Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 17: Haunting Owl

The next day, Leon walked to class.

Despite arriving approximately twenty minutes early, the classroom was already packed with girls.

Most of the female beast-kin classmates in his class seemed to have reached some kind of mutual agreement to leave their breasts exposed during class time.   

Upon entering the classroom, various beast-girls surrounded him.

“What did you think of yesterday’s lesson?” The proactive black-haired rabbit-girl asked, leaning toward him with her small breasts fully exposed and bouncing with her movements. Her fluffy black bunny-ears twitched on her head with her movements.

“Do you think you could tutor us, Leon?” The brown-skinned sheep-girl grasped his right arm, squeezed her bare breasts into him and ensured that her nipples rubbed across his skin with subtle movements. 

An unfamiliar cat-girl was unwilling to be left behind and took the opportunity to grasp his left arm, and performed a similar action of squeezing her body into him.

“Ahem-” Leon felt the [lust crest] begin to shoot arousal through his body, and attempted to pull away. “Could you please let go?”

“Aww… Leon, are you shy?” The black-haired rabbit-girl giggled at his response, and leaned forward to let her soft breasts rub against his chest to tease him. “Or just embarrassed…?”

The girls on either side of him also had no intention of letting him go, and let their bodies push into him. Keeping their bodies pressed into his arms and ensuring that he could fully feel the softness of their bare breasts.

Leon felt the fire of arousal and was completely unable to calm down due to the [lust crest].

“Just enjoy the sensations and sights, we don’t mind~” The sheep-girl stood up on her toes and whispered into his right ear, her smooth and tender hand stroked the restless hardness inside his pants. “We’ll take responsibility and help put out the flame of desire that is stoked within you.”

Her soft feminine breath flooded into his right ear as the warmth of their breasts squeezed into him. The hum of arousal in his stomach from the [lust crest] made him want to agree.

Leon gulped, and knew he needed to escape.

‘Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage.’ Leon silently called out the name of a spell in his heart, and utilized the grimoire to cast it instantly.

Leon’s body slightly blurred.

The three beast-girls that had attached themselves to him passed through his body and nearly fell over.

[Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage] causes any physical objects to phase through the caster.

The castor’s body enters into an illusionary space parallel to the main plane.

According to the rules that Leon designed when casting the spell, any objects that have moved in the past five minutes can be phased through without any hindrance in this mysterious plane.

The spell is extremely difficult to cast and rarely utilized in low-level combat because of the casting difficulty and short usage time.

He discovered this spell when combing through the books in the library.

It was praised as one of the best escape-type spells in existence and it took quite a lot of effort to add to his grimoire.

With a grimoire to help him and the analysis system to complete the calculations, Leon can maintain [Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage] semi-permanently. Although the spell is extremely mana intensive, Leon can maintain the spell for about 15 minutes before passing out.

The spell can provide almost complete immunity to physical spells.

Although spiritual attacks can still have an impact on him and some physical spells that can pierce through dimensions can still attack him, it’s extremely effective against ordinary enemies.

Leon could remain in this illusionary state until his mana was empty... or the spell was canceled.

“Leon!” The rabbit-girl stepped back and stomped her foot in protest of his escape. “It’s rude to escape from a hug.”

“Yeah! It’s not fair.” The sheep-girl pouted, and crossed her arms.

“I don’t care.” Leon rolled his eyes, “Furthermore, forcibly hugging another person with your breasts exposed is more impolite.”

“How rude!” The bunny-girl puffed her cheeks and squeeze her breasts together, “We have gone out of our way to give you so many benefits, and you call us impolite?”

“I didn’t ask for your benefits.” Leon snorted and averted his gaze away from the rabbit-girl.

“Hmph, you’re acting like a cowardly virgin~” The rabbit-girl raised her eyebrow and tried to provoke him into disabling the spell. “If you weren’t enjoying the benefits and were tempted by us, you wouldn’t have escaped.”

“Whatever you want to believe.” Leon couldn’t be bothered to deal with the nonsense of the rabbit-girl and let his body calm down from the arousal.

The rabbit-girl’s actions were getting bolder every day.

Before Leon learned [Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage], even the number of girls that was sexually assaulting him at the beginning and end of each class was dramatically increasing each day.

“Meanie~” The rabbit-girl was depressed, she was extremely unwilling to let prey that had fallen into her mouth escape.

The rabbit-girl had a good relationship with most girls in the class.

She had guaranteed the other beast-girls in the class that she would let the elf-boy be eaten clean by all of the willing beast-girls in the class within two months.

As a beast-girl from the Rabbit House, a particularly astringent casino, she had been taught countless sexual and seduction experiences. She knew exactly how to seduce a man and was attracted to the elven boy at first sight.

The rabbit-girl immediately decided to capture him and gathered a group of allies.

A particularly effective strategy was continuous sexual stimulation.

All that was needed was for Leon to give in once.  

When it comes to someone’s bottom line, there was not much difference between once and countless times.

If Leon hadn’t learned this spell to turn intangible and had the teacher’s protection, the rabbit-girl felt that she would’ve succeeded in getting him addicted to sex within a week.

Unfortunately, Leon managed to escape each day due to the supervision of the teacher and now the difficulty had skyrocketed...

“When are you free to join us at the casino?” The black-haired rabbit-girl could only change the topic, tapped her feet. Her black fluffy rabbit-tail wiggled behind her, “The girls are excited to play with you.”

“Why should I go?” Leon pursed his lips. “I have nothing to gain.”

At this point, Leon had learned that he needed to be shameless when dealing with their nonsense. Otherwise it was easy to fall into their rhythm.

“If you are willing to spend a day in the casino playing with us, I’ll convince the girls to wear their bras during class-time.” The black-haired rabbit-girl threw out her bargaining chip and crossed her arms to observe his reaction.

Leon fell silent and looked at the classroom of beast-girls with their breasts exposed. His throat gulped at the beautiful sight.

Compared to the current situation where Leon dared not look around randomly during class, wearing bras during class time was more acceptable.

This was enough of a bargaining chip to convince him.

“All of them?” Leon asked for clarification.

“Everyone except the teacher.” The rabbit-girl nodded.

“Prove it.” Leon put his hands in his pocket and looked at the rabbit-girl with an analytical eye.

“Girls, put on your bras for today’s class.” The rabbit-girl called out to the other girls.

Most of the beast-girls looked over with confusion.

After confirming the situation with the rabbit-girl, the beast-girls with their bare breasts began to put on their bras from their bags in front of him.

