Daily Life of Jiang Liuniang

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Enemies Meet

Chapter 23 The Enemy Meets

In the early morning of autumn, the air is clean and the sky is high and the clouds are clear. Jiang Erye led his son to lead the way, and the sound of hooves in the mountains is particularly ethereal and pleasant.

After waiting for the sound of cars and horses gradually outside the car, Jiang Liu asked Shu Qiu to lift the curtain of the car window. She tried to look out, and what caught her eye was a blue brick city wall several feet high under the blue sky. Unable to see the end, it is very majestic and shocking. The three big red lacquer characters “Mingdemen” above the city gate cave where people come and go shone in the sunlight, making Jiang Liu’s heart warm.

This is the time and space where she is now – one of the three city gates in the south of Kang’an City, the capital of Dazhou – Mingde Gate.

Seeing the continuous flow of pedestrians and the shining big characters on the city gate, Jiang Liu knew that the capital was prosperous and prosperous, and the people were peaceful. Because if people are in turmoil and everything is unhappy, the flow of people will not have such aura, and no one will bother to paint the plaque on the city gate with red paint.

Shu Qiu saw the girl staring stupidly over there, and also glanced at the city gate, and then called out, “The third master is waiting for us at the city gate with the second and third masters!”


Jiang Liu’s **** eyes flashed, and he saw a little fat man in blue jumping up and down at the gate of the city. She thought that this must be Jiang Siyu, the Saburo of the Jiang family, because the first time she saw this little fat man, she felt that he was very dazzling, which made her feel uncomfortable.

This may be the residual emotion of Little Fatty, why is she not uncomfortable because it is mixed with other people’s emotions or emotions? Jiang Liu was very puzzled.

Sure enough, a young man in a moon-white robe greeted her father with a snoring blue-clothed fat man and another child. This man should be Jiang Huai, the third child of the Jiang family. Jiang Liu looked at it carefully, if Jiang Huai looked a bit worse than her father Jiang Feng, but Jiang Huai looked like a calm, capable and skilled person, her father…it’s not easy to evaluate.

After    Jiang Huai greeted his second brother, his eyes fell on Jiang Ling behind him. Jiang Erlang and Jiang Sanlang also stared at Jiang Ling.

Jiang Erye called Jiang Ling to recognize the person, “Come here to meet your third uncle, second brother, and third brother.”

Jiang Ling stepped forward and bowed his hands in a majestic salut. Third Master Jiang replied with a smile, “Get up quickly. Your family has been thinking about you all these years. We can finally have a reunion year this year.”

Jiang Liu on the carriage… The third uncle is really good at talking!

Jiang Erlang also handed over, “Brother Ling.”

Jiang Saburo pointed at Jiang Ling and laughed, “Are you going to the mountains to burn charcoal? Why do you look so dark!”

Jiang Huai gave way to the side, so as not to be harmed by the pond fish. As soon as he backed away, Jiang Erye used a horse whip to knock Jiang Saburo’s head like a wooden fish, “Bang!”

“Ouch!” Jiang Saburo covered his head and jumped, “Why did the second uncle hit me!”

“You were the one who hit! Did you say that about your brother?” Jiang Erye said, “What about the rules?”

Jiang Sanlang was favored at home, but he did not dare to provoke his second uncle, so he could only bow his head at this time, and said angrily, “Grandma asked the third uncle to bring me and the second brother to welcome the second uncle and the third sister, the sixth sister and … brother back. House.”

When Jiang Erlang came to the carriage, the curtain was half raised, Jiang Liu followed Jiang Muyan and called him “Second Brother” with a smile.

Erlang Jiang Sishun smiled gently, “Sixth sister is really good, grandmother will definitely be happy to see her.”

Jiang Liu was silent, because she was still far away from the good time.

After the carriage drove into Mingde Gate, Jiang Liu was still leaning on the window and looking out. Outside the window is a holographic image of life in the ancient city, and she actually became a part of this scene, and she felt quite complicated in her heart.

The Jiang family lives in the east of Kang’an City. It takes about half an hour for the carriage to drive from the south gate to the Jiang’s house. Jiang Liu stared outside for half an hour and didn’t feel bored at all. When the carriage drove into a quiet alley with persimmon trees on both sides of the road, Jiang Liu knew that this was Persimmon Alley where Jiang’s family was located. In addition to the Jiang family, there is another family in this alley that is quite related to the Jiang family – the Meng family.

After living on the mountain for three months, Jiang Liu generally figured out the origin and enmity of the Jiang and Meng families.

Jiang Liu’s grandfather Jiang Mian and Meng family’s master Meng Huizhou were classmates and friends when they were young. They both entered the imperial examinations. Although they had different careers, they both served as ministers in the Ministry of Punishment.

