Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 1188

Chapter 1188: Sugar

Chapter 1188 Sugar

Jiang Mujin let out a weak voice, raised his hand and patted the bench beside him. After Jiang Liu sat down, Jiang Mujin leaned on Jiang Liu like a boneless octopus, humming, “I’ve had a hard time holding back these days. When you’re free, let’s go out to the city to play polo?”

Asking the fifth sister to go to Lingbao Temple with him originally wanted her to relax, but it was self-defeating when she didn’t want to. Jiang Liu felt guilty, and immediately responded, “There are many people who play polo, so it’s interesting, let’s call the second sister-in-law, the third sister, the cousin Chunling, the sister Juan’er, Bai Liuniang, Bai Jiuniang, Chai Qiniang… I will tell you all, I want to go. You can follow. When the time comes, we will set up more lucky draws, and we will be a group, and we will win a lot of money if we beat him.”

Jiang Liu talked about a long list of people who all had a good time with them.

Jiang Mujin immediately became interested, “Second sister-in-law, sister Juan’er, Bai Qiniang and Chai Jiuniang will definitely be able to go, third sister, cousin and Bai Liuniang are enough.”

Playing polo, as the name suggests, is a sport of hitting a wooden ball with a long-handled mallet on horseback, and it is extremely lively to play. The second sister-in-law Yuan Xiayue, Bai Qiniang and Chai Jiuniang are all lively and active, and Mrs. Bai’s daughter Bai Shujuan is also very skilled in riding. Jiang Muyan and Bai Fengyuan were calm and peaceful, and didn’t like to make noise. Liao Chunling’s riding skills are average, so playing polo might be a little difficult.

Jiang Liu smiled and said, “Those who like to play polo play polo, those who don’t like to play other things, there are so many good places in Leyouyuan, there is always someone who can suit your heart. After playing polo, let’s go to the hot spring and have a good time. Play all day and come back.”

“Okay, I like bathing in hot springs the most!” Jiang Mujin hugged Jiang Liu and chatted, and then ran to report to the second sister-in-law.

Jiang Liu returned to the west courtyard and saw his sister reading a book on the couch by the window in the study. The gentle sunlight in the evening shrouded her body through the window and flowed into Jiang Liu’s heart.

Sitting by the window is the sister of one of her mother’s compatriots. She is not a dove occupying a magpie’s nest, but the real Jiang Liuniang. Since she is Jiang Liuniang, why did her soul stay for 20 years after a thousand years? Is it this past life, or is it Zhuang Zhou Mengdie? Before and after a thousand years, is it all yourself? Zhuang Zhou and Butterfly Ben are the same person?

Jiang Muyan put down the book, wiped her sister’s tears, and asked worriedly, “What happened, wasn’t it okay when you first went out?”

“Nothing happened, I’m fine, very fine, I’ve never felt better…” Jiang Liu hugged his sister tightly, shedding tears. In the ninth year of Da Zhou, she felt the most at ease at this moment.

Weeped his clothes, how could it be good. The younger sister didn’t say anything, and Jiang Muyan didn’t ask, just hugged her and patted her gently.

After crying enough, Jiang Liu embarrassedly rubbed his face with a handkerchief. He didn’t know where he got so many tears. It seemed that he was really his sister’s sister, and he cried so hard.

After crying a lot, Jiang Liu’s head was sober, and he went to Renfu to find Yanping to discuss the matter of Yu Yuanzi’s departure from Beijing.

After sending her sister out, Jiang Muyan asked Shuqiu with a calm face, “Who did you meet with the girl today and what happened.”

After Shuqiu finished speaking, Jiang Muyan pondered for a moment, then ordered, “Go and see what the Sixth Young Master is doing. If he is not with his grandmother or mother, bring him back to the study to see me.”

Shuqiu ran out for about two cups of tea before Xiaoyueer walked into the study slowly and stood obediently in front of the third sister.

Jiang Muyan pointed to the chair next to Yueer to sit down, and motioned everyone to go out and bring the door, and then asked, “In the hall of Lingbaoguan, what did your sixth sister say to Daoist Master Yu Yuanzi?”

They said a lot, do you want to learn all of them for the third sister? Yue’er, who doesn’t like to talk, didn’t know what to do for a while.

Jiang Muyan explained, “After your sixth sister came back, you discussed the matter with the second sister-in-law’s brother in the front yard study for an hour. After she came back, she cried, and my sister has never seen her cry so sadly. There were only you and you in the palace at that time. Sixth elder sister and Taoist priest Yu Yuanzi, so elder sister can only ask you. Yue’er told elder sister what happened in the hall of Lingbao Temple.”