Leon’s eyes twitched in annoyance.

Clearly, the beast-girls in the class had been organized by the rabbit-girl at some point.

“Fine, but I’ve never gambled before and will only spend a day.” Leon sighed in agreement. “I’ll head over this Sunday at noon. I expect you to keep your promise afterward.”

“I will.” The rabbit-girl nodded in agreement.

“Remember to text me the address.” Leon waved his hand in dismissal.

Did these beast-girls think that Leon was unaware that this trip to the casino was some kind of ruse to trick him?

No, he knew.

-But he was simply curious to see what these girls were plotting and knew that being cowardly would only cause them to make other plans.

It was better to face their conspiracy head-on.

This was a completely open conspiracy.

The impure intentions were perfectly clear, the rabbit-girl never attempted to hide her intentions.

“Okay, don’t be late~” The black rabbit’s lips curled into a smile and returned to her seat.

Leon thoughtfully watched as the rabbit-girl returned to her seat.

By Sunday at noon, Leon was confident in mastering the simplified version of the [Mental Mind] spell that he had created with the assistance of the analysis system.

With the two spells [Crosso’s Mysterious Mirage] and a simplified [Mental Mind], Leon was completely prepared for their foul play.

As long as there were some other preparations, the danger of meeting the girls to play in the casino was extremely limited.

With the [mental mind] spell, the worst result would only be sex. Even if they wanted to brainwash him, it would not be so easy.

This was still in the city.

It was impossible for him to disappear with high-level elves as his background.

Although Leon was slightly frightened by the smut-like nature of this world, it was impossible to protect himself if he lived in a bubble and was never exposed to various strange methods.

At least, before Leon became an adult and the elves revoked their protection, there would not be significant danger.  

If Leon disappeared or was enslaved like in some smut stories, high-level elves would definitely take notice. He constantly left messages about his plans and location… Even if he disappeared, they would be able to quickly trace the clues.

Nobody with the slightest involvement would escape.  

Therefore, Leon was not worried that their plan would cause him permanent problems.

When class started, Leon brought his attention to Ms. Elina.

The information that was taught by the teacher was recorded by the analysis system, and projected in his field of vision in a manner that was easier for him to understand. This allowed him to keep up with the class despite the disadvantage of being an elf with a slow learning ability.

The cow-girl teacher was extremely attractive and had the habit of unbuttoning her shirt during class to display her nipples. The sight of bare nipples of the cow-girl teacher caused triggered his instinctive desire for her delicious milk. The instinctive thirst for her milk filled his mind, but it was suppressed by him.

The class went as usual.

The magic that was taught was not difficult to learn with his foundation.

When the lesson was finished, Leon satisfied his desire to drink milk with the assistance of Ms. Elina and was rewarded by Ms. Elina for his efforts.

Remembering his agreement with the girls to play Monster-girls and Magic, Leon headed over to the library to meet with Rosalina, Skitty, and Natus.

A brief walk later, Leon arrived at the library and found the girls on a table in the corner of the library.

“Leon, over here~” Rosalina waved with her white wings flapping behind her. The small breasts of the angel were exposed and her nipples caught his attention.

“We’ve already set everything up.” Skitty stood up and gestured for him to sit beside her. The cat-girl wore an unmodified regular uniform with a black skirt, her cute brown cat-tail swayed behind her.

The red-scaled dragon-girl, Natus was wearing a regular school-girl outfit with modifications that exposed her stomach.   

The table was such that there were empty seats besides the cat-girl and the dragon-girl, whilst the female angel sat on the end. Leon directly sat on the seat with Skitty to his left and Rosalina on his right.

After getting settled on a seat, Rosalina pushed his avatar of a cat-boy in front of him.  “Do you have any questions before we begin?”

“Is there a way to change my class?” Leon asked, and input mana into the cat-boy character. In an instant, it felt like he had obtained a clone.

Leon’s mind sunk into the clone.

Leon stretched his hands and whirled his fluffy tail, and confirmed that he had retained full control of the character that had been acquired in the previous expedition.

“Attributes and class can be reset by walking toward the mirror of reflection.” Rosalina moved a mirror in front of his character.

Leon looked at the giant body of Rosalina from his clone’s perspective, before walking toward the mirror of reflection.

 <Character Sheet>

<Profession: Warrior>

<STR 15 (+3)>

<DEX 13 (+2)>

<CON 11 (+1)>

<WIS 11 (+1)>

<INT 10>

<Reset? Y/N>

Leon reset his character stats and watched them return to the baseline number of ten.

His goal was to learn magic from this world, and he wanted to learn how it worked.

“How does mage work? What are the class traits?” Leon asked the girls.

“Mage learns two random spells initially; one spell will be offense and the other defensive. Other spells need to be found inside through dungeon exploration.” Skitty explained, her fluffy tail brushed against his backside. “The main trait of the mage class allows monsters that are killed to drop magic scrolls.”

“Understood.” Leon began to edit his character sheet to become a mage.

“I’ll warn you that mages are relatively weak in the early stages of the game.” Rosalina chimed into the conversation to explain. “Other classes might be more suitable for you.”

“I want to try mage.” Leon dismissed her concerns; his goal was to learn the magic of this world. It was necessary to choose mage to obtain spells.

<Character Sheet>

<Profession: Mage>

<STR 11 (+1)>

<DEX 13 (+2)>

<CON 11 (+1)>

<WIS 11 (+1)>

<INT 14 (+2)>

Leon looked over the character and was relatively satisfied.

When his class was changed to mage, his cat-boy doppelganger obtained a staff with a green gem and fancy magician’s robe.

“How do I know the magic that I can cast?” Leon asked.

“Just try to identify your staff.” Rosalina explained and gestured to the staff of the cat-boy.

<Magician’s Staff>

<This staff provides the ability to cast the following spells…>

<Wind slash - Manipulates the velocity of air to create a strong pressure that can slice through objects> <Cooldown: 2 rounds.>

<Fate’s gamble - Creates a continuous quantum superposition of two possible futures; Allowing the target to roll an additional time for any dice rolls for 4 rounds.> <Cooldown: 20 rounds>

The magic of a magician was attached their staff. In other words, once a magician’s staff was lost, their ability to cast magic also disappeared.

Silently examining the staff, Leon fell into thought.

Monster-girls and magic was made into a game, it made sense that it wouldn’t require actual magical knowledge to cast spells. Furthermore, designing the staff to cast spells prevented disarmed mages from freeing themselves.

