Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Daddy’S Favorite And Liu’Er’S Favorite

Chapter 101 Daddy’s Favorite and Liuer’s Favorite

Kong Quanwu’s carriage went around the road, and finally entered the Changtian Temple in the waiting room.

The person he was looking for was actually in a Taoist temple! Jiang Liu’s eyes widened, “Father!”

“Yeah!” Jiang Erye nodded vigorously, Changtianguan was very close to his house’s alley, Kong Quanwu was definitely here to find the Meng family, and he had to block them before he could slap them in the face!

Jiang Erye ordered Jiang Bao to go around the back door of the Taoist temple and park the carriage. He approved a cloak with a hood to cover his face, and entered the Taoist temple with his daughter in his arms.

Due to the funeral of the Queen Mother, all Taoist temples and Buddhist temples in Kang’an City had to practice for seven, seven and forty-nine days. When Jiang Liu entered the Changtian Temple, he heard the sound of chanting sutras from far away from the temple, and smelled burning pine and cypress branches. aroma. Because the back door was far from the main hall, there were not many pilgrims here, so Jiang Erye took his daughter and quickly walked around to a hillside full of pines and cypresses in Guanzhong, removed a landscape stone and hid inside the rockery.

“Let’s wait here, stay silent for a while, so as not to startle the snake.”

Jiang Liu leaned into Daddy’s ear, “Will he-will-come-this-?”

Jiang Erye, who is very familiar with the Changtian Temple, is very sure, “The only place in the Changtian Temple has a wide view and it is difficult to hide people. It is the safest to speak. This cave is my father…you, Uncle Chai, and the others dug it out. There are not many people. You know, look outside.”

Following the direction Daddy pointed, through the hole in the landscape stone, Jiang Liu glanced at the Sifang Pavilion five steps away from the rockery, then turned back to look at Daddy, who was secretly proud of hiding in the dark, and wanted to ask him: these What did you see when your old man hid here?

“Come on! Don’t make a sound.” Jiang Erye hugged his daughter tightly and looked out excitedly through the cave.

Jiang Liu heard the sound of gasping for breath first, and then saw Kong Quanwu dragging his fat body, walking up slowly, and sitting on the stone bench in the pavilion. He first took out a sweat towel to wipe off the sweat beads on his face and neck, looked left and right to make sure no one was there, then carefully wiped his hands, took out a purse from his arms, and counted the banknotes one by one.

“It’s only 1,200 taels…” Kong Quanwu muttered worriedly, then collected the banknotes and put them in his arms.

One thousand two hundred taels, but Kong Neng’s fine was three thousand silver, which was still more than half of it. How much would the person Kong Quanwu be looking for give him?

After waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Jiang Liu heard the sound. Looking out through the stone hole, he saw a man in a white shirt with beautiful jade hanging from his waist, walking up with a gloomy face.

She recognized this person. He was Liu Cheng, the son of Yijiang Hou, who was known as the second most beautiful man in Kang’an City. Jiang Liu turned to look at his father.

Jiang Erye raised his hand to hold the top of his daughter’s head, turned her head back, and motioned her not to move.

Kong Quanwu saw Liu Cheng coming, and quickly got up to salute, “Master Shi, you are here.”

Liu Cheng sat on the stone bench and asked gloomily, “Master has official business, so speak quickly!”

Kong Quanwu said pitifully, “Master Shizi, please save Kong Neng, I am just such a son, if he is really good and bad, I can’t live…”

Liu Cheng did not hide the boredom on his face, “Speak the point!”

“Yes.” Kong Quanwu quickly stopped his snot and tears, and said succinctly, “Jingzhao House fined my son 3,000 taels, and the villain only made up 600 taels after emptying his family. , the villain will return the principal and interest to you in the future.”

“No!” Liu Cheng angrily said. Jiang Liu also secretly sighed that Kong Quanwu’s lion’s mouth was wide open. Did this leave room for Liu Cheng to bargain.

Kong Quanwu wiped away his tears, “If the eldest son had not asked Kong Neng to take care of the Jiang family’s business, he would not have enmity with the Jiang family, and he would have gotten to this point step by step.”

