Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 1133

Chapter 1133: Change Over Time

Chapter 1133 Changes in Time

Zhao Laishuan, the steward of the caravan, jumped off his horse in a flattering manner, and came forward to greet him.

The original intention of Jiang Liu and his sister to set up the caravan was to facilitate the transportation of food, clothing and housing to his father who was working in Suzhou. The trader, experience and ability are good. He is now in his early forties, with a burly stature and a ferocious appearance. Looking coldly, he doesn’t look like a businessman who runs the business road, but looks like a gangster who robs the road with an axe, and he can suppress the scene.

At this moment, he respectfully stood in front of the horse and gave a greeting to Kang’an’s first beauty, Jiang. This scene is a bit funny how you look at it.

Jiang Liu jumped off his horse and asked him to get up. He said that he was working hard, and condolences to the caravan before leading them through Anhua Gate into Kang’an City.

Jiang stayed in Nanshi and rented a grocery store with multiple warehouses. The goods shipped from Suzhou, Yongchang and other places are stored here, and then wholesale or retail. Anhuamen is the closest to Nanshi, and it is the most convenient to enter the city from here.

The Yulin guards guarding the city gate and the officers of the Nancheng Bingma Division, who did not know Jiang Liu, were very respectful and courteous to her. Jiang Liu instructed Zhao Laishuang in a pleasant manner, “Bring the manifest, open the cargo boxes on the carriage, and ask the officers to check them one by one.”

When the officers and soldiers guarding the city saw Jiang Liuniang obeying the rules, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly sent someone to inspect the goods. The tarpaulin on the carriage was lifted, revealing neatly stacked sacks or wicker boxes. When the wicker box was opened, there were exotic department stores, musical instruments, felts, herbs, etc., which immediately attracted the attention of the onlookers. Especially the boxes of furs that sell very well, make people feel warm when they look at them.

Someone stepped forward and couldn’t help asking the price, Jiang Bai said loudly, “Don’t worry, folks, let’s ask the officials to inspect the goods first, and then the goods will be shipped to the Biancheng grocery store on Southwest Street, Nanshi, everyone can pick it up. .”

Jiang Liu’s newly opened grocery store is called “Border Town”. The border town of Suzhou has long been known to the people of Kang’an with “Jiang Xianxian Kills Thousands of Miles”. Therefore, these seemingly random words contain a vast expanse that pulls everyone’s feelings three thousand miles away.

Seeing that the interest of the onlookers was hooked, Jiang Liu smiled lightly. This is what she wants. The new store is open and needs to be advertised everywhere. What other way of publicity is more convenient, faster and less expensive than picking up the goods in person and hanging them at the gate of the city?

Although she is not short of money now, she still enjoys the satisfaction and steadiness of making money and spending by herself.

The officers and soldiers of Yulin Guard quickly checked the goods. According to the quantity and category of the goods, Nancheng soldiers and horses issued deed tax documents on the spot and stamped them with the red seal of the yamen. Jiang Bai paid the tax in full and received the deed tax form, and then joined Zhao Laishuang. I drove more than 30 carriages to the Biancheng grocery store in Nanshi, and the lively Kang’an people hula-la followed behind.

Next, there is nothing left for Jiang.

She was going to ride around on horseback, and when she bought some food and returned to the house, she saw Kong Neng running over with a smile on her face and stood in front of the horse to salute her, “Liu girl, I haven’t salute you for a while, Greetings.”

Kong Neng said this very skillfully.

The last time Jiang Liu talked to Kong Neng, he still asked him about Wei Bin, the old **** who came out of the Emperor’s Zhengyang Palace with a widow. It was from Kong Neng’s mouth that Jiang Liu learned that Wei Bin’s adopted son, Zheng Chunjiu, was also Zheng Jiu.

Zheng Jiu, a bird-selling man who was taken to Yingzhou to serve in hard labor by accident, has now changed his body and has become a meritorious minister who repays his gratitude and keeps his promises, and protects the last emperor’s edict. Mu, became a decent person who did not worry about food and drink.

Jiang Liuwen smiled and said, “I left Beijing a while ago, and I just came back not long ago. How is Uncle Kong?”

Hearing that Jiang Liu was in front of so many people, he was willing to call him “Uncle” in front of him. Kong Neng grinned to the back of his head, and immediately climbed up the pole, “For the blessings of Marquis An and Sixth Girls, our family’s life is getting better and better. We just had a fat grandson a few days ago. I have also raised my son to be a grandfather. When the baby is full of moon wine, the six girls will come and sit if they have time.”

Jiang Liu nodded with a smile, “Okay, I’ll come over if I have time.”

Kong Neng knew that Jiang Liu would not come, of course, but with her words, Kong Neng would have all the face in Nancheng. He gave way very knowingly, bent over to watch Jiang Liu go away, and then straightened his waist and slumped his stomach. Swaggeringly went to Nanshi on business.

Last year, Jiang Liu helped Kong Neng deal with Chen Juntian, a local snake in Nancheng, and arranged a good errand for him in Nanshi. Back then, when Kong Neng was imprisoned in the Xicheng Bingma Si prison, he never imagined that one day, he would have a relationship with the beautiful girl of Jiang Feng, a little white face, and he was still relying on Jiang Liu to live a good life after his father died and the elder sister’s family was defeated. .

Eating, drinking, and earning money is the real benefit, and only the Wang family who want to save face and suffer, will offend the Jiang family to death.

I bother! Thinking of the eldest sister who was kicked out of the house by the Wang family, Kong Neng spat, and the flesh on his face trembled three times. He wanted to see how long it would last for the scholar Wang Family, which had already been damaged to the core.


Jiang Liu was walking forward on horseback when he heard Shu Qiu whisper, turned his head to look in the direction of her glance, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

In the alley ahead, a chubby woman with a silver hairpin on her head was posing with one hand on her hip and one finger pointing, scolding a hunched, gray-haired woman in front of her, “You After being divorced by the Wang family, what kind of arrogance is still in front of the old lady! Your son doesn’t want you anymore, it is my gentleman who cares about your food and drink! If you dare to stand in front of the old lady and chew your tongue, the old lady will cut you off immediately Food rations, you deserve to starve to death!”

Kong Shi was also shouting, but he had lost the confidence he had before, “What did I say, you are just making a fuss…”

Jiang Liu was in no mood to listen any more, and urged the horse to move on.

When Kong was still the eldest lady of the Wang family, Kong Neng’s wife Zhu was like a dog’s tail grass in front of Kong, and Kong used Zhu as he would a woman in the house. Times have changed, and now the Kong family has been divorced. After returning to her parents’ home in desperation, the dog’s tail grass has become the Kong family.

“Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi.” Qin Bai said with emotion.

Jiang Bai said, “Kong Neng can let his sister live at home, and let her eat and drink. It’s not bad.”

Jiangliu nodded. Although Kong’s hair was white, she was wearing thick winter clothes, and she didn’t lose her skin. So compared to her biological son Wang Tuzhan, Kong Neng, Kong’s younger brother, treats her well.

When Jiang stayed in Nanshi for a walk, the guards had secretly sent the news to the eldest prince. Hearing that Jiang Liu was really out of the city to pick up the goods, the eldest prince’s smile deepened.

He knew that when the banquet was held at the Yasui Palace, what should be left to his mother to reward Jiang would be in line with her mind.

(end of this chapter)

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