Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 1: The Meeting – Chapter 55

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 1: The Meeting - Chapter 55

Crazy voices; I think I might have hit the jackpot with Alchemy. Oh, sure, I need the Boundary Manipulation to support the demands for using Alchemy. But still, this is beyond, without a doubt, the best cheat to get at this point.

Oh yeah, it has only been an hour, and boy, that hour has given me enough time to experience all I could think of with Alchemy. With the main priority of stabilizing the girls' deadly sex drive and their mindset of causing destruction everywhere.

Sure, that's their nature, and so on. But I need a damn break! I don't care if it hasn't been a month into this job yet! It felt like I have been doing this job for decades now!

So that being said, I have created foods that would calm them down. Yes, in a way, I drugged their snacks, but it was not addictive, and I made sure it was super healthy for them. Well, healthy for their species.

Overall, the girls are happy and enjoying their food, slowly taking their time to taste the flavors. Even got them some drinks to go with their meal.

And yeah, if having Housekeeping Mastery and the superhuman abilities from Food Wars, together with Perfect Timing, wasn't crazy over the top already. Adding Alchemy just makes things complicated and straightforward.

In fact, I even added Senzu Beans because the girls love them for some reason. And yes, that includes Makima and Shouko. They absolutely love them. Funny enough, Ghost informed me at one point with Random True Fact that Senzu Beans, the ones I have, are well known throughout the multiverse for being very delicious and filling for non-humans. So there is that answer to my unspoken question on why the Nyarla, Yor, and Takamine went a little wild once they found out I have access to Senzu Beans.

So that's how it has gone for an hour since you guys last saw me live.

"These steaks are delicious, Jin." Takamine praised, then brought a bite-size cutout steak to her mouth with a fork to eat.

"I don't know what you did, Jin. But, keep this up, and I'll make sure Yor and her alter ego don't come near the kitchen." Yui tries to bribe me, ignoring the pouty Yor. "Oh, cheer up, Yor. At least with Jin here. We won't have to go back to eating nasty old tasteless food. Isn't that the main reason why you wanted to learn how to cook in the first place?"

"Yeah, I remember nearly dying when I tried your handmade food, Yor. Not fun." Makima said dryly. "Even poor Shouko here almost died if the teacher didn't quickly help her in time."

Wait, so it wasn't just Yor's alter ego being bad at cooking, but even the eldritch ego is too?! No wonder she had that shy look in her eyes when I was interrogating her at the time about her alter ego's cooking!

Also, wow, Shouko must have really trusted Yor enough to eat her food, or she didn't know then. I feel like it's mostly the latter to be the case.

"Hey, I'm still learning, and I even got my alter ego to learn whenever I'm asleep too." Yor pouts even harder.

"You do realize all of us have no talent in cooking, right? Even Nyarla and I had given up." Takamine point out, taking another bite from her steak. "Pretty sure. Mom here tried for a long time, but you can see how that ended for her."

"It's true after trying for a million years. I just stop. No talent whatsoever, and it seems my daughter had inherited this talentless of mine." Yui sighed in sorrow, but one could tell she wasn't bothered by this. Not going by the smirk on her face. "So, as always, Yor. Just focus on something else. It's pointless for you to continue trying to learn how to cook."

"No, I got to prove that one of us in this family can at least cook something." Yor rejected, showing she still wants to continue on the path of cooking.

"It has been a long time now. Unless you have made some improvement somewhere, I don't think you would be able to cook anything at any point in your life." Makima took her time cutting up her steak to bite size before eating.

I glance at Shouko, who doesn't seem to pay attention to her surrounding and enjoys her steak happily. And for any crazy voices wondering. Yes, this Shouko seems to make cat ears pop out of thin air whenever she enjoys something as her sign of happiness without speaking.

"And don't think I would be your test subject for a second. Those years are over." Nyarla points her knife at Yor, glaring at her, no doubt recalling those bad times she had to taste test Yor's handmade food without realizing how awful it was.

"Same with me. One time was bad enough. Unlike Nyarla and mom. I didn't intend to try a second, nor would I ever in the future." Takamine agreed with Nyarla on not being a taste subject. "Just leave the cooking to Jin here. He makes the best food we have ever eaten up to this point. And that's saying something since we had eaten so much delicious food during our time in school."

"Jin, how about you teach me how to cook?" Yor stares at me with puppy eyes, hoping I would grant her request.

I glance at the others. Yui shrugs her shoulders but continues to smile. Nyarla shook her head slightly. Takamine just raised an eyebrow at me as if she was saying, "Do you really want to do this?"