Leon had in-depth research on various magical artifacts, but the design principles behind the staff baffled him.

This staff itself had no runes or magical enchantments, yet magic could be felt releasing from the gem.  The magic spells on the staff were embedded into the gem itself and connected through the wood, like a naturally occurring magical array.

It worked on entirely different system than magical artifacts.

Furthermore, Leon felt that there was room for sublimation and growth embedded in the staff. Akin to a growth weapon.

The natural array was designed in a manner that Leon suspected as the spells were utilized, the staff would naturally grow stronger.

If certain magical materials are magically embedded into the staff, a massive qualitative improvement would appear. The sublimation bonus provided by the staff should be completely comprehensive, akin to the difference between extraordinary individual at tier 1 and perfect mastery at tier 2.

Leon ordered the analysis system to analyze and store the data on the staff for a later time, along with attempting to store the information of the two spells.

The spell [Fate’s Gamble] sounded similar to some divination spells, but vastly more powerful. Leon really wanted to analyze the principal, but the analysis system was working on the [lust crest] and he would have to figure out how the staff worked by himself.

Leon pulled up the current progress of the analysis.

[Background goal: Comprehensive analysis and removal of Lust Crest.]

[Current progress: 48%]

[Estimated time: 6 months…]

“Are you ready?” Skitty asked and gestured to her character waiting at the western forest dungeon’s entrance.

“Yeah.” Leon didn’t continue to wait around and walked over to the dungeon’s entrance.

A short moment was taken to appreciate the mini-adventurer party.

The outfit of the girls was designed to be sexually appealing at a glance.

The cat-girl Skitty was a thief with a fancy bow with a quiver of arrows. The adventurer’s outfit was quite revealing, showing her midriff. The shorts of the cat-girl barely covered her thighs, and her tail extended from a hole in those shorts that displayed her upper buttocks.

The beautiful female angel Rosalina had a white robe that accentuated her curves and white staff with a red gem.

The white robe of the angel had an intricately designed red color flowing through it. The white robe exhibited her cleavage with a low-cut neckline and barely covered her knees. Her white feather wings flowed out the backside of the outfit with an intricate design hole at the back.

Meanwhile, the red-scaled dragon-girl Natus’ outfit was the most conspicuous. The outfit consisted entirely of reflective metal armor that only covered her breasts and groin. The armor barely covered her private parts, the entirety of her midriff and thighs were completely exposed.  

“Let’s go~” Skitty walked into the forest entrance, and the other girls followed.

Leon stepped into the dungeon’s entrance, and the world blurred.

Birds and crickets could be heard, the sounds of the forest began to echo through the surroundings. Leon’s cat-ears instinctively twirled in the directions of the bird’s calls.

“Our goal this time is to acquire some novice equipment from killing elites.” Rosalina explained. “Let’s wander the edge of the forest and hunt weaker monster-girls.”

“Sounds good.” Skitty nodded in agreement.

Leon didn’t have any objection to the arrangements of the girls, and silently observed the surroundings.

The cat-girl led the way forward, toward the west of the forest.

Easily dispatching some forest goblins that littered the landscape, the group eventually ran into a stream of flowing water that blocked the path. The width of the stream was not more than 10-15 feet. A single fallen tree could easily allow an individual to cross it.

“Do we want to find a way to cross the river?” Leon asked.

“I don’t think we should cross.” Skitty explained. “The rivers and lakes usually have monster-girls inside that live in the water… so if you aren’t careful, it is easy to get caught.”

“Let’s walk parallel to the water for now.” Rosalina decided, looked over the group and seemed to examine their combat effectiveness. “We might find a safe point to cross.”

At this point, Natus seemed to spot something, her thick dragon-tail slammed into the ground.

“We’ve got a Haunting-Owl…” Natus shouting, prepared her sword by gesturing behind the party.

“Not good.” Skitty immediately readied her bow.

“Don’t attack!” Rosalina moved behind the cat-girl with her staff ready.

Leon prepared his magical staff and looked in the direction that Natus gestured.

On a nearby tree, there was a beautiful naked female humanoid with brown feathers covering her body. Instead of arms, the monster-girl had brown wings that attached to the tree as the monster-girl stared at the party.

The Haunting-Owl, as the Natus called it, did resemble an owl in many ways with eyes that unwaveringly locked onto their party. The head of the haunting-owl bobbed with occasional tilting motions as she examined our party.

The breasts of the Haunting-Owl were only lightly covered with soft white feathers that exposed her nipples and a brown tail of feathers protruded from the backside of the Haunting-Owl. The legs of the haunting owl were akin to a bird with scales and claws.

After looking over the party for several seconds, the Haunting-Owl silently flew away.

“She’s gone for now.” Skitty breathed a sigh of relief.

“Leon’s been targeted.” Rosalina shook her head, and gestured to some brown feathers on the ground. “The Haunting-Owl should have been stalking us for some time.”

“What exactly is a Haunting-Owl?” Leon quickly asked.

“Haunting-Owls are one of the extremely powerful hidden bosses of the western forest that are exclusively interested in men.” Natus stepped up to explain the nature of the monster-girl. “Any Haunting-Owls are extremely dangerous and can fly in complete silence. They will follow behind parties of adventurers and snatch away males when they separate from the party, or whilst others party members are distracted.”

“It’s best to scare Haunting-Owls away by noting their existence. They rarely engage in a frontal assault unless the other party makes the first attack.” Rosalina leaned down, picked up one of the brown feathers that had fallen to the floor and handed it to Leon. “Their feathers are useful weapon making material, but are extremely dangerous. Try smelling it.”

“Okay?” Leon moved the feather to his nose and smelled the feather.

Leon smelled a pleasant fragrance wafting from the brown feather into his nostrils. The scent was similar to a nice perfume, but didn’t feel particularly special.

Then, Leon collapsed onto the grass.

The cat-boy was completely unable to move or speak, even Leon’s body in reality was felt paralyzed and unwilling to respond to his commands.

“Don’t worry, the effect will disappear in about a minute.” Rosalina took away the feather from him, and explained. “All of a Haunting-Owl’s feathers have a lengthy paralyzing effect, which makes Haunting-Owls almost impossible to fight… When combined with the ability to fly and ambush in complete silence, you can imagine why male party members can easily disappear without a sound.”

“I don’t think you needed Leon to personally experience the Haunting-Owl’s toxin.” Skitty rolled her eyes, and kept her bow ready in case of an attack.

