Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 11: Analysis System

Days passed by… months… then years…

Encrypted sticky notes began to be stuck to every surface of the bedroom room.

Reference books randomly sprinkled around the bedroom.  

The bedroom got progressively messier as time passed.

The only break from the endless studying was when Leon ceased his studying to greet his family, and momentary breaks to eating food… but sometime Leon would comprehend something important whilst eating and going running off to write it down, dropping the food.

Leon periodically tested his understanding of the knowledge with self-created derivative spells, and would mark down the result to confirm his understanding of the material.

Flashing lights of various spells could be seen radiating outside the bedroom window.

The more that Leon worked on the [analyze system] spell, the more amazed he was with the spell. It covered everything related to information.

Encryption and stealth to hide the [analyze system] spell from other’s discovery, dispel to counter other’s divinations related to you, and advanced anti-dispel to prevent others from dispelling the [analyze system] spell could be applied to other spells.

Although Stella seemed to have only given him a single spell, in fact, many of the spells in [analyze system] could be used separately and derived to have multiple uses. Each spell was far more advanced than those currently available.

In addition, the combination mechanism of the different spells was truly genius in the [analyze system] spell. It allowed the power of every component spell to exert far greater strength.

The use of divination to scan objects, computer-like operations for calculation, advanced artificial intelligence to provide supplementary information and assistance to the divination. Illusions to visually display the data, true sight to see-through illusions. and assistance with comprehension of the analyzed information through algorithmic learning.

Leon was extremely excited.

The encrypted notebook was slowly being filled with unique spells that were successfully derived from the [analyze system] spell.

The rune language that was utilized was completely different than the mainstream, which increased the time it took to learn the material. However, the runes designed were more specific in nature allowing more complex spells.

If normal runes were similar to specific words like [water] [cold] [move] [forward], a similar spell in in complex runes was akin to an entire sentence like [summon water and change it into ice and throw forward at 80 miles per hour]

The extra details that could be included in complex runes meant that the person casting the spell did not need to mentally fill in the details to cast the spell. This increased the consistency between various casts of the spell. However, it also drastically increased the difficulty of understanding the spells.

Clearly these runes were designed to improve automation to a certain extent, reducing the need for an individual to input their will into the spell to ensure consistent.

The caster only needed to understand the purpose of the runes and input mana into them, the spell does not require any additional thought.

The main advantage of complex runes is that permanent enchantments and magical artifact creation will have fewer glitches and does not require a mage to understand the runes to input mana into them to restore the artifact’s mana after creation.

However, for normal spell, standardized runes are better as the complex runes decreases the flexibility of the spell.

The remaining portion of the [analyze system] spell left Leon with a significant problem. It required in-depth knowledge of artifact creation and permanent enchantments to be able to begin comprehending it… and Leon currently had an extremely basic understanding of these two fields.  

The books in his bedroom were cleared away, the notes summarized and included in another encrypted booklet.

Thus, the next stage of learning began…. and time to rapidly pass by.

Like a montage, the cycle of day and night began to swap quickly in an instant.

Various props began to fill his bedroom in quick succession.

Enchanted swords, metal balls with runes surrounding them, wooden contraptions with permanent spells attached to the object.

There were various debris scattered throughout the room of failed experiments.

As Leon input mana into a complex rune on a small metal badge, an explosion of smoke occurred in the room and Leon was forced to rush out.

After the accident, a fire-extinguisher appeared in the corner of the room and Leon began to wear a set of wielding glasses when working on the props.

Debris of various failed props began to be piled in the corner that was soon filled to the brim, and then emptied... then the pile of broken props was refilled in a short time.

At the same time, the successful props were placed in a small cupboard.

Slowly and steadily, amidst countless failure, successful products were created.

The cupboard that contained the successful prototypes began to fill up with various homemade props with various eccentric effects.

Some of the props were created based on regular enchanting, and simply added frost to a weapon’s attacks like the fancy metal sword in the back of the cupboard.  

Others were based on spells that were derived from the [analyze system] spell, which varied in shape and purpose.

In the far back, a wooden box with a switch that could continuously project a temporary anti-magic field into the surroundings environment, similar to a magic version of an EMP to temporarily dispelling most spells and magical artifacts that have not added anti-dispel protective measures into them.

Outside of the cabinet, there was a robin-hood style green hat hanging on a hook that could interfering with divination of others if worn.

