Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 144

Chapter 144: To Be The Mrs.

Chapter 144 Be Your Lady

Three days later, a group of six entered the area with few people and many mountains in Hui’an. Sitting in the carriage, Jiang Erye held the bow and arrow in his hand and looked out the car window vigilantly.

Uncle Qiu poured a cup of tea and handed it to him, “Second Master, have some tea.”

It’s been a while, how can I still have the mind to eat tea! Jiang Erye frowned, “I can’t eat it.”

Uncle Qiu said, “Second Master, as a general, the more the enemy is in front of you, the more you have to keep your composure, and only when you can stabilize your troops can you stabilize…”

“I can’t stand it!”

“The second master is now more tensed than the full bow. If this goes on, when the bandits come out, the second master will be exhausted. How can I meet the enemy?” Uncle Qiu’s voice was calm, soothing Jiang Erye’s tense nerves. ” The second master relaxes, inhales deeply, holds it in, and exhales it slowly, repeating this repeatedly, you will be relieved.”

Jiang Erye tried to relax and asked Uncle Qiu in a low voice, “Why haven’t they come out yet?”

“The time has not come.”

Jiang Erye asked again, “When will the time come?”

Uncle Qiu said with a smile, “It’s hard to say right now. Second Master, don’t worry, Yayin and the others have been on the battlefield for a long time. If someone is lying in ambush in the mountains, they will definitely be able to detect it.”

Jiang Erye muttered, “Don’t hurt your horse…”

Yin outside the carriage was angry again, “Second Master really cares about Victory!”

Jiang Erye was puzzled, “Didn’t you claim that you are pushing 800 opponents horizontally, Xuanyuan re-emerged as a martial artist? If you meet a few thieves, do you still need to worry about you?”

“Crack!” Yayin’s fists rattled a few times, gasping for breath.

Uncle Qiu lowered his face and instructed coldly, “Yin, go to the car to lead the way.”

“Yes.” Crow Yin urn responded angrily, urging Qinglong to lead the way in front of the car.

Jiang Erye fought with Ya Yin for a few words, his nerves were relieved, and he took the tea cup and ate tea slowly. After Jiang Erye had eaten three cups of tea, Lu Dingyun, who was driving the car, suddenly put his hand into the car from outside the door curtain and stretched out three fingers.

Uncle Qiu understood, and immediately bent down and took out a wooden board from under the stool to block the door with only the curtain hanging on it. Don’t put on the horizontal stick, and signaled Jiang Erye not to approach the window.

Is    finally here? Jiang Erye shook his hand, and the tea cup fell on the snow-white robe. He reached out and held his bow and arrow, staring at the fluttering curtain on the small car window with big peach blossom pupils. Uncle Qiu whispered, “Second Master, listen, the birds outside the car stopped.”

Now Jiang Erye can only hear his own heartbeat and gasping sound, but he can’t hear anything next to him. Apart from these, he still wants to… Xiaojie.

Jiang Erye just opened his mouth when he heard a “bang”, the carriage he was leaning against trembled, he was so frightened that he ducked to the side, but was held down by Uncle Qiu and couldn’t move.

“Bang!” An arrow shot through the car curtain and into the car board three inches in front of him, making Jiang Erye scream, “Uncle Qiu!”

Uncle Qiu suppressed Jiang Erye and didn’t let him move, “Er Master, don’t move, just shout loudly and let them know that you are in the car.”

“Ah-ah-” Jiang Erye opened his throat, venting his fear.

Victory heard the master’s roar, followed by a neigh, and trotted the ground with his horse’s hoof uneasy. Qinglong also became excited, Jiang Bao and Yayin tightened the horse’s reins and avoided the arrows in embarrassment. Lu Dingyun, who was driving the carriage, pretended to be embarrassed and fell from the carriage, and “escaped” into the mountain with a tumble and crawling.

Yao Daishan, who was lying in ambush not far away, saw this scene, tsk tsk, “This yellow horse is not bad, keep it for you, don’t leave one alive! Second child, take someone down!”

The second master of Yasha Village got the order, and led a dozen of his men to rush down the mountain with a ghost head knife, surrounded Jiang Erye with his carriage and horses, and shouted, “I drove this mountain, and I planted this tree. If you want to Hit this, and leave it to buy road money!”

