Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 28

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 28

It's morning, and the girls have yet to wake up on their own.

I haven't moved from this spot since then, which would make my body stiff after some time if it wasn't for Zetsu.

No, if I didn't have Nen at the beginning or anything toward healing my body and mind. I would be dead before a week in.

For one thing, I know I would have trouble if my mind became sluggish due to lack of sleep, which makes me an easier target to deal with. In addition, I would be too mentally tired to tell the difference if I see things that aren't there.

Also, having the Ten Shadows Technique and the legacy of Yukari made it, so I have enhanced Divine Dogs, multiple patrolling the inside of the apartment without me doing it personally.

"Jin... let me... in... Jiiiiinnn..." The annoying voice from outside is still there, and it knows my name.

Yeah, I'm freaking out, guys! This bastard hasn't left since it appeared last night. I swear on my life, which isn't much due to Save Point if I didn't have Zetsu. That damn creepy voice would've successfully frustrated me and become hot-heated leading to me running out of the apartment to kill whatever that creepy voice belonged to.

"Jiiiiiiiinnnn... Jinnn..."

And it's back to just repeating my name. It does this every thirty minutes.

I swear, if the annoying voice wasn't damn irritating, I don't know how annoying it just annoys me somehow. Maybe that is how it drives its victims into a fit of rage due to making its voice annoying. Anyway, I would have thought it be one of you, crazy voices. But I hear it outside the apartment, not in my head, which is a huge difference. I know the difference over the years of having you guys talking into my head.

Plus, you guys don't talk like that, either. Well, unless it's to mock something at the time.

Ah, something was killed outside the apartment upon entering my range of gravity barrier. This should be the ninth time now something is testing my defense.

I take another bite from the Newtonian Apple and triple the increase of the gravity barrier outside once more.

I glance at the wall clock. It's six in the morning, yet it's still dark outside. One of the proofs is that this apartment is in the Crawling Dreams' world. As it's always night in Crawling Dreams, but then again, this world might not be the exact Crawling Dreams. After all, Yor and Takamine are proof enough of that.

Eh, I'll just toss it up. This world is an AU of Crawling Dreams.

So far, none has broken through my first layer of defense, and the annoying voice seems to be specialized in attacking the victim's mind and being able to identify its victim somehow. I know it can't be by mind reading because the One Holy Spear protects my mind, even outside the mindscape.

So, it has to be done by something else. I don't know what it is, but as long I have Zetsu on and Delayed Effect together with Perfect Timing to use Lion's Heart. I will be safe for the time being.

Fuck, I can feel more dying under the gravity barrier. Look like the slow approach isn't working for them or trying to get me outside through that annoying voice.

I crack my neck, with a frown on my face knowing that this won't be a fun time. Fuck those battle manic. If I could, I wouldn't try to fight at all. Not because I'm scared for my life, which I am, but mostly because I've seen many getting into the fight so much that anything bad is bound to happen in the battle. All because these guys want the battle to keep going to give them the thrill of excitement.

I toss the Newtonian Apple up as I make it float so I can free my hand to snap my fingers, using the Boundary Manipulation on the girls to make it so they aren't affected by anything around them as long they are sleeping on the bed. Something I could have done early on, but I wasn't too sure if they would stay asleep for so long. So, now it looks like I have to.

Now, most people would stand at the apartment's front entrance and face the enemy before slowly being pushed back to the last room and making their final stand.

Yeah, I'm not going to do that and just let the Divine Dogs do their jobs.

I grab the Newtonian Apple, then take another bite, increasing the gravity barrier again as I can sense something slowly moving through the gravity barrier. That alone frightens me, and I take another bite to increase the gravity force.

At this point, I think I have increased the force of gravity by at least a thousand times now. Not a thousand timed the original gravity. No, I meant to multiply the previous increase, which means I didn't increase the gravy by 3 x original gravity, but 3 x already increased gravity.

It's good that this is the Boss' Newtonian Apple and not the original version. I don't think I can do something like this with the original version.

Another bite of the Newtonian Apple. I can sense more deaths outside.

I frown harder when I sense more are rushing into the gravity barrier.

See, even with all these multiple increases in the gravity barrier. These entities are still coming in for a few seconds. That alone proves that I have a 99% of death rate if I face them head-on. With the 1% being, I use all my cheats' strongest forms straight at the beginning the moment they bypass the Divine Dogs.

