Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 3: Succubus Maids

Calming himself down with repeated meditative suggestions, Leon returned back to the villa and escaped.

Relaxed upon returning to the private villa.

Birds could be heard chirping in the large yard with various trees that were planted to be a replicate the experience of a forest to comfort elves living in the public villa.

The scenery of the villa’s courtyard almost directly replicated that of a forest, which in the middle of a city was not an easy feat. Various enchantment magic lined the edge to prevent the noise and air pollution of the city from influencing the residents.

The elven council had clearly taken great effort to build the villa and bought a lot of land around the villa for the purpose of ensure that elves staying in city are comfortable.

The expense of buying land in the middle of the city was absurd, Leon was always impressed by the elven council’s extravagance in strange places.

Pulling out the key to villa, Leon felt something was odd and looked around.

A white van was parked in the driveway of the villa.

“Huh? Visitors?” Leon blinked in surprise.

Promptly Leon straightened his back and posture, attempted to tidy up his appearance by patting down his messy hair. Then attempted to fix the school uniform on his body that was crumbled and disordered in appearance.

Sadly, Leon’s external image received only minuscule improvement from his efforts.

After examining himself in the reflective door frame, Leon sighed and swiftly realized the futility of his actions. He resolutely prepared himself to be scolding by whatever elf decided to suddenly stop by the public villa.

Opening the door, the scent of meat from cooking in the kitchen filled Leon’s nostrils and various scurrying sounds could be heard in multiple other rooms of the house.

Leon had a slightly strange expression when stepping into the villa’s living room that had been freshly polished and cleaned.

A beautiful fox-girl with brown hair wore a maid uniform stood at attention by the entrance and bowed her head slightly upon seeing the elf’s presence.

However, the maid uniform that the fox-girl wore was definitely not serious and had the intention to be more sexy than practical.

The black skirt with white frills was ridiculously short, even from his current location across the room, Leon could spot glimpses of her white panties underneath.

Additionally, the fox-girl wore what could only be described as a maid-bikini to cover her breasts and the fox-girl’s stomach and hips were not covered with any fabric.  

“Greetings, young master.” The fox-girl gracefully placed her hands on the edge of her skirt and performed an elegant curtsy that appeared absurd in the skimpy unform.

“Hello…” Leon awkwardly nodded to the maid that he’d never seen before and tried to avoid looking directly at her. 

Leon needed only to glance at the uniform of the fox-girl to know that she didn’t work for the elven council. It was completely impossible for those extremely traditional elves to allow a retainer to wear such an absurd uniform.

“… This villa is the private property of the elven conciliate, do you have permission to be here?” Leon asked with furrowed brows.

Although Leon felt that it was impossible for someone that did not have permission to appeared in the villa and randomly act in a maid-like fashion, relevant questions still needed to be asked.

“Yes, please look over the relevant information.” The fox-girl maid seemed prepared for the question and took out a document with the official seal of the elven council from a nearby bag.

Leon confirmed the seal on the document by virtue of his memory and read over the document.

The documentation was relatively simple, it provides permission for an individual named Elena Fireheart to live in the villa for an indefinite period of time and allowed the existence of four maids to service her daily life. There were subsections detailing that the maids should live in the servant quarters and required them to take care of the daily life of any elves living in the mansion at the same time.

The council reserved the right to evict the forementioned individuals from the location with a week’s notice.

“Elena Fireheart?” Leon muttered to himself with confusion.

Elves do not need to acquire permission from the council to stay here. Individuals of other races that plan to stay for prolonged periods of time need permission of the council to stay in the villa, and those applications were basically impossible to pass.  

At least, since the creation of the villa, Leon had never heard of the elven council approving of an application by a foreign race to stay in the villa.

Additionally, Elena Fireheart was a feminine name… Presumably Elena was a woman. Why would a girl have a group of scantily dressed maids?

Considering how notoriously stubborn the elves in the council were to any new ideas, Leon was extremely impressed that anyone managed to acquire permission for long-term residency in the villa.

The idea that they could also obtain additional permission for four personal maids to semi-permanently work in the villa… such a feat was simply unimaginable to Leon.

Leon briefly wondered whether the documentation was forged.

Although there was the official seal of the elven council on the document, Leon was not experienced enough to identify whether it was forged or not. Leon planned to simply contact his parents and ask them to personally confirm the accuracy of the documentation.

“Thank you for clarifying my doubts.” Leon returned the documentation to the fox-girl maid without bringing up his doubt.

