in such a backward Ling Yunxing, Chen Xuan didn’t have to worry about someone discovering it.

“Let’s stay invisible first, lest people find out that I’m some kind of flower-picking thieves.”

In this way, the “invisible” Chen Xuan, with his hands on his back, was about to leave the manor leisurely and wander around on the street.

But not long after he left he heard shouts from a short distance:

“Give me a solid foundation!”

“If you can’t hold back for half an hour, how can you learn martial arts!”

“The sweat you shed today is the foundation of your martial arts!”

“The more sweat, the stronger the foundation, and the more intensive kung fu can be practiced in the future!”


Hearing this, Chen Xuan raised his brows immediately, and said in secret: “It seems that they are teaching people to sprint horses over there?”

Chen Xuan, who was aroused, immediately swept himself and went to the direction of the sound, ready to see what happened.

As Chen Xuan had judged, he soon saw a group of seven or eight teenagers, under the guidance of a powerful middle-aged man, carrying out the most basic martial arts training in martial arts.

The sun is a little bit venomous.

On the backs of seven or eight teenagers, there was obviously a lot of sweat oozing out, making a large area of ​​the clothes wet.

However, these teenagers, without exception, are clenching their teeth and insisting, and all of them have extremely firm eyes.

“Although their horses are rigid and non-standard, but… this spirit is rare!”

After watching for a while, Chen Xuan secretly commented: “Compared to those children in our human world, these teenagers are indeed more able to endure hardship!”

“This, I’m afraid it is the so-called’forced by life’, right?”

“In such a civilized world where wars are frequent and relatively backward, martial arts training may be the only way out for this group of children!”


While muttering, suddenly, Chen Xuan glanced, but noticed that behind a rockery not far away, there was a little girl who was peeking at the middle-aged teacher Zha Ma. I want to talk to more like-minded people about “Daddy’s Science and Technology Budokan”, WeChat pays attention to “Excellent Literature”, read novels, talk about life, and find friends

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