Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 18

So, crazy voices. It seems Yor has told me guys are not just voices of my imagination. Care to introduce yourself? No? Silent still? Alright, I can't do anything about it.

Moving on, I guess I'll continue to explain my situation to you guys. After all, that's the only thing I can do for the most part.

Anyway, I'm on my own, just reading a new glowing book since my Perfect Timing said so while Nyarla and Yor are taking a bath together. I'm willing to bet they are talking about random things, and at the same time, Nyarla is trying to get Yor to leave and Yor is trying to get Nyarla to let her stay. I'm not going to take part in that, or for that matter, I don't even have the right to be involved most of the time, even if the subject is about me.

On the bright side, Yor doesn't have any desire to kill me for the hell of it and took a liking to me instead. No idea if that's good or bad, it could be both when dealing with eldritch beings. Also, I learn that Yor doesn't hide her thoughts and willing to speak them out, whether they are nice words or not.

She even outright told me she had thought about fucking me because Nyarla fucked me. I'm pretty sure it's because no one could keep her up and want to see if I could keep up with her. Or, as dreadful as the thought is, she might have killed off her sex toy by accident, so she needs to find a new one, and suddenly, I just happen to appear at the right time.

I'll stick with calling you guys as crazy voices because that's what I've been calling you guys up to this point. Unless you tell me otherwise, we'll stick with that name till then.

Let me tell you this new cheat I'm about to gain today. As of today, I haven't obtained any new cheat. So no major headache is forming anytime soon; however, that may change after completing this glowing book. This cheat I'm about to obtain is way more than I could imagine getting.

This cheat has made it, so I become the legacy of Yukari Yakumo, the legendary youkai with the power to manipulate boundaries and one of the youkai sages who created Gensokyo. Often called the 'gap youkai'. She is remarkably youkai-like youkai who spends most of her time sleeping and relaxing. However, she is brilliant and aware of most things happening within Gensokyo.

Overall, she is known to be overpowered if she isn't limited to certain worlds' logic. Otherwise, going by her powerset alone, aka manipulating the boundaries fully without any limitations, she is godlike. In addition, I've also gained her lifetime experience, which also comes with the downsides of her weaknesses.

Becoming quite lazy and rarely fights seriously, the Boundary Manipulation can sometimes be overpowered or considered insufficient to reach certain areas instantly and vulnerable to spiritual damage.

Of course, this isn't permanent; the weaknesses, I mean, can get out of that habit through practice.

Well, which version of this Yukari Yakumo I inherited is damn overpowered and extremely dangerous because the memories of the lifetime belong to the Gap Youkai. Includes lots of bloody battles and wars, lots of wars and deaths. Holy shit, I can see Yukari perform complex plans using the bare minimum of her Boundary Manipulation to slaughter an army of powerful youkai and other species.

How the fuck did the Boss manage to get this?! Or, for that matter, is this version of the Gap Youkai even alive for me to inherit all this?! I am so damn confused by this cheat; that is literally a cheat among cheats!

"Oh, that's a good one you got there." Yor appears next to me, leaning over my shoulder to see the glowing book I've just recently finished reading and obtained the legacy of the Gap Youkai. "I remember fighting her before. She was a challenge to face with how she can make it impossible to touch her, let alone defeat her in a fair fight."

Does that mean Yukari is dead?

"Oh, she is no longer part of the life and death concept. She simply exists and does not exist at the same time now." Yor replied, looking at me with a smile. "I wonder how far you can go with this powerset."

I'm pretty sure I won't be close to the peak of Yukari. If anything, I'd barely scratch the surface.

"Well, I can't blame you for thinking like that. I have seen many similar powers like the Gap Youkai but fail to meet the same level as hers. If anything, they would die before the Gap Youkai due to experience and mastery." Yor giggled, which I would find cute if I didn't feel another chill going down my spine. "You better get used to this because now I'm here; chances are, my sister would cause you some problems too. Well, more than usual. By the way, you can speak without having to think the whole time as a way to talk to me. I'm not going to kill you or anything for speaking out of turn."

I don't know if this is a trick, but I'll keep my mouth shut until I'm forced to speak.

Yor caress my cheek, making me feel her soft hand.

"As I said before, there is no need to do that. It's not like I have any reason to harm you." Yor said softly, trying to look gently as possible.