These props were extremely useful and could practically serve as a soldier's secret weapons in war, yet they were haphazardly piled in a cabinet in a young elf’s room.

When the cabinet was filled with various props, Leon cleaned up the room of the various failed props and felt nervous.

Breathing deeply, Leon sat down at his desk and silently stared at the grimoire that had accompanied him for this period of time. Gently stoking the cover of the book with melancholy, Leon looked out the window.

An extremely complex spell was cast and attached to himself with a blue illusionary glow.

Shortly after the glow faded, an illusionary blue panel appeared that only Leon could see before his eyes.

[Analysis system is activating]


[Successful activation]

“Status.” Leon spoke aloud to test the system, although it was unnecessary. The spell project information in the form that would be most recognizable to him, and Leon thought of the systems in novels. It could be said that the spell functions were quite complete, and the form could be edited in whatever manner he wanted.

After some tiny edits, the [analyze system] spell took the form of a complete system that he named the analysis system. Leon even wondered if the creator made the spell with the express purpose of creating a compete system like in novels.

[Name: Leonardo Field]

[Race: Elf]

[Age: 367 years old]

[Tier 1: Extraordinary Magician]

[Condition: Perfectly Healthy]

[Mana: 12%]

[Specialties: Instinctive Judgement, Genius, Twin Succubus’ Blessing.]

[Mood: Happy, melancholy, confused.]

“So… more than a hundred years have passed.” Leon’s eyes were complicated with a hint of sadness. He felt that his perception of time had gone astray at some point. This timeframe the entire lifespan of an average human, yet it felt like absolutely no time had passed.

Since Leon had begun studying the [analyze system] spell almost 113 years have passed. He had finally finished his research on casting the spell.


[Instinctive Judgement: You have a strong instinctive judgement that borders on divination. Your instincts about others have an extremely high-probability of being accurate.]

[Genius: You learn information and can apply what you have learned at a faster rate than most people in your species.]

[Twin Succubus’ Blessing: All woman will have a good impression of you. This blessing will cause fertile woman to automatically have strong desire to sexually tease you. Any fertile females that fail a willpower check will be affected by your pheromones will result an intense desire to bear your children in their womb.]

Leon stared at the Twin Succubus’s Blessing and sighed.

This blessing is likely to cause him an unknown amount of distress and trouble in the future.

The fact Twin Succubus’ Blessing was classified as a specialty meant that it was impossible to remove or hide. Except for spells like invisibility or the charm suppression artifact, he would need to learn to live with this blessing when interacting with others.

Leon’s thoughts wandered to Levi and the kitten, and slight regret came to his eyes.

In the early days, bunny-girl doctor would occasionally send him provocative and explicit photos in their conversations until she’d gotten older. The style of their conversations changed to more serious topics like various medical spells and their mechanisms.

-but one day, nearly forty years later, the bunny-girl doctor completely stopped sending him messages and no longer replied to his messages.

There was the possibility that Levi had simply given up on communicating with him, which Leon could accept.

Leon felt that it was unreasonable to expect others to maintain a long-distance contact with him.

Plus, he only replied to her text messages every couple of days and most of his thoughts were on learning various runes and information to cast the [analyze system] spell.

However, Leon had a terrible fear that caused a sinking feeling in his heart since that day.

The lifespan of most species of demi-humans tended to be shorter than humans. In particular, rabbit demi-humans had an extremely short lifespan. It was already considered extremely remarkable for them to live into their sixties.

Most rabbit demi-humans will not live past fifty years of age.

Leon didn’t dare to think further.

Time travel existed in this world.

Magic existed.

Elves had immortality.

This was a mysterious world, and anything could happen.

“Escape is shameful, but extremely useful.” Leon reminded himself and regained his emotions, he avoided thinking further on this topic.

Leon’s gaze turned to the grimoire in front of him, and used the system to analyze the grimoire in detail and determine whether it was safe.

[Magic Grimoire – A grimoire with infinite pages that can assist the user when casting spells if utilized correctly.]

[This grimoire have various abnormalities and seems to have been designed by an ancient craftsman with various encryption mechanisms to hide the spells written in the book and to have the functions of binding to the soul of the first person to input their mana into it.]

[A hidden mechanism has been discovered in the grimoire that can permanently storage the user’s soul in a conscious state if their body has been destroyed. The storage is currently empty.]

