Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 2: Learn, Adapt, Kill – Chapter 13

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment. 

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies. 

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners. 


Arc  2: Learn, Adapt, Kill - Chapter 13

Brush your teeth, take a mouthful of water, and swirl it around your teeth and mouth. Spit it out and kill the grimm behind you.

Ruby uses Suzumebachi to kill a grimm with a quick finger stabbing twice in the grimm's torso in less than a second.

Weiss uses Cinderella-based Magic to split another grimm in half with a quick kick to the head.

On the other hand, I used a classic Flame Alchemy from Roy Mustang, but without his iconic gloves. Thanks to the stupid use of Marble Phantasm, and without setting anything in the area on fire.

"You know, Jin. I still find it hard to believe what Ruby and I are able to do now. And it's only been three months since we left Mountain Glenn." Weiss shakes her head in disbelief. "And the Semblance you gave me is another thing that is just plain crazy. Sure, I wanted you to provide me with something that would help me become more versatile, like Ruby with her summoning, and I wait for the day to see what kind of Semblance you would give me. This is not what I was expecting at all."

"What's wrong with the Semblance I gave you?" I stare at Weiss with confused eyes. "If anything, many would love to have your Semblance." 

"That's the thing." Weiss grimaced, then let out a weary sigh. "Jin, you gave me the ability to redefine the properties of existing items, with the only limit being my Aura, and that's not even a problem at this point, thanks to your advice on making items that would increase my Aura capability. I can do so much more with my Semblance: Customization. Many would hold me captive, forcing me to make all sorts of items for them, and always keep an eye on me in case I try to escape."

"Don't worry, Weiss! Jin will never let that happen to you! He would make sure to eliminate anyone who does!" Ruby appears next to Weiss, hugging her with one arm and giving her a thumbs up with her free hand, smiling brightly. "Not to mention, you would easily break free of any prisons with your magic. These people would learn the harsh reality that you're no ordinary girl with an unlocked Aura."

Weiss rolls her eyes, "Ruby. You should remember that there are types of people who have Semblance that can also seal away another person's Semblance. Moreover, they could cause the person to be in the same state as those who have not yet unlocked their Aura. So sorry if I feel paranoid about those who come near us."

"Nah, you made a valid point. But, you keep forgetting something." Ruby continued to smile as she pointed at the corner of the broken room we're in. "Jin's Divine Dogs are also protecting us whenever he has to leave us. In addition, we still don't know how many shikigami are hiding in our shadows."

"What's the matter, Weiss? Why are you so moody today?" I lean over and rest my arm on their heads as if it were a table, grinning down at them. Well, mostly at Weiss, who glares at me for messing up her hair. "Is it because we're living in a broken down house that we've been using for three months, that can barely be called a house since half of it is missing?" I stare around. "Not to mention it only has two rooms. A living room and the bathroom, which at this point is no longer distinguishable since the wall that divided the two rooms is gone."

"No." Weiss paused for a second. "Well, a little. Not that I don't mind sharing a room with everyone. But I realized that I could have easily solved our problem by fixing the broken house to make it more livable instead of relying on you, Jin. To make it so that we can develop resistance to the environment without using Aura. I have plenty of Aura to do it easily, yet I keep getting distracted by random thoughts about what my life would be like without you and Ruby in my life." 

"Seems like you need to have Jin fuck you more." Ruby winks at Weiss, causing the latter to cough with red cheeks. "Which I find envious. Jin won't touch me until I'm at the legal age." Ruby snorts in annoyance. "We're far from any civilization and I wouldn't mind having sex with Jin, but nooooo! Because I'm 15 is what's keeping Jin from giving me the time of my life like he's doing with you, Weiss. Do you have any idea how frustrating this is?! I have to keep on using a damn dildo to barely satisfy my sexual frustration while watching you two fuck! So, stop with the depressing thoughts and have Jin fuck your brain out while I do some sacrificing to vent, and then maybe masturbate to make myself feel better. Got it?!" Ruby leaned in close enough that her nose touched Weiss'. 

Hello, boner. I see you're excited to hear that Ruby is dying to get fucked, huh? Too bad, I still won't have sex with Ruby until she's 17 and only a few months away from her 18th birthday. That is seriously stretching it far already with Weiss, now that I think about it. 

"You masturbate while watching Jin and I having sex?" Weiss stared, her eyes wide with shock. But she still didn't move away, nor did she and Ruby push my arm away from their heads.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? Did you think you were being sneaky with Jin?" Ruby huffed, "Please. Even Jin knew I was there, watching. Nothing gets past him. If anything, knowing what to expect during my time with Jin in the future made it more exciting. Besides, did you really think that all those lame excuses you made to get some alone time with Jin would work on me? Please, I'm 15, not 5."

