Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 3: Unknown Discovery – Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 17

"Hey, just to fill you in, Nyarla had to go back to her duties." Ghost informed us as we gathered in the morning, wondering where Nyarla had gone and nearly giving me a heart attack not seeing her on top of me upon waking up. "And good news for Ruby and Weiss, their enrollment in the high school is sorted out, but classes won't start for a while since it's still on break."

"And why couldn't you say that before Jin here destroyed nearly 70% of the world? Not that I mind, but I like some of the shops here." Yor asks Ghost, glaring at it as she is one second away from attacking.

"And let's not forget, I wasn't exactly expecting a swift kick to the face from Jin when I tried to interfere." Alma grumbled, gently massaging her cheek where the phantom pain lingered. "I knew he was holding back from before, but I never imagined he'd become so strong in such a short time. Wasn't it like a year going by your world's timeframe?" She looks at Yor.

"No, I don't think it has been a year yet." Yor replied, shaking her head. "Honestly, I didn't expect Nyarla to be back on duty so soon. Given how things usually go, I figured she'd be on standby for at least a thousand years."

"Actually, Yor, you are also being called back to duty." Ghost interjected before anyone else could speak. "It's been a month since the Caretaker/Home created this house for everyone in this fragmented world to stay in."

"Ugh, this is so annoying." Yor grumbled, but she made no protest of not wanting to be back on duty. With a quick peck on the lips, she disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Wow, two powerful Eldritch entities gone like that." Alma whistled, and then she locked her eyes on me. "And with Nyarla and Yor out of the picture, how about we spice things up a bit? I've been dying to have some fun with you, Jin~!" She teased, licking her lip in a naughty way.

Suddenly, a sword is pressed against Alma's neck.

"I already had to deal with watching everyone have sex when I joined this group, and it was a little better that they did it privately in the bedroom. I do not want to see that now, especially with you trying to get involved. I am here to keep Jin's mental health stable, and you, the queen of the succubus, will make it worse." Shiki said coldly; her tone was firm.

"Oh, don't pretend that you're not curious, Shiki. I've seen the way you look at Jin when he's with the other girls. You're just itching to get a piece of him yourself, aren't you?" Alma teased, her tone playful, even though the sword was still dangerously close to her neck.

"Enough, Alma. I'll end this if you keep pushing." Shiki's voice remained calm, but her eyes began to glow faintly, and Alma froze, sensing the approaching death.

"Okay, okay! I'm backing off!" Alma yelled in fear, quickly stepping away from Shiki.

"Is it just me, or does it feel a bit unsettling now that Nyarla's gone?" Ruby whispered to Weiss, her voice filled with concern.

"It seems that without Nyarla to absorb all the chaos, things could spiral out of control. We may find ourselves in the crosshairs more often unless Jin takes a more active role." Weiss whispered back, a look of concern appearing on her face.

I appear just in time to grab Alma by her waist before she can startle Ruby and Weiss with an unexpected hug from behind.

I quickly disappear from Alma's reach and reappear next to Ruby and Weiss, using Boundary Manipulation to avoid Alma's tail that was about to entangle me.

"Okay, let's go to another world." I pause, scanning our surroundings and expanding my senses to detect incoming arrivals outside the house. "Unless we have some unexpected guests visiting us at any moment now?"

That caused everyone to stop what they were about to do and start looking around themselves, taking several minutes to search for any newcomers to the group. Nothing.

"Should we wait a little longer or go now?" Ruby asks everyone, the first to stop searching.

Weiss seems hesitant, judging by her expression. "While we could leave now, I'm concerned about the uncertainty of our destination. The world we're in now is dangerous, but we're just getting used to its difficulties. Risking ourselves into another unknown world could raise challenges as we adjust to yet another unfamiliar environment."

"It's boring here, so let's head off!" Alma shouted eagerly, then then turned her flirtatious gaze towards me. "Unless Jin here wants to have some fun before we leave for another?"

"We're leaving now." Shiki said firmly before I could respond, her katana aimed at Alma with a stern look.

"Alright." Alma playfully sticks her tongue out at Shiki, then sighs and crosses her arms. She looks away with a small frown.

"Alright, it's time for us to move on to the next world." I announce, creating a large gap in the unknown world and ensuring it's nothing like the one we're currently in.

Ruby and Weiss eagerly stood and approached the gap, but hesitated to enter until everyone was gathered, making sure they moved as a group.

Alma floats over, followed closely by Shiki. I take the lead, stepping through the gap, with Ruby and Weiss following closely behind me.

Suddenly, almost all of my cheats are screaming with joy, especially Lucky Pervert and Perfect Timing.

"Jin, whatever you did... I love it!" Alma shouted with uncontrollable excitement.