“Do you need assistance with anything, young master?” The fox-girl slowly bowed in his direction, the fluffy fox-like tail behind her performed an elegant swish.

“No, do not bother me in the future.” Leon walked past the scantily clad maid and returned to his room.

After confirming that his room had not been invaded by the maids, Leon promptly contacted his parents through his phone to confirm the information that the maid provided.

One half-hour conversation later, Leon had learned the general situation and why the stubborn council members agreed to the usage of the villa by the servants.

Territorial disputes and border conflicts have been a constant occurrence with a foreign country known as Darklands, but neither country wants to start a war. In an attempt to ensured continued peace and stability, each side agreed to send a group of representatives of their younger generations to the other’s territory.

The Darklands is demon territory…

The inhabitants of the Darklands are mostly fallen races, demons, dark elves, and other races of sinister natures.

As a guest representative, the elven council naturally could not be perfunctory in the treatment of guests. Their own pride prevented them from being perfunctory, and so they eventually settled on housing the representatives within the public elven villas that were scattered throughout the country.

Each villa is specially designed to cater to the elven taste and in prime locations of each city.

To the group of old stubborn elven representative, this can be called highest caliber of treatment available. This level of treatment could not be criticized in the slightest by anybody.

After all, the council were allowing the foreign delegates to stay in the exclusive villas of elves.

The foreign delegates and their retainers had diplomatic immunity and were basically free to do whatever they wanted, so long as it does not endanger the general public or harm innocent individuals… even illegal activities will be ignored. 

This is already the highest degree of treatment that those old elves in the council are willing to give.

The only information that could be found on Elena Fireheart is that she is the daughters of a powerful leader in the Darklands.

Elena Fireheart had been given permission to freely attend school at her will and wander throughout the town to experience life at her own leisure. Basically, Elena could do whatever she wanted, except murder.

The maids were sent ahead of her prepare the villa for Elena’s arrival, but Elena was in a rather special position in the Darklands. There was no specific timetable for when Elena would be arriving, and several maids were simply sent to manage the villa and prepare for her arrival.

Although there was also the distinctive possibility that Elena Fireheart wouldn’t bother to come…

Regardless the matter had already been settled, unless a severe problem occurred with the negotiation, Leon’s previously private home would turn into a shared location between himself and this Elena Fireheart for the time being.

Feeling slightly melancholy and hungry, Leon stepped out of his bedroom and began to head to the kitchen.

“Young master.”

“Please stop.”

Two melodious, almost hypnotic voices came from behind him and requested that he stopped. Leon stopped and examined the cause of the voices that soon appeared in his line-of-sight.

Two maids with charming heart-shaped tails swaying behind them, and two dark horns protruded either side from their foreheads.

The two maids were extremely distinctive.

On the right, a maid with beautiful ocean blue hair with sapphire sparkling eyes.

On the left, a fiery red-haired maid stood with ruby gems hidden in her eyes.

The maid uniforms the girls wore showcased their beauty to the fullest, the clothing matched their respective colors.

The red-haired maid wore a black and red frilly skirt swaying heavily whilst moving toward him in a manner that completely failed to hide their panties. A black and red frilly maid bikini seemed to cover everything... yet also seemed to show everything. 

Similarly, the blue-haired maid had lovely blue with black on her uniform.

Regardless of their dress, the maids were unimaginably beautiful. Every part of their body had unimaginable charm that demanded attention.

Beautiful skin, perfect curves, and a supernatural charm emitting from the maid’s body with every movement.

Leon stared at their bodies, hypnotized by the beauty of the girls… he couldn’t even think clearly enough to recognize that the two maids were from the demonic race of succubus.

In his entire life, he’d never seen anyone even remotely as beautiful as the two girls in front of him.

All woman paled in comparison to the two maids in front of him.

Words seemed to wither into uselessness when intended to describe their appearance.

Akin to the first roses of a beautiful spring after the harshest of winters, the two girls stood out in a manner that made him doubt whether any woman that he described before them truly deserved the evaluation of beautiful. 

The two girls seemed to be carved out to match the definition of beauty.

No, the word “beautiful” itself must have been created after people had seen the appearance of these two girls. It was insulting them to use the word beautiful for other women.

His heart began to uncontrollably beat in his chest.

A strong and constant thudding from his heart racing began to ring out in his ears.

“We apologize for disturbing you, but we wanted to introduce ourselves to the young master.” The red-haired maid bowed approaching with her heart-shaped tail swaying in a seductive fashion behind her. The movements of the tail flashed her semi-transparent red panties.

