Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 1135

Chapter 1135: Bole And Maxima

Chapter 1135 Bole and Maxima

Jing Hedi’s sudden words made Le’an Hou Jiangfeng stunned. His legs softened and he almost knelt on the ground, and then heard Jing Hedi’s command, “Jiang Qing, sit down and talk.”

“Xie Wansui.” Seeing that Wansui didn’t look angry, Jiang Erye held the table and sat down tremblingly. At this moment, the hot steam in the pot was not as much as the cold sweat on his head. Jiang Erye didn’t know what charges Qin Tianye had arranged for him, but he knew that he must prove his innocence immediately, otherwise, after this critical moment, he would not be able to wash himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

Jiang Erye, who was so nervous when he was nervous, mustered up his courage and replied sincerely, “Long live, I don’t know how many crimes Qin Tianye has made for me, but I have never done anything wrong. Long live, I am ashamed of the big mistake of the court. I have a bad habit of being lazy and slippery, and I can’t bear hardships, but in the past few years, I have tried my best to reform under the guidance of Long live and my brother.”

Seeing Jiang Feng looking at him with such sincerity that he was about to swear, Jing Hedi was inexplicably moved. Even though Jiang Feng has made great contributions to the court and was named a marquis, his courage is still as small as when he first called him into the palace eight years ago. A single word of his own can scare him into this.

Regardless of what happened before Jiang Feng entered office, he has lived under Yang Feng’s eyelids for seven years. As he said, in the past seven years, he has done some ridiculous things except for occasional hot-headed things, but he has never made a big mistake. Not only did he not make a big mistake, but he was still in danger at the time of the imperial court, turning his life around and turning the tide. A person with such a small courage, just because he saw himself worried, he took the initiative to stand up and ask for his life. He went to Suzhou to be born and died, hundreds of assassinations, and dozens of injuries. , a sword cut off Jiang Jinzong’s head.

Returning with great merit, although he was overjoyed because of the nobility, but after being scolded by Jiang Song, he immediately calmed down. He never thought that with his current title and merits, he would not have to listen to Jiang Song’s words at all, nor would he ever think that, with his merits, even Emperor Jinghe, who is the lord of a country, could no longer deal with him at will.

This son is pure and good.

Emperor Jing He’s eyes were gentle, and the large sleeves of the dragon robe were sealed for him, the only Le’an Hou Bucai who was hereditary and irreplaceable, “You don’t have to be too frightened, I can’t trust you. How could he be deceived by Qin Tianye’s nonsense.”

Jiang Erye’s peach blossom pupils were glowing with water, and he choked, “Long live Shengming! I am ashamed, I will do my best to do the rest of the errands after I go back, and I will never be lazy again.”

Yang Feng…

You just told Wanzai that you have worked hard to improve your self-confidence…

King and Emperor also laughed, and asked in a chatty manner, “You don’t like errands in the Ministry of War?”

Being an errand is a serious business, how can you say whether you like it or not, Long Live assigned it, even if you don’t like it, you have to like it! Jiang Erye reminded himself to always remember his duty as a minister, looked up at Jingjing and the emperor’s smiling eyes, and answered truthfully, “Long live, the minister is guilty, and the minister has not yet figured out what errand he should do in the Ministry of War…”

Kongfeng Pavilion…

Le Anhou, you really dare to say anything…

But Emperor Jing He smiled more gently, “What’s your guilt? Three years ago, in order to allow Qing to serve as the imperial envoy in Suzhou, I transferred Qing to the Ministry of War. Qing went to Suzhou less than a month after joining the Ministry of Military Affairs. It’s only half a month since I returned to Beijing three years later, so Li Qing has not assigned him any specific errands, right?”

The minister of the Ministry of War, Li Zengkui, could not carry this pot on his back, so Jiang Erye quickly explained, “My minister thanks Wansui for your kindness. After the minister returned to Beijing, he went to the Ministry of War to order a mao, and Mr. Li asked the minister to go to the Ministry of Punishment and the Ministry of Punishment first. The Ministry of Personnel, Dali Temple, and the Censor Station will hand over the errands in Suzhou and Yongchang, and then return to the Ministry of War to take the errands. Please rest assured, the minister must have completed the handover of the errands in Suzhou and Yongchang a few years ago, and then, under the guidance of Mr. Li, Steadfastly, the Ministry of War is bad.”

