Daily Life of A Caretaker

Arc 4: Experience the Story – Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 4: Experience the Story - Chapter 11

I remain calm, my breath steady as I release my load down Ruby's throat. Despite the act, a strange sense of serenity still lingers in me, unshaken by the moment.

"That bear is beating people up with a metal spike bat." Octavia announces, her eyes fixed on the small gap in the door, her voice disturbingly casual despite the chaos outside.

Yuri conceals a nervous giggle and her usual composure cracks. "Well, I guess we all know now—don't mess with a talking bear when it's resting."

Weiss, still composed, glances at the clock on the wall, barely moved by the situation. "Honestly, I'm more baffled by the fact that only random, unimportant characters were stupid enough to disturb the bear while we've been here, just chilling." Her tone is dry and in boredom. "And it's only been, what, half an hour since the talking bear came to visit and told us to keep quiet?"

Mayuko attempts to say something, but her voice is muffled by the gagball strapped tightly in her mouth. She squirms in frustration, tugging at the ropes binding her, though her efforts remain futile as she continues to struggle, unable to break free.

Ruby remains silent, too focused on her task of cleaning up. She moves with practiced precision, then helps me zip up my pants, her lips curling into a satisfied smile as she licks away the remnants, almost as if savoring the moment.

"So, everyone done relaxing and ready to head out?" I ask in my usual calm tone, surveying the room as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"And do what exactly?" Weiss asks as she tucks Ruby's clothes beneath the dining table. Ruby, now somewhat bashful, mutters a quiet thanks in response. Weiss continues, her gaze flicking back to me, "Right now, all we really need to do is train Yuri and wait for the ending. Unless there's something else we should be focusing on."

Ruby, now fully clothed, crawls out from beneath the table and joins the conversation. "Pretty sure we're supposed to be doing more than that in this world. Otherwise, Featherine wouldn't have our class assignments' deadline to be at the end of the story in this world. Of course, we still have no idea how long that might actually take."

"If I recall correctly." Octavia begins as she keeps her eyes glued to the scene outside, watching the talking bear mercilessly beat up a group of unlucky bystanders with its metal spike bat. "Waiting it out might seem fine, but too long wouldn't be good for us—especially since we're in the Action Genre. If it weren't for that, I'd be all for waiting."

"Once again, everyone's talking about things I have no clue about." Yuri mutters under her breath, her arms wrapped around herself as she sits on the floor next to Mayuko. She sounds a little lost, as though she's still adjusting to the strange dynamics around her.

Meanwhile, Mayuko attempts to get Yuri's attention but, frustratingly, seems to gesture in the wrong direction, her muffled voice barely noticeable.

"Pretty sure the talking bear was created by Featherine." I say thoughtfully. "It's probably a hint that we need to get moving." I pause briefly, scanning the surroundings with En, my senses extending outward to detect any sign of Featherine's letters or messages suddenly materializing. Finding nothing, I continue, "So yeah, it's best we get going. And I don't think I should relocate us too far from the other students and contractors—we might need to stay close for what's coming next."

"You little cubs think you can handle me?!" The bear's booming voice echoed as it swung its spiked bat with brutal precision. "I was well-known in the Great War! I fought and lived to tell the tales of all the tragic events across the multiverse! I am the great Bonta-kun! You're lucky I don't have my old gear—otherwise, you'd all be deader than you are now!" Bonta-kun lets out a deep, menacing bear roar as if to drive his point home.

Wait, what?

I immediately focused my En on the bear, double-checking its appearance to make sure I hadn't missed something vital. Nope. It still looks like a regular grizzly bear—brown fur, broad frame, nothing out of the ordinary. But a talking bear named Bonta-kun? Well, stranger things have happened, especially in the multiverse.

"Well, at least now we know what the talking bear's name is." Ruby smirked, glancing around at everyone.

"Fine...!" Weiss sighs in frustration, flicking her hair over her shoulder in a dismissive gesture. "Let's go make some noise." She doesn't hesitate, moving swiftly toward the door with purpose. As she reaches Octavia, she gently pushes her aside and opens the door. Without a second thought, Weiss rushes out, zeroing in on a nearby person and kicking them hard in the neck. The force of the kick breaks their neck, sending their lifeless body flying through the air and crashing into another person who had been foolishly attempting to stab Bonta-kun in the rear with a kitchen knife.

"Oh... those are students or are they contractors?" I mutter, my thoughts slipping out as I notice that Weiss isn't being held back by Featherine's restriction. Apparently, these students/contractors aren't as unimportant characters as I initially thought.

"I'm going to bust some heads for brain sacrifices!" Ruby shouts as she charges out after Weiss. Her weird war cry echoes behind her as she jumps into the fray, eager for a fight.

I glance at Octavia, who hasn't moved. She catches my look and quickly explains, "I'm not going out there to fight. I deal in demonic magic, not hand-to-hand combat." Her tone is calm, as though she's already made up her mind to sit this one out.