“My name is Ruby.” The red-haired maid had a charming smile and introduced herself.

“My name is Sapphire.” The blue-haired maid’s voice seemed a little shy and proceeded to directly introduce herself after the other girl.

Leon felt words were stuck in his throat.

His body was felt frozen in place, ignoring his mind’s instructions to respond… or, maybe, it was his mind that didn’t allow his body to move.

“We will be responsible for your daily life in the future… Please feel free to use the two of us however you desire.” Ruby smiled enthusiastically and a charming pink heart appeared in her red eyes.

“Indeed…” Sapphire blushed slightly, momentarily averting her gaze… but soon pink hearts appeared in her blue eyes, and she stared into Leon’s eyes. Sapphire began flapping her heart-shaped tail charmingly behind her. “We will be your exclusive maids in the future.”

The words of the two maids and acute gaze caused Leon’s body to flash uncomfortably hot with desire, a fire raged in his lower abdomen. A strong desire to pull these two maids into his bedroom and make love to them flashed through his mind and began to occupy all of his thoughts.

Leon tried to dissolve the sexual thoughts, but they kept reappearing in his mind.

“Young master, is there something that you strongly desire at the moment?” Ruby leaned forward with a knowing smirk on her lips, and the pink hearts in her eyes seemed to turn slightly brightened knowing that the prey was almost taken hooked into their trap.

Leon’s body nodded without him being consciously aware of it.

“Don’t worry, we will definitely help you~” Ruby’s charming eyes with pink hearts relieved any tension, and she wrapped her arm around his own. Sapphire wordlessly grasped his other arm, assisted in capturing him and dragging him into the bedroom.

After stepping into the bedroom, Ruby pulled him over to the bed whilst Sapphire locked the door.

The maid bikini on Ruby’s body was immediately dropped to the floor, an uninterrupted view of her petite snowy peaks and small red cherries that sat atop those peaks was displayed.

Sitting upright on the edge of the bed, Leon saw the beautiful, exposed breasts of the red-haired maid and the last of his reason completely vanished.

The only thought that remained in his mind was to satisfy his lust.

“As your exclusive maids, we will definitely satisfy all of your desires.” Ruby approached him with her seductive body and whispered into Leon’s ear, her hot breath and fascinating fragrance driving his mind crazy.

Sapphire across the room slowly unbuttoned her black and blue skirt and tossed it to the floor.

Only semi-transparent blue panties remained on Sapphire’s lower body to hide a little of her bountiful spring, her heart-shaped succubus tail positioned itself cutely in front of her body and flapped incessantly in a fascinating display of its beauty.

Ruby positioned her exposed soft breasts against his face, and her warm hands reached beneath his shirt and playfully provoked him by rubbing her hands against his lower stomach.

The fire in his abdomen burned hotter and unsatiable desire spread throughout every portion of his body and caused his thighs to subconsciously rub together in desire.

Sapphire pulled down her blue panties in a sensual manner and approached, positioning herself at the edge of bed, near his feet. Sapphire forcefully spread his legs apart and claimed the newly parted position for herself.

The blue-haired maid kept her hands firmly pressed against his inner thigh to prevent him from moving his legs and began rubbing his thighs toward his erection that was clearly visible through the tightened pants.

After the two maids thoroughly teased him and emptied his mind through increasingly erotic actions, Sapphire began to unbuckle his pants and Ruby acted to swiftly remove the shirt on his body in a single motion.

Leon instinctively struggled... but was thrown onto his back by the red-haired succubus, and his stomach was straddling by the maid with red hair.

Ruby bent over to his face; her heart-shaped eyes approached his eyes.

The breath of the succubus overwhelming his senses and clouding his mind.

A deep kiss was initiated by the red-haired succubus and his mind blanked, forgetting everything that existed in the world.

A tongue reached into his mouth and explored its depths to her heart’s desire.

Saliva exchanged between the two of them and his body burned uncomfortably hot with desire.  

A long saliva trail remained when Ruby pulled away and a seductive smile appeared on her lips. Her heart-shaped eyes were almost hypnotic.

“Let us take care of everything.” Ruby’s mouth whispered into his ears with hot breath and pinned down his arms with her legs and holding down his upper arms.

In the mists of Ruby’s continual seduction, the blue-haired maid had begun to use her mouth to bring forth impossible desire by playing carefully with Leon’s sword of desire.

Sapphire’s lips engulphed him in a blissful manner that furthered his arousal and desire. Her tongue playfully wrapped around his penis as she applied a suction force.

