Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 13: Monster-girls and Magic

Leon returning to the library of the school after being dismissed.

In the past hundred years, the library seemed to have been left mostly unchanged. The main difference was the addition of various advanced theories and some of the various books had been misplaced, without anyone organizing the books.

Three beast-kin girls were giggling with female figurines on table, their school clothes had been modified to show their bodies to the maximum extent possible. They appeared to be playing some kind of game akin to roleplaying game based on the books on the table.

A cat-kin leaned over the table and hit a button in the center of the table, her brown tail was raised to the sky and showcasing her white panties underneath a black mini-shirt.

A red-scaled dragon-girl was holding a booklet about some kind of game.

Meanwhile, a beautiful female angel-like beast-kin with white-feathered wings spread behind her was not wearing a shirt and her bare breasts were exposed to the air. The wings behind her spread out across the library and flapped with her subtle movements.

Leon briefly glanced at the group of beast-kin and wondered if the culture of the city had truly changed completely over the course of the 100 years. Nudity and exposed bodies seemed to be far more prevalent than before.

In addition, the various beast-kin female classmates in the class to the various beast-kin girls around the school seemed to purposeful showing off their bodies.

Leon didn’t care that much about the beast-kin girls playing their game. His goal today in the library was specifically the [cure] spell to prevent himself from being completely incompetent in the face of injuries in the future.

[Cure] – Restore any injuries on the target.

Grabbing the books on healing spells, Leon used the [analysis system] to help him study the [cure] spell.

The system showed him the key points and taught them in an understandable manner.

If Leon had any specific questions, the [analysis system] could easily help answer them. The addition of the [analysis system] drastically sped up his progress in understanding the spell. The [analysis system] constantly analyzed incoming information and made relevant connections, before processed the information.

After collecting enough information, it was akin to an omnipotent tutor and could assist in everything.

Therefore, if there were any questions that the system could not answer, Leon only needed to find another book on the subject and the [analysis system] would quickly fill in the missing information.

Although the system was akin to a searchable library that could be queried at any time with advanced processing capabilities.

Given enough time, the [analysis system] can analyze basic information like addition of 2+2 = 4, and discover various missing information like multiplication, exponents, and logarithmic functions.

Of course, this type of analysis will take a considerable amount of time… but normal information analysis can be quickly summarized and explained in an easy-to-understand format.

Leon brought out his grimoire and slowly programmed the various runes and spell models of the spell into the grimoire. Although Leon knew that studying in this manner would be completely unable to retain the information that was taught, it didn’t matter. He merely needed to understand the runes and spell models when writing in the grimoire.

The soul-bound grimoire allowed Leon to merely understand the spell on a superficial level a single time when drawing the runes, and then he would be able to spell forever.

Normal spells require a comprehensive understanding of the spell.

Every time you cast a spell, a complete understanding of every rune and spell model is required along with intense concentration.

The grimoire skipped this step, akin to a calculator that could be programmed with specific formulas that could be referenced and called back upon.

All that Leon needed to do is have the intention to cast the related spell and the grimoire will automatically cast the spell with mana stored inside of it. If the mana accumulated in the grimoire is not enough, Leon would need to input mana to cast the spell.

Beyond that, the grimoire didn’t require any brain power or complicated thoughts.

The grimoire was a completely revolutionary invention, which drastically reduced the requirements of intelligence and recollection ability of a magician.

In the course of approximately an hour, Leon understood the key points of the [cure] spell and programmed everything into the grimoire.

Leon proceeded to use [analysis] to test whether the spell had been successfully written down.

The program of the [analysis system] displayed multiple errors in the runes and spell models with illusion magic, highlighting them with red text and adding their corrections in a little illusionary blue box on the side. After correcting the errors, Leon once again used [analysis] again and a confirmation was given that the [cure] spell would work correctly.

After all, errors were corrected, Leon decided to test the spell on himself.

Leon easily cast the [cure] spell by giving mental instructions to the grimoire.

The [cure] spell released a green glow and landed on his body, slowly regenerating damage and relieving his physical fatigue.

Leon looked at the grimoire in a daze and felt strange.

A spell that would have normally taken months or years to memorize the runes and learn the related spell models was permanently stored in his grimoire in less than an hour.

It was so easy that Leon felt unreal.

Although Leon knew that the grimoire and [analysis system] would drastically improve his efficiency, the benefits exceeded his imagination.

Without the [analysis system] pointing out his error, Leon would still need to spend around a month to figure out why the runes and spell models that were copied into the grimoire was incorrect.

Although the grimoire would allow Leon to learn the spell faster than normal and relieve his worries about having to remember the runes and spell models of every spell, the effects would never be so exaggerated.

Understanding the [analysis system] spell enough to cast it took approximately a hundred years, but the various benefits the spell could provide would save him an infinite amount of time.

Staring absentmindedly, Leon silently gave an order to the [analysis system] to develop more advanced healing spell. He wanted to test the limits of the [analysis system] spell analytical abilities.

[Background goal: High Cure.]

[Current progress: 0%]

[Estimated time: 5 years…]

“Why is development so slow?” Leon frowned at the thought of taking years to develop a single spell, and probed the system to query the reason for the slow development.

[Answer: Lack of knowledge relating to advanced healing spell models, techniques to dispel curses, and other suitable reference material.]

“In other words, if suitable reference material is provided, the speed of spell development will be faster?” Leon muttered to himself, sending another mental probe to the [analysis system] and was provided with an affirmative response.

[Answer: Any relevant information analyzed is likely to influence estimated time to successful development.]

Leon nodded, and simply let the [analysis system] work away at developing the [High Cure] spell.

A background goal will not have any influence on other functions of the system and could be halted at any time. This simply provides the [analysis system] with a background goal to do with idle processing power.

“Are you finished studying?” The angel from the table of beast-kin girls approached him and asked with a quizzical expression, her small breasts were completely visible and exposed. The large feathered white-wings of the angel beast-kin were spread out behind her and showed their majestic size by taking up the majority of isle of the library.

“Do you need something?” Leon asked coldly and tried his best to avoid staring at her breasts.

“Ah-” The female angel seemed flustered and explained, “Well, I just wanted to ask if you were finished. In case, you wanted to play games with us.”

“…” Leon silently looked at the female angel in front of him and considered the offer.

“-Or maybe you’re busy, sorry to bother you.” The beautiful angel girl seemed disappointed, turning away.

“Wait, I’ll join you.” Leon thought about it and decided to agree, although this angel seemed a bit perverted with her breasts exposed in public library. Leon’s instincts told him that she wasn’t a bad person.

In fact, calling this beautiful girl with white-wings with the term “Angel” was probably a misdemeanor. “Angel” was a term limited to a half-divine race that was a servant of a god.

Most likely this “Angel” was simply part of the beast-kin of the feather-clan and happened to be born with white wings… but it was easier to mentally call her angel than go into the specific technicalities.

Leon was supposed to make friends and interact with people in the city.

Despite not being a mandatory requirement by the elven council, Leon decided to join them in playing games and interact with them. Studying was not an urgent matter, especially considering the grimoire and analysis system could drastically reduce the amount of time necessary to obtain combat effectiveness.

Therefore, as the required time for studying was reduced, utilizing a period of time to make friends was okay.

More importantly, Leon remembered that the lifespan of dragon-kin that was playing games with them was approximately 2500 years. That meant he could make friends with her without worry about her dying anytime soon.

“Really?” The female angel looked back at him with a surprise in her voice.

“Why not?” Leon shrugged and decided to take some time to relax. The past hundred years had been nonstop learning without any chance of relaxation, taking a moment to relax and play some games was fine.

“Great!” The beautiful angel girl walked over to the table with the other beast-kin girls.

“I should inform you that I probably have no clue how to play.” Leon added afterward, he didn’t want to lie.

“It’s fine, we’ll teach you.” The angel girl waved away his concerns.

“…” Leon silently nodded.

Walking over to the table with two other beast-kin girls, the angel gestured to Leon. “He agree to play games with us!”

“Really?” A young dragon-girl tilted her head to the side, the young dragon-kin had glistening shiny red scales, thick dragon-like wings and thick tail behind her.

“Alright!” The cat-girl with brown hair and white-spots seemed excited about the development and looked over him.

“Let’s do some introductions, my name is Rosalina.” The female angel tapped her exposed breasts whilst introduced herself, and gestured to the cat-girl. “The cat-girl is Skitty.”

“Hello~” The cat-girl, Skitty, stood up to greet him and leaned over the table to greet him.

“You can call me, Natus.” The young dragon-girl, Natus, with beautiful red scales introduced herself and gestured to take a seat. The dragon-girl’s school shirt had been modified into something more akin to a bra and completely exposed her stomach, only the black skirt had been left unmodified.

Meanwhile, Skitty wore a normal school uniform and utilized exaggerated movements to showcased her feminine features. Like leaning over the table with her tail raising into the sky and squeezing her breasts into the table.

“Nice to meet you, I’m Leon.” Leon politely nodded and took a seat beside the angel Rosaria and the cat-girl Skitty. “What game are you playing?”

“Monster-girls and Magic….” The dragon-girl coughed awkwardly and looked at the other girls in the group. “-But we should probably play a more normal boardgame if you’re joining.”

“Mhmm…” The angel girl nodded in agreement.

“That’s fine.” Skitty agreed with the sentiment to change the game that are playing. “Let’s play a regular boardgame.”

All of the girls silently agreed, which was a bit confusing.

The game that was set up on the table seemed to be called “Monster-girls and Magic.” There were various female characters drawn on the cover fighting a humanoid beholder with tentacles covering the creature’s nudity.

Three female figures seemed to be enchanted with some runes that Leon didn’t recognize, but they seemed to be specifically designed to connect to the individual.

“Why?” Leon felt confused. “Is there a problem with Monster-girls and Magic?”

“Monster-girls and magic can be a bit… sexual.” The angel girl awkwardly explained and averted her gaze. “So, unless you’d prefer a game with sexual content, we should probably play a more normal game.”