Liu Cheng had a murderous look on his face, “You threaten the Lord? The Lord is asking him to take care of the Jiang family’s business, but the Lord is just looking at Jiang Er and wants Kong to help him! Is this also wrong?”

Kong Quanwu repeatedly apologized, “Your Highness has misunderstood. You are a famous gentleman in Kang’an City, I am just a piece of mud, how dare I threaten you, it is because I did not speak that made the Highest Prince angry. Be merciful, save Kong Neng. , I am only his son…”

Liu Cheng snorted, stopped Kong Quanwu, who was about to nag again, and threw a few silver notes on the table, “Can Mrs. Yazheng go to Wang’s family to teach piano after the year?”

Kong Quanwu hurriedly held the silver note in his hand, and replied with a smile, “How can you, Madam is so busy, how can you go there! Grandpa’s girl also wants to learn the piano?”

“This matter has nothing to do with you.”

“Yes, yes. Shizi, please walk slowly.” When Liu Cheng was far away, Kong Quanwu lowered his head to count the banknotes and cursed in a low voice, “It’s only one hundred and fifty taels, bah!”

Jiang Liu frowned. It turned out that the girl from the Hou family in Yijiang also wanted to learn the piano, so Liu Chengcai “condescended” to invite Mrs. Yazheng in person. The lady should have shied away, so Liu Cheng wanted Kong Neng to find a way to make his wife go to the Wang family. ?

That can’t be done. Second and older sisters like to play the piano so much, how can they stop! She has to figure out a way…

Kong Quanwu finished cursing and slowly moved down the hill. Jiang Erye was about to get up and follow with his daughter, but when he heard footsteps again, the father and daughter had to retreat and look out through the stone hole.

came up a servant girl dressed in dark embroidered satin with a silver hairpin on her head. She was about thirty years old, and she should be the steward-in-law of a wealthy family based on this dress. The servant girl took a few glances and frowned, “Master Shizi isn’t here either, where did he go?”

“Jufang, how can you spy on the whereabouts of Shi Ziye?” A soft female voice came, and Jiang Liumian clearly felt her father’s body shake.

“The servant made a mistake, please punish the wife of the prince.” The servant girl named Jufang spread the snow-white brocade on the stone bench and helped the master to sit down, “I have been kneeling for a long time, you rest here until the maids find it. Shizi, Shizi will come to pick you up.”

“He won’t come.” Mrs. Shizi said lightly.

Jiang Liu looked at Liu Ruyan, the wife of the Prince of Yijiang, through the stone hole. Upon closer inspection, I found that this woman’s skin was like congealed fat, her hair was like dark clouds, her eyebrows were like willow leaves, and her lips were a little red.

The opportunity is rare, Jiang Liu put his face on the stone wall to take a closer look, but his father covered his eyes and pressed him into his arms.

Ginger stay…

When I was young, a little maid ran up on the ground and said anxiously, “The maid saw that the prince went to the apse, and the fourth girls of the Ning family in Shengdaofang also followed.”

“This slut!” Jiang Liu heard Jufang scolding through gritted teeth, “In order to enter the Marquis Mansion, chasing the prince all day long is really shameless! Madam, this servant will help you to shame her to death!”

Is the main room taking someone to catch the mistress? When Jiang Liuzheng was making up for various scenes of tearing and beating, he heard Liu Ruyan quietly say, “Let her go.”

“Mrs. Shizi!” Juxiang stomped her feet, you can’t do this, you will push Shizi further and further away.

“Go back to the room.”

Liu Ruyan’s voice of resentment came from her boudoir, and she didn’t have the slightest stance of the main room that a prince’s wife should have.

When there was no one outside again, Jiang Erye took his daughter out of Changtianguan and got on the carriage, and ordered, “Go to Lotte Restaurant.”

Jiang Bao, who was driving the carriage, whispered, “Second Master, the Kong family’s carriage is heading east.”

