Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 10

It's first thing in the morning, a new day, and technically, still the first day of being in this world. The food here is good, prepared by Rika. Unfortunately, it wasn't up to the girls' standards, as they were too used to the food I gave them, so I had to make food for everyone.

"HEY! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL?! WHY DO I GET TO EAT THIS WHILE EVERYONE ELSE GETS TO EAT HIGH-QUALITY, FANCY FOOD?!" Ikki shouted, tears streaming from his eyes as he got all the food Rika made and wasn't allowed to have any of the food I made.

As for why Ikki is so mad and should be happy to have more food made by Rika than usual shown in the series, he's beyond sad upon seeing the food I'd made through the recipes from Food Wars.

Although everyone eats in smaller portions compared to Ikki, who has enough food to feed everyone else in the room, the food quality in Food Wars would easily beat the quantity. A single plate and/or bowl is enough for everyone, and they don't need a second serving to fill them up.

"SHUT UP, IKKI!" Mikan kicks Ikki in the face just as he is about to grab her bowl filled with all kinds of meat. "You're lucky to eat all that!"

"THEN TRADE ME! I WILL GLAD TO EAT SMALL AMOUNT AGAIN!" Ikki tried to fight for the luxury meals before his eyes.

"Enough!" Rika grabbed Ikki from behind in a flash. Her arms wrapped tightly around Ikki's waist, securing a firm grip as she positioned herself for the next move. With Ikki lifted high above her shoulders, she leaned back, arching her own back to generate maximum momentum. Then, in a sudden burst of energy, she executes the German Suplex with precision and force. Her body turns sharply, sending Ikki flying through the air in a graceful arc.

Everyone started to clap at this performance. Almost everyone didn't seem to care that Ikki was hurt, judging by the way he got back up easily with a scowl on his face.

In no time, everyone has finished their breakfast.

"We'll be back tonight." I said to Rika and everyone else as my group left first after helping Rika clean up.

"Hey, Jin. What are we going to do today?" Ruby asks me as she skips in happiness, making her large breasts shake. This caused many people around to stare at her, along with the others.

"How about we do some shopping?" Shu asked everyone.

"Sure. I already have an idea of what to get for everyone. No idea if it will be useful, but it's more for fun than anything else."

In an hour or so, everyone is at one of the local parks, but it is mainly abandoned and sometimes used by storm riders.

Everyone but me is wearing Air Trecks or ATs, which were store-bought and heavily modified by me through Boundary Manipulation to make the changes quick and easy. Skip the trial and error of upgrading the ATs to a personal fit.

Shouko is the first to use the AT efficiently. With her sleek AT skates strapped to her feet, she glides effortlessly along the concrete pathways, the wheels humming quietly on the ground.

The park is bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun, casting long shadows that dance across the grass. As Shouko gains momentum, she begins to perform a series of gravity-defying tricks.

With a graceful leap, Shouko launched herself into the air, twisting and turning as if defying the laws of physics. Her movements are fluid and precise, each maneuver executed with the precision of a seasoned professional. She spins through the air, her body a blur of motion against the backdrop of the evening sky.

When she landed smoothly on the ground again, everyone applauded; Shouko's face became extra red, and she quickly tried to run away but forgot she was wearing AT, so she slipped and was about to fall on her back if I hadn't appeared next to her to catch her. This made her face even more red, and smoke came out of her head.

A gust of wind kicks up as Ruby accelerates, the force of her movement creating a whirlwind of dust and debris in her wake.

As Ruby's speed increases, she leans forward, and her body becomes blurred. She carves through the park with precision, dodging obstacles with split-second timing and executing tight turns with effortless grace.

With a rush of adrenaline fueling her every move, Ruby launches into a series of speed tricks, each more daring than the last. She soars through the air, defying gravity as she performs complex spins and flips, the sheer speed of her momentum propelling her to new heights.

Ruby finally stops; she gives everyone a bright smile and then slowly makes her way back to the group.

"It is fast, but not up to my average speed. However, it took extra effort to control it. Frankly, I think I'm better off without them." Ruby didn't even wait for anyone to respond as she quickly pulled the ATs off her feet and put her shoes back on.

"Was that at you going your fastest with the AT, Ruby?" Weiss asks curiously as she moves around slowly, not trying to do any tricks, just rolling around slowly without losing her balance.

"Yup." Ruby replies, then looks at me with a frown. "Did you make sure to modify it to the best?"

"To the limit, outside of the Regalia. And some of them are just weapons, not just ATs." I remember all the dangerous Regalia and how the Sky Regalia is just crazy. "Even then, you girls can do so much more compared to how people here have weaponized some of the ATs to do things beyond the human limit."