“You’re playing a game with sexual content in the school library?” Leon raised his eyebrow at the girls.

“To be fair, you are the first person we’ve ever seen come into the library besides us. Plus, the vast majority of students are girls.” The dragon-girl, Natus, cough awkwardly, “-we’ve been playing here for almost 2 years now and nobody’s cared.”

Leon was not surprised the library was empty. 

Firstly, most people don’t even know the library exists. The school’s library is hidden in a small corner of the campus.

Secondly, those that do know the library exists usually don’t bother to visit it. Most students simply study what is in their textbooks and don’t care about anything outside of the course requirements.

Teachers have no reason to visit the school library and can acquire most information online for free.

Although the magical information in the library is free for students, the complexity of finding relevant material in the library is rather high and is a slow process. 

“How exact is does the game have sexual content, anyway?” Leon rolled his eyes.

“There’s special magic that connect to the figurines and rolls dice to decide outcomes, along with some scripts in dungeons and monster figures are enchanted to take certain actions.” The angel girl explained, and poked the winged female figurine on the table that symbolized her character. “-When you lose certain rolls, the enemies and traps will… commit some acts of sexual content.”

The winged female figurine on the table responded by flapping her wings and blushing, backing away from controlled Rosalina who poked her.

“That doesn’t sound that bad…” Leon shrugged and glanced at the characters on the board.

After experiencing various situations, Leon wasn’t exactly a virgin that would flinch at the sight of nudity. Otherwise, Leon wouldn’t have agreed to played with the angel that had her breasts exposed. Since the three girls were playing it in a public place, the content of the game shouldn’t be that bad.

A bit of visual sexual content is fine, everyone here is an adult.

Leon wanted to see how games had been influenced by magic, and Monster-girls and Magic clearly had was a game that had various magical runes.

“Are you certain?” Skitty raised an eyebrow at his statement.

“This is what you usually play, right?” Leon looked at the figures on the board, “Anyway, I don’t understand any modern games, so I’ll try it.”

“Tsk~ Tsk~” The dragon-girl smiled, “You’re certainly brave to try it without understanding anything.”

“Hold on, what if the game scares him away?” The angel girl was extremely hesitant to let him play.

“Leon already said he wanted to try it.” Skitty encouraged and took out a cat-boy figurine from the box and pushed it in front of him. “We don’t have a figurine of an elf… can you accept a cat-boy figurine?”

“It doesn’t matter.” Leon didn’t care, it was just a player character. “How do I play?”

“Insert some mana into the avatar to begin with~” Skitty explained and moved her own figurine of a cat-girl next to it, “Then I’ll explain some of the rules.”

The cat-girl’s figurine stretched her body and her tail stuck out far behind her, the figurine was a thinly-dressed cat-girl wearing thieves gear and had a bow with arrows on her backside. The figurine stretching showed the magic of the figurines and displayed that a lot of effort went into created them in a realistic fashion.

Leon used the [analysis system] to check the figurines, and the system didn’t find any dangerous elements. The magic on the figurine connects the individual and the figurine, but the connection would automatically be cut-off in approximately two hours when the mana inserted in the figurine dried up.

Inserting some mana into the cat-boy figurine, various additional sensations filled Leon’s mind.

The cat-boy figurine had an almost perfect sensation of all five senses, it felt like having control a miniature clone. Everything that the avatar felt and saw, Leon could feel and observe.

Including the complete sensations of the long fluffy cat-tail swaying behind him, and fluffy flexible ears twitching on top of his head.

However, it felt like giving orders to a game avatar and there was no direct control over the body of the cat-boy.

Many actions were automated and uncontrollable, like the swishing of his cat-tail and the leg movements.

Although Leon could move and control vision perfectly, this was limitation to controlling the clone’s actions was more like giving instructions to an individual in an RTS game. The exact actions were limited to some prepared ones and the clone would make them.

“First of all, some monsters and dungeon traps will ambush your character… and potentially capture them.” Skitty explained and silently ordered her avatar, “…like this~”

The cat-girl figurine jumped toward his own avatar; it seems like his avatar failed a dodge. The cat-girl caught him in a soft and warm hug.

The cat-girl’s soft breasts squeezed into his avatar, and Leon felt like the cat-girl was actually hugging him. His avatar was unable to escape from the cat-girl’s grasp and Leon’s avatar instinctively struggled.

“As you can probably understand, all of the sensations of the avatar are transmitted to the player.” The angel girl explained with caution.

At the same time, the cat-girl avatar’s hand moved to begin stroking his fluffy cat-tail.

The phantom sensation of stroking along his tail to the base and teasingly squeezing his buttocks caused Leon to jump. The cat-girl gently nibbled on his avatar’s fluffy cat-ears with her lips and continued to playful stroke along his tail.

The phantom sensations caused Leon to turn aroused and shut his eyes. This only made these teasing sensations more realistic and obvious.

“If you want to stop, let us know.” The angel girl, Rosalina, hesitantly stated.

The cat-girl avatar continuously stroking his tail, the base of the tail was an extremely erogenous zone and sent waves of pleasure up his body as the cat-girl’s avatar stroked it.

“Once you’ve been captured by an enemy, you need to hit the button to roll a D20 dice that is kept in the middle of the table to escape. This is to test whether you personally have the mental fortitude to escape from the pleasurable sensations.” Skitty explained, as her avatar continuously teased him. “If you fail to roll a higher than their capture strength, you have failed to escape and will have to endure the pleasure for a single turn… which is thirty seconds.”

“Understood.” Leon nodded, opening his eyes and reaching for the button in the middle to roll the dice to escape.

Escape STR [Roll D20 = 5] < [Capture 13]

Leon's avatar attempted to escape from the grasp of the cat-girl, but tripped and fell.

The cat-girl pounced on top of him, sat on his backside. Positioning herself on above his buttocks, the cat-girl began strongly stroking the base of his fluffy tail with both her soft feminine hands and teased it with her fingers.

The base of the tail is the most pleasurable erogenous zone of a cat-kin and strong pleasure shot through his body from his tailbone.

“Every thirty seconds of being captured or after failing to escape, the animation will begin to change, and the pleasurable sensations will increase.” Skitty explained as her character continued to teasingly ravage his own avatar mercilessly. “So, whenever you feel the simulation from your attacker beginning to change and you have not recently pushed the button, you know that a turn has passed.”

Leon’s face was resting against the table with his eyes-closed, his hands moving to his backside to trying and stop the pleasurable sensations from bombarding him. But obviously the pleasurable sensations were flowing from the avatar and his behavior was to no effect.

“I’ve tried to limit my avatar’s actions to teasing your tail and cat-ears as a tutorial… but it seems that might still be too much for a newbie like you.” Skitty looked at his flushed expression and his attempts to stop her from stroking his tail with his own hands.

“Every turn, most enemies will progressively intensify their assault on a captured individual. If you still have the desire to escape from the enemy, you can simply push the button whenever the pleasurable sensation changes.” Skitty explained and looked at Leon’s embarrassing behavior on the table, “If you’ve given up or are unable to reach for the button due to the paralyzing pleasure, you can just enjoy the erotic sensations.”

The cat-girl’s avatar leaned over and slowly licked the cat-ears of his avatar on a repeating cycle, and her right hand pushing on his buttocks in a teasing fashion while her fingers squeezed the base of his tail. Her left hand continued to stroke the tail in its entirety.

Leon felt the cat-girl’s avatar begin licking his fluffy ears and pushed the button again.

Escape STR [Roll D20 = 12] < [Capture 13 + 3 = 16]

The avatar tried to resist the assault of the cat-girl and failed to escape.

The cat-girl seized the opportunity to reach into his pants and began to stroke his erection with her righthand and the base of his tail with her lefthand.

“Alright, I’m stopping the tutorial on capture mechanics there.” Skitty felt his erection through the avatar and quickly ended the tutorial. “The difficulty of escape depends on the strength of the individual capturing you + a penalty based on difficulty of escaping from your avatar’s current position. It’s usually harder to escape the longer you’ve been captured.”

“When you reach orgasm, you lose a health point.” Skitty explained and awkwardly coughed, “Your total health is your constitution modified.”

The cat-girl’s avatar reluctantly released her grip and stopped teasing Leon’s cat-boy avatar. Leon was relieved that the cat-girl released him, and returned to his seat.

The other figurines of the dragon girl and the angel girl had a similar appearance to their true bodies. It appears that the girls purposefully choose characters that were similar to their own to improve their immersion.

The dragon girl wore two-piece set of leather armor that only covered her body akin to a bra and panties with a long-sword.

The angel girl was holding a staff with mages robes.

“Right, technically, you are supposed to return to your seat after pressing the button.” Skitty adjusted her skirt with her hands and explained. “-And if you hit the button and fail to escape, the enemy gets a free-action to progress in capturing you.”

“Are you certain that you want to play this game?” The female angel frowned and stated, “Most likely, we will get captured and sexually assaulted, the enemy AI will not go easy on you and the dungeon cannot be escaped half-way.”

“Although it’s a bit different than I expected, I’ll be fine.” Leon waved his hand and felt strange, although the game was slightly sexual it reminded him of similar games in his previous life. “How does combat work? Can I improve the chances of escaping?”

The only awkwardness that Leon felt was playing this kind of game with sexual content in public, surrounded by three girls.

“Almost everything in Monster-girls and Magic is automatic, you only need to think of attacking and various rolls will automatically be made.” The dragon-girl leaned forward and explained, “The only time you need to hit the button is when you are captured.”

“You can bring up the status of your character and allocate points by poking the avatar.” Rosalia explained and poked her own avatar. “Every odd number above 10 will bring positive bonus to rolls of that attribute… in other words, an 11 and 12 will provide a +1 bonus.”

“The chance of escaping capture is dependent on the strength stat and influences physical damage.”

“Avoiding capture depends on dexterity, which also influences hit rate.”

