Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 1138

Chapter 1138: Wedding Date

Chapter 1138 Wedding Date

In terms of appearance, Su Zhaoyi, who is now in the harem, is a bit worse than the sixth lady of the Jiang family!

Standing behind Mrs. Yin Taifu, Yin Peizhen saw Jiang Liu’s better appearance than last year, clenched her fists quietly, tried her best to hold a docile smile on her face, and turned to look at her mother-in-law, Queen Kang.

Just as the three concubines were thinking about how to call Su Zhaoyi in front of Jiang Liu and admire her pale appearance, what Empress Kang thought was that it was fortunate that Jiang Liu had promised her.

Empress Kang smiled and said a few words to Yazheng, praised Jiang Muyan, and then set her eyes on Jiang Liu again, “I heard that Mulan has picked four more cottages in Suzhou?”

When it comes to picking a cottage, the ladies in the harem are all interested.

Jiang Liu, whose name is Jiang Mulan, saluted and replied, “Back to the Empress, the four cottages in Suzhou were encircled and suppressed by the father of the minister and daughter, and the minister and daughter followed to search for the whereabouts of the stored grain. It happened that a few mountain bandits were panicking and collided with each other. Come up.”

Just happened to catch it? Queen Kang and the third concubine kept laughing when they heard the words, “Tell me, how did you catch it by chance?”

Jiang Liugan babbled about his follower brother to pick a cottage, and answered a question from the second prince’s mother-in-law, Concubine De, in two or three sentences about the matter of finding Wanggangling to store grain. The women in the palace, who had been waiting for a long time, were quite disappointed, because Jiang Liuyuan was not as good as the storyteller.

Empress Kang was very satisfied. After praising Jiang Liu’s great work in finding grain to solve the grain shortage in Suzhou, she rewarded one hundred taels of gold, six horses of silk, two boxes of Nanzhu, and two hundred acres of fertile fields, but did not mention the eldest son to her repeatedly. And the Jiang sister caravan, and the matter of giving Jiang to stay in the garden.

Because Queen Kang would never allow the eldest son to have the opportunity to “run into” Jiang Liu again, so that he would have thoughts that he shouldn’t have. Thinking of this, Queen Kang asked Yazheng with a gentle smile, “Is the wedding date of the two children set?”

Yin Peizhen, who had been paying attention to Jiang Liu’s heart, held her breath nervously and looked at Yazheng. The concubine, concubine, and Mrs. Hou, who were talking softly, also stopped, waiting for Yazheng to answer.

Most of them also believed that Jiang Feng’s engagement with his adopted son and second daughter was a delaying strategy. After all, there were more and better choices than marrying Ren Lingsheng, who was beautiful and incomparable to Jiang Liu. From how Yazheng responded to the wedding dates of the two stepdaughters, you can know how the Jiang family planned to marry Jiang Liu.

When asked about the wedding date, Jiang Muyan and Jiang Liuzi, who were standing behind their mother, bowed their heads shy. Ya Zheng got up and replied, “Yan’er’s wedding date is set for August 26 next year, Liu’er’s wedding date is set for four years later, on September 8th of Jinglong’s fifteenth year.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, Jiang Muyan had reached the age of getting married, and getting married next year was a matter of course. But Yazheng actually said that Jiang Liu’s wedding date was also set. Although it was four years later, there were still days. The queen is the mother of a country. If Ya Zheng lied, it would be deceiving the king. The Jiang family did not have the courage.

So, are Jiang Liu and Ren Lingsheng really engaged?

The Jiang family… What is this picture?

Even if the Jiang family does not marry Jiang Liu to Ren Lingsheng, Ren Lingsheng is also Jiang Feng’s adopted son, why should he use the most beautiful daughter of the Jiang family to win over him. Could it be that Ren Lingsheng and Jiang Feng, who stayed in Yongchang, had a feud?

Concubine De looked at Yazheng and Jiang Liu’s expressions carefully, feeling extremely regretful. Because she had planned to let Jiang Liu marry her son as Concubine Zheng. Unexpectedly, Jiang Feng actually left Jiang to the helpless black boy of the Ren family.