“It’s best to experience it personally to prevent him from acting recklessly. Especially since he has been targeted by a haunting owl.” Rosalina shamelessly stated, she gently moved Leon and let his head rest on her bare thighs. “If Leon takes it lightly, we might lose our beloved mage.”

Rosalina adjusted his body to ensure that Leon was in a comfortable position near her groin, and the angel’s hands massaged his shoulders and gently stroked his head. Taking full advantage of the opportunity to imprint her own scent on the cat-boy.

Leon felt that his body had become more sensitive after inhaling the toxin from the feather, and his body quickly became aroused.

In his paralyzed state, there wasn’t much that he could do to stop her.

“Whilst I agree with you… it is best not to drug our mascot.” Skitty crouched down over him, and poked his cheek. “Why don’t you detoxify him?”

After playfully poking his cheek a couple of times and confirming that he was completely unable to respond, Skitty’s fluffy cat-tail brushed over his chest and tickled him.

“Not worth utilizing an emergency spell when we can wait without any danger.” Rosalina stroked his neck and shoulders.  

The girls did not do anything excessive, only teasing him a little whilst he was paralyzed.

After a minute of being paralyzed by the toxin, Leon slowly recovered from the paralyzing scent. Leon gently removed his head from the angel’s lap, and looked at the beautiful angel girl’s thighs that held his head.

“Stay close to Skitty and avoid-” Rosalina explained but was interrupted by him.

“Avoid confrontation with the Haunting-Owl, got it.” Leon finished her sentence, and moved next to Skitty without hesitation.

“The Haunting Owl likes to tease their prey. If you are caught, you’ll be unable to escape due to the paralyzing nature of the feathers and likely be forced into constant erotic stimulation until the session expires...” Rosalina agreed with the statement. “So always remain in our line of sight.”

“If the Haunting Owl is swooping toward you, raise your weapon in the direction of the Haunting Owl and shout!” Skitty gestured and drew her bow in a playful manner.

“Remember that the Haunting-Owl is playing a game with you.” Rosalina stated, as she stood up and her wings flapped behind her. “The goal is to catch you completely silently, if anybody notices her before you are caught, the Haunting-Owl will temporarily retreat.”

“Attacking the Haunting-Owl, means challenging her to direct combat. So avoid actually attacking her.” Natus added from the front of the party.

“We cannot beat the Haunting-Owl, so it’s best to play the game of hide and seek on her terms.” Rosalina sighed and crossed her arms, her white wings flapping behind her.

Leon nodded and kept the information in mind.

His eyes absentmindedly began staring at the angel’s white wings. Looking at her white wings with delicate feathers, a strange question suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Rosalina, can you actually fly?” Leon suddenly asked.

“Huh?” Rosalina looked at him with confusion, “Of course? My wings aren’t a decoration?”

The white feathered wings of Rosalina flapped and lifted her into the air. The strength of her flapping should not have been enough to achieve flight, yet Rosalina magically flew into the air a few feet off the ground.

“Huh…” Leon looked at the beautiful angel flying a couple of feet off the ground. Leon theorized that a degree of magic should be involved.

“Enough dilly dallying, let’s get out there and find some monsters.” Skitty gestured for Natus to start moving.

“I’ll lead the way, remember to keep a constant eye out for the Haunting-Bird.” Natus replied.

Leonn nodded in agreement, and looked around in variable pattern to observe the entire forest as he walked. His weapon was ready at all times.

Although Leon didn’t mind death by snu-snu, he preferred if the gaming experience was not continuous erotic torture for multiple hours.

“Suspected mandragora ahead.” Natus walked over a patch of flowers.

The forest surrounding them was filled with thick vines and she gestured toward a large piece of grass hidden with bushes.

“The usual strategy of dealing with a mandrake isn’t going to work with the Haunting-Owl following us.” Rosalina had moved herself beside him at some point, her movement was attractive and erotic. “Let’s ignore it.”

The attractive fragrance of the angel’s body washed over him.

Leon felt his body getting oddly aroused at the close proximity of the angel despite the fact that she remained clothed and relatively normal.

Leon looked over the party.

The cat-girl thief Skitty was raising the bow to deal with some miscellaneous monster-girls like goblins. Skitty’s body was beautiful, her cute butt that was exposed by the hole in her shorts. The fluffy tail swayed behind her drawing his attention.

Every part of their bodies was beautiful.

Skitty’s beautiful backside and fluffy tail, Rosalina’s cleavage and gorgeous white wings.

Leon looked over their attractive bodies and felt an unimaginable powerful desire to impregnate them.

Suddenly, vines spurted out of the ground and wrapped around Skitty’s thighs.

“Why me again!” Skitty called out, her character struggling in the vines. “Damn it, help!”

“I’ll take care of it.” Rosalina stepped beside him; her soft squishy breasts brushed against Leon’s arm. A crying voice could be heard, but Leon’s mind had completely lost its sense of distance to others.

His mind felt hazy.

Leon leaned over and forcibly kissed Rosalina on the lips. The angel’s soft lips filled his thoughts and a delicious taste entered his mouth.

The angel was caught off-guard and attempted to push him away, but after recognizing that Leon was the one kissing her… Rosalina’s struggle directly ended and she began to cooperate with him.

The angel gently leaned into his chest, letting her soft breasts squeeze against him and her delicate fragrance fill his mind.

Leon’s hands roamed over her thighs and buttocks.

The angel wrapped her arms around his back and pulled his groin toward her to feel his full length. Her lower body rubbed his erection in a teasing fashion. The erotic angel teased him with gentle pecks on the lips, before slowly increasing the intensity of her kisses.

Leon reached under her clothes and grasped her soft buttocks. His hand instinctively removed her panties and pushed them down her thighs to the flora below.  

Pleasure continued to build up in his mind as Rosalina grinded herself against him.

His body felt weak, and Rosalina’s fingers began to tease the base of his tail. Her hands stroked Leon’s fluffy tail and brought him pleasure.

The beautiful angel gently pushed him to the floor and stood above him with her wings fully extended.

 The angel’s body was breathtakingly beautiful, her forbidden spring could be seen, and the white wings spread behind her and towered over him in a manner that made him feel extremely small.

The breathtakingly beautiful angel slowly removed the white robe that covered her body, and completely exposed herself to Leon.

Her beautiful small breasts and extremely alluring figure was as divine as a true angel.

After stripping herself of all of her clothes, Rosalina slowly mounted him and let her groin rub against his arousal.