"What made you think Jin would have sex with you while being with me?" Weiss narrows her eyes at Ruby. "And my excuses might have been... lames as you say it. But I couldn't just tell you in a normal conversation that suddenly I became horny and wanted to have sex with Jin, could I?"

Crazy voices, I don't know why this is happening. However, I find this entertaining and also horny. But it's still entertaining nonetheless!

"Weiss, Jin is neitherhuman nor a faunus! Normal logic doesn't apply to him!" Ruby puffs up her cheeks and glares at me, which I find cute. "Something he should realize is that he can fuck me all he wants since I belong to him as you belong to him, Weiss. He isn't your boyfriend, nor is he mine. Don't forget that before I'd summoned him. He could have been with other girls under his protection and guidance. He is here with us now, because we're too weak under his standards, and once we're ready. He will take us away from this world as he should because this world is fuck and not in a good way! So I am sexual frustrate and want Jin to fuck me too! Can we just stop with the moody work and get on with our days?!"

Weiss frowns and remains silent for a while, then looks at me out of the corner of her eye. "Do you have something to say, Jin?"

"Yeah, I see the books I gave you have been doing a good job helping you, Ruby." I praise her, causing Ruby to smile and blush. "And I see that unlike Ruby, who is learning what she lacks while growing up under the care of her deceased family. You are slacking off." That got Weiss to blush harder upon being found out. 

"Wait! So you're trying to hide the fact that you didn't do your reading for a couple of days now and that's why you're acting so moody?!" Ruby looks ready to throw some hands at Weiss. "Damn it, Weiss! Stop making me so confused! I swear, the moment I get something good from my sacrifices, that would age me right away; I'll be taking all the time with Jin for sex and prevent you from having any as revenge for causing me so much frustration! Now, that I have spilled out the thoughts I have for the past few months!"

Ruby looks ready to beat the crap out of Weiss, and she would have if I weren't still using her and Weiss' head as an armrest.

"You know what, Ruby? You're right. As punishment. I'm not going to have sex with you, Weiss. For a week." I nod my head, causing the two girls to have two different reactions.

Ruby seems especially happy.

Weiss looks like she has just been told she is being dumped.

"Does that mean I can have sex with you, Jin?" Ruby shouted excitedly. And I could see that her hands were already moving to take off her clothes, not caring that Weiss is still here.

"No." I said before Weiss could explode. "Not until you're at the age. So for now, just keep doing what you have been doing." 

While I try to think up another way to satisfy my abnormal sexual drive. Of course, I could also masturbate too. But, that won't last long.

Weiss sighs in relief and stick her tongue at Ruby, causing the latter to stomp on the former's foot. Making Weiss winced and tried to return the favor, but missed due to Ruby's usage of Shadow to make it impossible, even when they are so close to each other.

This goes on for another minute before I decide we've wasted enough time. Even the three grimm we'd killed had long since completely disintegrated.

"All right, enough of that. You two can spar later." I separated them before they destroyed the place, which wasn't much anyway. But that's not the point. "Right now, we're going back to Mountain Glenn."

The result was an immediate end to their argument. 

"Is our training over?!" Ruby didn't look happy at all.

"Of course not, Ruby. It's just that part of our training out here is over and the rest of our training can be done in Mountain Glenn instead." Weiss explained. "Isn't that right, Jin?"

"That's right, Weiss." I agreed. "For the most part, you girls have done an excellent job dealing with the grimm out here." I look at the distance of the various man-made craters of different sizes. "And learning to be very destructive when necessary. So it's time to learn self-control and fight in close spaces." 

"Do we take the fastest or the slowest way back?" Ruby asked me as she held my arm.

"The slowest should take us a few days, like four days at the most." I replied.

"Can we take the slowest?" Weiss jumped in before I could say how long it would take to get from where we are to Mountain Glenn using the fastest method.

And in case any crazy voices are wondering. Not even a full second.

"Yeah, can we?!" Ruby asked loudly.

Ruby and Weiss didn't even look like they were fighting a moment ago.

"Sure, why not." I had no reason to refuse. But I wondered why they wanted to take the slowest way. There must be a good reason for their decision.

What do you guys think? I bet that they wanted to cause more destruction around them before they had to fight with more skills than raw brute force. In Ruby's case, she moves around like crazy with Shadow. Weiss slices and dices everything with her kicks. From the smallest to the biggest cuts she can make.

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