The sensation sent shiver through his body; Leon felt the seeds of life immediately spurt out from him in a violent manner.

Sapphire received these seedlings of life in her mouth without hesitation.

Clarity returned to his mind and the haze of desire momentarily disappeared, Leon froze and realized the situation he was in.

The two maids were succubus with a strong ability to charm, infatuating males and females alike. Their heart-shaped tails, extraordinary beauty, and supernatural charm were key indications of the two maids being part of the succubus race.

Although the rumors of succubus draining people’s lifespan were proven to be falsified stories, the species did have ability to influence, mark, and control the mind of sentient being through desire and amplifying lust.

Rarely did those that slept with succubae have good results.

There are many examples in history of people falling into the beauty trap of succubus, even people that were abstinent as monks turning into sex fiends. Similar to drug addicts in a state of serious withdrawal, they would do almost anything in an attempt to get a quick fix and many turned into heinous criminals.

At this time, the blue-haired maid at the lower half of his body began to lick and swallow his weakened weapon into her mouth once again.

“Stop!” Leon realized that he needed to escape and yelled at the succubus to stop, attempting to forcefully push away the maids by thrashing into them.

Sadly, his attempts were destined to be futile, Ruby was prepared a long time ago to ensure that there was no way to escape. When the maid had straddled Leon’s stomach, her entire body’s weight was in key positions to prevent him from escaping and his arms were held down tightly by the red-haired succubus.

“Relax.” Ruby replied with a tone of kindness and compassion whilst staring deeply into his eyes.

The woman’s face was so beautiful, and her heart-shaped eyes were filled with a breathtaking beauty like the night sky with countless stars twinkling.

Her eyes were full of concern and kindness, like a nurse helping a patient.

Everything about her was as harmless as a rabbit.

The desire to resist weakened significantly.

Noticing the momentary falter in willpower, Ruby gently stroked both sides of Leon’s head with her hands and slowly lowered her head to kiss him. Ruby attacked his lips gently, but her kiss was unavoidable and inescapable like a lioness tightly biting the neck of her prey.

Leon’s body struggled to escape the kiss, his mind subconsciously remembering the danger and his body thrashed in an attempt to escape.

The soft hands that stroked his head, gently comforting him, were also the last straw that completely cut off her prey’s last hope of successfully escaping by holding his head in place.

The red-haired succubus deeply enjoyed the feeling of the kiss and loved the struggle of the prey to escape underneath her. Only with strong resistance does the feat of conquering a man feel most enjoyable and worthy of her efforts.  

Ruby was deeply satisfied with Leon as the target of her service.  

Strong willpower, youthful demeanor, and extraordinarily handsome.

A truly perfect young master to dedicate herself.

Her tongue submerged into his mouth, electricity of her lips on his own filled his mind and the fire of arousal returned to Leon’s body.

This arousal meant that the blue-haired maid at the other end of his body could begin her work again.

Sapphire skillfully moved her hands around the newly renewed clarinet of Leon with fervor that few musicians could handle, and her mouth playfully teased the instrument with a skillful tongue demonstrated several beautiful melodies that caused Leon’s to fall into a trance.

Leon’s persistent struggle slowly disappeared.

His mind turning numb from the predatory attack of the succubae and unable to come up with a good response.

Like prey slowly dying after getting caught by a predator… and the numbness of arousal filled his mind.

After a final jolt to pull away that ultimately failed, Leon’s mind completely returned to a clouded and hypnotic state that could not sustain complicated thoughts.

The prey’s remaining subconscious resistance was of no threat to the succubus.

As such, Ruby slowly lifted her weight from his body and removed her semi-transparent red panties.

Her heart-shaped tail swaying in a happily behind her, Ruby stared down at the man that she was about to conquer. Only the black and red frilly maid skirt remained on Ruby’s body as she enthusiastically prepared for the main course of this meal.

The dew drops of her forbidden spring sparkled in Leon’s sight as the skirt swayed from her movements as Ruby prepared to devour the man in front of her.  

Sapphire saw the movements of her fellow maid and reacted instantly to her preparations. Removing the instrument from her mouth, the blue haired succubus began holding Leon’s most important sword in a position that allowed Ruby to easily deposit it into her sheath. 

No time was given for Leon to clear his thoughts, the red-haired maid directly devoured him.

Unmatched pleasure shot through his muddled brain.

The sensation of his lower body getting swallowed filled him with a pleasure that was almost mistaken for pain.  

The pleasure reverberated through his body so strongly that it directly dispelled the charm technique that muddled his brain and returned consciousness to his body.