Hearing the sixth sister cry, Xiao Yue’er frowned and thought about it before replying succinctly, “Elder Liao asked Daoist Master Yu and Guan Jing to preach in Khotan, and Brother Yuan escorted them. Guan Jing will die. Daoist Yu is very dangerous, he asked Sixth Sister to give Brother Hezhi a bite to eat, and he would not tell Dad.”

Xiaoyue’er added her own opinion, “Sister, I think this has something to do with Daddy. Let Sixth Sister go to Qixian County to find Dad, Sixth Sister runs fast.”

Jiang Muyan explained patiently, “It’s getting late today, and it’s very dangerous to drive at night. I’ll send someone to invite cousin Jun to come over. Let’s find out what’s going on first, and then discuss whether to invite my father back.”

Yue’er nodded her head, and when she saw that the third sister was no longer questioning, she slowly walked out of the study.

When Jiang Liu and Yanping finished their discussion, it was already half dark. When she returned to Jiang Mansion through the Renfu Garden, she found two younger brothers sitting on the stone bench beside the corner gate, Yueer leaning against the rockery to watch the stars, and Qilang lowered his head and fiddled with his hands. of something.

Jiang Liu stopped in front of his younger brothers, bent over and asked, “Are you two waiting for me to go back to eat together?”

“Look at the stars, wait for my sister.” Shiro pointed to the stars in the sky, “Emperor.”

Polaris has many names such as Beichenxing, Ziweixing, Emperor Xing, etc. The statement of Emperor Star must be told by the supervisor of the Sitian Supervisor, Chen Changqiu, to Yueer, and Yueer will teach it to her younger brother. Jiang Liu touched the heads of his younger brothers one by one and sat beside them.

After learning that he was the real Jiang Liuniang, Jiang Liu looked at every relative around him and became much closer than before. These two are her half-brothers, her relatives in this world.

By the weak light, Xiaoyueer found that Sixth Sister was about to cry again. He took out a large amount of candy from his pocket – because his hands were small, there were only three pieces of candy in a handful, and he gave them all to Sixth Sister.

Jiang Liu peeled off the candy wrapper, first stuffed a piece for the seventh brother, another for the sixth brother, and the last one into his mouth. As soon as the sugar entered, Jiang Liu knew that it was the sugar made by his brother’s sugar workshop for himself. Xiao Yueer didn’t like the taste of the sugar, but she still carried it with her, obviously it was specially prepared for her sister.

Really good brother, Jiang Liu raised his hand and rubbed Xiaoyue’er’s head.

Seeing that the sixth sister didn’t cry, Xiaoyue’er was very happy and persuaded, “Live with me with brother Zhi.”

In this way, my sister doesn’t have to worry about finding a house and food for Brother Hezhi.

Jiang Liu understood and rubbed his little head again, “Yue’er don’t have to worry about these things, Lingbaoguan will be fine, so will their master and apprentice.”

Xiaoyue’er responded and continued to comfort her sister, “The Emperor Star is very bright, and Taiweiyuan has no abnormal appearance.”

Emperor Star Jiang Liu knew, “Which one is Taiweiyuan?”

Taiweiyuan is not one, but a star. My sister didn’t understand, so Xiaoyue’er said bluntly, “It’s all good.”

“It’s fine.” Jiang Liu was eating candy, looking at the stars in the sky, thinking about what Yue’er had learned from Yu Yuanzi and Chen Changqiu in a place he couldn’t see.

At this moment, a new star in Taiwei Yuan walked out of the imperial city through Anfu Gate. Hou Zai, the steward of Jiang’s residence outside the city gate, immediately stepped forward and bowed to salute, “Master Liu, will you be free next time?”

My father-in-law’s house sent someone to call, and if there is no time, there must be time! Liu Juntang nodded immediately, “I’m free, my teacher has returned to Kang’an?”

“My second master hasn’t returned to the city yet. The third girl sent a villain to welcome you.”

The word Taiweiyuan may have been heard by book friends.

In ancient my country, the 4,000 stars visible in the northern hemisphere were divided into 31 areas. In addition to the twenty-eight constellations, the constellation of Zhouwei in the Arctic was divided into three constellations: Ziweiyuan, which symbolizes the palace of the emperor, and Taiweiyuan, which symbolizes the imperial court. , The sky wall that symbolizes the market.

So everyone should understand what Xiaoyue’er means now, right?

(end of this chapter)

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