“Health depends on your constitution… if you lose all your health in combat, you will be completely unable to resist or escape.”

“Wisdom influences perception and intelligences some magic related stats.” Rosalina finished explaining the various stats.

Listening to her advice, Leon tapped on the cat-boy’s head and felt a pleasurable wave shot through his body from his head.

The cat-boy avatar blushed from the pleasure and almost stumbled to the floor, and instinctively covered his fluffy ears on his head where he poked.

A projection appeared in front of Leon.

<Character Sheet>

<Profession: Undecided>

<STR 10>

<DEX 10>

<CON 10>

<WIS 10>

<INT 10>

<Undistributed points: 10>

Before distributing his point, Leon needed to choose a profession from Warrior, Thief, Mage, White Mage, and Warlock.

“What profession should I choose?” Leon looked toward the three girls.

“That your own decision.” Rosalina stated and explained, “I’m a White Mage.”

“Warrior.” Natus, the dragon-girl stated.

“Thief, here!” Skitty waved her hand. 

“How does Warrior work?” Leon didn’t understand how the game worked and felt that starting off with a class that simply hit things was the best decision.

“Warriors have bonuses to various melee attack rolls and have an additional point of health.” The dragon girl stated and explained.

“Let’s play a Warrior, then?” Leon directly selected the Warrior class and allocated his points.

<Character Sheet>

<Profession: Warrior>

<STR 15 (+3)>

<DEX 13 (+2)>

<CON 11 (+1)>

<WIS 11 (+1)>

<INT 10>

His avatar transformed instantly into a warrior, hold a sword and shield in his hands. The cat-boy looked at the new equipment in confusion, and glanced tapped the shield with the sword to test the sturdiness.

“Alright, that is all sorted.” Leon nodded.

“Okay, let’s begin with the western forest dungeon then?” The dragon girl looked at the other girls for confirmation.

“That’s fine.” Skitty nodded, grabbed a forest-like altar with various runes on it from a box and placed it on the table.

The avatars of the three girls moved into the forest-like altar.

“Direct your character to stand on the altar to enter the dungeon.” Rosalina explained to him.

“Got it.” Leon saw the alter with his avatar’s eyes and directed him to enter.

When the cat-boy avatar stood on the forest altar, the surroundings blurred.

The vision of the avatar changes arrived at the edge of a massive forest that was akin to a virtual reality game. Leon controlled the avatar to look down at his hands and felt impressed.

“Leon, your main goal is defending Rosalina. Leave everything else to us for the time being.” Skitty moved to the front of the team, the cat-girl turned around and looked at him. “Since this is your first time in a dungeon, simply watch and learn.”

Skitty’s avatar began to explore the surroundings with her bow drawn.

The cat-girl lead the way. She easily dealt with several goblins that appeared in their field of vision easily, releasing arrows into them and killing them in single strikes. According to Rosalina, the goblins are the most basic monster in the forest and are basically cannon fodder.

As the cat-girl continued to walk through forest, vines at her feet sprung to life and tightly wrapped around the cat-girl’s four limbs in a single motion.

The cat-girl’s avatar was completely caught by surprise, the vines tied up her hands and legs forced to spread apart in a sexual manner by the vines. Bringing the surprised cat-girl into the air in a single motion.

“Critical ambush.” Skitty exclaimed, and leaned over the table to hit the button. “Rosalina, help!”

Escape STR [Roll D20 +1 = 10 (+1) = 11] < [Capture 15 + 5 = 20]

The cat-girl’s avatar struggled to escape, but more vines appeared from the forest and wrapped around her breasts and inner thighs. The vines began pleasurable wrapping her in various erotic positions and teasing her.

“Mmhhmm…” Skitty’s breasts squeezed onto the table, her tail erratically rising into the air and accidentally showcasing her underwear to Leon. Her actual body twisted and reacted to the phantom vines that were wrapped around her avatar. “Rosalina, save me…”

The dragon-girl and angel looked at each other and a glint flashed in their eyes, and they both nodded in unison.

“Actually, this is the perfect time to show Leon the consequences of being captured in a dungeon.” The angel Rosalina crossed her arms and simply watched the embarrassment of the cat-girl with a smile.

“I concur.” The dragon girl directly agreed.

“No, I-” Skitty disagreed completely with that idea and tried to convince them to save her, but found it difficult to retort through the pleasure. “Mhmmm~”

The erotic vines squeezed and rubbed along her sensitive erogenous zone, preventing her from moving. The vines began to release a sticky liquid that dissolved the clothing on the avatar of the cat-girl, and a singular vine began to block her mouth.

The vines continued to sexually stimulate the cat-girl by rubbing her inner thighs and teasing her exposed breasts. The beautiful body of a naked cat-girl was wrapped up by vines and sexually stimulated before his eyes.

More vines appeared to tighten their hold on the cat-girl’s limbs and continuously stimulated her erogenous zones. The erotic movements of the vines did nothing to cover the exposed bare skin and exposed nipples of the beautiful cat-girl’s avatar that glistened due to the dissolving liquid.

The cat-girl avatar’s legs had been forcibly spread by the vines at the beginning of the interaction and her exposed pussy was displayed before the group’s eyes.

Meanwhile, the real cat-girl reached upward to push the button in the middle to attempt to escape.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +1 = 18 (+1) = 19] < [Capture 15 + 6 = 21]

The cat-girl’s avatar struggled and tore off the vines wrapping her hands together, yet more vines appeared from the surroundings. They wrapped around each of her hands and completely prevented her from escaping.

A singular thick vine aimed for the pussy of the cat-girl and directly inserted itself into her, the dissolving liquid served as a perfect lubricant to prevent any pain.

“Mhmmm…” The real cat-girl moaned as her eyes widened, she directly covered her mouth with her hands. Her thighs twitched and spasmed from the pleasure, and her white panties became visibly damp.

“Can we help her?” Leon could see that her underwear was starting to get wet from arousal, the cat-girl’s eyes looked at him and were pleading for help.

“Huh?” The dragon girl looked surprised by his statement, “Are you sure that you don’t want to enjoy the show?”

“So we can help her?” Leon confirmed.

“If you succeed in attacking the vines, you can free her. If you fail, you’ll end up the next victim.” The dragon-girl shrugged and asked. “Why? Want to be a knight in shining armor and try to rescue her?”

Leon nodded, moving forward with his character to attack the vines. His sword did not damage the vines that caught the cat-girl and merely made a slight indent on the vine holding her left leg.

“Go ahead, be a hero.” The dragon girl cheered him from the sidelines, a malicious smile on her face.

The vines shot toward Leon’s avatar and tried to capture him, but the cat-boy easily avoided the vines and dodged away.

Meanwhile, the vines that had captured the cat-girl changed movements slightly signifying a new turn. The vines that gently caressing her breasts squeezed harder, and the vine that pumped into her vagina greatly increased in speed.

The sight of the naked cat-girl being violated in front of him caused Leon to feel aroused.

Skitty’s fluffy tail was desperately wrapping around the vines on her right arm. Her beautiful face was flushed red and embarrassed, the cat-ears on her head had separated to each side.

The weak emotions of the cat-girl were fully displayed before him, as her body was violated.

A truly breathtaking sight that left Leon gulping.

Leon raised his sword and attacked the vine, cutting apart the vine that bound her right leg. Another vine immediately replaced the sliced vine, and the attack caused no effective damage. Once again, Leon failing to release the bound cat-girl…

This provocation caused another round of vines to attempt to capture the cat-boy.

The cat-boy avatar still managed to dodge most of the flexible vines, and easily cut apart the vine that managed to grab onto his arm.

Skitty had pulled herself off the table and returned to her seat.

Skitty was leaning back into the library chair and the cat-girl’s eyes were closed. Her hands had been placed between her legs and covering her panties with her black skirt. Her beautiful pale thighs were spread apart on the chair, and invited viewing as they spasmed and twitched. 

The cat-girl’s face was flushed with spasms of pleasure and the occasional erotic moans could be heard from her lips as the vines inserted themselves in-and-out of her.

The vines repositioned the cat-girl’s two arms behind her back, and tightly preventing her from moving as they ravage her pussy.

Leon gritted his teeth and ordered the avatar to attack again.

The cat-boy managed to land several strong hits, completely tearing apart the vines that bind her and completely free the cat-girl from her vine’s assault.

Skitty instantly grabbed her bow and dashed out of the path of the vines.

Leon tried to follow, but a vine managed to snake around the cat-boy’s left leg. The dissolving liquid that coated the vines destroyed his lower pants that was caught by the vine.

Captured by a vine, Leon leaned forward over the table and pushed the button to escape.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 14 (+3) = 17] > [Capture 15]

The cat-boy avatar managed to pull away his leg and escape back to the party. Escaping from the range of the vines that ambushed them.

“Well done~” The dragon girl clapped her hands and was impressed with the luck of Leon. His avatar managed to save the cat-girl without getting caught himself. The dragon girl had completely expected him to be raped along with the cat-girl.

“Thank you, Leon… you’re my hero.” Skitty looked at him with gratitude in her eyes, the cat-girl’s naked avatar hugged him and squeezed her exposed soft breasts into him. The slimy liquid on her bare skin that dissolved clothes rubbed into and melted away at his own clothing. This resulted in her hardened nipples and breasts squishing into his bare skin.  

“My clothes…” Leon had the cat-boy avatar pushed away the naked cat-girl that was covered in a clothing dissolving slime and was helpless as his shirt melted away from the hug.

“Ah- Sorry…” Skitty apologized, then glared at her two friends that were giggling with anger. “-And you two! You dare to leave me to be assaulted.”

“Isn’t getting caught half of the fun of the game~” Rosalina innocently said and crossed her arms,

“It seemed like you were having a good time.” The dragon girl had no regret on her face, and only a teasing smile. “I didn’t want to interrupt.”

Skitty rolled her eyes at their excuses.

These two girls simply wanted to completely embarrass her in front of the cute elf-boy that had joined them. If everyone played normally, the girls would help immediately, and that vine have not trapped her for a single turn.