“Who said that Grandpa wants to follow him, Grandpa is hungry!” Jiang Erye angrily grabbed his daughter’s little fat claw and rubbed it.

Jiang Liu didn’t want him to be hurt by someone else’s daughter-in-law, so he asked, “Father, Liu-shi-zi-how-how-will-zai-chang-tian-guan?”

Jiang Erye was angry and would never throw it at his beloved daughter, explaining, “It should be the Hou Yijiang who brought his family to the temple to do things and give alms.”

I was also careless. I didn’t pay attention to the carriages parked at the main entrance of Changtian Temple. Only when I saw the one just came out, Jiang Erye frowned irritably.

Jiang Liu gave an “oh” and silently offered his second hand.

After the carriage entered the bustling West Market, Jiang Erye suddenly said, “When Liuer chooses a husband, you can’t just look at the family background of the other party, but the character first.”

Um? Jiang Liu blinked, Liu Cheng’s appearance was far worse than his father’s, so Liu Ruyan married Liu Chengtu because of his family background? If this is the case, she is now getting what she wants, why is she showing a resentful face?

Just when Jiang Liu was thinking about it, Jiang Erye suddenly pinched her little face, “Forget it! You are so stupid, how can you understand this. It’s up to Dad to choose for you. If you don’t like it, you have to marry! If you don’t, you can’t marry if you like it! Do you hear?”

Don’t do to others what you don’t want, Jiang Liu asked earnestly, “It’s like-daddy-daddy-marry-mother-kiss-one-?”

Jiang Erye was stunned by his daughter’s question, and quickly added, “Then choose a father that you can like.”



Jiang Liu raised his little head and asked very sincerely, “Looking for-can’t-get-this-like-some-people-how-how-do?”

Jiang Erye thought for a while, “Then marry someone Liu’er likes. If he’s not honest, let your brother beat him with a club.”

Jiang Liu nodded vigorously, “Okay.”

The scene of Jiang Ling holding a stick and giving a heartless man was so cool, the father and daughter thought about it and laughed in unison.

Although Lotte Restaurant is not very famous, the fish is very tasty. After the tofu stewed fish was served, Jiang Erye just picked a fish thorn for his daughter when Jiang Bao came in, “Second Master, Kong Quanwu is here.”

Ginger stay…

Jiang Erye lost interest, “Go and watch.”

Jiang Bao came back not long after he left, “Second Master, Kong Quanwu’s appointment this time is Meng Er! In the private room at No. 3 Dizi.”

Meng Er knew a lot of things, and when Kong Quanwu met him, he might be able to find out big news. Jiang Erye put down his chopsticks, “Here you help Liuer pick the fishbone, and you can come when you go.”

Jiang Erye said, “Go and come”, which is really fast. Before Jiang Liu finished eating a piece of tofu, he came back.

“Meng Er is really insidious, and the people who brought him guarded the doors and windows of the private room tightly!”

Jiang Bao immediately said, “Go on and try?”

“You can’t hear it even if you go!” Jiang Erye rolled his eyes and beckoned to Jiang Bao, Jiang Bao immediately moved to Erye’s side, “You went out and spread the news secretly, saying that Kong Quanwu rescued Kong Neng in order to raise money. I asked Meng Er to have a secret conversation in the private room.”

The matter of Kong Neng being dismissed and imprisoned for a fine of silver is known to everyone in Xishi. It is normal for the Kong family to rush to raise money to save people. silver? Thinking along this line of thought, there can be several guesses, any of which is not good for the Meng family.

Jiang Erye ate the fish happily, feeling that he was too smart.

The conversation between Kong Quanwu and Meng Er soon broke up. Kong Quanwu angrily rushed elsewhere to find a way. After about two quarters of an hour, Meng Er paced out of the room and saw many people staring at him.

Meng Er raised his hand and looked down at the robe, but he didn’t find anything wrong, so he walked out with a warm smile.

Someone who is good came forward and asked, “Meng Erye, who did you have a drink with just now?”

Meng Er certainly wouldn’t answer directly, “The old man is joking, now it’s a national mourning, so why would you be drinking with others?”