In June of the previous year, the Supreme Emperor ordered the Ministry of Punishment to thoroughly investigate the case of corrupt ink in Suzhou. Meng Huizhou and Jiang Mian were busy in the Ministry of Punishment day and night, and they could not afford to return home. On the night of the fire in the Punishment Department, Jiang Mian and Meng Huizhou had a fierce quarrel over dinner at the same table, and then Meng Huizhou returned to the house in anger. The fire burned up the files of the Suzhou case and also burned the prisoners to death. Jiang Mian committed suicide that night.

It was also the same night that the Jiang Mansion, who did not know it, was surrounded and searched by the forbidden army. The first stop Jiang Song sent people to secretly went out of the mansion to inquire was Meng Mansion. Unexpectedly, the Jiang family could not even enter the door of the Meng family. After learning about the quarrel between Jiang Mian and Meng Huizhou, the Jiang family determined that Jiang Mian’s death must be related to Meng Huizhou.

Because these two have been together for most of their lives, they have never blushed once!

What could make them quarrel like this? Later, there were rumors on the street that Jiang Mian received the benefits of the officials involved in the case in Suzhou and wanted to exonerate him vaguely.

The Jiang family did not believe that the fair and honest Jiang Mian would do such a thing, and the court did not find any evidence in the Jiang family to prove that Jiang Mian was related to the Suzhou case, but the wall was pushed by everyone, and the people who took the opportunity to seek favors were still It was only after the Jiang family was able to dissipate their family wealth to clear the relationship that they got the case that “Jiang Mian has nothing to do with the Suzhou case of embezzling ink, but was tired and turned over the lamp oil and ignited the file”, and the Jiang family escaped.

After the Jiang family was able to go out, the first thing they did was to bring back Jiang Mian’s corpse from the yamen. Who would have guessed that after Jiang Mian’s mourning hall was erected, the first person who rushed up to cry and worship was Meng Huizhou, who had not shown up for several days!

At that time, the Jiang family had just escaped danger. Although they hated him very much, they did not dare to drive him out of the house to cause trouble. Meng Huizhou cried so sincerely that he even fainted in the mourning hall. Jiang Mian’s old mother, Mrs. Jiang Tai, was also so angry that he fell ill and passed away three months later.

After Mrs. Jiang Tai’s death, Meng Huizhou came to pay tribute to her filial piety, and Jiang Erye directly beat him out. Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Tai passed by the door of Meng’s house on the day of her funeral, Meng Huizhou actually set up a table and road sacrifice, and when Mrs. Jiang’s hearse passed by the door of the house, she took the Meng family to cry and worship in front of the house, and won the victory. Passers-by appreciate it.

At that time, Jiang Mian burned the dossier to the death of the Supreme Emperor, and also made the Suzhou case a pending case, becoming a sinner in the eyes of Kang’an City and even Dazhou Wanmin. Therefore, when Jiang Mian of the Jiang family went to the funeral, passers-by scolded; when Mrs. Jiang Tai went to the funeral, passers-by also said that this was the retribution of the Jiang family.

When no one wanted to get involved with the Jiang family, Meng Huizhou was not afraid of being implicated. He not only spoke for his old friend, saying that he accidentally knocked over the lamps and candles because he was tired for days, but also sacrificed Mrs. Jiang with such a big ceremony. admire!

Admiration for his big devil!

After knowing these past events, Jiang Liu’s cheeks were sour, and he secretly said that Meng Huizhou is such a big white lotus! Passing by the door of Meng’s house at this time, not to mention the people around Jiang’s family, Jiang Liu could not wait to pick a persimmon and slam it on the gate of his house! What she hates most in her life is green tea and white lotus!

Immediately Erye Jiang also looked at the closed door of the Meng family angrily. Jiang Huai was afraid that the second brother would cause trouble again, and quickly persuaded, “Mother is waiting in the house, she ordered someone to prepare your favorite food, Let’s go back quickly.”

At this moment, the door of the Meng family opened. It’s really a narrow road for the enemy, and the one who walked out was Meng Xunzhen, the third-eldest Meng family who had a fight with Jiang Erye outside Liujiazhuang three months ago.

The two have a pair of eyes, that’s when the enemy meets, and they are particularly jealous!

In order to make it easier for everyone to understand the time and space background and humanistic characteristics, the dynasty used in this article is still the Great Zhou Dynasty~~ It is the parallel space and time developed after the Chai family conquered the world after the Tang Dynasty. If you want to understand the context of this time and space, you can read the introduction of the first few chapters of my first book “The Widow Maid of Time Travel”~~~ The author is lazy, so I won’t introduce it in detail here.

(end of this chapter)

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