The grip on the One Holy Spear tightens as I sense something hitting against the apartment's front and back entrances.

Thanks to En and Boundary Manipulation, I can hear something scratching outside the apartment. But I can't see them at all. This isn't good, and I don't know what to expect.

I would gladly send the Divine Dogs out, but I'm too afraid whatever is outside can take the control out of my hands. Then I'll have to deal with the Divine Dogs coming after me, which is worse due to them moving through the shadow.

But I'm sure Zetsu would make it impossible to locate me, which is good because I can perform sneak attacks. That doesn't mean I would underestimate the enemy for thinking they can't detect me. Far from it, I know they would be able to detect me even with Zetsu, but it would take a second or two before they could detect me, and that alone is plenty enough for the Delayed Effect to take effect. Perfect Timing will make sure I take that little opportunity.

"Let... me... in..."

Has it already been thirty minutes now? Damn, times go by so far. Or, if anything, move faster! So the girls would wake up soon and the Boss would take action to deal with whatever was outside the apartment.

Crazy voices give me ideas on dealing with these things outside since it wouldn't be a surprise if the Boss made me do this task again. And yes, I know I won't be able to hear you guys, but maybe in the future. Hopefully, you guys still remember those ideas when we talk again or something close to talking.

I continue to stand my guard, ignoring the voice outside that's trying to influence me to let it in. Yeah, fuck that and whatever the voice belongs to.

Instead of a single bite, I take three bites in a row and increase the gravity barrier further to the limit I can right now.

Fuck! Crazy voices, bad news! Whatever outside is coming in stronger than ever! Even with the newly increased, gravity barrier isn't doing much now!

Oh, shit! I forgot there is a thing where entities can become immune to the changing effects of gravity.

Thinking quickly, I began using Delayed Effect on the apartment itself while using Perfect Timing to find the best moment to use the Divine Dogs to attack.

A snap of the fingers, using Boundary Manipulation to form multiple gaps inside the apartment but in Nyarla's place. Making it even harder for whatever is outside trying to break in to go through these gaps, leading to their deaths. Yeah, I've made it, so they step through the borderline of life and death, where they walk to their deaths. Literally.

I glance over to the girls, still asleep.

Damn it! Wake up already!

Crazy voices, if you can reach the Boss somehow. Persuade him to explain to me why this is a task! Or at least why it's so important to let the girls wake up on their own and why they must go to sleep simultaneously. I would like to know why since my life is on the line, even with Save Point.

Because if I die, then I'll have to repeat all this from the start, and I know this would increase the death rate due to a high chance that whatever is outside would sense the timestream changed by the Reset & Restart.

I grit my teeth and feel something nearly breaking through the apartment's front and back entrances.

Fuck! Crazy voices, I see razor-sharp claws between the cracks! Why claws?! Am I facing wild animals or eldritch creatures instead?! Both?! I feel like it's both!

Soon, the back entrance door broke down, and finally, whatever was outside stepped into the building.


I blank out for a split second, but lucky for me. I've created those gaps as these things didn't get in too far.

Crazy voices: I may be seeing things due to lack of sleep, but those razor-sharp claws belong to an ugly-ass green earthworm the size of an average cat. It has an eyeball inside its open mouth of multiple tiny hands instead of teeth and butterfly wings that just look weird on an earthworm.

They even have fucking legs! Human legs, hair ones...!

Yeah, this is why I blank out for a second.

Anyway, many of them come into the apartment and into the numerous death gaps I've placed for them to go through.

Forming more gaps to deal with the overflowing of these eldritch earthworm-like creatures and having the Divine Dogs begin fighting them off.

Through the help of other changes and the Stillness of the Object's Time. The Divine Dogs are winning, yet the numbers of the eldritch earthworm-like creatures haven't decreased. If anything, more and more of them are coming with no end.

What the fuck are these things, crazy voices?! Their eyeball is another fucking mouth as they try to bite the Divine Dogs!

Fucking hell! They DO have tentacles! But it's coming out of their eyeball-like mouth!

Oh, hell the fuck no! I am not going to fight these things personally!

I begin to summon more Divine Dogs to back up the one fighting off the eldritch earthworm-like creatures.

Was there something like this in Crawling Dreams?! I feel like there wasn't, but I'm not sure and can't use Invasion to search through my memory to find out more about these damned things!

Boss, please tell me the girls will wake up soon!

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