[An extremely powerful anti-divination spell has been applied to the grimoire preventing further information, such as the specific contents written in the grimoire from being analyzed.]

[Based on available information, it can be concluded that binding the grimoire has no hidden dangers.]

Leon knew that the analysis system was more thorough in exploring the secrets of the grimoire in these few seconds than he could be in years.

After all, Leon had spent over a hundred years learning everything about the [analyze system] spell and was extremely confident in its usefulness. The derivative spells that he created were enough to determine the value of the spell.

If the grimoire had the slightest chance that there was hidden danger, the analysis would note that conclusion. Thus, Leon could determine that the grimoire is completely safe through the result of the analysis and was relieved.

The grimoire was swiftly connected to his soul as he inserted his mana into it, and Leon could summon and dissipate the object at will.

Leon felt relived.

The next step was learning to use the grimoire properly, installing the complex spells that he knew into it. Like the teleportation spells and the various derivative spells that he learned during this timeframe.

The whole process only took about a month.

In the past seventy years, Leon had not only learned the spells necessary to cast analyze system. He also learned mental and physical protection spells.

Soon, Leon had enchanted himself with various permanent protective spells on himself.

Under normal circumstances, these spells need to be cast every single day to be effective, but Leon’s proficiency in enchantment from studying the [analyze system] spell can allow him to make them permanently function by deducting a small amount of his maximum mana.

These protective spells are passive and are similar to armor in some games that will reduce any incoming damage by a set value. The spell’s defense is similar to plate mail armor covering his entire body and worked against mental attack.

Thus, there should not be any situation where Leon’s mind can be mentally influenced by another tier 1 mage.

Unless his defensive spells are completely overpowered by another spell, or if the opposing spell is extremely special... Leon should be able to defend himself perfectly. 

The magical arrays inside the city should quickly notice any spells that powerful, and guards would arrive shortly afterward. In general, the protective spells are enough to prevent causal assassination as Leon only needs to buy enough time for rescuers to arrive if he cannot escape on his own.

After confirming with his parents that the delegation from the Darklands had already left the elven villa, Leon decided to return to the city and go back to school.

The school in the city was a good learning environment.

Plus, according to his parents, Leon needed to spend at least 200 years there in order to be considered an adult after a discussion by the elven council.

Leon was the main test subject of the council’s new school policies.

One of the main purposes of the program was to ensure that young elves could interact with other species in a safe environment and prevent them from growing up too naïve as to the realities of the world.

As such, when Leon returned to the elven forest, they organized a meeting and understood some problems with the policy…

What if future elves followed suit and simply studied in the elven forest until they reached the level of graduation? It would completely defeat the purpose of studying in the cities of other races.

Thus, the council added a condition of the amount of time spent in the city before a young elf can be considered an adult.

In this timeframe, Leon had learned a lot about the situation and understood some important information. As long as the young elves are not killed or permanently harmed, other elves would not intervene in their development.

Small setbacks and obstacles for young elves are tacitly encouraged by the elven council, so the new generation does not grow as a flower in a greenhouse.

Except for mortal danger, Leon will be left to his own devices at other times.

Whether Leon was cheated out of their pocket money or charmed by the succubus, the older elves simply do not care. Even his parents didn’t think it was a big deal after confirming there were no negative lasting consequences.

The elven council didn’t even bother reprimanding the Darklands delegation about the twin succubus using charm magic on him.

This is likely why the two succubus maids dared to directly charm him.

After saying goodbye to his parents and enchanting the cabinet to a locking spell to prevent others from accessing the props inside, Leon returned to the city with the help of an escort.

Since Leon was no longer in his home, he did not dare to wear the charm suppression bracelet and was forced to destroy it.

After he’d researched various elven laws, Leon completely confirmed that the bracelet was indeed extremely illegal and could not be used publicly. The main clients of such props are those involved in international espionage, thus the penalty for owning and trading such props basically starts with the death penalty.

Leon could only helplessly destroy the charm suppression prop to ensure that others do not discover its existence.

Maybe, if Leon was discovered he would be considered a child in a court of law and have a lessor penalty… but who dares to bet? The penalties in the law are extremely clear, plus the policy that considered him a child was made not long before his birth.

It is entirely possible that he’ll be judged as an adult in the event of breaking the law. The changes in policies are meant for protection, not for illegal activities.

The journey back to the villa was uneventful.

The school was notified that he would be rejoining, and his student status was reinstated.

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