Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 4

Crazy voices! I'm in a dire situation right now!

I'm currently in bed with Nyarla—HOLD ON! Don't try to rip my head or anything. Let me finish before you decide to do something like that.

Okay, to recap what happened after having cheeseburgers with Nyarla. She ate a dozen for those curious enough. After an hour or so with Nyarla playing more video games, I took the time to organize all the glowing books into one spot instead of having them lying on the ground in random areas.

By the time I was finished, Nyarla had started getting sleepy and changed into her pajamas, a simple white dress that barely hid anything. She would give a good view of her boobs if one shoulder strap fell.

HOLD ON! I'm not done!

So, after she changed without caring if I was looking—AGAIN, HOLD ON! As I was saying, she got into bed and I asked if there was any spare mattress for me to use or an extra blanket and pillow. She giggled and told me I could sleep in the bed with her.

As many of you, crazy voices would understand, many would take this opportunity due to how naive Nyarla is, but those with the understanding that there is more to Nyarla than to the eye. So, I politely refuse for more than many reasons. But she didn't have it to the point she would even force herself to sleep right next to me on the floor.

Now, I can't have that. Especially when it's my job to take care of Nyarla, having her sleep on the hard floor wasn't good for someone back like her. I am still trying my best to ignore how someone with Nyarla's large breasts would have many back problems, but she is fine and dandy.

So I didn't try to do the whole cliche of arguing my case of why I shouldn't sleep in the same bed as her and just do it.

Fast forwarding, Nyarla is asleep and I'm not even close to falling asleep. Not because of any monsters taking this chance to show up while I'm sleeping away. It's mainly because Nyarla, while she is asleep, is now using me like a hugging pillow.

The bad parts? I can barely breathe with Nyarla shoving my face into her big boobie. It feels heavenly, but I need to breathe and live to enjoy them.

Oh? Some of you guys would rather not breathe while in my position. How about thinking long term instead of short term? For one thing, I could slowly develop a relationship with Nyarla and enjoy her large bosom with permission. Instead of being accused of sexual harassment, leading to many problems.

This would be the case if I were on a normal, mundane Earth. I'm here with Nyarla and a high chance of Boss watching my movement, daring me to do anything to give the Boss a reason to erase my existence.

Sure, I enjoy these breasts against my face for the first couple of minutes. But now I want them off my face so that I can breathe easier.

So, crazy voices. Any ideas? No? Well, okay then.

The night went by, and I would have been exhausted due to lack of sleep, but using Zetsu seems to work on mental fatigue too. Great to know now since I might not be able to sleep that often due to Nyarla. Also, I didn't have to worry about being hit by hostile intentions due to the effects of Zetsu by using the Delayed Effect to stop them from affecting me. I recovered more aura than I lost from using Delayed Effect.

"Hm. Morning." Nyarla mumbles, letting me know that it's the next day now. "Hehehe... You're still here."

What? Did you think I would have escaped while you were asleep in the middle of the night? I'm not suicidal.

Of course, I wouldn't say that to her.

"Morning, mind letting me go?" I mumble back, hoping Nyarla understood me, with my voice muffled by her breasts. "I need to use the bathroom."

Something I'm going to have to use more often until I get used to Nyarla, but I highly doubt I would get to that point. After all, I am a healthy man; well, more healthy than before, now I have Nen.

Lucky for me, Nyarla understood me. I head to the bathroom, which is larger than the bedroom, with a bathtub next to a large window to give one a good view of the outside. Of course, the bathroom is on the upper floor, making it hard for people to look inside the bathroom due to the height difference. Plus, there are curtains to block the outside view.

After taking care of private business in the bathroom and cleaning up the evidence, I exit the bathroom to see Nyarla still in her pajamas and playing video games.

"Are you not going to take a bath, Nyarla?" I ask Nyarla where I had made sure to take the chance to take care of private business before taking a bath. As for clothes, I just wear the ones I came here with and use Delayed Effect to make it, so my clothes don't become any dirtier than it already is until I get them clean or buy new clothes since I didn't prepare to bring anything else with me to this job.

"I will later. After breakfast." Nyarla gives me a silly smile.

"So, what do you want for breakfast? Got to be something simple because we didn't buy many things other than to make cheeseburgers." I pick up one of the glowing books to read on the side while making something for Nyarla and me to eat.