Rosalina’s white magic can also forcefully allow a captured individual within her line of sight to escape, although this was limited to once per combat encounter. Her magic could provide additional protection for females from the monster’s penetration attacks and provide a variety of other benefits.

The main operation and difficulty of the game was protecting the white mage as you fought.

Monster and Magic rarely has such an embarrassing situation where one person was being forcibly raped whilst everyone watched.

After all, only if the white mage was captured would an embarrassing scene normally happen. If everyone was unable to rescue the white mage and were all captured, that simply meant the party was basically defeated unless someone manages to escape…

Total defeat meant that everyone would experience erotic sensations together.

Nobody would be able to observe others, thus eliminating any embarrassment.

“Is there a way to repair our clothes?” Leon asked, using his avatar to look down at the tatters that were once his shirt, and toward the naked cat-girl.

“Here.” Rosalina responded concisely and cast a spell on the two of them. “I can mend clothing with magic outside of combat.”

The clothing of the cat-girl and Leon was restored, and the slimy liquid that dissolved clothing was removed from their bodies.

“Hmph… Are we going to kill that Alraune?” Skitty asked.

“Alraune?” Leon glanced at her with a quizzical expression.

“An elite monster. The vines that attacked you were from the flower of an Alraune.” The dragon girl explained. “You need to attack the plant-woman in the flower to deal any proper damage.”

Thinking about the vines that attacked everyone earlier, Leon had a slight understanding of the nature of the plant monster called Alraune. 

“What the goal of the dungeon, anyway?” Leon asked curiously.

“There is a final boss in the dungeon that needs to be killed for the dungeon to be cleared.” Rosaria explained. “Only upon killing the boss, or experiencing a complete defeat will the game end.”

“Complete defeat?” Leon frowned at the unfamiliar term.

“As I mentioned earlier, your health is the number of times you can orgasm until you are defeated.” Skitty explained, “You’ll be unable to escape from any captures when your health is reduced to zero and need to rely on teammates to save you… When everyone has been defeated and captured, we’ll be continuously raped in a defeat animation for about ten minutes.”

“My constitution modified is zero, thus I would’ve been completely embarrassed and reliant on others to save me if I’d failed to contain myself.” Skitty glared at the other two girls, she had an aching desire in her womb after being caught and violated by the vines.

The two beast-kin girls ignored her glares, and pointed toward the large flower that the was folded together.

“That should be the Alraune’s body. Lead the way, Skitty.” The dragon girl unhesitatingly decided that the cat-girl should continue to walk in front.

“Not happened, I’ll be attacking from behind.” Skitty directly refused after the previous incident, she knew the other girls simply wanted to see her embarrassed.

Coincidentally, Skitty also wanted the other two girls to be embarrassed in revenge. Although Rosalina had to be left alone as the white mage of the group and they might be defeated as a result, Skitty didn’t care that much about being defeated at this point.

“Fine, Skitty… you can take Leon’s job of taking care Rosalina.” The dragon girl clicked her tongue and gestured to Leon. “Come on, Leon, we’ll attack the Alraune together.”

“Good.” Leon was hesitant, but stepped forward regardless.

The dragon girl and Leon ran toward the flower in the distance, vines shot out of the ground and attacked both of them. The dragon girl skillfully dodged the vines and rushed toward the large, folded yellow flower.

Meanwhile, the cat-boy avatar failed to dodge the sudden ambush of vines.

His right arm and leg were captured by the vines.

Leon reached forward with his left arm and tapped the button to attempt escaping.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 5 (+3) = 8] < [Capture 15 + 2 = 17]

More vines appeared from the ground and tied his remaining limbs, tightly binding him and completely depriving him of his ability to move. The vines lifted him from the ground and dragged him toward the folded flower at high speed.

Leon was pulled inside of the folded flower, a beautiful Alraune playfully stared at him from inside the flower.

An addictive flora fragrance that distributed his concentration filled the inside of the flower and intensified his arousal. The bottom of the flower could be seen containing a large amount of gooey liquid that emitted this delicious-smelling fragrance.

The flower monster girl had green skin with medium-sized breasts with dark green nipples, and foliage covering her lower body that partly grew from the flower and was covered in the gooey liquid. The appearance of the hourglass figure of the Alraune was beautiful and attractive at a glance.

Leon gulped, and felt the vines tighten themselves around his wrists and upper thighs.

The vines released a sticky liquid that stuck to his body and began to melt away his clothes. More vines appeared from the surroundings and tightly grasped on to his four limbs, completely preventing him from moving even slightly.

The beautiful Alraune snuggled up with him and held his head up, forcing him into a kiss. A honey-like liquid flowed into his mouth through the kiss and down his throat, the Alraune’s tongue ventured into his mouth.

Every sensation sent pleasurable electric shocks through his body and arousal across his body.

The soft moist breasts of the Alraune rubbed into his chest, and all of his clothing were rapidly dissolved.

The dragon girl tore through the outside of the yellow flower that held him captive. The yellow flower was cut to shreds, leaving only the lower part of the flower that was attached to the floor. This exposed the Alraune and the cat-boy to the air.

The Alraune paused from kissing Leon’s avatar and stared at the dragon girl with anger, countless vines shot out toward her.

The vines managed to tightly wrap around every part of the dragon girl, the green vines wrapped the dragon-girl in a manner that tightly grasped all of her limbs including her tail.

After looking at her work in satisfaction, the Alraune returned to kissing Leon and sending tasty nectar down the cat-boy’s throat.

Leon reached toward the middle of the table, trying to ignore the phantom bindings that discouraged him from moving and tap the button.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 14 (+3) = 17] < [Capture 15 + 7 = 22]

The cat-boy futilely struggled against the tight binds, and the vines wrapping tightly around him began to caress his body. The gentle caresses of the vines that bound him in place sparked further arousal, and his own erection hardened.

Alraune released him from the kiss and summoned a vine in front of Leon, the vine quickly blossomed a strange flower with a small opening.

The flower spread apart, grasped tightly onto his erection. Leon felt his penis be engulphed by the flower and his eyes widened. The flower closed around his erection, it was moist and tight.

A warm erotic sensation of being devoured by the pedals filled his mind.

Leon collapsed back onto his seat and lost himself in the realistic sensation of vines wrapping trapping him as a flower devoured his erection.

The flower that engulphed his erection made strong swallowing motions inside that were designed to milk the semen from his penis.

“Pollenate me.” The Alraune whispered into the cat-boy’s fluffy cat-ears and rubbed along the base of his tail to bring him into a whirlpool of pleasure.

The flower relentlessly swallowed at his erection, the edges of the flower continuously squeezing outward from the base of his penis. The flower had a suction force that locked it tightly on his erection and would prevent any of his semen from escaping.

“Complete escape!” Rosalina used a magic spell that landed on the cat-boy avatar.

When Leon almost reached the state of sweet release and orgasmed into the flower that constantly swallowed his penis as the Alraune caressed his body, a magic spell landed on him.

The vines that wrapped around the cat-boy’s body were forcibly expelled, followed by the flower engulfing his erection, and the Alraune was forced away.

The cat-boy avatar was slightly dazed but successfully escaped from the clutches of the monster-girl due to the white magic.

The Alraune was furious at the interruption of her pollination behavior and sent several vines toward Rosalina in the distance, but the cat-girl destroyed them easily and defended the healer.

Freed from the capture of the plant girl, Leon saw that the dragon girl was awkwardly caught by vines and was struggling.

Natus, the dragon girl reached for button.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 15 (+3) = 18] < [Capture 15 + 5 = 20]

Vines were torn apart by the angry dragon-girl, but more simply filled the place of the torn vines and kept her trapped. The vines released the sticky liquid that dissolved clothing and the leather armor that covered the dragon-girl’s body dissolved.

The avatar of the dragon girl was naked and quickly submerged in more vines that slithered across her body, her inner thighs caressed, and long dragon-like tail was particularly taken care of by the vines.

The real dragon-girl was sitting upright at the table externally avoided showing any strangeness, but Leon noticed a subtle tremor of her thighs as the vines rubbed over them.

“Ignore her, attack the Alraune… Leon!” Rosalina stated with urgency.

The avatar of Leon had the weapon and shield automatically returned in some magical fashion when he escaped from the Alraune. Leon gave the order to attack the flower-girl, following Rosalina’s advice despite being slightly stunned from pleasure.

The cat-boy approached the beautiful Alraune and raised the sword to strike at her. The intentions to strike were too obvious and the cat-boy hadn’t quite recovered from being captured, thus the Alraune easily summoned some vines and blocked the attack.

The Alraune summoned several vines from the ground surrounding the cat-boy and successfully caught and tied up his wrists.

The vines that were trapping his arms reminded Leon of the pleasure that would follow, and Leon reached forward to press the button to avoid that fate.

“Wait… let me cast magic to help you escape.” Rosalina physically stopped him from pushing the button and had her character release magic on him. “Blessing.”

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 16 (+3) = 19], [Roll D20 +3 = 17 (+3) = 20] > [Capture 15 + 2 = 17]

The cat-boy managed to forcibly tear apart the vines, and dodged to the side to avoid the incoming vines with skillful movements.  

At the same time, Skitty released an arrow into the Alraune that landed in her stomach and injured the plant monster-girl. Dealing the first bit of damage to the monster-girl as a plant-like goo was released from the injury.

The vines around the dragon girl adjusted their position, forcibly spread apart her legs and pulling tying both of her hands above her head. The dragon girl was left in a completely vulnerable position and her struggles did little to save her.

The vines gently caressing the dragon-girl breasts and inner thigh and continuously released the sticky dissolving liquid to cover her vagina and prepare for the next stage.

The Alraune seemed to recognize that the healer was the biggest threat and sent multiple vines toward her. The vines circled around the staff of the white mage, and then wrapped around the wrists of the healer and tied them together.

The angel’s wrists were tightly wrapped by vines and were swiftly raised above her head, demonstrating the white mage’s vulnerability.