The good person simply asked directly, “You are eating fish with Kong Neng’s father, why is he looking for you?”

“Can I borrow money to save Kong?”

“Did you lend him a loan?”

“Why did he ask you to borrow money?”

The audience asked in a row, and Meng Er knew that someone had leaked the news. The more angry he was in his heart, the more he smiled softly on his face, “Uncle Wu really wants to borrow money from you. After she married into the Wang family, she had a harmonious relationship with the elder sister-in-law Kong, so the Meng family also had some contacts with the Kong family. I don’t know, Uncle Wu not only found him, but he also went to Wang’s house and Jiang’s house.”

Someone else asked, “Then why did Kong Quanwu come to the Wang family and Jiang family for help, and the Meng family to ask you out to talk, so mysterious?”

Meng Er smiled and said, “Everyone has seen it, why is it mysterious? Uncle Wu did this, presumably because there are only female relatives in my family, so it is not convenient for him to come to the door.”

Why is it convenient for the Jiang family to come to the door? Because the men in the Jiang family have nothing to do and are idle at home!

Jiang Erye in the private room clenched his chopsticks hard after hearing Meng Er’s words. Meng Er, this sinister guy, is useless to scold him around the corner!

“Meng Erye is right! Then do you lend him money?”

Meng Er felt ashamed, “I’m shy in my pocket, I can only do my best…”

“Meng Erye is a good man!”

Daddy’s plan was resolved in a few words, and he had a good reputation for being kind and generous. Meng Er’s head seems to be more useful than Daddy’s! Daddy played with him, and he definitely couldn’t. Jiang Liu scooped up a piece of softly stewed tofu and put it into Daddy’s plate as a sign of comfort.

When the father and daughter got out of the Lotte restaurant and prepared to get on the carriage, Meng Er who was waiting on the side took two steps forward and greeted with a smile, “Brother Feng, Liu’er, so you are here too.”

Jiang Erye hugged his daughter and smiled brighter than Meng Er, “Exactly. Where did Er Meng come from?”

Meng Er asked with a smile, “Brother Feng doesn’t know?”

“I don’t know.” Jiang Erye pretended to be confused.

Meng Er laughed out loud, “Brother Feng is one year older, but still as naughty as he was when he was a child.”

Jiang Erye pulled his face down, “You’re just one year older than you!” What kind of elder are you pretending to be!

“Who said it wasn’t.” After Meng Er finished speaking, he turned to Xiao Jiang Liu to play, “Liu Er is seven years old, why are you still holding him by your father? Is it because your legs are not good enough to walk?”

Hit people without slapping their faces and scolding people without exposing their shortcomings. This guy needs to clean up! Jiang Liu smiled sweeter than her father, “Meng-er-bo.”

“Good! Liu’er is one year older and more sensible than last year.” Meng Erming praised Xiao Liuer and satirized Jiang Erye secretly.

Feeling daddy’s hand tightening, Jiang Liu still asked with a smile, “Meng-er-uncle-only-one-year-older than me-daddy-daddy-daddy?”

“Yes, Xiao Liu’er forgot?” Meng Er smiled and straightened the soft gauze hat on his head. Although he was only one year older than Jiang Er, he had already entered the official position and helped his father hold up the door.

“Then—” Jiang Liuer stared at his smug face and asked innocently, “Why-why-Meng-Er-Bo-Look-Watch-Be-I-Dad-Dad-Old-this-how-too-? ?”

He is not yet thirty years old, this **** girl actually said he was old! Meng Er’s face twisted instantly.

Jiang Er Ye laughed loudly, and several older girls and daughters-in-law who were onlookers also covered their mouths and laughed along with them.

“Liu’er is still a young child, so he doesn’t know how to talk around, please don’t blame second brother Meng.” Jiang Erye politely said, and did not give Meng Er a chance to refute, he took his daughter to the carriage, and laughed all the way home.

Thank you Feng Mianyi, Wei Zhe, and 6731 for their rewards. Today, the 4,000-word update is here.

(end of this chapter)

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