daily drama

Chapter 10 Fruit Hard Candy (recommended ticket!)

Chapter 10 Fruit Hard Candy (recommended ticket!)

Duncan's house.

"what happened?"

Seeing Emmet's look of contempt, Adam said righteously: "I am also a human being."

Well, human beings can't escape the law of true fragrance!

"Adam, I find you've changed a lot over the years."

Emmet looked a little complicated.

"People always change."

Adam didn't change his face, "You've changed" and "You've grown up". He has heard frequently since he crossed over. The nervousness and anxiety at the beginning have long since disappeared, and they are all praises.

Although Duomeng looks very positive and fun, but it's looking at others, it's really his turn, it's better to be normal, anyway, his appearance is ordinary, even if he's not stupid, others will still think he's cute.

"Juno, if I'm going to play rock again, how far do I have to play to show what I call leadership?"

This is the huge difference between Eastern and Western cultural thinking. Adam also knew that American students value extracurricular activities, but subconsciously took Sheldon and Leonard as the coordinates, so he didn't care that much, but now listening to Juno's analysis, this is the only way Suddenly found that he is not Sheldon, Leonard, at least not become a genius like Sheldon and Leonard in a short time.

Not that kind of genius, and if you want to follow the growth trajectory of a genius, you will definitely fall into trouble.

"All club activities should choose what you like, because only if you like it can you continue to invest a lot of energy, and only by perseverance can you achieve something, go further and higher in club activities, and develop to the point of leading your peers, this is leadership."

Juno explained patiently: "You liked rock from the beginning, your rock is good, and if there is no better choice, continue to form a band to play rock, participate in various competitions and activities, and strive for some honors for the band. As the lead singer of the band at that time, it is naturally a plus."

Adam nodded slightly.

Although the predecessor was cute, it not only left him with an unremarkable appearance, but also allowed him to inherit a good voice and rock technique. In my memory, the predecessor was arranged by the school to be the host DJ of the school dance soon after, and he even pulled him in. Sponsored, when Dad Deworming Company re-advertised to find a new song, the predecessor also tried it. Although the lyrics made people speechless, they were accepted after all.

In addition to the encouragement of Dad Bob, the appearance and voice of the predecessor still have merit, otherwise Bob would not dare to use such a big event for his son to practice.

After realizing that he had to choose an extracurricular activity as a bonus for applying to college, it would be foolish for Adam to give up this kind of foundation and specialty.

"That's it!"

Emmett excitedly said: "You shouldn't disband our band, PJ and Dynamic Band are on the line again, yes!"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Adam waved and interrupted: "Emmett, don't get excited, even if the band is to be reorganized, the names of PJ and Dynamic Band can't be used, because I'm Adam, not PJ!"

"What happened to PJ? It's very similar to DJ, I think it's good."

Emmett pouted: "You are PJ, I am Dynamic, perfect!"

"How about adding me?"

Juno interjected: "Actually, I also play rock and roll, and I play bass guitar, just in time to be your bass player."

"No problem at all."

Because getting along with Juno is likely to increase wisdom, Adam nodded in agreement without thinking, and spread his hands to Emmet: "Now that Juno has joined, we can't still call PJ and the dynamic band?"

"Can she do it?"

Emmett looked disgusted. In his eyes, rock bands are the romance of men, and girls should applaud them crazily in the audience. Of course, it would be better if 'become' and 'become'. Add a girl to the band. what happened?

Adam didn't answer directly, but just gestured to Juno with his eyes. Juno understood, got up and went to Adam's instrument, opened the guitar case, took out Adam's guitar, and played it skillfully.

There is a saying in the East: Cang Lin knows the etiquette when it is real, and knows honor and disgrace when they have enough food and clothing.

The United States in this era is the era when the peak of national strength is about to dominate the world. The developed economy and sufficient materials make the United States look like the prosperous Tang Dynasty in the East a thousand years ago. After the people have solved the basic food and clothing, they pay more attention to spiritual enjoyment. Art such as music is typical.

Nerds such as Sheldon, Leonard, and the others all know one or two musical instruments. Even if they don't, the most basic art appreciation is almost universal.

Juno doesn't just play rock and guitar, she's an expert at it.

"Oh, damn it!"

As soon as the expert made a move, he knew whether there was any. When Emmet heard it, he suddenly burst into a foul language: "She's really good!"

"Can I join?"

Juno released his palms, let go of the strings, and smiled mischievously.


Adam looked at him deliberately.


Although Emmet is a little reluctant, he still understands the wink. Adam made it clear that he wants to play with Juno. Before it was replaced, he would definitely stop it, but now Adam has become a guy of the opposite sex and inhuman. God knows if he will not. Will do the bastard thing that made him quit for Juno's sake.

"Then what should we call it now, a two-man-one-girl group? Hey, that's a pretty good name too..."


Adam and Juno objected in unison, and the name Emmett was not only vulgar, but vulgar.

"Why don't you call the Hard Candy Band?"

Adam thought for a moment, caught a glimpse of Juno's red hoodie, and blurted out.

"Hard candy?"

Emmett looked strangely: "We are hard, Juno is candy, good name! Hehehe!"

"Cough, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

Facing Juno's strange gaze, Adam's scalp was numb, and he regretted his rashness. What did he say?

This is the reason why he has always suspected that Juno has another identity.

Fortunately, in this era, the word hard candy does not have the special meaning that the later generations refer to, at most it is associated with the literal meaning like Emmett.

"It's a good name."

Juno smiled suddenly, and seemed satisfied with the name: "Adam, you are quite talented."

"haha, really?"

Adam laughed dryly: "As long as you like it."

"It's called fruit hard candy!"

Emmett was excited. Seeing that Juno did not object, he was even more excited than Adam, the lead singer of the band. He waved his hand and seemed to make the final decision: "I am the drummer and backing vocalist of the band, Adam is the lead guitarist and the lead singer of the band, Juno is the lead singer of the band, and Juno is the lead singer of the band. Bassists, we're definitely going to surpass PJs and Dynamics in the past, and we're going to make it to the next level."

"Maybe we still need a keyboard player..."

Adam suddenly had an idea.

A combination of two people can be called a band. For example, Adam and Emmet before, one is the lead guitarist and vocalist, and the other is the drummer backing vocals. This is the minimum version.

But to be a little more professional, at least four people, such as Juno's self-recommended bass player, known as the soul of the band, can play a key role in enhancing the performance of the band.

In addition to the bass player, it is best to have a rhythm guitar player or keyboard player to enrich the variety of timbres, plump the harmony effects and make up for the lack of sound range.

And Adam just knew there was someone who was perfect for being a keyboard player...

(End of this chapter)

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