"Uh, I'll have to think about this more before deciding." I answered Yor's question while using Alchemy to check what price Yor would have to pay to be able to cook with zero talent in cooking.

And, oh boy, crazy voices. The price wasn't something I expected.

It turns out that Yor's talent in assassination and anything related to it makes it impossible for her to cook anything decent; well, more like edible. Funny enough, she can make Southern stew after practicing a thousand times or more. But only her alter ego could do so.

Anyway, the price for Yor's eldritch ego to cook is literally making it so her alter ego no longer be an overpowered assassin. Making her pretty much defenseless whenever her alter ego is in charge.

Of course, two other payment options are going by quantity: to capture a hundred million universes focused on cooking as its central theme to be exchanged. The other is quality: grab two people at the same level in existence as Yor's alter ego's talent in assassination, but for cooking. However, for Yor's eldritch ego, then the same thing, but on her level in existence.

"Actually, it might not be best for you, the eldritch ego, to cook." I've decided that it was for the best to inform her and everyone why she couldn't cook. Same with Nyarla, Takamine, and Yui. Including the price, she would have to pay to be able to cook.

"So wait, if that's the price for Yor. What about us?" Takamine asked. At the same time, we temporarily ignore how Yor looks extremely determined now. "If the price is something I can afford to lose. I might take it."

"I'm good. I rather continue to eat Jin's food." Nyarla snorts at Takamine for asking this.

"What? It's not like I'll always have Jin for the rest of my life." Takamine rolls her eyes.

"Technically, if things go as planned. Jin would be our caretaker forever and maybe more later on." Yui spoke up before Nyarla could start an argument with Takamine.

"Oh, if that's the case. Forget telling me the price. I'm all up for you cooking for us, Jin." Takamine drops the idea of being able to cook after so long of being unable to.

"It's a good thing we can cook ourselves. Huh, Shouko?" Makima smiles at her friend, causing Shouko to nod quietly.

"So, what's our plan after this?" Takamine asked everyone, but she was looking at me. "Are we going to stick in this world a bit longer or move on to the next one? I rather we just finish with the two months. Then we can freely move to other worlds without being so restricted."

I'm speechless that she would say that. Restricted? More like the Boss doesn't want you and your sisters to keep on killing everyone around you, mainly those fate's chosen ones.

Help me out here, crazy voices. Am I right, or I'm speaking nonsense here?

Something enters my En's range, then brings out the Knife of the Disgraced One from my mindscape and creates a gap, thrusting inside, pulling back, and closing the gap before the blood could spill over. All was done within a second, faster than most humans' eyes could detect.

"Someone trying to spy on us?" Makima asks me.

Everyone else continues to eat their steak, not bothered how I just killed someone. This includes Shouko, who didn't so much as blink and focus on her steak.

"Uh, I think so? I wasn't sure, but I felt the person's bad intentions upon getting closer and closer to the building." I replied, tossing the Knife of the Disgraced One back into my mindscape.

"It was one of little Shouko's suitors." Yui wipes her mouth with a napkin. "It didn't take long before people found Shouko's location and her reason for being here."

Shouko focused on her steak, not showing any distress or something upon hearing that one of her suitors had been killed by me.

"Does that mean besides taking care of everyone here? I got to deal with unwanted visitors because they are braindead to do something stupid in the name of courting Shouko's hands for marriage, or am I overthinking it?" I ask Yui since she seems to know more than the others.

"Well, kind of." Yui placed her fork and knife on her empty, dirty plate. "Right now, you're just dealing with the suitors that are very dumb without checking on who is who near Shouko, other than there is you, a man next to their beloved Shouko. They would do their absolute best to get rid of you; however, they aren't that powerful. So you can easily deal with them."

"Should I be concerned about the less dumb ones?" I find myself becoming annoyed and mentally tired upon hearing I got more people to deal with. Bad enough, I have to deal with the eldritch monsters trying to kill me because they just want to. Now, I got to deal with stalkers of Shouko that hate my existence for being near her.

"It shouldn't take the smart ones to find out the deal between the Eldritch pantheon and Heaven pantheon. Making them become cautious and take their time to plan a way to deal with you without causing the two pantheons to erase their existences." Yui said casually. "Plus, some would soon discover you touched their beloved Shouko. More so, having sex with her would surely drive them insane. They might not even care about being erased if it means taking you down with them."

Shouko's face turned red, but she kept quiet. Oh, so she was paying attention to the conversation. Also, fucking damn it. So I got to worry about people that were more intelligent than me that would do anything to get rid of me. Hopefully, before the dangerous ones appear. I have more cheats and godlike items to deal with them. If not already with my current set.

Crazy voices; how the fuck did my life turn up like this?

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