You don't need a reason to cause my death, for that matter. You can just kill me now, and the Save Point'd revive me, and there's a high chance of you being there to kill me repeatedly until you get bored. If anything, you can make up for any reason, which wouldn't change much. The only reason why I'm alive is that either the Boss or Nyarla would be pissed at you for killing me, or my other guess would be I'm too much of entertainment for you to kill.

"You have such depressing thoughts, you know that, boy toy?" Yor frowns a little but continues to caress my cheek.

But am I wrong, though?

"I'd say no, but we both won't believe that. So you're correct in a way; however, I truly have no reasons to harm you or need to come up with one." Yor smiles again.

"Hey! Back off; he is mine!" Nyarla appeared and sat in between Yor and me. Then, she shoves my face into her breasts, most likely glaring at Yor right now.

"Really, little sister? I was having a nice conversation with your toy here." Yor said in a hopeless tone. As if she couldn't make Nyarla see her point of view. "Even your boy toy here knows you're being unreasonable right now."

Hey, could you not bring me into this? I don't know if Nyarla can read my mind, but I'm 90% sure she doesn't, but that doesn't mean I want to get involved in this whole thing. Cheats or no cheats, even the one I've recently obtained, wouldn't be enough to protect my life. Thank you very much.

"See, even Jin here doesn't want you here." Nyarla replied firmly, and I bet she is looking at Yor smugly now.

Also, that wasn't what I said, and thank you for confirming that you can read my mind, Nyarla. Seriously though, can you girls not get me involved? I'm just a simple caretaker/toy. No idea if I was a caretaker in the first place.

"Either way, I'm sticking around and won't it be better to share your boy toy with me, so I can get bored with him instead of having me continue trying to get my hands on him?" Yor continues to persuade Nyarla. "Also, your boy toy will die from having his face stuffed by your breasts."

It's all good because I have a solution to solve this problem by changing the boundary of not being able to breathe with my nose and mouth blocked to be able to. Temporary, of course, because I still need to breathe normally afterward.

"See, Jin love having his face in my breasts." Nyarla said with pride.

"That one way to use Boundary Manipulation." Yor comment on my usage of not being suffocated by Nyarla's breasts. "But, I can't say your boy toy isn't quick on his feet to figure out the solution to his temporary problem. Anyway, Nyarla, you need to share him before I try to snatch him from you at some point."

"I will fight you." Nyarla promised. "Why should I share him with you? Didn't you have one before? What happened to them?"

"Dead. Like your previous ones. Mine continue to die even after I awaken. So you can see why I'm interested in your boy toy here." Yor explained, I could feel her gaze on me hadn't left for a second.

But, damn, I can't believe I'm the only one who survived so far.

"Trust me, you're special, boy toy. But you're not the first nor the last one. There have been others before you, but some didn't come out with a good ending. If anything, I'm curious how long you will last and your ending." Yor replied to my thought.

I'm not too fond of the way you phrase it like that.

"Anyway, Nyarla. You know the outcomes of this. How about we just save ourselves from all the troubles and let me have some fun with your boy toy, and I'll leave him alone to you afterward?" Yor resume tries to persuade Nyarla once more. "Don't say you will fight me because you might accidentally kill your boy toy in our fight. I'm not saying I will aim to kill him, but you're still in the process of fully awakening. So your powers aren't stable right now."

Nyarla must be thinking about it because I can feel her grip on my head loosen.

"Fine, but he mine whenever I need him. You can only get him whenever I'm free and not using him." Nyarla finally permitted Yor to use me.

Again, I'm not too sure about being treated like an object, but at the same time, I can't say my position isn't that bad. Plus, it could be worse with a painful death in the end.

"Well, you better accept it, boy toy." Yor said to me. "By the way, I'm getting hungry." Her stomach growled, and even Nyarla's stomach growled a few seconds afterward.

If you could release my head, Nyarla. I can make everyone food.

"Wow, he can even cook. Now I'm curious what else he can do while being with you so far, Nyarla." Yor mostly looking at me with even more interest, I bet. "Yeah, I am looking at you, and I haven't looked away once."

Okay, Nyarla. Anytime now, so I can cook us something.

"Why are you speaking through your thoughts instead of speaking out loud?" Nyarla asks me all of a sudden.

Er... Because of reason?

"He is too scared for his life for talking out of turn and speaking us through his thoughts as some sort of excuse to prevent one of us from killing him." Yor answered in my place.

Well, she isn't technically wrong there.

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