Her feminine hands lifted up his magician’s robe and removed his underwear.

When everything blocking his lower body was removed, Rosalina lowered her body and let her wetness gently ride over his erection. Yet her actions avoided the final act of penetration.

The sensation of her vagina gliding over his erection filled his mind with endless desire. Leon felt a strong desire to impregnate the angel.

Yet Rosalina made no action to directly penetrate and have sex with him.

The angel’s hands rested on the side of his hips and her body provided a continuous burning pleasure by grinding on his erection. Rosalina’s beautiful feminine body was extremely attractive. Her breathtaking wings flapped with each of her grinding movements and gusts of wind brushed over his body.

The blissful sensation was too much to hold back.

An orgasmic ecstasy filled his mind.

The seeds of life spurted from his erection and covered himself.

Constant pleasure filled his mind as he reached a pleasurable orgasm.

The angel’s actions didn’t change as a result of the orgasm, she continued to stimulate his desire by grinding his erection.

Leon regained his senses to a degree due to the orgasm; he suddenly noticed a warning from the [analysis system] was flashing in his vision.


[Abnormal substance detected!]

[Native flora are releasing an abnormal pollen with mind affecting properties.]

The erotic noises of Skitty struggling could be heard in the distance.

“No, I need to escape.” Leon realized that he’d been caught in a trap of some monster-girl and tried to sit up.

Escape STR [Roll D20 +1] = 9 (+1) = 10 < [Capture 10 + 2 = 12]

Despite not pressing the button to escape in reality, Leon mentally felt an escape roll naturally happen when Leon took action to escape from Rosalina’s grinding.

Leon felt the heavy weight of the angel on top of him and was unable to escape.

The beautiful angel’s fingers slowly moved up his body and rubbed over his semen, her beautiful physique leaned into him, and her soft mounds squeezed into his chest. A dribble of pleasure was brought by her grinding movements.

The actions of the stunningly gorgeous angel brought constant desire as her lips attached to his own.

“Mhmm~” Leon voiced his resistance and tried to push her away as he was kissed by the angel.

Rosalina’s lips remained connected to his and her warm tongue invaded his mouth. The delicate sensation of soft breasts squeezed into him. Unbridled pleasure filled his mind as her groin teased his erection.

Leon’s resistance faded, and he gradually returned the kiss.

Letting his arms wrap around the neck of the angel, Leon began to continuously thrust his hips in desire. His mind had lost all rationality and only desired impregnating the beautiful angel on top of him.

“I’d love to go further and have sex with you, but you’d have to renounce the protection of the god of adventurers to do anything inside of Monsters-girls and Magic.” Rosalina gently whispered into his cat-ears; her own body was extremely hot with desire, but the game had rules. “Otherwise this is the limit of what we can do~”

Leon desperately wanted to impregnate this angel, but instinctively hesitated. His instincts told him that renounce the blessing from a god was a bad idea.

Especially considering the true nature of this game.

The breathtakingly beautiful angel let her vagina slide across his erection and teased him further.

“What do you think?” Rosalina applied additional pressure on his arousal. “Do you want to have sex with me?”

Blissful pleasure filled his mind and his logical mind completely disappeared. Leon’s body desire to orgasm inside the beautiful angel in front of him too much to resist.

“Mhmmm…” Leon moaned in pleasure and tightly closed his eyes.

“Why don’t you relax and surrender your protection~” The beautiful angel’s whisper was almost devilish and drilled into his mind as she snuggled up next to him. The delicate fragrance of her body filled his mind.

“No!” Leon’s rational mind barely managed to retain an ounce of common sense and remember the warning that he read online. “Wouldn’t that be dangerous?”

“Then you don’t want to have sex with me?” Rosalina quizzically tilted her head and asked.

“I do…” Leon could feel an intense desire to impregnate her filling his body.

“I’ve surrendered my protection a long time ago and haven’t had any major problems~” Rosalina whispered temptation into his ears and stroked his erection with her vagina. “The blessing is only getting in the way~”

“I… surrender the protection of the god of adventurers.” Leon couldn’t stand the temptation and renounced his protection, and felt a strange blessing leave his body.

“Mhmmm… that’s my obedient kitty~” Rosalina’s hands grasped his erection that remained completely hard and inserted it into her moist vagina.

Leon’s eyes widened, the unmistakable pleasure of sexual intercourse flooded through his mind as the moistness wrapped around his erection and tightly stuck to him.

Rosalina adjusted her body and engulfed the entirety of his penis into her awaiting womb. Her eyes closed in enjoyment, and her white wings began fluttering in a constant pattern as she began milking his penis.

Although the movement was slow and methodical, the intensive pleasure was too much to bear.

Waves of continuous blissful pleasure shot through his body and paralyzed his mind. The ecstasy flooding his mind caused Leon to instinctively gasp for air and spread apart his legs.

Toes curled, and his fluffy tail wrapped around the closest object. His cat-ears were frozen in pleasure and occasionally spasmed in sexual ecstasy as Rosalina lowered herself onto him.

“Who’s a good little kitty~” Rosalina leaned forward, the angel brushed her fingers over his fluffy cat-ears and teasingly massaged them. She slowed her sexual movements to shift her weight onto his chest.

The addictive sensation of her fingers brushing against the cat-ears caused Leon’s eyes to close and instinctively push his head toward her hand.

Although the charming angel’s hands teased his cat-ears in a pleasant fashion, the movement of her hips had not stopped.

Rosalina’s forbidden spring continuously engulfed his erection with strong desire and provided a rigorous sexual experience.

“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that you release inside~” Rosalina sat upright, her hands moving to his hips and her vagina tightened around him. “You’ll impregnate this body of mine~”

Once the alluring angel completely prepared herself, she began to move her body with a strong intensity and a clear goal.

Rosalina wanted to completely drain his penis of every drop of liquid.

“Wait- Mhmmm…” Leon moaned as the pleasure wrapped over his body, and instinctively wanted to reduce the bliss that was overwhelming him.

Her warm and moist vagina continuously swallowed his erection in smooth motions, trying to completely milk it dry.

Leon grasped onto her thighs in desperation, but the pleasure continued to mount regardless.

A small portion of his rational mind had returned, and Leon knew that Rosalina wasn’t some monster-girl but a person in the real world that Leon would need to interact with in the future.

During the constant sexual pleasure sending waves over his mind, Leon’s primitive mind was confused by hormones and latched onto the statement.