"Boring." Ruby said dully, then glanced at the AT built for her. "Do you think I would get anything if I sacrificed this?"

"Yes, you're going to get something, but the question is, are you going to get something good out of it?" Weiss reminds Ruby. "I also have to agree with Ruby about how slow these ATs are. I put more extra effort into thinking about the best areas where I can use the AT and where I can't, rather than just adjusting my own position to get into impossible areas that aren't normally possible with these ATs."

I put Shouko back on her feet, and she quickly took off the AT and put her shoes back on. I see Nyarla and Shu doing the same before they can do any tricks. Looks like the Ats are a failure.

"So... that was a waste of time. Now what?" Shu looks at everyone as she throws Ruby, her AT, to be sacrificed along with everyone else. "I had a little hope for something fun with these ATs, but it failed before I even did anything after seeing how Shouko and Ruby use them."

"I'd rather go back to the inn and play video games." Nyarla poked my right shoulder. "This world isn't fun, Jin."

"I think it would have been better if we stayed in my world and had fun beating people up and killing some after torturing them." Shu gave me a smug look.

I flick Shu's forehead, causing her to scowl at me as she covers her forehead in pain.

"We both know I did no harm to you." I raise an eyebrow at Shu, challenging her pretense.

Shu sticks out her tongue, and I grab her by the waist and pull her into a long tongue kiss before pulling away to see Shu's cheeks turn pink. Her eyes widen and sparkle with emotion.

"Guys! Look what I got!" Ruby shows off what she got by sacrificing a bunch of heavily modified ATs. Around Ruby are several wheels covered in spiritual flames, "As far as I've gathered. I can manipulate them by waving my arms. Also, there was a little note that came with them that said the name is Kasha, and it's an ability for me to summon them. To lure the dead to the other world. Crazy, I would get this ability for just a bunch of ATs."

Hey, crazy voices. Is it just me, or does this seem like something from Highschool DxD? Especially an ability exclusive to the Nekomate? I could swear where it came from, or I could be misremembering. Either way, I need to come up with a counter to Ruby's new ability, which may or may not involve her accidentally causing fire accidents around her with these things.

"Oh, you got the Kasha ability from the Highschool DxD. And one that doesn't get downgraded because it's outside the Highschool DxD universe." Shu comments and confirms my guess. "It's a decent ability, but it's better than a lot of other abilities you got by sacrificing those ATs."

"I'm going to sacrifice this, then. Since Makima gave me a world based on the Highschool DxD she made. No point in me having this." Ruby became less excited about what she had learned and received.

"So... I guess we won't be staying in this world after tonight?" Weiss asks everyone, ignoring how Ruby wants to sacrifice the Kasha ability for something else. "I honestly don't care either way, but I feel like it would be a waste since Jin paid so much money to rent this single room for us, even if it is a bit cramped with all of us in it."

"Just a reminder, but this is my vacation, including Auntie Nyarla and Shouko. Furthermore, you and Ruby have limited free time before you two have to go attend high school." Shu explained. "So we might as well use this free time to have as much fun as possible. Who knows how long it will be before we have free time to do whatever we want? And before you ask, yes, it will be a long time. Trust me."

"I have to go back to work later myself." Shouko informed everyone. "I was called by the Heaven pantheon recently, but I'll stay here for the rest of the day before I leave."

"Eh? Do you have to, Shouko?" Weiss stares in disbelief.

Since when did Weiss and Shouko get along? Weiss is almost on the same level as Shouko with Makima and Nyarla and her sisters.

Shouko nodded, giving Weiss a slightly sad smile, and then she looked at me.

"There will be someone to replace me tomorrow, Jin, until I'm free again." Shouko looks a little upset at the end.

"I hope it's not someone I have a bad history with." Nyarla frowns. "Do you have any idea who will replace you, Shouko?"

Shouko shrugs her shoulders, "I have no idea. All I know is that they will show up first thing in the morning after I leave."

"Alright, enough of this topic. We should go have fun and give Shouko a good time before she has to go back to work, ugh." Shu rolled her eyes at the end.

If I remember correctly, Shouko is technically working. Mostly keeping me stable, so I wonder who her temporary replacement will be.

"DANG IT!" Ruby yelled, causing everyone to see her throw what looked like a bag full of random garbage. "TRASH AGAIN!"

It looks like Ruby should have kept that Kasha ability.

"Alright, we should really do something fun before Shouko leaves and Ruby ends up summoning something weird and dangerous." Weiss said to everyone.

Sound like a typical day with Ruby, honestly.

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