“Help.” Rosalina looked at Skitty for assistance, she felt her wrists being bound by the vines and knew that it wouldn’t stop there.

“Actually, I think this the perfect time to demonstrate the consequences of abandoning your teammates in battle.” Skitty ignored her call for help and playfully crossed her arms. The cat-girl’s character retreating from the attacking range of the Alraune.

“Wait, it was just a joke before. We were going to help.” Rosalina panicked, she had not increased her strength stat and it would be extremely difficult to escape from the vines on her own.

As a veteran of the game, Rosalina knew that for monsters with high strength, pushing the button is simply asking to be violated. The first time pressing the escape button after being captured had the highest possibility of escape, but it was still extremely low for a low-strength character like herself.

The correct decision in most situations was to wait for a teammate to assist you. If you press the button and fail to escape, you are giving the enemies a chance to fast forward and violate you.

“Being captured is half of the fun of the game, right?” Skitty retorted, her tail swayed happily behind her and prepared to enjoyed the scene of the white mage being violated by the vines.

“You need a healer to complete the dungeon!” Rosalina argued and tried to convince her.

“Letting you endure a bit is fine, though?” Skitty was unfazed by the threat, failure was just being violated by monsters upon defeat. She was already extremely aroused after being caught by the previous vines and didn’t mind experiencing a defeat animation.

Taking revenge on her friends was more important than victory to the cat-girl.  

Leon wasn’t certain why the girls had turned against each other, but continued attacking the Alraune following Rosalina’s instructions.

The cat-boy avatar dodged and slashed his way through the vines that attacked him, and approached the Alraune that was surprised by his sudden outburst. The sword slashed through her body and directly cut off the head of the Alraune.

The lucky slash successfully managed to kill the plant girl by chopping off the Alraune’s head.

The death of the monster-girl caused the vines wrapping around the two girls fell to the floor.

“Nicely done, Leon!” Rosalina was relieved as the vines around her wrist were released. Although she enjoyed playing Monster-girls and Magic, her body was extremely sensitive to erotic stimulation and wanted to avoid the embarrassment of being sexually violated in front of the attractive elf-boy.

“Tsk.” Skitty saw that the plant monster-girl had been successfully killed and clicked her tongue in annoyance.

The naked dragon-girl reluctantly stood up, walked over to the angel figurine to repair her clothes. “Mend our clothing.”

“Right.” Rosalina ordered her character to repair the clothing of the party, and the clothing of the dragon-girl and cat-boy was instantly restored.

Leon instructed the cat-boy to walked over to the three girls.

“You okay, Leon?” Rosalina asked, leaning toward him and her exposed breasts before his eyes. Her white-feathered wings spread out behind her, “You are lucky that Natus managed to break apart the surrounding flower. I cannot use magic on you if you’ve been removed from line of sight. You were caught and would have been continuously raped.”

“Good to know.” Leon averted his gaze from the white-winged angel’s exposed chest, and uncomfortably adjusted himself. His body was still aroused from erotic sensations from the Alraune’s sexual assault and the sight of the angel’s bare breasts further his arousal.

The cat-girl pointed toward the dead Alraune. “Don’t forget to collect the loot from the elite monster.”

“Right, upgrading in Monster-girls and Magic is related to loot.” Rosalina explained and brought everyone over to the dead body of the Alraune, “Since you managed to kill the elite and are a new player, you can distribute the loot.”

The cat-boy approached the dead body of the beautiful plant monster-girl.

A small yellow flower grew at the location, and everything else had withered with the death of the Alraune.

“The flower should be the dropped loot indicator.” Rosalina explained. “You can touch the flower to identify it.”

Leon follower her instructions and let the cat-boy touch the small yellow flower, which dissolved into a bag of seeds.

<Bag of Seeds>

<A bag of various seeds from different humanoid plants, which can be used to grow your own plants monster-girls in locations with fertile soil and sufficient sunlight.>

<Notes: I want to grow a plant girl!>

“Rare, but useless prop.” Skitty clicked her tongue and ignored the prop. “Unlucky... just store it in your storage space.”

“It’s not that bad.” Rosalina sighed, but shook her head. “-But the usage of the prop is extremely limited. You need to have a regular base for proper usage.”

Silently accepted that it was a useless prop, Leon found the mental backpack that the prop could be placed and asked with curiosity. “What are the other monsters in this dungeon?”

“There are multiple mandragora, trolls, and manticores in the forest. Plus, the dryad boss.” The dragon girl explained and gestured around the forest.

“What should we target next?” Leon was confused.

“The monsters are distributed randomly, and their power-levels are uneven.” Rosalina stated. “It’s possible to accidentally run into the hidden boss and simply be unable to escape and be completely defeated.”

“In fact, the elite monsters and bosses are ridiculously strong abilities on purpose.” Skitty shrugged, “Elite monsters and bosses can provide permanent equipment, so most battles with elite monsters result in complete defeat.”

“Indeed.” Natus, the dragon girl, tapped the Monster-girls and Magic book at her side. “The Alraune would use her vines to attack multiple targets in an initial ambush, attack from long-distances, and the intelligence to the white mage. In addition, she had the ability to trap a single member of the party inside her flower.”

“If it weren’t for a strong burst of luck by Leon that killed the Alraune, we should have been defeated.” Skitty agreed with the dragon-girl’s statement.

“What are our chances of successful completing the dungeon and killing the boss, then?” Leon was curious.

“Maybe 5%, if we are extremely lucky.” Skitty causally and stated, “Most of the time, you will be completely defeated in [Monster-girls and Magic].”

“In other words, we are almost certainly going to be defeated and raped?” Leon confirmed.

“Usually, the goal is acquiring permanent loot to utilize on your future playthroughs.” Rosalina nodded and explained. “We entered the dungeon wearing the novice outfits to prevent influencing your playthrough.”

The low chance of success caused Leon to be shocked and felt like he had a new understanding of this game. [Monster-girls and Magic] was a smut game that was designed to be played in a group.

Leon was slightly shocked, although he had expected it to a certain extent after the previous assault by the Alraune. Has the culture of society really changed to the extent that smut games have been designed with magic and are played in groups.

Although this small group of girls might be an outlier, the fact that a dedicated game had been created at all was a culture shock. The fact that Monster-girls and Magic, a smut game that required a group to play was commercialized and sold was shocking.

“Is this kind of game popular, nowadays?” Leon asked and looked at the table in confusion.

“Very popular.” Rosalina nodded and gestured to the girls around the table, “At least, Monster-girls and Magic is popular amongst young girls.”

“Amongst young girls?” Leon looked at the three of them and was confused, “In other words, boys usually don’t play it?”

“We wouldn’t know.” Skitty looked at the other girls, and they looked at each other awkwardly. “We don’t have any male friends.”

“Has the culture in the city really changed so much?” Leon decided to ask and explained. “I lived in the city approximately 120 years ago and returned to the elven forests for a period of time. However, the culture surrounding sex… was far more conservative when I left.”

“Oh! I studied this information-” Skitty jumped to explain and took a moment to organize her thoughts. 

“So… Around like 80 years ago, there was a war with the Darklands.”

“At the time, a standardized policy was decided that prevent woman from entering the line of combat to allow rapid repopulation after the war. After all, a single man can impregnate multiple woman… and if fertile woman died in war, the population would take a long time to regrow.”

“The lasted approximately 40-years and resulted in a several generations of men dying in battle.”

“The ratio of men to woman was drastically changed as a result.” Skitty explained, “There were around a hundred woman for every man by the end of the war. So the culture shifted, a woman began to actively showcase their bodies to attract men.”

“The previously style of monogamy was ultimately frowned upon as men were socially encouraged to have babies with as many women as possible to recover the population.”

“Explicit female nudity in public, and sexual content featuring females became more socially acceptable… That’s why [Monster-girls and Magic] has mostly female nudity.” Skitty scratched her head and said with an apologetic tone. “There was some other information that I’ve forgotten, though. That’s everything I remember…”

“No, that’s already extremely helpful.” Leon felt some puzzle pieces fit together in his brain and nodded. “Thank you.”

That explains to a degree why Rosalina brazenly left her breasts exposed and dared to walked over to talk with him without covering herself. It also explains some of the strangeness of his female classmates, and why the beast-girls in the classroom didn’t care to cover themselves when he entered the classroom.

In addition, it explained why the modification of the uniforms of female school-girl’s uniforms were so common. Of course, some of these problems are likely also related to the Twin Succubus’ Blessing.

“I suppose all that studying is finally useful for something.” Skitty laughed at herself for reciting information that she thought was useless in class. 

“What are we doing now? Who leads the way?” Leon sat upright in his seat.

“Skitty~” Rosalina and Natus replied at the same time, both of them glanced in her direction. Since Skitty had left the angel to be assaulted by the vines of the Alraune, it showed that she could not be trusted on defensive duty.

Therefore, both of the girls immediately pushed out the cat-girl as bait.

“Fine.” Skitty rolled her eyes and didn’t bother arguing.

The cat-girl walked in front of the group.

The weaker monsters in the forest, like goblins were easily killed by some arrows of the cat-girl.

The goblins were all female and they had horns on their head were only slightly child-like in appearance, but this was their adult form.

Skitty led the way through the forest.

At a certain point, Leon noticed a strange glistening golden treasure chest that reflected light through the foliage of a small hidden cave surrounded by foliage. There were various puddles of water on the rocky floor and stalactites from the ceiling constantly dripping into the puddles. 

“Does this game have treasure chests?” Leon asked and looked at the surrounding girls, pointed toward the treasure chest in the hidden cave.

“Yeah.” The dragon-girl looked over and tilted her head. “Do you want to open it?”

The angel and cat-girl looked at each other with a strange expression. Their characters entered a defensive formation.

“Is there a problem?” Leon caught the strangeness.