Rosalina… was… a… real person.

Countless thoughts shot through his mind as Rosalina’s vagina continued to swallow his erection with enthusiasm. 

The alluring angel’s bare breasts and beautiful figure caused him to get lost staring at her. 

A strong desire to ejaculate inside of her womb and make her pregnant emerged in his mind. Leon tried to control himself, but the hormones of his body responded for him.

Orgasmic bliss overflowed through his body.

“No!” Leon instinctively tried to pull away, but the angel had no intention of letting him release outside.

Rosalina’s vagina moved to engulf his entire erection and remained in that position to ensure that his seed would have no chance to escape.

The seeds of life continuously shot directly into her awaiting womb.

Rosalina’s vagina clamped down on his erection in the process, the angel’s beautiful body greedily accepted every drop of his semen without hesitation.

A sense of relief overflowed from his body as if a mission had been accomplished.

An indescribable pleasure filled his mind and a strong desire to continue until the angel was completely filled with his semen remained.

Leon’s body felt weak, though… which allowed his rational mind to return. Leon’s scalp felt numb as he looked at the beautiful Rosalina with her eyes closed in pleasure.

The perfect body of Rosalina had been desecrated, filled with his semen.

“Mhmmm… Thanks for everything~” Rosalina moved her hand to feel her womb as if trying to engrave the sensation of his seed filling her body into her. “I enjoyed our little side-escapade, but we should probably help Skitty and Natus now.”

Rosalina gently rubbed his face with her right palm and slowly removed his erection. She showed no signs of regret. Nor did she show any indication that her actions were under the control of foreign substances, as if her previous actions were of her own will.

Leon was slightly confused, wondering whether the sexual activity was of her own volition… or if she had also been affected by something in monster-girls and magic.

When the angel stood upright, she summoned her staff.

Skitty was in a poor state.

The cat-girl’s clothing was torn in every important place, and she was trapped on her back with countless vines wrapped around her body.

The vines tightly held her upper body to the ground. Her thighs were lifted into the air, wrapped by vines that separated them in an erotic manner.

Her vagina fully exposed and her soft breasts were continuously teased by vines.

The mouth of the cat-girl had been covered by a gigantic yellow flower, and shiny liquid was flowing out the cracks of the flower.

It was clear at least some portion of the yellow flower’s mysterious liquid was entering Skitty’s mouth.

Natus was unharmed, but constantly fighting with vines and attempting to approach a beautiful monster-girl in the distance.

Leon quickly recovered after seeing the state of his teammates and grabbed his magical staff.

“Complete escape!” Rosalina raised her staff and waved it toward Skitty with a sense of indifference.

The vines wrapped around Skitty unraveled and hissed unnaturally, like a demon encountering holy water. The gigantic yellow flower removed itself from the cat-girl and shook wildly in pain.

Skitty spun away from the vines and managed to regroup with the two of them. She took multiple deep breaths, tightly closing her thighs and rubbing them together.

The cat-girl’s body was paralyzed by the burning desire to mate and have babies.

Her fluffy tail swayed behind her cute buttocks that were freely exposed due to her clothing being destroyed and attracted his attention to her vagina.

A strong desire to have sex with and impregnate the cat-girl began to flash through Leon’s mind.

“Leon!” Rosalina looked at him with strangeness. “Focus on the monster!”

Leon jolted back to his senses and didn’t dare to continue peeking at the uncovered body of Skitty or Rosalina.

Focusing on the monster-girl that Natus had fought through the vines to attack, Leon took a moment to observe the monster that ambushed them.

A beautiful mature woman with green plant-like skin sat atop of a large plant in a circular shape that could easily fit a human.


[Nepenthes Distillatoria (Pitcher Plant) – Monstrum Femina]

[A monster-girl developed from the divine power mixed into a pitcher plant.]

[This type of monster-girl cannot move, instead using tricks and seduction to lure nearby individuals into her pitcher plant.]

[The pitcher plant releases an odorless fragrance into the surroundings that introduces individuals into a state of heat and induces the desire to fertilize others through sexual activity.]

[Once an individual approaches the monster-girl, a magical seal will restrict their movement. The magical seal will completely prevent prey from escaping as they are dragged inside the pitcher plant and slowly devoured as fertilizer amongst orgasmic pleasure.]

[The pitcher plant is almost impregnable and reinforced with countless magic shields. Once trapped inside of the pitcher plant, escape is impossible based on your current party’s strength.]

[The monster-girl has no methods of ranged attack, nor can she attack those that do not approach.]

[Recommended course of action: Avoid approaching the monster-girl, and reduce pollen intake by inhaling through a wet cloth.]

Leon quickly read through the result of the [analysis system] and realized a problem; the Pitcher Plant monster-girl was not the only monster-girl causing problems in this area.

Another monster-girl was assaulting Skitty with her vines.

By the time that Leon realized the problem, Natus had already fought through the vines and approached the Pitcher Plant monster-girl in the distance.

Natus swung her sword to attack the beautiful monster-girl, but before any damage could be done a glowing magical seal covered the dragon-girls and completely paralyzed her.

The dragon-girl was promptly pulled into the Pitcher Plant by the monster-girl... but Leon had no time to worry about the dragon-girl.

Vines shot out of the ground and captured Rosalina.

The vines secured together Rosalina’s wrists, lifting them above her head and forcing her to drop her staff. A few other vines emerged from the soil beneath her feet and wrapped around her ankles.

“Wind blade!” Leon quickly cast the spell on the vines that assaulted Rosalina’s hands.

The wind blade easily cut through the vines wrapped around her hands, but more vines rapidly emerged from the ground. The green vines wrapped around Rosalina’s shoulders and neck, pulling toward the grassy floor covered in flowers.

“Damn!” Rosalina struggled to stay upright; her hands tried to pull away the vines. The vines were too tough to be torn with bare hands and her physical strength was not enough to escape.

In response to her escape attempt, more vines emerged from the surrounding soil and tightened around the wrists of the angel and pulled them apart.

The white-winged angel was pulled to the lush grass with her backside against the ground.

As the angel was brought into a compromising position by the vines, her white wings instinctively spread out and thighs were forcefully separated.

“You need to attack the source!” Rosalina ordered him from her compromising position on the floor. “Don’t worry about the vines.”

The vines were wrapped around the angel’s captivating breasts.

Leon backed away, observing the surrounding dense forest and field of flowers beneath his feet.