“What-” Leon felt the pleasure of joining with a woman for the first time. The sensation was indescribably pleasurable and the tightness engulfing his erection was the only thing that he could think about.

Ruby’s expression was one of a mischievous prankster that had successfully teased an unexpecting victim. The red-haired succubus didn’t move, instead playfully observed Leon regain his mind and adjust to the reality of the pleasurable situation.

Her pussy occasionally contracted on his length, and she enjoyed the reaction of sending a shivering sensation up his body.

“What are you doing?” Leon barely managed to spit out a coherent sentence after the succubus gave him time to calm down.

“Didn’t we already explain?” Ruby tilted her head in pretend confusion. Placed her hands on his lower stomach and playfully began to move up and down his length sending constant waves of pleasure. “We will be your exclusive maids in the future, personal gifts from the demon realm to you.”

Leon’s stared at the exposed breasts that were rocking of the maid that was riding him, the black heart-shaped demon tail flapping repeatedly behind her in response to her playful movements. His mind was extremely preoccupied with the pleasure of the situation and unable to concentrate.

The tightness of her body.

The unbelievable lust that built up within his mind.

After a period of adjustment to the pleasure, Leon tried to save the situation. “Shouldn’t personal maids follow my orders? Release me.”

“Only your personal maids after we’ve properly performed the ritual to recognize you as our master…” Ruby playfully moved her fingers on his stomach, teasing his stomach in the fashion of a lover. “Don’t worry, if we meant any harm to you, it would result in an international incident... This is just the process of performing the ritual.”

She slowed down her movements to talk more comfortably to display her point.

In response, Leon unconsciously began raising his hips to push deeper into succubus each time she moved. The instincts of a man trying to restore the previous pleasure that Ruby gave him.

Although Leon didn’t notice the instinctive response, Ruby briefly closed her eyes in momentary pleasure from his instinctive movements.

Ruby’s eyes opened and a mischievous smirk appeared in her face.

“Mmhhmmm…” Leon moaned; the engulfing of his erection causing him to be unable to control himself. His body instinctively reacted to intensive pleasure.

“Now that you’ve adapted to the pleasure of sex with normal women, I think we can go a bit further~” Ruby slowed down, and teasingly stroked along his stomach with gentle movements, “Let’s give our young master a profound lesson of the various benefits of having sex with a succubus~”

The succubus Ruby had sent a small amount of her own mana into her womb, which caused her vagina tightened around his penis. The movements of the succubus’ vagina were subtle, but the pleasure had only been intensified in an exponentially increasing manner.

An indescribable addictive ecstasy spread along him penis.

The desire erupting from his erection had almost quadrupled in a few seconds and was growing exponentially with every passing second. Leon instinctively gasped, and his hands jumped to clutching her thighs to prevent her from moving around.

Ruby’s vagina tightened in waves, and the waves of tension squeezing up her vagina and applying ecstasy to the entirety of his penis.

“Succubae are the absolute masters in the field of sexual relations.” Ruby pressed her lower body into his penis and forced him deeper into her womb with a teasing expression. “No other species could possibly compare to the blissful ecstasy that a succubus can provide during sex. The ecstasy that is coursing through you is an extremely small fraction of the potential enjoyment you could be feeling~”

Ruby leaned over and gently kissed his lips, before returning to a mounting posture.

The succubus above him was taking advantage of his weakness and intensified her subtle movements on his body. Each thrust of her body sent him into a spiral of pleasure that Leon badly wanted to escape, but he was helpless and could not influence the decision of the succubus.

“Any succubus could easily break a man into a husk of their former self with sexual ecstasy alone.” Ruby’s right palm was rubbed along his lower stomach, and gently stroked his skin. “-but we do try to severely limit ourselves to prevent that outcome.”

“Of course, some succubus will get lost in the pleasure of sex and increase their prey’s ecstasy to absurd heights whilst draining their prey for days.” Ruby teased him and sent another wave of mana into her womb. “The unimaginable ecstasy that is thousands of times higher than your current pleasure can completely destroy all rational thought and results in the husk of a man that is unable to move or think.”

Leon felt the ecstasy flooding in his brain jolt several levels of pleasure almost instantly, and his mind was unable or unwilling to escape from the bliss.

“The resulting vegetive state are the reason for those offensive rumors that sleeping with a succubus will drain your life.” Ruby moved her hips and back in a pleasurable manner and complained. “Some rumors are completely unreliable; the actions of a few succubae obviously cannot represent an entire species.”