“It’s extremely rare to find actual treasure chests in Monster-girls and Magic.” Rosalina explained, and her attention turned to the treasure chest. “The game simulates a complete eco-system, and various monsters will often set up ambushes around any valuable items that might attract adventurers.”

“Treasure chests are usually traps or empty.” Skitty mumbled in annoyance. “They occasionally have extremely good loot, but traps are more common.”

“Good to know…” Leon looked at the treasure chest with vigilance.

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Skitty sighed and offered.

“No, I saw it.” Leon shook his head, “I’ll explore the way.”

“Careful, then.” Skitty nodded.

“Save me if I get caught, then.” Leon instructed and decided to bravely act as bait.

Entering the cave, Leon carefully observed the surroundings for abnormalities and slowly let his avatar walk forward.

The surrounding cave was cold and dark, the constant dripping of water from the stalactites constantly drawing his attention. A damp, mossy smell filled the surroundings.

There didn’t appear to be any ambushes, and the cat-boy safely reached the center of the cave and the treasure chest.

The other girls followed him inside.

“Nothing?” Leon was surprised.

The cat-boy avatar reached down to open the treasure, as his hands touched the treasure chest, they were captured by a sticky substance that he couldn’t pull away from.

The lid of the treasure opened, revealing a beautiful girl whose lower body was attached to the inside of the treasure chest.

A mimic.

Leon reacted immediately.

The mimic was a beautiful girl with a singular large ribbon that was neatly wrapped like a gift around her breasts and covered her nipples. The rest of her body was completely exposed before the cat-boy’s eyes.

Tentacles emerged from the sides of the mimic’s treasure chest and latched onto his wrists, further preventing him from escaping.

“I’ve been caught!” Leon could feel the strength of the tentacles and knew that it was unlikely he could escape on his own.

The cat-boy turned to his teammates for assistance.

The puddles that were common throughout the cave had risen into multiple groups of beautiful slime girls, and managed to capture the cat-girl and the angel in a singular motion.

When the mimic had revealed itself, slime-girls with erotic bodies had also arisen from the puddles throughout the cave and caught the entire party.

The cat-girl was surrounded by three slime-girls.

The cat-girl’s thighs had been forced apart and her arms captured in a puddle of hardened slime. Her tail was covered in slime and sticky, along with slime trailing over her cat-ears.

“We’ve got our own problems…. Mhmm~” Skitty moaned and jolted from sudden pleasure, as her avatar began to be caressed and massaged by slime.

The angel’s avatar was in a better position, standing upright despite her legs and thighs being covered in gooey slime.

A singular slime girl stood behind the healer, and leaned over the angel’s shoulders and squeezed her slimy breasts into the healer’s backside and over her feathered-wings.

“Mhmm… Aha~” Rosalina herself was moaning, the angel’s delicate body had collapsed side-ways onto the table in a manner that showed her bare breasts to him. The angel’s reaction to every caress by the slime girl left her breathless. Her wings twitching and inner thighs had spread apart in desire.

The dragon girl was nowhere in sight.

From the state of the party, Leon knew that he needed to escape on his own and pushed the button.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 10 (+3) = 13] < [Capture 12 + 3 = 15]

The cat-boy struggled to escape from the tentacles and glue that held him in place, the beautiful mimic girl didn’t notice his struggles.

The tentacles wrapped up the cat-boy’s wrists together and lifted them above his head. The feeling of his wrists tied and forcibly held above his head made Leon feel extremely vulnerable, like a prisoner in a dungeon.

The beautiful female mimic slowly pulled on the ribbon to unravel the singular clothing that covered her breasts, akin to unwrapping a beautiful gift for the cat-boy.

When the female mimic’s ribbon dropped to the floor, and the mimic spread her arms and showcased the entirety of her attractive body to the cat-boy to behold.

…and behold the completely naked body of the beautiful mimic the cat-boy did, as the mimic had wrapped a tentacle around his head and forced him to observe her.

The beautiful mimic girl presented herself like a trophy that he obtained for opening the golden treasure chest. As if the beautiful mimic believed beyond any doubt that she was worthy of being a treasure held in a golden treasure chest.

Meanwhile, Rosalina moaned and cried out as her body continuously twitched in pleasure, her back was resting on the library’s table and thighs had spread open on the table like inviting a mate.

“Natus! Help…” Rosaria pleaded as her white wings had spread out, knocked over some of the knickknacks that were on the table and covered Leon’s side of the table.

Skitty had silently collapsed face down on the table, a hand was stretched out in a position that indicated she had pushed the button. The cat-girl’s thighs were twitching, her panties were damp with liquid and her hips humped instinctively in a rhythmic motion indicating the tragic experience she was undergoing.  

The dragon-kin girl had obtained a cup of tea from somewhere and was sipping tea, whilst enjoying the erotic expressions and reactions of her two fellow companions. 

It didn’t seem like the dragon-girl had any propensity to help the begging angel, but Leon didn’t have any time to consider the dragon girl’s behavior.

The female mimic seemed to believe that the cat-boy had beheld his trophy for opening the treasure enough, and it was time to enjoy the spoils.

Tentacles grasped his other limbs and dragged him inside the treasure chest.

The inside of the mimic’s treasure chest was significantly larger than it appeared on the outside and coated with a red fleshy substance. The walls of the treasure chest were far enough away that the cat-boy could be comfortably rested flatly inside the mimic.

A delicious aroma filled the surroundings and teased the cat-boy’s senses.

The cat-boy was gently rested on the bottom of the warm, squishy, fleshy substance that outlines the mimic’s box.

The fleshy substances wiggled on his backside, showing obvious characteristics of life.

The tentacles pulled his tied-up wrists into an opening of the red, squishy substance. This resulted in a strange, wet pressure applying to his arms in a massaging motion as the substances wiggled. The sensation was strangely pleasurable and relaxing.

The female mimic adjusted herself and squeezed her soft body into his chest, her beautiful soft breasts squished into him. The mimic’s fingers gently stroked along his collarbone.

A warm liquid began dripping from the red, fleshy substances that covered the treasure chest and dissolving his clothes, a cold shiver traveled up his spine as droplets of the liquid coated his fluffy cat-tail.

The cat-boy’s legs were held by tentacles and dragged into the fleshy substance, and the fleshy material wiggled and teased him. The warm clothing dissolving liquid coated the fleshy, red substances and resulted in contact with his bare skin.

Wrists tied up above his head, the cat-boy was so completely trapped by the mimic with pleasurable sensations flowing along his trapped limbs that Leon forgot that his real body was without restraints. His body was instinctively aroused by the sensations.

The beautiful mimic monster-girl dipped herself in the dissolving liquid that had formed a small puddle at the bottom of the chest and rubbed her body over him.

When the cat-boy’s clothing was in complete tatters, the mimic monster-girl picked off the tattered clothing and tossed it to the dissolving liquid. This meant the cat-boy turned completely naked, as she mischievously stroked along his inner thighs.

Leon instinctively jolted from the pleasure and tried to escape, but the cat-boy’s body was tightly trapped by the mimic.

The mimic monster-girl behavior was slow and extremely arousing, the mimic seemed intent on letting his arousal continue to build from the sensations covering his entire body.

The wiggling fleshy material teasing his buttocks and backside, teasing the skin of his arms and legs filled pleasant sensations. The tentacles that wrapped around him and held him in place prevented him from escaping in any form.

“No- no…. Mmhmm~” Skitty’s moans emanated through the room, and suddenly collapsed. The cat-girl’s panties became completely soaked, and her body went completely limp on the table. Her cat-like tail falling loosely over her thighs.

“Ah~ Mmhhmmm~” Rosalina’s voice continuously moaned throughout the library; her thighs were spread apart and provided a complete view of her wet panties. Her hips were rhythmically twitching upward as her avatar was violated. The angel had accidentally slid across the table and landed directly in front of him.

The erotic sight of the two girls moaning in pleasure unconsciously furthered his own arousal.

The mimic monster-girl’s repetitive teasing activities temporarily paused, and she summoned a tentacle from below him.

An unusual tentacle was summoned that had a large budge on the end, a small slit could be seen on the end and looked akin to a vagina.

The silt of the tentacle approached his penis and engulphed the entirety of his erection with a single movement.

The tentacle with the opening completely devoured his erection. The devoured member felt the warmth, wet feeling inside. There was intensive pressure and pleasure where the slit of the tentacle tightly squeezed the base of his erection.

The tentacle constantly wiggled in random directions around his penis.

Leon’s eyes were shut tight, and instinctively leaned forward on the table and accidentally leaned directly onto Rosaria’s soft breasts. At the same time, Rosalina had wrapped her arms around his head and kept him locked against her bare breasts.

“Once you cum inside of my tendril, you belong to me, little kitty~” The mimic monster-girl whispered into the fluffy cat-ears of the cat-boy, and the tendril tightly squeezed the base of his penis.

“You will be…” The mimic girl whispered into his cat-ears, whilst stroking along the erogenous zone of his tail and letting her tentacle pleasure his erection. “-My little treasure~”

Leon felt like his entire body was trapped, and his limbs were locked away and helpless to escape.

“I’ll ensure you’re always happy~” The mimic monster-girl’s lips nibbled on his cat-ears, and the tendril engulfing his erection began to pump in an electrifying manner.

Waves of pleasure shot through his lower body, and completely paralyzed him from moving.

“Give up and cum, little kitty~” The mimic pumped his penis intensely and gently whispered with a tone of declaring ownership. “My little treasure~

The various internal tentacles wiggled along his penis and the tendril continuously pumped him, the sensation was irresistibly arousing.

Mhmmm…” Leon moaned, reaching orgasm and his entire body shuttering as he released his seed into the tendril that demanded semen.

“Such a good kitty~” The mimic monster-girl gently praised him for releasing semen; her tone was akin to an owner praising their obedient pet, demeaning and happy.

