Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 11

It's the second day of Weiss' physical and elegance training. However, it must be interrupted for the moment.

"Greetings, Lord Caretaker of the Eldritch pantheon. I am one of the Messengers of the Hell pantheon." The Messenger bow to me.

The Messenger of the Hell pantheon is a humanoid with a tattered red cloak covering their entire body, revealing only their grayish face with red eyes, floating in midair and holding a sealed cardboard box.

The guy appears outside the window on the second floor of the building that Ruby, Weiss, and I have been using since we came to this abandoned place.

It's good that we finished our warm-up when the Messenger showed up.

"So, you have a message for me." I look at the cardboard box. "And is that for me?"

"Yes, Lord Caretaker." The Messenger hands me the cardboard box. "This is from the Goetic Prince of Hell, His Highness, Stolas. There is also a letter as well, Lord Caretaker." The Messenger reaches into their cloak and pulls out an envelope with a unique wax seal, and hands it over to me, which I take.

I held the box in one arm, broke the wax seal, and read the letter.

Dear Jin,

I hope you're doing well. Stella and I are doing better. However, there are problems here and there. But that is nothing new. I'm afraid I won't be able to visit you soon. Actually, that's why I'm sending this letter and I hope it reaches you some time. Hopefully not too long. The Hell pantheon's punishment for my family is that we can't leave our universe for a million years, which is a minor punishment. Thanks for the small mercy. Anyway, to cut things short. I've left you a gift for helping Stella and me with our marriage. Hope you love it.

Your friend, Stolas.

P.S. Drop by whenever you can. We'll make sure you have a good time in hell.

Huh, I did not expect to get anything from Stolas and his family. In addition to that, crazy voices. I think this was sent before I was separated from Nyarla and the others. Since he didn't mention once about them or how I was to leave them behind temporarily.

"Excuse me, Lord Caretaker." The Messenger draws my attention. "As payment, instead of the usual giving me a couple of humans. May I have these two instead?" The Messenger points at Ruby and Weiss, who stand aside and listen this entire time. "They have such... delicious bodies, I can't help but notice. One drives my sexual urge crazy, while the other makes me want to dominate her in more ways than one."

Ruby and Weiss came up behind me, holding each other.

"No." I snap my fingers, opening a gap above the Messenger, and a dozen random rapists fall at the Messenger, which they move to the side to avoid being hit. All of them are injured from the harsh landing.

"Are you sure you can't reconsider this?" The Messenger didn't even look at the injured rapists on the ground.

"No." I repeat myself, narrowing my eyes at the Messenger, who is undoubtedly from the Lust Ring in Hell.

The Messenger stays silent for a second before slowly floating down and picking up all the rapists, then start eating one while shoving the rest under its cloak.

Okay, scratch that. This guy might not be a demon of the Lust Ring after all.

Carefully, I kept an eye on the Messenger as Ruby and Weiss grabbed the back of my jacket. Too scared to say a word, but also too curious for their own sake, they glanced over the side to see the Messenger finish picking up all the rapists, then a crimson magical circle appeared underneath, and a burst of fire appeared for a few seconds. It leaves no trace of the circle and the Messenger is gone.

"Should we be worried?" Weiss asks me quietly as if she were to speak too loudly. The Messenger would return.

"We should be safe as long as we have Jin with us." Ruby answered in my place. "But for our protection. I'll make an extra effort to sacrifice more and hope I get something good."

"By the way, what's in the box?" Weiss looks at the box I'm still holding with one hand. "And should you open it? It could be dangerous. For Ruby and me, I mean. Should we be anywhere near you before you open it?"

"It's fine." I said to Weiss, but in fact, I had to double-check with Perfect Timing. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare open anything, even if it came from someone I knew.

I toss the letter into my shadow for safekeeping, then open the box and see what's inside. Ruby and Weiss lean over to see as well.

"Is that just a glove?" Weiss narrows her eyes.

"It looks cool, though." Ruby said this, but she didn't touch it. "Does it do anything?"

"If I guess right. This is the Gokon Tekko. A device used by shinigami to forcibly remove souls from bodies." I answer. I stare at the red fingerless gloves with a large emblem of a skull shrouded in blue flames on the back. "You can use this Weiss as your temporary main weapon. I'll teach you how to use it for combat later." I pick up the glove, notice it's for a right hand and hand it over to Weiss while using Boundary Manipulation to change its color from red to white, leaving the emblem the same. Matching Weiss' theme color.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to take this? Isn't this something for you?" Weiss accepts the Gokon Tekko, but she doesn't put it on. "Besides, isn't it rather dangerous? Being able to remove someone's soul from their body?"