"Suit yourself." I begin refocusing my attention on En to distinguish between the various groups around us—students, contractors, natives, and, of course, my own group. Ruby's blowjob had momentarily thrown off my concentration, though I can't entirely blame her. I could've told her to stop, but I didn't, so it's partly on me.

"Is it okay if I just stay here and, uh, keep Mayuko—was it?—company?" Yuri asks, her voice hesitant as she looks at me with wide, hopeful eyes. "I don't think I'd survive out there. Too many explosions and I'm worried I might get blasted out of this building and fall to my death."

I offer her a wry smile. "That's fine with me, as long as you don't try to run off... though, clearly, you're not itching to go outside." I chuckle softly, shaking my head at the absurdity of my own comment before stepping toward the door. "Octavia, you should probably put up some barriers or something to protect yourself, just in case I can't make it in time to shield you from any stray attacks."

Octavia gives a quick nod. "Will do." She is already prepping her defenses with quiet confidence.

I step outside, only to immediately sidestep to the right as Ruby violently kicks a female student to death. The force sends the student's lifeless body flying into the room behind me, narrowly missing Octavia, who swiftly moves out of the way just in time.

"Might want to get those barriers up sooner rather than later." I call back to Octavia, noticing that she's barely finished setting up her first protective barrier.

"Good idea." Octavia's voice betraying a slight tremor as she speeds up her hand gestures and chants, hastily forming multiple barriers around herself. The symbols glow ominously as they create a protective shield.

I make sure to close the door behind me this time, but not before dragging the female student's corpse out of the room. I glance down, half-expecting the body to vanish into thin air like something out of a reset loop, but nope—still there. It makes me wonder if Featherine is just waiting for most of us to die before reviving everyone back in the classroom for some grand twist.

"Bitch!" One of the male students screams, his voice high-pitched from pain as Ruby delivers a brutal kick to his crotch. Judging by the bloodstain spreading, it seems she kicked with enough force to burst his balls and maybe even his... well, everything down there.

Ouch. Even I wince internally.

Behind me, Solomon's Gate materializes as I mutter a few low chants, its ominous presence casting a shadow over the hallway. With a swift surge of power, the contractors—who had been foolishly preoccupied with fighting each other rather than assisting their students—suddenly exploded in a violent, gory mess. Blood and intestines splatter across the ground, their reckless infighting brought to a gruesome halt.

I move on to the next chant, weaving a spell that cloaks both Ruby and Weiss in a shroud of black energy. The dark glow obscures their figures, making it difficult for their enemies to see them clearly. The black aura shifts and flickers, distorting their movements and causing missed strikes and failed attacks from anyone attempting to land a hit on them.

Just then, a male student charges at me, his spear crackling with silent purple lightning. He lunges forward, aiming for my chest. I lean back, dodging the thrust effortlessly, my focus unbroken.

I mutter yet another chant, and suddenly, the student's eyes roll back into his head, leaving only the whites visible. His body jerks unnaturally as if his mind has been overtaken. Without hesitation, he turns on his own companions, attacking them with the same intensity he had reserved for me. Shouts of protest and angry complaints erupt from his allies as they try to defend themselves against their own comrade, thrown into chaos by my spell.

Screams of horror echo around me as I realize that some unfortunate souls have stared at Solomon's Gate for too long, their minds unable to comprehend its overwhelming power. Their sanity shatters, leaving them broken and lost to madness.

This snaps me back to the others—Ruby, Weiss, and even Octavia, Yuri, and Mayuko, who are still inside the room. Any of them could've caught a glimpse of the gate's destructive influence. Without wasting a second, I quickly shut Solomon's Gate down, watching as it recedes into the tattoo on my back, disappearing from view.

I observe the fight going on. Ruby and Weiss are handling things well on their own, darting between their opponents with precision and ruthlessness, their black glow making them nearly impossible to hit. Bonta-kun, the talking grizzly bear, joins the fray, tanking blow after blow from students. Attacks that should have felled an ordinary grizzly bear a hundred times over barely seem to faze him.

I decide not to intervene further. Ruby and Weiss have this under control, especially with Bonta-kun on their side. His endurance and sheer brute force are a reminder that he is far from ordinary. Even in this world that Featherine created, he stands out as a force to be reckoned with.

That thought brings up a flood of questions. One of the most pressing is: Is Bonta-kun a pet of Featherine or one of her minions? After all, he did mention being part of the Great War. His claim to have fought in multiverse-spanning conflicts certainly raises suspicions about his origins and allegiance.

Given Featherine's tendency to manipulate events and characters for her own amusement, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to think Bonta-kun might be one of her creations or someone under her control. In any case, it's clear that Bonta-kun isn't just some ordinary talking bear—his resilience and combat prowess are enough to prove that.

Regardless of where he came from or what his purpose is, one thing is certain: I shouldn't underestimate Bonta-kun.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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