A sense of shame overtook him, and Leon regained a sense of reason and tried to push the button to escape. Although Rosalina tightly kept her arms wrapped around him and held him to her bare breasts, Leon barely managed to hit the button.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 4 (+3) = 7] < [Capture 25 + 7 = 32]

The cat-boy helplessly struggled in the bindings that tied him, but every part of his body had been trapped by the mimic. The cat-boy helplessly flailed around and posed no significant resistance to the mimic’s offensive.

“No, no… are you trying to escape?” The mimic girl was surprised and giggled at the naivety of the cat-boy, “You already released your cum into my subspace box and have been bound to this place, it’s impossible to escape at this point.”

“How naïve, it seems you are still a bad kitty~” The female mimic playfully scratched his cat-ears and scratched underneath his chin to spoil the disobedient kitty. The instincts of the cat-boy’s body compelled him to raise his head and enjoy the rubbing. “It doesn’t matter, though. I have all the time in the world to train you.”

“Mimics have a unique ability to create a special space dimension inside their treasure box.” The mimic explained to the little kitten, rubbing along his tail. “The subspace is initially flimsy and can only be used superficially… yet grows stronger with time.”

“When a man has released their seed inside of a mimic, the spatial structure is strengthened dramatically. It basically becomes impossible for that man to escape from the subspace when they are bought inside a mimic’s treasure chest.” The mimic teasingly explained the mechanism of her ability. “In addition, the spatial structure has been attuned upon orgasm. Therefore, the moment that you orgasmed, I was able to use my subspace to teleport and we’ve travelled far away from your friends into another treasure box.”

“Even if they opened the treasure box in that cave, it would only be empty.” The mimic monster-girl purred into his ear in a teasing fashion.

“In other words, you cannot escape…” The mimic scratched the cat-boy under his chin and let her tentacle return to pumping on his erection. “Too bad, if you held out until your friends came to the rescue, you might’ve been able to successfully escape~”

Leon gasped from pleasure on his erection, before remembering to push the button again.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +3 = 10 (+3) = 13] < [Capture 25 + 7 = 32]

The cat-boy tried to free his arms from the binding tentacles, but was helplessly unable.

“Now, though, little kitty~” The mimic sent waves of pleasure through his erection as the tendril enjoyably moved up-and-down on top of him. “You belong to me~”

“Gah~” Leon took a deep breath and gasped, and released his seed into the tendril once again. The electrical pleasure shot throughout his body and paralyzed him in place.

“It appears you need more training~” The mimic seductively teased and rubbed her body on him, her bare breasts squishing into his chest and her nipples gliding across him. The mimic’s body was extremely beautiful to behold, and soft and warm to the touch.

The mimic masterfully teased his inner thighs, letting her palm brush against his erogenous zones.

“It doesn’t matter~” The mimic giggled and continued to pump his erection with the tendril. “You’ll be here for a very… long… time~”

“You’ll eventually be a good kitty that will obey my every command.” The mimic’s actions sent Leon into a continuous spiral of pleasure. “A good kitty that will cum on command~”

The mimic’s tendril pumped his erection continuously and relentlessly, without any intention of letting him rest.

It was only at this moment that Leon realized the true dangers of this game. Leon would be continuously raped by this mimic and there was nothing that he could do to stop it.

His wrists tied up and the cat-boy was physically trapped in her subspace, the cat-boy was completely unable to resist.

The only escape that Leon knew was if everyone was defeated, and the complete defeat occurred... but the dragon-girl seemed to have avoided the combat making a complete defeat impossible.

Defeat in this game only meant that escape was impossible.

The only solace was that the connection would be broken when the mana in the figurine was expended, but that would take at least an hour.

Did that mean that he would have to wait for more than an hour, undergo continuous rape and being trained… trained into a good kitty?

“Let’s start with some basic training then…” The mimic whispered and gently nibbled on his cat-ears and her tongue stroked the inside of his ear. “Why don’t you meow for me, kitty?”

At the same time, her tendril repeatedly applied pressure to his erection that was engulphed deep inside of it, the inside of the tendril felt different than and seemed to have changed into a structure of tentacles that individually warping and tightening around his to pleasure him.

Good kitties will meow for their owners~” The mimic whispered, her fingers stroked the entirety of his tail and playing with the wet fur.

The mimic monster-girl continued to pleasure him in ways that he never thought were possible, skillfully capturing every erotic spot that existed on his fluffy tail and sensitive cat-ears that existed in the process.

The pleasure continued to build inside him, and Leon felt himself reaching the edge of climax.

All motion stopped.

The tendril stopped pumping his erection, and the pleasurably massages across his body also halted.

“Only good, obedient kittens get to experience the ultimate pleasure of life.” The mimic teasingly whispered into his ear, leaving Leon on the brink of desire and trapping him there. As his desire subsided, the tendril continued to bringing him back to the edge of climax.

Leon’s body was kept in an endless state of hot arousal by the mimic.

The inescapable pleasure filled his mind.

“Are you going to be good, obedient kitten?” The mimic curiously asked, and fingers scratched under his chin and tickled his cat-ears.

The cat-boy’s body closed his eyes in pleasure from the gently rubbed under his chin and scratchy fingers on his cat-ears, the mimic seemed to know the exact weak points of his cat-like body.

“Are you going to meow for your owner~” The mimic whispered into his ear.

“Meow……” Leon’s voice was barely audible; his meowing was extremely quiet in the library, and felt ashamed that he actually meowed.

The only speech in the game was to speak in reality, and the character would copy the noises. As a result, Leon was humiliated thinking that he was actually meowing to obtain pleasure.

“Good, I like obedient kittens~” The mimic teasingly responded, and let the tendril intensively pleasure him for a short-period of time to reward him and then stopped. “However, I want your meows to announce to the whole world that you are my obedient pet~ Your meows need to be louder~”

The disappearance of the intensive pleasure left his desperate.

“Meow…” Leon mewed, but only a pitifully small noise released from his throat despite his attempts to be louder. His cat-tail flicked in the air, and his cat-ears tilted to the side pitifully.

“Obedient kittens will meow loudly to greet their owner~” The mimic let the tendril pleasure him as he obeyed her and resumed her constant massage.

Meow~” Leon instinctively listened, and his voice spread throughout the small library. His actual senses had become dull by the intensive pleasure and desire that the mimic brought him. It felt like he was the cat-boy that had been trained by the mimic, not an elf.

The mimic was happy to reward her obedient kitty and intensified the pleasure.

Trapped in intensive pleasure, Leon meekly mewed as his body was violated and explored by the mimic.

“Good kitty~” The mimic whispered into his ear, and the erotic pumping motion of the tendril that engulphed his erection brought him to orgasm. “Meow as the pleasure overtakes you~”

His body lost the willpower to resist, and his strength weakened to extreme. An intense orgasm filled his mind that was indescribable powerful spread throughout his body.

“Meow~” Leon obediently meowed as he climaxed, and his seed sprayed into the awaiting tendrils of the mimic.

The cat-boy’s limbs felt weak, resistance became impossible.

The beautiful female mimic had utilized her skillful tendril and tentacles to trap him and completely drained all of his health. After orgasming three times, Leon had been completely defeated by her.

The beautiful female mimic smiled and lovely caressed his head, before pausing and frowning. The mimic monster-girl removed the tendril from engulfing his erection, and let him rest. The tentacles wrapped around his wrists and legs loosened to a degree, but not enough to allow his weakened body to escape.

“Tsk~ You’re actually an adventurer from another world, little kitty?” The female mimic’s voice was filled with disappointment and gently scratched the back of his cat-ears akin to a someone spoiling their own cat. “You… naughty kitty~ You should have mentioned it earlier… I never would have let you orgasm so easily~”

The cat-boy’s eyes were filled with confusion, the pleasant scratchy sensation of the mimic playfully itching the back of his ears.

“This is so disappointing~ I was genuinely planning on having fun together ad infinium.” The female mimic silently pondered and moved to sit on top of him, and let her bodyweight rest on him. Her soft thighs mounted each side of his body. “Little kitty, it’s a disappointing to know we only have ten minutes… before returning to your world.”

“The god of adventurers is really nosy…” The mimic snorted and strong distain could be heard in her voice, she sat upright and fell into thought. “It’s prey that I finally managed to catch, it’s so rude to steal prey directly from my mouth.”

Despite the limited time passing that the cat-boy adventurer would remain in her care, the beautiful female mimic was busy contemplating information and didn’t consider continuing to rape him.

“-But a deity’s methods are beyond imagination, I can only helplessly feel the spatial fluctuations forming around you and cannot interrupt them.” The mimic sighed and shook her head. “Teleporting around randomly doesn’t even slow the rate of your return.”

The beautiful mimic absentmindedly looked at the spatial fluctuations appearing around the cat-boy below her with depression.

The female mimic really liked this little cat-boy, his reactions and embarrassment were extremely cute. She didn’t want to let him escape, but the strength of divine beings was beyond the mimic’s imagination.

When her subspace suddenly detected the spatial anomaly, the mimic realized that her prey was going to be stolen and understood that the cat-boy must be an adventurer.

“I really wanted to slowly train you into a completely obedient kitten.” The mimic’s eyes were filled with pity and annoyance, and gently stroked the cat-boy’s face with her hands. The thought that her prey was going to be stolen directly completely spoiled the taste, and the female mimic mood was spoiler by the thought.

“Hmmm…” The mimic’s fingers wandered around his chest, repositioned herself on his thighs and her fingers moved onto lower stomach. The voice of the mimic was teasingly seductive. “Since you’re an adventurer, how about giving you a gift?”

The mimic’s fingers stroked her lower stomach and Leon felt an electrifying pleasurable feeling spread from his lower stomach and into the cat-boy’s body.

An intensive desire filled his body as it spread throughout his body, the pleasurable sensation spread throughout his entire body for several seconds and abruptly ended. Only continuous waves of hot arousal bombarded him from the location of his lower stomach.

The strange change caused the cat-boy’s body to stop all his instinctive motions.

Leon was temporarily confused.

It felt like his connection with the cat-boy avatar had intensified in an instant, the sensations had an additional feeling of realism.