"There are much more dangerous things than removing someone's soul. And remember, it's removing the soul, not killing them. So if the person's soul isn't harmed and their body isn't damaged, they can technically return to their body." I explained to Weiss, who slowly nodded and carefully put on the Gokon Tekko. It fits just right.

"How do I even use this? Do I punch the person?" Weiss looks at the Gokon Tekko on her right hand. "And if I were to remove the person's soul. Can I push their soul back into their body or touch their soul? Would I be able to see their soul?"

"Just touch the person with the hand that is wearing the Gokon Tekko. You can punch them if you want. You should be able to touch their soul as for being able to see souls. Good questions. We need to experiment to see if you can see souls while wearing the Gokon Tekkon." I answer Weiss' questions.

"And if you can't see souls, how about I sacrifice the glove for something better?" Ruby stares greedily at the Gokon Tekkon on Weiss' right hand. "Maybe we can get something that much more useful for you to use, Weiss."

"Uh." Weiss leans back a little. "I don't think that's a good idea. After all, this is a gift from Jin's friend. It would be bad if they found out it was sacrificed. Bad enough, it's given to me when it should be used by Jin."

"They wouldn't care." I throw the empty cardboard box into my shadow. Who knows if the box itself was made something from the environment in Hell? It would be dangerous if I were to leave it lying around for someone to pick up and discover how unordinary it should be. Or I could be overthinking this, but it is better for my peace of mind.

"Well, that's over with. I'll go back to making more sacrifices. Unless we're going to do some exercises first?" Ruby looks ready to jump out the window, searching for something or someone to sacrifice.

"Exercises." I smile at Ruby, who sulks at not being able to do her daily search for victims. In comparison, Weiss groans as she is about to enter a world of pain again. "But, since someone came to interrupt our schedule. I'll change it up."

Ruby and Weiss look confused, then collapse to the ground the next second, panting heavily. As to why this happened. I just used Boundary Manipulation to make it look like Ruby and Weiss were doing an intense workout for hours with no risk of injury whatsoever. All done in a second.

I made a colossal mistake, crazy voices.

The idea was to let them do the typical workout that they would normally do for hours instead of the span of a second, with a short break after their body had been hit with such a heavy load. They can do something else because they've done their workout for the day. I didn't think about how their bodies would immediately become very sweaty. Both of them were drenched in sweat, and they weren't wearing their normal clothes. But, gym outfits, and yes, those sexy kind of gym outfits that would drive men and some women crazy just looking at them wearing such outfits. Especially for those with a sweat fetish.

I don't have a sweat fetish. But the way they moaned in exhaustion that sounded too sexual gave me a massive boner. I blame Lucky Pervert.

"Well, while you two are resting. I'm going to read a book. I'll leave these for you when you can move." I walked over to them and set down two sodas from the Opened Can of WellCheers, and then I moved over to the side and sat down in the Supreme Relaxing Chair.

Neither Ruby nor Weiss said anything, too busy catching their breath. Again, they're moaning so sexually it's driving me crazy. I could use Boundary Manipulation to make them rest for hours. But I have many, MANY reasons not to. Reasons I am not going to share with you guys.

With the help of Perfect Timing, I started reading a new glowing book to get a new cheat. It has been a long time since I last read one. Now that I think about it.

Anyway, back to trying to get my mind off things.

Supernatural Trainer is the name of the new cheat. The power to instantly teach all targets martial arts, academics, and superhuman combat techniques such as incredible strength or the ability to jump extreme distances. All through any training method, whether it's a stupid one that shouldn't work or a highly complex one that should take too long and a lot of resources. Anything is possible to get the results, as long as the Supernatural Trainer ensures the targets know the end goal for all the training they will undergo.

Well, it looks like I can either make it easy or hard for Ruby and Weiss from this point on. I was going to make it easy initially and slowly make it hard for them over time. But with the Supernatural Trainer, everything changed.

I look over the edge of my glowing book to check on Ruby and Weiss. Yes, they are still exhausted and moaning. A lot of moaning. Well, back to reading and trying to ignore my boner, or maybe getting Weiss to relieve me later if she feels up to it after she finishes resting.

All in all, it's just another normal, average day for me.

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