The flowers seemed completely normal, no monster-girls besides the Pitcher Plant were visible in the surrounding area.

Damn it.

Leon knew that he didn’t have a strong perception and felt helpless. 

Skitty was also surveying the surroundings as her upper thighs gently rubbed together, a burning heat in her stomach constantly distracting her.

A nearby yellow flower inflated in size and wrapped around Rosalina’s mouth, the flower forced a viscous liquid into her mouth.

The angel’s wrists were forced above her head and wrapped together with multiple vines.

The sound of struggling could be heard from Rosalina as the mysterious liquid was forced down her throat by the yellow flower.

Despite looking around the surroundings, Leon couldn’t find anything abnormal that might be the source of the vines. Even looking at the vines that trapped Rosalina and attempting to trace the source had little effect.

Damn… There was nothing abnormal in the surroundings.

A vine emerged from the ground near the groin of Rosalina and bloomed a special flower, preparing to penetrate her.

Leon took a deep breath and calmed down.

Listening to the struggling noises of Rosalina, the wind flowing through the forest, and the sound of the nearby river.

An idea came to mind.

‘Create a three-dimensional model of the surroundings based on my senses, analyze the model for humanoid figures and project an outline of all suspected monster-girls and humanoids into my field of vision.’ Leon ordered the analysis system.

Re-opening his eyes, Leon saw an illusionary green outline around Rosalina and the vines wrapped around the angel’s body had a red outline.

It was already too late.

The holly angel’s beautiful vagina had been desecrated by the special flower with a strange penis-like organ.

Her erotic body was fully displaying its feminine charm as her hips were forced to rock erotically back-and-forth in acceptance of the new sexual partner.

The gigantic yellow flower constantly dripped nectar into her throat.

Her white wings furled as her toes curled, the angel’s thighs were lifted into the air by the vines and Rosalina was constantly penetrated by the special flower.

Her tantalizing nipples and breasts were constantly teased by the vines.

Subtle movements portrayed her intensive desire for sexual activity as her body cooperated with the vines to penetrate deep into her womb.  

Leon was mesmerized by the enchanting sight of the angel being raped by the vines.

The vines prevented the desecrated angel’s escape.

Her wrists were trapped by the vines and pulled over her head.

Her thighs were lifted into the air by the vines to prevent her from getting any grasp on the ground that might allow for unexpected maneuvers.

Rosalina’s escape opportunities had been completely denied and her moist vagina indicated that her body had already accepted the assault of the monster-girl.

The beautiful angel’s inner thighs tightened around the vine, and the strong movements of her hips indicated that she had completely succumb to her sexual desire.

The sight was breathtaking to behold, Leon wanted to step forward and join.

However, Leon quickly came to his senses, a quick glance of the surroundings with the assistance of the [analysis system] revealed the location of the monster-girls causing problems.

Hidden within some of the flowers in the surrounding field, there was the red outline of tiny fairies that could barely be seen.

The fairies had small transparent wings, beautiful appearances, and were not bigger than his palm. The only problem was there were at least 7-8 fairies in the flower fields.

Leon saw the fairies looking through the pedals of the flowers toward Rosalina as the vines further separated her thighs.

Anxiously raising his staff, Leon prepared to cast [wind blade] toward the fairies causing trouble.

After raising the staff… Leon felt a pain in his neck, his hands failed to hold onto the staff as his body felt unprecedently weak.

Something had pricked him in the back of the neck!

Instinctively, Leon pulled out the prickly object.

His face changed when he felt the softness of the dart embedded in his neck and looked at it.

A brown feather?

No, he had forgotten to be on guard against the Haunting-Owl!

Before he could even speak, Leon felt his body completely collapse due to the paralysis.

Sharp claws wrapped around his shoulders… but his body remained completely paralyzed and helpless to move.

The haunting owl easily lifted him into the sky, giving him a complete view of the battlefield below.

In the far corner, Natus was trapped inside the pitcher plant and a constant movement reminiscent of sex could be seen through the walls of the plant.

Rosalina caught by the vines was constantly being actively raped.

Meanwhile, Skitty was searching around aimlessly for the source of the vines and hadn’t noticed his disappearance.

The distant forest below slowly disappeared as the Haunting Owl began to travel far away from the party. The scenery below changed for a decent period of time.

The Haunting Owl eventually brought him to a large nest.

The nest of the monster-girl was extremely massive, nearly 3 meters in radius and far from the ground.

The Haunting Owl was extraordinarily beautiful in appearance, despite her body being covered in feathers. Soft white feathers covered her front, yet her beautiful red nipples were not hidden by the feathers. Her delicate humanoid face was charming at a glance.

The Haunting Owl looked at him like food to be eaten.

Leon was completely unable to move, the only actions available to him remained limited to moving his eyes, swallowing, and breathing.

The Haunting Owl sat on his stomach; her soft buttocks with the soft feathers on it brushing against him. She leaned over and provided a gentle kiss.

The gentle scent, akin to perfume, of her body filled his nostrils.

Her saliva flowed into his mouth with the kiss.

Her soft nipples brushed into his chest, along with the fluffy feathers that covered the majority of her body.

Forced to swallow her saliva to breathe… Leon felt an uncomfortable heat spread through his body from his stomach after ingesting her saliva.

His body became extremely aroused.

The Haunting Owl moved to sit upright after confirming that he swallowed her saliva. The action of sitting on his stomach in a completely upright manner fully displayed her enchanting naked body.

The monster-girl used her wings to hold his erection and lowered her vagina that was visibly wet onto it.

One part of Leon wanted to protest and stop her… and another part wanted to have intensive sexual relations with her.

-But the truth of the matter was that Leon had no choice in the matter from the moment that he was hit by her feather.

Leon could only helplessly watch as her vagina slowly engulfed his penis. Unbridled pleasure filled his body in constant waves as her vagina swallowed his erection.

The inside of the Haunting Owl was comfortably warm and tight with a slick wetness.

“Mmmm…” An involuntary moan emerged from Leon, despite the lack of ability to speak... the moan seemed to flow out of his mouth naturally.

The Haunting Owl constantly moved her body and pleasure built as his erection slid in-and-out of her. Her wings fluttering to assist in her movements. The soft white feathers on her abdomen and buttocks constantly teased his senses as they slammed into him.

The ecstasy was intensified as her body constantly landed on the [lust crest].

In a few short moments, Leon reached the edge of orgasm and was completely unable to control himself. He prepared himself to release his seed into the beautiful haunting owl.