The sensations of the tentacles wrapped around his wrists that was only pleasurable before had a hint of pain.

If before, it felt like the cat-boy had been trapped by the mimic and Leon could still differentiate the game avatar from reality as there was a slight feeling of unreality in the senses that were transmitted to him…

Now the two sensations felt like they were identical.

As if Leon was the person trapped in treasure box of the mimic.

Leon felt like he genuinely had two bodies that could be controlled, an immortal elf and a playful cat-boy. If it were for the fact that he grew up and spent more than 300 years in the elven body, Leon might not be able to differentiate his true body.

“Do you like my gift, little kitty?” The mimic’s voice was teasingly playful, and captured his fluffy tail to playfully stroke.

Leon instinctively resisted, and tugged at the tentacles that held him in place. His weak resistance and squirming cat-tail was being pleasured by the mimic and instinctively writhed in pleasure with every touch.

The cat-boy’s every movement were fully within his control, and the futile resistance showcased his difficulty.

Leon blinked, and his cat-ears awkwardly flicked to the side under his conscious control. The cat-boy’s tail was flailing wildly under the strokes of the mimic.

Complete control of the avatar had been passed onto him, and the previous game-like feeling of giving orders to the avatar with limited instructions disappeared.

Yet some instinctive reactions and characteristics common to all cat-kin were difficult to control due to his unfamiliarity, like the tail of the cat-boy and fluffy cat-ears. Most of the reactions were instinctive and insuppressible with his current level of familiarity with the cat-boy’s body.

Leon controlled the cat-boy to squirm his wrists that were bound by the tentacles, and confirmed that all the cat-boy’s actions were now controllable... and that he was most definitely trapped in a manner that was impossible to escape.

“Pft~” The female mimic laughed and playfully watched his reaction and purposefully cuddling up with him, and letting her squishy breasts squeeze into his chest.

“It seems that you are not a cat-kin in your original world~” The mimic gently nibbled on his cat-ears, which caused them to flick wildly and instinctively. “I wonder what your original body looks like… my little kitty~

The cat-boy physically trembled under the encouragement of the mimic, as her warm breath travelled into his fluffy ears and over the fur that was wet from her nibbling.

Leon’s eyes were confused, and his brain thought wildly amidst the confusion.

This was no longer at the level of a simulated game experience, and more akin to actually traveling to another world to play a game here.

It reminded him of stories from his previous life, where people would disguise another world as a game and allow players from another world to help them solve troubles.

“What have you done to me…?” The cat-boy asked through conscious control; the voice was slightly unnatural due to the unfamiliarity with the body.

“Tsk~ I thought you were going to remain completely mute beyond meowing for pleasure~” The female mimic’s lips curled into a smile, and her righthand moved to stroke his erection.

A gentle pleasure spread from the stroking actions, and brought his mind into a slight haze.

“I examined your body with my spatial ability… and found that your connection to this world was rather weak, and this clone would automatically fade out of existence after an hour regardless of the intervention of the God of Adventurers.” The female mimic gently explained, “Then, I carved a magical [Lust Crest] tattoo on your stomach and strengthened your spatial connection with your main body.”

The cat-boy adjusted his position and gazed at his stomach, and found an intricately designed pink glowing [lust crest] in the design of a heart on his lower stomach. The [lust crest] created a constant stream of arousal and heat that spread over his body from the crest.

“Of course, the tattoo also serves as to create constant streams of arousal as you have noticed.” The female mimic playfully smirked. “Whenever you are touched a female creature, the crest will activate and send you into a state of minor arousal… but that’s more of a bonus function~”

“The real function occurs when the tattoo itself is directly touched by a female…” The female mimic gently rested her left palm on the [lust crest] and stroked his stomach upward.

Intensive mind-numbing sexual ecstasy spread throughout his body, and continued to zap throughout his body as the mimic’s palm slid across the [lust crest] in a seductive fashion.

The mimic’s delicate fingers began teasingly rubbing across the heart-shaped pattern of the [lust crest] and formed small hearts on his lower stomach.

It brought him to the continuous edge of orgasm, yet the numbing pleasure never brought him to release.

The ecstasy merely stoked the flames of arousal in him to the maximum extent.

“Stop~” Leon instinctively called out, the ecstasy blooming throughout him. Both of his bodies trembled in pleasure, and strongly reacted to the stimulation.

A delighted smile was brought to the female mimic’s beautiful face, and she gently lifted her fingers form the [lust crest]. The subconscious reaction that the cat-boy provided was better than she expected.

The [lust crest] magic learnt from the succubus was not a waste.

The cat-boy’s subtle twitching of his fluffy-ears, the trembling body, and the tail of the cat-boy that subconsciously wrapped around her waist in pleasure.  

Joy emerged from the bottom of her heart and the mimic was pleased at his reaction to the gift, without any sort of malice.

Anyway, the cat-boy was an adventurer and would leave the world shortly.  

The mimic simply enjoyed the experience of bringing him intensive joy, and loved observing his reactions to her and wanted to tease the cat-boy with her last experiences with him.

The mimic’s beautiful body leaned into him, and she gently whispered into his ear. “How about it? Do you like my gift?”

“No! I don’t, take it back.” Leon instantly replied, recovering from the intensive ecstasy and was frightened by the intense pleasure that was brought in those moments.

“Oh~” The female mimic was genuinely surprised, and let her fingers gently stroke hearts around the [lust crest] in a teasing fashion. “Maybe, you just need to experience it again?”

Female mimic had carefully designed the [lust crest] pattern and applied the magic in a perfect state as a gift unique to him.

The mimic had to also sacrificed a large amount of the stability of her internal substance to ensure that the [lust crest] was applied to his true body, and further modified the [lust crest] to allow him to obtain a permanent connection to his own subspace. This would allow him to truly return world to this world each time.

This was an insanely large expense, and completely absurd behavior.

To be honest, the female mimic was slightly heartbroken over the cost and truly hoped that the cat-boy would enjoy the gift.

It was impossible for her to agree to remove the [lust crest].

In economic terms, not only did the female mimic monster-girl lose money on the transaction of capturing the cat-boy, but the female mimic also went heavily in debt to buy him a gift.

Although monster-girls had strong sexual desires, it was within a controllable range and their behavior of sexually assaulting passing individual had little to do with desire. At the end of the day, monster-girls captured people’s orgasmic pleasure to satisfy their instincts and strengthen themselves.

After draining an individual of their value, the majority of monster girls will release the individuals captured as bait to lure other prey into the trap. Anyway, most of the time, freed prey will regularly return in the future after tasting the sweetness…

Mimics are low in number and have almost no reputation because they prefer to harvest single individuals for an indefinite timeframe.

Therefore, those captured by mimics do not return to tell the tale…

Most monster-girls are constantly in evolutionary war to outcompete other monster-girls in an area in the field of providing orgasms to provide the highest pleasure and addictiveness. The competition between various groups of monsters-girls was extremely fierce and were sometimes deadly.

The mimic’s sacrificial behavior of the ruining the stability of her subspace for an adventurer was beyond unreasonable… it was completely absurd.

Perhaps, the female mimic herself didn’t notice that she had been subconsciously affected by the supernatural charm of the cat-boy and stopped treated him as prey to devour at some point.

It is extremely rare for monster-girls to bother chatting with their prey, the few words these monster-girls did use was for the express purpose of heightening the arouse the subject or reduce their resistance to the act of preying on them.

Leon had no clue about the mimic’s physiological fluctuations, the ecstasy produced by the [lust crest] was far stronger than anything he experienced before.

The complete ecstasy that caused his mind to turn completely blank frightened him.

Meanwhile, the soft feminine fingers of the mimic were continuously tracing around the outside of the [lust crest] tattoo. The female mimic’s fingers were carelessly streaming around the tattoo, yet barely avoided touching the [lust crest] that would provoking uncontrollable ecstasy.

The mimic’s subtly seductive action of tracing hearts around of his lower stomach caused a strong desire for the mimic to touch the [lust crest] and simultaneously brought immense fear with every movement that she would accidentally touch it.

The cat-boy didn’t even care to focus on the constant pleasure of the mimic’s other hand that was pumping his erection.

“Our time is coming to an end.” The mimic gently whispered into the cat-boy’s ear with a hint of regret, and gently engulfed his penis with the tendril that stimulated him before. “So, you can help test the effectiveness of the [lust crest] by avoiding orgasm for as long as you can~”

The tight, wet softness of the tendril gently surrounded his erection once again. The pleasure skyrocketed compared to before and the electric sensation of his erection being engulphed spreading throughout his body.

“No, wait…” The cat-boy moaned as his body instinctively arched, and pulling at the tentacles that bound his wrists and legs in a futile fashion that displayed his helplessness.

As the tendril relentlessly pumped on his erection and sent unbridled bliss into his mind, the female mimic playfully placed her index finger on the very center of the [lust crest] and applied pressure.

In an instant, unbridled ecstasy enveloped him.

The cat-boy’s body instantly reacted to the pleasure and released the seed into the awaiting tendril of the beautiful female mimic.

The orgasmic sensation of climax filled his mind… and then continued fogging his mind. The sensation of remained and seemed as though his orgasm would remain for as long as her finger rested on the pink heart-shaped [lust crest].

The female mimic savored the reaction of the cat-boy, and appreciated the sight of the cat-boy’s body struggling to escape and helpless being forced to undergo continuous pleasure…

After the mimic felt that there was no more seeds of life being released from the cat-boy, the mimic slowly lifted her finger away from the [lust crest].

Letting the orgasmic pleasure finally end, and the cat-boy was completely exhausted and unable to move. 

“You are welcome to return anytime in the future~” The female mimic sensed that kitty was about to disappear, and offered tapping on the [lust crest] causing ecstasy to tease his mind. “If you tap three times on any empty treasure chest, and I’ll teleport over to chat~”

Leon’s mind jolted from the ecstasy of tapping of the [lust crest] and felt the body of the cat-boy disappear, and his mind jolted back to reality.

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