Jiang Bao rode on the horse, pretending to be afraid and trembling and shouting, “On the carriage is the younger brother of Mr. Jiang, the Chief of Rites. If you dare to hurt my son, the government will never let you go!”

“Hahaha—” The second master of Yasha Village laughed loudly, “This is the little white face that you are waiting for! Jiang Feng, get down for the Lord, let the Lord open your eyes and see if you have the beauty of the girl in Wanhualou!”

The bandits followed suit, and Jiang Erye’s face was tense. After the shock just now, the hand holding the arrow stopped shaking. He stared at the car window with wide eyes. As long as anyone dared to put their paws in, Jiang Erye would not shake. Must poke his hands full of blood!

At present, Jiang Erye can stabilize his mind, and Uncle Qiu is very pleased. In the roar of laughter from the bandits, Uncle Qiu opened Erye Jiang’s hand, took off the goose-feather arrow, and exchanged him for a long spear.

Jiang Erye’s eyes widened, “Why did you want to go, didn’t you say that you only need to stay in the car?”

Uncle Qiu’s face sank, and the scars looked particularly hideous, “Second Master is not a princess, and you have to go down the road of martial arts to give up brocade clothes and jade food. If you don’t want people to laugh at you, you are relying on your face to eat soft rice, The second master will go down and pick a few gangsters and let them know that you are a man of the sky!”

He didn’t want to stand upright. Hearing the sound of fighting outside the car, water mist appeared in Jiang Erye’s eyes. He couldn’t do it.

Uncle Qiu opened the crossbar blocking the car door and put down the baffle plate, and continued to provoke Er Ye Jiang, “If Er Ye doesn’t want the people of Quanzhou City to call you a coward, and Miss Liu and Young Master Ling to be disappointed, get out of the car and prove it with your gun. You are also a tough man! Don’t let the old slave look down on you!”

After the plank was removed, the curtain of the car was blown up by the wind. Jiang Erye looked at Ya Yin and Jiang Bao who were fighting with the gangsters. He smelled the pungent smell of blood, and only felt something rolling in his chest. Gun jumped out of the carriage and rushed towards the gangster who was wielding a ghost-headed knife to injure Victory.

Seeing that Jiang Er Ye finally came down, Ya Yin and Jiang Bao immediately jumped off the horse and stood to his left and right, Qing Long and Victor were unridden and ran to the side, and a few bandits on the top of the mountain rushed down and ran towards the horse .

The second master of Yashazhai, who was carrying a knife, saw Erye Jiang, his eyes were bigger than copper bells, “What a beauty! Little ones, this one has to live, and the second master wants to take back the cottage to be the Mrs. Yazhai!”

The mountain bandit laughed, “Second master was dazed by the beauty, and he couldn’t see men and women clearly!”

“I want the grandfather of Yazhai Xiaozhu’er too!” The second master of Yasha Village swallowed his saliva and rushed to Jiang Erye with a knife, wanting to carry him away immediately.

Jiang Erye, who was most annoyed by others saying that he looked like a woman, was furious and picked this ugly ghost’s knife with a gun. Who knows that he has practiced thousands of tricks, but it fails in front of the gangsters. The second master of Yasha Village stood with a knife to avoid the tip of the gun, and laughed loudly, “Not bad! You dare to play with a gun, Grandpa likes it! The beauty goes with Grandpa, Grandpa will keep you delicious and spicy!”

Lord, come with you! you go!

Jiang Erye was angry, he used the gun he held high in the air as a stick, and smashed the ugly ghost’s head hard.

The second master of Yasha Village didn’t take it seriously, and raised a knife with one hand to block it handsomely.


I didn’t expect that the little beauty was not only beautiful, but the gun was even stronger. She smashed his knife down, and smashed the knife and the gun on his head, causing the second boss to rumble in his ears and become dizzy.

Jiang Erye is still not relieved, and another heavy stick hit the ugly ghost’s head, you go!

The second master was also quick to react. Although he was dizzy, he instinctively turned his head to avoid Jiang Erye’s deadly gun.

Avoided his head, but not his body. Jiang Erye slapped him on the shoulder with a stick, knocking him to his knees, the blood on his head dripped down, his eyes turned up, and he lay down on his back.

After Jiang Erye defeated the second master of Yasha Village, the real battle began!

Thanks to book friends Xizi Xiaoniao and 6731 for their rewards, and thank you for your subscription support. There is another chapter at 12 noon today, please wait a moment.

(end of this chapter)

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