Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 46

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 46

"Come on, Jin!" Nyarla looks at me with teary eyes.

"Isn't it fine since you'll be with us?" Yor give me puppy eyes.

"I will give you my used pantie." Takamine winks at me.

"I don't know what's going on." Octavia looks at the three dumbfounded.

You and me both, Octavia.

Okay, crazy voices, before we get to the late messages from you guys. Let me explain what happened while you guys weren't viewing my life from my point of view.

Other than the argument between Yui and Stella about me staying or leaving the Eldritch pantheon to join with the demons. Of course, I stayed, not that I would say it out loud, and because I would be stupid not to with how many benefits I gained from the Boss upon taking this caretaker job initially.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. The girls are hoping for us to visit fate's chosen ones. While Octavia has no idea what is a fate's chosen one is going by the confused look on her face. Something I did not expect with how she has been friends with the girls. Then again, I shouldn't expect her to know everything since this also applies to the girls. As they lack much important knowledge of many worlds, we have visited in the past.

Now, some of you crazy voices must be wondering or already know the answer by how crazy the girls are about why they want to visit fate's chosen ones of Familiar of Zero. I believe it's a 99% chance of the girls killing all the fate's chosen ones as a quick way to leave this world for the next due to having nothing to do in this world.

I don't know if that would work, but I would rather not take any chances. After all, I recall how I was told that after we leave this world, the fate of this world would reset everything to bring the plot events back in order once we leave. However, I wasn't told how long we would be allowed to stay until the fate of the world started causing more problems in order for us to leave.

In addition, I don't think the Boss would allow this to happen. As the Boss had already said, we have to stay here for a month before we're allowed to leave. I don't want to test the Boss' bottomlines at all.

"No. No, because I still have to be here for the others too. And I don't need your used pantie." I answered the order of the girls that spoke. Then look at Octavia finally, "You will know what's going on sooner or later. Just be patient."

"Aww, come on, Jin! Please?!" Nyarla clings to my left arm. Followed by Yor on my other arm. Then, Takamine pushes herself against me in the front.

Before Yor or Takamine can say a word, a cough from Yui from the side causes all three to freeze.

Thank you, Yui. You're a lifesaver.

"Come girls, you know better than that. How about we just resume watching some movies?" Yui looks at her daughters with disapproving eyes.

"Okay..." Nyarla pouts and slowly walk back to the middle of the living where many chairs are available for the movie.

"Sweet, what movie are we watching?" Octavia secretly sighed in relief, not realizing others noticed. This includes her parents going by the shared look they exchange with each other in silence.

"Ghost, create a working flatscreen TV or something for everyone to watch if you can. I need to check the journal in the meantime." I look at Ghost, floating near me in silence this whole time.

"Will do, Caretaker." Ghost replied, then created a flatscreen TV the size of nearly taking the whole wall, which floated in midair and began playing a random movie for everyone to watch.

Afterward, Ghost floats before me to project a holographic screen of the familiar small purple book.

Everyone, including Stella and Stolas are sitting next to each other. Yui sits next to Stella to have an easier time chatting with her. Octavia is stilling with the girls on the side. Like before, Nyarla is sitting on my lap, which she got looks from her sisters, which she ignored.

Okay, now that's taken care of. Let's see what messages you crazy voices have sent to me. Okay, it seems like there are seven messages are blocked by the Boss. I guess there are some things that you guys can't say to me. Weird.

Moving on, why is one of you crazy voices thinking that the first thing I open the Infinite Treasure Chest would be full of female goddesses' underwear? Although, there is a possibility of that happening, so I better not open the Infinite Treasure Chest anytime soon.

Ah, it seems one of you guys does agree with me about the Eldritch Gacha. No doubt something very bad would appear from that. Two other messages agree with me in not taking any chance of leaving with Stella and her family back to their world.

Hm. Why the hell would you guys think there would be a netori about the time Stolas groaned before? If anything, I'm surprised Stella didn't go for another guy and continue sticking with Stolas. Unless there is something like that already happened in the canon's background, I don't know of it. Nonetheless, I may or may not have misunderstood this message, but technically Stolas cheated on Stella in the canon series.

Huh, another message goes with that message but is blocked as well. Again weird.

And that's it, crazy voices. All messages are given to me, which I thought there would be more? Unless the Boss only counts the messages sent only during the time this temporary benefit is active, which was just recently. However, even then, I would have thought you guys would send me lots of messages compared to how talkative you crazy voices were in the past.