"Stay still!" Shiki growled, mostly at me; her cheeks were red as she glared at Alma, and I could guess that she blamed Alma for the problem we're having right now.

"I hope this won't be a regular circumstance." Weiss blushed as she stood naked, yet she didn't try to cover herself.

"I hope so!" Alma smiled with delight as she was also naked. She straddled my face, as she made herself comfortable as she didn't mind having my mouth directly onto her wet pussy.

"At least we're lucky that we arrived at night and no one is around at this beach." Ruby comforted Weiss, sharing her discomfort as they both stood naked.

"I told you to stop moving, Jin!" Shiki scolded, her cheeks flushed as she covered her bare chest, feeling a jolt of pleasure as my movements stirred sensations inside her as my dick is currently deeply inserted into her pussy.

"Um, should we do something to help them?" Ruby asks Weiss, unsure, and scans the surroundings.

"Honestly? I'm not sure there's much we can do. If Jin would, uh, stop having fun with Shiki, maybe he would help himself." Weiss replied, using her Semblance to create outfits for herself and Ruby out of the air around her. "And as for Alma... well, do you really think we could pull her away even if we tried?"

"Then, should we join them?" Ruby asks, looking down at her clothes and looks ready to take them off.

"I just made these outfits, and frankly, I'd rather not risk angering either Shiki or Alma while Jin is occupied at the moment." Weiss sighed, massaging the bridge of her nose. "I'd be delighted to join. However, neither of us knows Shiki or Alma well enough to do such a thing."

Weiss, I doubt Shiki would be mad at you or Ruby for attempting to separate her from me. While Alma might react negatively, Shiki seems more focused on ending this accidental situation. She appears ready to take drastic measures if necessary, even if it means cutting Alma down. And knowing her up to this point, I wouldn't be surprised if she attacked me as well.

"But we barely know Nyarla and Yor." Ruby pointed out to Weiss. "And it's only been about a month since Shiki and Alma joined our group."

"You forget that we are part of the Eldritch Pantheon, Ruby." Weiss sighed again. "Even though I haven't studied much, I've made sure to learn more about the Eldritch Pantheon."

"Ah! You went ahead and skipped the subjects Jin wanted us to learn first!" Ruby immediately caught Weiss' mistake. "You know how Jin insisted that we learn certain subjects first."

"Shh!" Weiss silenced Ruby by covering her mouth and shooting a nervous glance in my direction. She breathed a sigh of relief when I didn't react, thinking I hadn't heard Ruby's comment.

Weiss, I can hear even with Alma sitting on my face, making me eat her out. Thanks to Nen, I can hear you and everyone within a mile with ease. Otherwise, I would have pushed Shiki and Alma off me long ago. But as a man and a pervert at that, with a fucking Lucky Pervert as one of the many cheats. Also, the fact that Perfect Timing is screaming at me not to stop. Or else something bad will happen.

In no time, I reach my climax and release my first load inside Shiki, who also reaches her limit. Surprisingly, Alma climaxes as well, and the three of us experience intense orgasms almost simultaneously.

I'm well aware that the first round wouldn't satisfy someone like Alma, especially considering that she's no ordinary succubus.

With that in mind, I realize that the first round may have only scratched the surface of Alma's desires; Shiki's reaction remains uncertain. Quickly, I use Boundary Manipulation to position myself between Ruby and Weiss. Then, with another use of Boundary Manipulation, I quickly return Shiki and Alma to their clothed state, causing their clothes to materialize on their bodies once again, covering their nudity.

In addition, I made sure to make it so the semen I left inside Shiki would disappear as well. As if I had never creampie her. If I didn't; well, I can tell she would be even more angry with me for giving her a clean pantie, only to have it ruined by having leaked semen on it, along with any sands that might have gone into areas that shouldn't have sand in. For everyone, even Ruby and Weiss, when they were just standing.

I look at the quiet beach at night. The palm trees sway in the gentle breeze; the only sound is the ocean waves. The shops and cafes along the coast are closed for the night.

"Hey, what do you think? Should we go check out the town?" Ruby drew in the sand with her right foot, making a circle.

"I would rather we continue to have sex. Shiki was lucky to get fucked in her pussy, while I only got mine eaten. I want Jin's dick inside me." Alma looks at me with desire in her eyes.

I look at Shiki, who seems restless and shows no signs of aggression towards Alma like before.

"Before we do anything else, shouldn't we find a place to stay for the night?" Weiss asks everyone before Alma can have her way with me.

"I'm with Weiss on this one. Finding a place to stay sounds like a good plan." Ruby nods her head immediately. "As much as I love to have Jin conjure up a house, having it suddenly appear on the beach might attract unwanted attention from the locals in the morning."

Well, crazy voices. It looks like I'm going to have to put my foot down on Alma sooner than later.

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