"Can I get cereal?" Nyarla didn't look away from the TV screen.

"I'll see what kind of cereal you have first." I said to Nyarla before walking into the kitchen.

"Aww, come on, Jin!" Nyarla cried out in annoyance.

"No buts." I respond as I look through the cabinets for any cereal Nyarla has been eating until I've come into the picture.

Okay, I think Nyarla might have eaten all of it already. Since I can't find any at all, so it's back to the fridge to check what's to use to make for breakfast. I remember there were some eggs and—never mind, there's only eggs and the leftover ingredients for maybe two more cheeseburgers.

I guess it's cheeseburgers for breakfast, then. Not really healthy, but there isn't anything else to eat. Other than maybe heading out to eat, I have no idea how much money Nyarla even has.

I pause for a moment, realizing that I have no idea how in the world I'm going to get paid in money or if I'm going to get paid at all. Eh, who cares, since I'll take reading those glowing books to gain cheats as payment. Best payment to get in this weird job if I think it like that.

Speaking of which, let's see what my next cheat will be.

I stop after seeing the first page. Then glance out of the kitchen to see Nyarla still playing her video game. I look at the pile of glowing books, checking to see if they were messed with while I was in the bathroom. I can't tell since they look all the same in my eyes, with the glowing making it nearly impossible to tell the difference.

I look back at the glowing book I'm about to read further. This cheat is from Food Wars, a set of superhuman abilities that significantly enhance the chef's culinary skills to an elite level. I get all of them, which is cool, but also some of them are quite weird.

I mean, Sadistic Dish? It makes food taste better the more I abuse it. Huh?

Another is Six Grills which allows me to cook 6 different types of meat the same way at the same time.

I wonder if Nyarla placed this book on the top of the stack for me to read first. Or if the Boss didn't like the quality of the cheeseburgers I made last night and wasn't up to the Boss' standards. But, the Food Wars' cooking effects! It would make things erotic!

Or maybe the Boss telling me not to cook?

I glance at the book, debating in accepting this cheat or a set of cheats, and make something amazing that would blow Nyarla's clothes right off. Now, that is a sight I want to see, but I'm afraid this is a huge test from the Boss in seeing if I have any control to choose not to accept specific cheat.

What do you guys think? Crazy voices? Any response? Nothing? Okay then.

As much I want to test out the Boss' version of this cheat that may or may not be stronger than in the canon. But I should aim for other cheats for the time being. So, I made a quick switch but placed the Food Wars' superhuman cooking abilities a bit further away from the stack of the other cheat books in case I ever changed my mind.

Now, let's check to be sure I didn't grab an erotic-type cheat and sigh in relief I didn't.

This new one is from Jujutsu Kaisen. No, crazy voices, it isn't Limitless, but the Ten Shadows Technique. Using shadows as an intermediary, this technique allows the user to summon 10 different shikigami.

Going into further detail, when someone inherits the Ten Shadows Technique, they receive 2 Divine Dogs. Other shikigami can be summoned with an exorcism ritual where the user must defeat the shikigami in order to make them submit. Once dominated, the shikigami are under the full control of their master and can be summoned using hand signs that create a shadow puppet of the respective familiar. The shadows act as the intermediary for the shikigami conjuration, reflecting the shape of the user's hand-weaved shadow puppet and manifesting the shikigami from tangible liquid shadows using cursed energy. After gaining more shikigami, the user can repeat the ritual process to exorcise and amass up to 10 different shikigami.

In addition to using shadows as an intermediary for shikigami, a Ten Shadows Technique user can also manipulate shadows to some degree. They are able to move physical mass in and out of shadows at will. This allows them to hide their body inside shadows, whether their own or someone else's. They can eject themselves from shadows at will as an effective means of surprise attacking their target. This same function can be used to store items within the user's shadow, but they must bear the weight of anything kept in there.

Yeah, I'm taking this, especially that last part. Shadow storage? Yes, please. I don't care about the whole weight thing since it could also be used as weight training.

So while I make breakfast, I'll make sure to study the Ten Shadows Technique and make it mine. Hopefully, I will gain the 2 Divine Dogs. It would suck if I didn't. But it should be possible to get them by performing the exorcism ritual.

What do you think, guys? Will I get 2 Divine Dogs after I obtain the Ten Shadows Technique?

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