So that's all the messages I'm getting from you guys. I guess it's best I make sure no one else in this much larger group of seven instead of just four girls for me to care for during the movies.

Hours in, and it's now time for everyone to hit the bed. Not fun.

Why might some crazy voices ask? Well, there isn't enough 'space' in this tiny house, and no one wants to sleep in the basement with the hot spring, no matter how nice it is.

"I will not sleep in a small bed." Stella scowled, pointing at the bed closer to the wall where the flatscreen TV was floating.

"Stella, please. You should've already expected something like this bound to happen." Stolas sigh in frustration. "I'm pretty sure that bed won't even fit one of us, let alone the both of us sleeping in the same bed."

"Excuse me." I walk over, summoning Solomon's Gate out of my mindscape, and mumble a few words to cast the spell to increase the size of the bed. Something I should have done in the first place, but I was too busy making sure the others got their own beds as well. Also, having to deal with Takamine wanting to get a quickie before hitting the bed.

"Thank you, Jin." Stolas nods at me. "Now that the bed problem is fixed. Ready for sleep, Stella? Or do you want to throw more insults at me before we do?"

"I'm too tired to even come up with an insult for you, Stolas. Just go to bed." Stella grumbles, not bothering to change out of her clothes for something better to make sleeping more comfortable. She let out a long, satisfied sigh as she walked over to lie on the bed. Not bother to pull the blanket over her. "This bed and pillow. I want them."

"Is the bed that great?" Stolas look at his wife in disbelief.

"Oh, it's amazing. You got to try it. Especially the pillow. It feels like I'm resting my head on a cloud." Stella said calmly, not caring about the look of shock on Stolas' face.

I stare at this with a blank expression.

They needed a damn good bed, and Stella wouldn't be a bitch to Stolas. Crazy voices, can you believe it?

Maybe it's because the beds they slept in are just shit. Never had they slept on a comfortable bed in their life until now.

"O-Oh, wow. This is amazing." Stolas' eyes are still widened. He lay next to Stella, who didn't even move a muscle once he lay down so close to her. "Yeah... We need to take this bed home. As well as the pillows. We can't forget about the pillows."

"Do you happen to have the same type of bed as my parent?" Octavia watches everything from the start to the end, standing next to me in shock, but is more eager to test out the bed herself.

"I can." I replied, which just requires using the Survival Kit again. "Do you wish to sleep next to your parents, or would you rather sleep somewhere else?"

"Better if I sleep next to them." Octavia answered. "Mind handing me the blanket first? I don't feel like waking up so early due to the cold."

I toss the new bed Ghost generated, along with a pillow and blanket for Octavia, next to her parents.

I watched Octavia hold the blanket in her hands after I gave it to her, then carefully lie on the bed that fits her just right without the need to increase its size with magic.

In no time, the three of them fall asleep.

I shake my head at this, then walk upstairs to the second floor where the girls are.

As expected, I see all of them waiting for me, including Yui, where all of them are half naked. They were undoubtedly prepared to put all their clothes back on if I wasn't alone. So once they saw me alone without Octavia. The girls change positions to show off their private areas to make them look more sexy than they were already, to begin with.

I mumble a few more words in the unknown language to use the magic in Solomon's Gate to form a barrier around us to prevent any sounds from traveling to the sleeping avian demon family.

"Jin, don't think you will get any sleep tonight." Nyarla smiled at me as she took the rest of her clothes off.

"We will make it so you won't have the energy to do anything tomorrow." Yor spread her lower lips open to show her dripping wet she is.

"You better believe we'll keep going without giving you a chance to rest." Takamine smirked, tilting her head as her eyes narrowed.

"Sorry, Jin. I'm horny." Yui giggles, winking at me in the end.

I sweatdrop, wondering if the girls have forgotten I have the Ratio Technique to use on them like last time.

No matter. Dealing with Stella and her family has made me very stressed. So sex will for sure help me out.

"Well, let's see how long you girls will last this time." Before joining the girls in bed, I take my clothes off and prepare to make them all experience multiple orgasms until they lose consciousness.

With En, I was able to detect the girls, not including Yui, had begun to panic at how calm I was after hearing what they'd said.

Yup, I truly lucked out in having these girls to take care of instead of Stella, Stolas, and Octavia.

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