The succubus’ constant unrestrained sexual movements and tightening of her vagina result in constant ecstasy that blurred Leon’s consciousness and made him unable to focus on her words.

The ecstasy and pleasure flooding into his brain was nearly thirty times as intense as the initial regular sexual acts.

“When succubae are properly trained, there’s a very low chance of such accidents happening.” Ruby complained, before intensifying her movements and constantly devouring his erection whilst closing her eyes to enjoy herself. “At most, the succubus will follow their instincts and train the subject into a sex slave.”

The intensive movements of the succubus left him in a state that was a mere instant away from orgasm, but unable to release.

“Can you imagine the level of concentrated ecstasy required to reach the level of an almost irresistible spiritual attack?” Ruby lifted herself and slammed back down. “Anyway, there have never heard any complaints from the victims that have experienced it~”

“Mmhmm…” Leon moaned and couldn’t control himself; his mind had turned to mush as his thoughts were entirely limited to sexual gratification.

“Can you feel it? The intense desire for orgasm that seems to always be failing to arrive?” Ruby with a playful smile, flirtatiously input another wave of mana into her womb to dial up the ecstasy.

The intense ecstasy flowing through his mind preventing him from even thinking about her words, Leon only desired to release into her.

“Succubae have completely control whilst having sex. If we don’t want our partner to orgasm, it’s completely impossible for them to release.” Ruby’s palms moved to his hips, and the red-haired succubus controlled her sensual movements at a slower pace. “Many succubi love to torture men with the edge of pleasure until they agree to do their bidding and sign various magical contracts to ensure their agreement is fulfilled.”

The devouring of his erection changed in nature, feeling abnormally soft and gentle. Akin to a lover’s slow caress on a moonlit night.

Although Leon was unable to speak due to the unspeakable ecstasy flooding his body in constant intervals, his consciousness returned despite the pleasure constantly coursing through his mind.

“Unfortunately, since this is supposed to be a lesson for the young master… we shouldn’t go that far this time.” Ruby tapped the stomach of her trapped prey with her thumb. “So, it’s about time for you to orgasm.”

The red-haired succubus input a wave of mana into Leon’s lower stomach.

A subtle difference could be felt throughout his body, and it was immediately apparent to any observer that Leon was trapped in an intensive pleasurable situation from his movements and expression. It felt like a dam had been unblocked and the pleasure flooding through him skyrocketed, a constant bliss flooded him and never stopped.

Ruby slowly intensified the pace of her devouring movements, tightening her vagina around his erection and provided unimaginable pleasure to her prey.

“PewPew~” Ruby playfully tightened her vagina with her intensive devouring movements.

Leon achieved the edge of orgasm, and endless desire filled is mind.

The succubus intentionally further intensified her devouring movements without caring about his reaction.

“Young master~” Ruby’s hypnotic voice filled his mind and teased his senses. “It’s time for you to cum~”

“No!” Leon moaned as uncontrollable orgasm erupt from within as an intensive force of pleasure flooded his mind.

His body instinctively orgasmed upon command by the succubus, the seeds of life spewed deep into her womb. The orgasmic pleasure that resulted created a stronger desire to continue having sex with this succubus into his mind.

“Mmmhmmm…” Ruby closed her eyes and slowed her movements to feel the intensive pleasure of being filled by a man.

The red-haired succubus’ perfect body that was infinitely arousing kept a slow pace, and simply enjoyed the sensations. The beautiful black-tail with a heart-shaped moved around her body to stroke against Leon’s chest. 

A tattoo with intricate lines in a heart-pattern appeared on Ruby’s lower stomach.

“The ritual is half-way complete, young master~” Ruby touched the heart-shaped tattoo on her lower stomach, this was proof of her belonging to the elf-boy in front of her. “Theoretically, it should be over soon… But before that completing the final step of the ritual, we should teach you a bit more about the pleasures of sex with a succubus ~”

The red-haired succubus slowly removed his erection from within her womb and adjusted her butt to sit on his lower stomach.

Ruby's hands moved to his head as she gently kissed him on the lips.

The gentle and delicate kiss slowly intensified, her tongue and saliva flowing into his mouth in a teasing fashion. A strong electrical current flowed from his lips due to the soothing kiss, and the seductive conduct of the succubus caused Leon’s body continued to ache in desire.

The longer the kiss lasted, the more aroused his body and clouded his thoughts.

“Don’t worry~” Ruby temporarily released the kiss and a playful smirk curled on her lips, and gently whispered into his ear. “Your reactions are quite normal; the saliva of succubae is a powerful aphrodisiac with a soothing effect to reduce the prey’s sense of resistance.”