Yin Peizhen, who always had a smile on her face, listened to Yazheng’s words, the tight strings in her heart loosened, and she let out a sigh of relief. She thought she was hiding it well, but how could she hide from everyone present.

This girl from the Yin family doesn’t look like she has any means, and the minds of several Hou madams and princesses are active, and they are thinking about the possibility of marrying their daughter and niece to the eldest prince as a side concubine.

Queen Kang’s smile became more real, “The Marquis of Le An really loves her daughter, and she must keep both children until they are 18 years old and remarry.”

Bai Yang’s younger sister, Concubine Ning, the biological mother of the third princess and the seventh prince, raised her hand and smiled, “The Marquis of Le’an really loves her daughter, but the son-in-law of the Marquis of Le’an will have to wait.”

The girl from another family should get married, but the Marquis of Le An wanted to keep his daughter for three more years, so he didn’t feel sorry for his daughter and hurt his son-in-law, and everyone laughed. Queen Kang smiled and said, “At that time, this palace will add a generous dowry to the two girls!”

Before Yazheng brought her two daughters, Xie En, the biological mother of the sixth princess and the fifth prince, Concubine Hui, the daughter of Liangzhou provincial governor Dong Fean, had already fallen laughing, “Empress Empress, our second most beautiful man in Kang’an, Mrs. Liu, to Jiang The third girl fell in love with her and waited for three years at first sight, and the concubine felt that I didn’t need you to deal with this matter, and Master Liu would treat Jiang San girl like a jewel.”


The Queen    still smiled, “If this is the case, this palace should give more weight to Lord Liu’s jewelry.”

Yazheng took her two daughters to thank her, and when she returned to her seat, Yazheng felt a little relieved, because she knew that today’s stage was passed safely.

Sure enough, then the queen’s gaze turned to the girls in the other manor. The main purpose of today’s banquet is that the queen wants to meet the girls from various houses who have not left the cabinet, to choose a concubine for the eldest prince, and a concubine for the second prince.

In the hall, except for Concubine Hui, everyone is a human being, and what they say is hidden. Jiang Liu is tired from listening. When the palace banquet with all the colors and fragrances is set, she immediately put all her thoughts on eating. But who knew that before Jiang Liu had eaten a few bites, the highlight of the palace banquet—the banquet had begun!

Everyone turned their attention to the girls from various prefectures who took turns to demonstrate their talents in the center of the hall. When all kinds of fancy compliments were made, the hungry Jiang Liu sat properly behind a table of delicious food. tick the food, then tick again.

She’s so hungry, aren’t everyone hungry…

In the side hall, the eldest prince, who was looking into the hall through the screen, passed his gaze through a group of Yingyingyanyan, and landed on the pitiful bright little face, and couldn’t help showing a smile.

Seeing the big brother smiling, the second prince leaned over and asked in a low voice, “Big brother likes this?”

The eldest prince turned his eyes to the woman who hit the guzheng in the middle of the hall, “Second brother, be careful.”

cut! The second prince rolled his eyes secretly, “It’s boring.”

The eldest prince followed his words and asked, “How can I be energetic?”

“I want to see Jiang Liuniang dance the stick!” After the second prince finished speaking, he sighed with great regret, “It’s a pity.”

Unfortunately, Jiang Liuniang is already engaged and will not perform on stage.

“Second brother knows that Jiang Liuniang will no longer be on stage, so you should pay more attention to the girls who can go on stage.” The eldest prince’s eyes fell on Jiang Liu’s face again, not knowing whether he was admonishing the second brother or himself. Unexpectedly, just as he turned his eyes to Yin Peizhen, he saw his cousin Huang Liyan got up and ran to the Jiang sisters and said something to them.

Then the Jiang sisters got up and went out of the hall with Huang Liyan. The eldest prince’s eyes sank slightly, and he asked the confidant little **** to give a few words. The little **** nodded immediately and walked quickly.

(end of this chapter)

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