Jiang Erye has been out of Beijing for three years, and has handled hundreds of cases of corrupt ink, investigated and punished hundreds of corrupt officials, and promoted a large number of local officials. After returning to Beijing, the criminal evidence of the corrupt officials and the documents of the court trial must be handed over to the Ministry of Punishment, Dali Temple and the Censor’s Desk.

The officials he promoted in Suzhou and Yongchang had to go to the Ministry of Personnel to verify one by one, get official registration, and issue appointment documents with the official seal of the Ministry of Personnel; Handover with the Ministry of Household; the changes of the generals and officers of Zuo Wuwei, the distribution of troops, etc. should also be clearly explained to the Ministry of War…

It is said that these things do not need to be done by Jiang Erye himself. However, not only Zeng Xianzhi and his master Zhou Qiwu, another imperial envoy who went out to Beijing with him, stayed in Suzhou, but even Dianshi Qu Lunxue and other Xicheng yamen who went with him. The officials and others were also unable to rush back with Jiang Erye because the errands were not completed, so now Jiang Erye can only personally take Jiang Bao, Jiang Houer and others to run around between the yamen.

None of these things can be done in a day or two. Jiang Erye wanted to cry but had no tears. He didn’t even dare to think about the matter of returning to the Xicheng Yamen.

Watching Jiang Feng’s expression change several times, he was full of energy for a while, and then he looked sad again. Jing He Di had a great appetite and ate a few more bites of meat. Because there are one hundred officials in the Chinese military, and only Jiang Feng is the one who dares to be so magnanimous in front of Emperor Jinghe. So in front of Jiang Feng, Emperor Jing He also put down his guard.

The less vigilance and temptation between rulers and ministers, naturally more trust and relaxation. Jing He Di smiled and asked, “You still want to go back to Xicheng Yamen?”

Jiang Erye’s sad face was immediately lit up by Jing Hedi’s words, showing the demeanor of the first beautiful man in the week, “Long live back, I thought.”

Jing Hedi asked again, “Why do you want to go back?”

Jiang Erye said truthfully, “Long live back. There is a common saying in the folk that ‘how many meters are there in the pot’, the minister also wanted to share his worries for the long live, but he was stupid by nature. The good thing is that there are only a few small things for the hundreds of households in Xicheng to eat and drink.”

In order to make his words more credible, Jiang Erye looked eagerly at Emperor Jinghe again, and said sincerely, “This minister can handle the errand of going to Suzhou to rectify the administration of officials, not because of the minister’s great ability, but because of the long live one every three days. The secret letter of Feng gave instructions and layouts; Xie Qingquan, Lord Xie, and Hou Qiu Jing, the Hou of Enyi, followed the minister and made suggestions for the minister; Zeng Xianzhi, Lord Zeng and Xicheng officials did their best to handle the errand; Waiting for the local officials to give full support. The ministers only bear the title of imperial envoy, and they are the sticks in the hands of Wan Sui, and Wan Sui refers to which ministers to fight; in addition, it is to help the officials who are really doing things, and block the corrupt officials and corrupt officials. , so that they can do business with peace of mind. Long live, everything I say is the truth.”

Emperor Jinghe was moved, “My lord’s words come from the bottom of his heart, but he doesn’t have to belittle himself. Qing was the first minister to quell the chaos in Suzhou. Except for the lord, no one can do it well. Adviser, there is no shortage of officials who do practical things, but there is no shortage of officials like Qing, who stand on the cusp of the storm without getting lost or shaken, always remembering his identity, and never forgetting the pure minister who is loyal to the monarch and serves the country, and Bole who is a virtuous person for the country.”

Being able to get such high praise from Long Live, Jiang Er Ye couldn’t help but flutter, his eyes lit up, and he said sincerely, “The minister is not Bole, Long live is the Bole. It was Long Live who chose the minister, and the minister is a thousand miles.”

Jing Hedi, who was being moved by himself, was stunned when he heard the words, and then he laughed.

(end of this chapter)

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