A warm breath blew onto his ears in a stimulating fashion and teased his mind.

The gentle and fragrant scent of her body flooded his senses with desire.

Ruby’s warm and soft breasts squeezed into his body, and the heart-shaped tail of the red-haired succubus coiled around his erection. The tail began to rub him to bring about pleasure.

However, the tail of the succubus was covered with smooth scales and painful caught his skin. The pleasure from her movements was covered by occasional pain.

“A succubae’s body will release an alluring fragrance to interfere with their prey’s thoughts, the effect is can often be resisted by those with powerful willpower if other measures are not taken… but combined with various charm-based magic and our natural beauty it’s enough to paralyze most prey.” Ruby teasing rubbed along his chest, and provocatively whispered into his ear again. “However, it is a succubus’ kiss that is often the final declaration of victory.”

The gentle lips of the female succubus nibbled on his ears and sent kisses down his neck. Her tongue licked his skin and wet marks of saliva trailed down his neck.

A strong addictive sensation of Ruby’s thighs and buttock weight pressed on his stomach spread throughout his mind.

Sapphire, the blue-haired succubus maid silently positioned herself between his legs. Her soft palms rubbed along his inner thighs and intensified his desire.

The double sensation of the twin succubus at the same time caused his legs and body to begin reacting to sexual pleasure. Leon instinctively spread apart his legs as his breathing became rapid. His hands moved along Ruby’s thighs and felt their gentle warmth.

“Oh~ It seems that the prey is almost ready to be devoured again?” Ruby teased after noted his movements and kissed him on the lips again.

The delicious lips of the succubus pressed against his mouth and her tongue snaked into his mouth. Ruby’s salvia with a honey-like taste flowed into his mouth and was instinctively swallowed by him.

Ruby released him from the kiss and sat in an upright position, her weight repositioned onto his stomach as her body adjusted with clear happiness in her expression.

The tail of the succubus released his erection and emerged in front of his eyes. It swayed playfully in front of him.

Sapphire immediately took ahold of the newly freed instrument; The blue-haired maid began to provide continuous pleasure by playing with her fingers. Leon let out a low moan and grasped the thighs of Ruby as the other maid pleasured his erection.

“As a pair of succubus’ twins~” Ruby gently swayed her tail and teased him with her palms rested on his stomach. Ruby seductively wiggled her buttock and teased. “We were taught to share with each other. So Sapphire will relieve you this time~”

The warm lips of Sapphire wrapped around his erection, and promptly swallowed him into her warm mouth.

Waves of pleasure flooded the world as Sapphire’s tongue mischievously teased his erection.

The red-haired succubus used seductive techniques to bring him to the edge.

Time itself seemed to come to a crawl as pleasure mounted within.

A blissful ecstasy overcame him.

The seeds of life spewed.

Heavenly orgasm.

Sapphire directly swallowed the liquid released from his body and kept her lips locked around his erection. Devouring his seeds had not satisfied the blue-haired succubus as she immediately continued to pleasure Leon.

“Good boy~” Ruby wiggled her body on him and let the heart-shaped tip of her tail scratch his chest. “Being the prey of a succubus is quite enjoyable, right? Not many people get to enjoy two succubae at once.”

Leon was completely unable to respond, his body was continuously pleasured by the succubus despite being in the sensitive time after an orgasm. The only response that could be given was moans of pleasure.

“The next step in our lesson plan is the blissful experience of being devoured by the tail of a succubus~” Ruby grasped her tail with her hand and stroked it. “The tail of a succubus is the most common way for a succubus to devour our prey~”

The heart-shaped tail began to expand unnaturally into the shape of a flower; the heart-shaped tip had a small opening in four portions to reveal a flower-like inside with red nature. The tips of the flower had small teeth on the inside.

“A succubus’ tail can be stimulated and expand into our devouring form. In some respects, the process is similar to the arousal of the male genital.” Ruby gently rubbed the tail, before reaching out and pulling open flower-like tail to display the inside. “You can see the small chamber in the back of the tail to stimulate the head of the prey’s penis if carefully observed.”

“Look carefully at the pedal of my tail.” Ruby opened one of the pedals of her flower-like tail and displayed it to him. “You can see extremely small thorns throughout the inside of the pedal that are basically unnoticeable. The thorns inside the pedal usually remain hidden to ensure that the prey remains in a state of constant arousal and are unnoticeable to the prey.”