Yet, orgasm never seemed to arrive.

Instead, Leon remained in the torturous state on the edge of orgasm as he was brought inside and out of her vagina in a rapid fashion.

Leon’s throat felt dry.

The pleasurable sensation of intensive sexual activity constantly flowed across him, yet orgasm seemed to be constantly and unnaturally remained out of reach.

Every moment was torturous.

The vagina of the Haunting Owl tightened, and her liquid covered his erection and began drooling out of her vagina.

As the Haunting Owl orgasmed, she shuttered in pleasure and slowed her pace temporarily.

However, the beautiful body the Haunting Owl refused to release him and continued her actions of swallowing his erection. Her breasts with captivating red nipples bounced from her intensive movement.

Every moment was an erotic torture.

Her delicate folds constantly stroking against his erection.

Leon was constantly tortured by the movement.

The terrifying part of the situation was that failure condition would only be determined after orgasming without rescue by a companion for 10 minutes. Therefore, if Leon failed to orgasm, he would remain trapped until the session ended.

The Haunting Owl seemed to be getting supreme pleasure from teasing him and intensified her movement.

Her beautiful humanoid body with a charming appearance was displayed with each of her movements. The Haunting Owl’s impressive wings with brown feathers and lovely breasts could be freely observed as she easily rode him.

Blissful pleasure intensified.

Every couple of minutes, the Haunting Owl would orgasm and switch her movements to ensure that the sensations instilled into his body were fresh and intense. Leon wanted to beg to cum, but his tongue was unable perform such complex actions and the noises turned into constant moans.

Leon was forced to endure countless erotic sensations; each were extremely intensive and kept him on the edge of orgasm at all times.

She performed everything from figure-eight motions on his erection to slow jolts with her extremely tight vagina.

Regardless of the intensity, the Haunting Owl never seemed to get tired of her sexual movements and kept displaying unique actions that drove him to the brink of orgasm.

The Haunting Owl seemed to get supreme pleasure from torturing him to the edge of orgasm and preventing him from adapting to her movements.

This was no longer pleasurable sexual activity, but an erotic torture that seemed endless.

Every moment, Leon wished that he could orgasm.

After an unknown amount of time and different countless sexual experiences inside her vagina, the Haunting Owl slowed her movements to a pause and pulled out a feather from the side of her body and poked it into his lower stomach with a gentle force.

The brown feather easily penetrated his skin and drew blood, Leon regained a sensation of control over his stomach.

The sensation of control slowly spread across his body from the location that the feather pierced. For whatever reason, the Haunting Owl seemed to have decided to allow him to regain control of his body.

The beautiful Haunting Owl observed him and seemed to have confirmed it worked with a subtle nodding of her head.

His erection was stiff inside of her moist forbidden spring.

Regaining control of his body caused him to feel a more intensive pleasure that clouded his mind.

As a monster-girl with an intensive desire for sexual activity, the Haunting Owl didn’t care about his opinion on the matter and immediately continued her sexual movements.

An intensive pleasure swallowed his erection as the delicate folds of the monster-girl’s vagina rubbed against his erection with intensive movements.

Leon felt his body burning with intensive desire in attraction to her beautiful, feathered form and was unable to control his hips from humping into her.

The ecstasy from the sensation was too much to endure.

Almost instantly, Leon reached the edge of orgasm and uncontrollably spurted his semen into the mesmerizing form of the charming Haunting Owl.

Leon felt blissful pleasure wash over his mind.

An unprecedented sense of relief and weakness that was unlike anything he had experienced before flooded over his body.

The beautiful, hourglass-shaped body of the Haunting Owl folded her wings against him and continued to devour his erection.  

Leon had no thoughts of resistance and easily accepted his new identity as the breeding partner of the Haunting Owl and began to enjoy the sensation of sexual activity with the monster-girl.

He wanted nothing more than to have endless sex with her.

Everything beyond the tantalizing body of the Haunting Owl had been forgotten by him.

Intensive thrusting caused endless enjoyment.

Leon’s fluffy cat-tail wrapped around her stomach in instinctive desire as he grasped the hips of the Haunting Owl.

The vagina of the Haunting Owl was extremely comfortable and warm, unbelievably comfortable and he wanted to remain inside of her for eternity.

Leon’s fluffy cat-ears folded on his head and his hands tightly grasped the soft buttocks of the Haunting Owl, using his grip to intensify her movements.

A familiar pleasure reoccurred as his body prepared itself for orgasm.

The warmth swallowing his erection like a delicious delicacy.

The beautiful appearance of the Haunting Owl with a hungry look on her face brought him pleasure… Leon wanted to have sex with her forever and tried to hold back his orgasm.

Yet his body disagreed, and his mind went blank. Leon could feel the seeds of life gushing from his body and landing in the warm womb of the Haunting Owl.

The pleasure intensively waved through his body as her intensive sexual movements continued through the process. Her vagina tightened around him to prevent his seed from escaping.

An intensive pleasure filled his mind and he collapsed back onto the nest, Leon’s limbs felt extremely weak and unresponsive.

Leon’s fluffy tail weakly loosened from her waist and fell to the floor.

Sexual desire had been wiped out by intensive sexual activity.

The Haunting Owl didn’t care about his reaction and encouraged him with gentle stroking movements. Her vagina that swallowed his erection sent tickling sensations up his body.

Leon felt the hum of arousal from the [lust crest] affect him and his cat-kin body recovered despite his tired thoughts.

Within a minute his sexual desire had completely returned and despite his exhaustion, the Haunting Owl continued to playfully rape him.

Unable to escape from the endless pleasure, his body continued the sexual activity purely on instinct.

The cat-kin instincts of his body took over.

Leon began to let out small meows.  

Every wave of pleasure caused his tail to twitch erratically and his fluffy cat-ears to sway.

All thoughts disappeared from his mind as the instinctive desires of life controlled his thoughts and his hips continued to thrust into her.

His only role in life was to fill the haunting owl with semen.

Leon wanted nothing more than to have sex with her forever.

His body had been unknowingly trained by the haunting owl in the previous period of time to crave her.

The toxic in her feathers affected his mind as the haunting owl teased him into a primitive cat-boy that wanted nothing more than to have endless sex with her. 

The haunting owl’s thighs tightened around his waist.

Leon’s body orgasmed again into her and endless bliss filled his thoughts…

After releasing his seed into the Haunting Owl an unknown number of times, the avatar expired. Leon’s mind was jolted back to his true body in the library.

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