“Under normal circumstances, these only a few thorns at the base of the penis will inject a venom that contains a strong aphrodisiac with a toxin to prevent the subject from noticing any pain…” Ruby teasingly explained, “However, if the subject attempts to forcibly remove the tail without the permission of the succubus, the countless thorns will instinctively latch on their penis and prevent removal in the most painful way.”

“Therefore, even if you can resist their charm, if you’ve been caught by the tail of a succubus, it is usually best to simply let the succubus do as they please~” Ruby squeezed her thighs together and let her wetness rub along his stomach, her flower-tail moved to her backside. “Unless you have been trained to escape by another succubus…”

Sapphire released his private part from the intensive pleasure of her mouth and guided the Ruby’s tail to his erection. The flower-like tail easily engulphed Leon’s hardened sword. Leon collapsed in pleasure as the tail began swallowing motions.

The head of his penis was felt to be caught in a small chamber; continuous movement of the chamber was relentlessly pleasuring it. The entirety of the succubus’ flower-like tail clung tightly to him, and his desire was amplified by a large margin.

“Under most circumstances, you should refuse any transaction request with the unfamiliar succubae. Especially transactions relating to orgasming.” Ruby’s voice was authoritative and seemed to be acting like a teacher and shrugged. “Although not having deals with demons is basically common sense… It’s natural to reiterate it given the circumstances.”

Despite the tail remaining tightly attached to his erection, the inside of the tail was making continuous intensive swallowing movements. The tail wrapped around him like a tight vagina and the inside was filled with a constant tightening that flowing intensively with no intention of stopping.

“…If you are completely unable to hold back and must make a transaction with a succubus~” Ruby leaned closer to him, at the same time, whispered into his ear like a sweet devil. “Never agree to sign any contracts. The most that you should agree to is a single favor within your moral capability.”

Leon’s hips constantly rocked back and forth in an instinctive response to the intense pleasure flooding his brain. Although his mind was heard her words, Leon was completely unable to respond. The devilish words entering his mind and complete helplessness to escape only intensified his pleasure.

“A succubus obtains a large amount of satisfaction when receiving a male’s semen, therefore it’s usually unnecessary to complete a transaction with them. When most succubae demand a transaction, it is only to satisfy their desire to dominate others when demanding a transaction.” Ruby explained with seriousness. “A single favor within your moral capability is completely enough to convince most succubae to temporarily accept it.”

“Honestly, I cannot tell whether you are listening to my teachings…” The beautiful succubus Ruby sighed and revealed a slightly helplessness expression. She leaned down to forcibly kissed him.

Her soft breasts leaned over his chest, and the smooth skin of the woman on top of his fueled his desires.

The gentle tongue of the succubus invaded his mouth, and her sweet saliva was akin to a delicious delicacy. Leon’s eyes closed as his mind turned clouded and his desire skyrocketed.

Leon’s arms moved to wrapped around the neck of the red-haired succubus, and he began kissing Ruby in return. His hips continuously thrust forward due to the blissful swallowing motion of Ruby’s tail latching onto his erection.

Ruby’s fingers clenched the back of his head and played with his hair as her tail continuously milked him.

The pleasurable kiss lasted for a long time as the beautiful succubus leaned against him. Her unimaginably attractive body filled up all of his senses and stimulated his desire.

Eventually Leon felt an orgasmic pleasure shoot over his body, and his consciousness slightly returned.

At the same time, Ruby gently released him from the kiss. The female succubus’ soft feminine hands teasingly rested on his chest as Ruby moved to sit upright.

“Mmmmhmmm…” Ruby closed her eyes, a pleasurably sensation washing over her from the semen released into her flower-like tail. “Absolutely delicious…”

Leon felt exhausted and tired, yet his arousal was still extremely high. He had regained his consciousness to an extent.

“Can you let me go now?” Leon gritted his teeth and fought through the arousal. He stared at the beautiful and delicate naked body of the succubus. The charming delicate small breasts of Ruby with beautiful nipples demanded his attention and almost caused him to fall back into a whirlpool of desire.

“Huh?” Ruby looked down at him in confusion, and her tail began to the process of swallowing his erection to return him to a blissful state. “-But we have only just gotten started~”

Leon’s eyes widened at the statement.

He’d already been forced to orgasm so many multiple times, and these girls weren’t done.

“Don't worry, young master. We'll take care of every, you can just relax and enjoy yourself~” Ruby brought her flaming red eyes close to his, and a beautiful pink heart could be seen inside them that caused him to get lost in her eyes.

Leon felt his mind turn extremely hazy and knew that this was going to be a long night.

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