Daily World of Magic: An Elf’s Immortal Life

Chapter 7: Pack of Wolf-girls

Regardless, Leon acquired what he came to Levi’s house for and, as such, didn’t need to waste too much time there.

After spending several hours with the two girls and receiving a not-so-serious check-up by the lewd bunny-girl, he left to return home to continue studying the grimoire.  

Unfortunately, the villa that was previously only his alone is now filled with the four extremely seductive maids from the Darklands for an indefinite period of time.

“… What am I going to do about this nonsense?” Leon sighed thinking about the various erotic maids in the villa as he walked aimlessly through the large forest of the villa, trying to calm himself down before meeting the maids.

The solution that he received was simply charm suppressing accessories.

Although having the accessory that suppressed charm would preventing people from assaulting him on their first meeting, the effectiveness of the amulet was clearly not that strong. Meanwhile, the stronger charm suppressive bracelet was highly illegal and could not be used casually.

Leon had been hoping for a more permanent solution.

In the middle of this peaceful forest with nothing around for many miles, the calm was suddenly broken, and a crashing noise appeared in front of him.

Suddenly, without any warning, three wolf-girls had teleported in front of him and collapsed onto the ground.

The wolf-girls that seemed to be siblings based on the beautiful features and silvery-colored hair. Appearance-wise, the girls appeared to be approximately twenty-five years old.

The wolf beast-kins that had teleported in front of him were wearing black skintight cloth with defensive attributes runes lining it. The armor looked slightly sci-fi with glowing silver rune markings throughout the zippers down the front, and pistol-like weapons with fancy runes were visible in holsters by their side.

The youngest-looking wolf-girls was badly injured by a massive icicle embedded in her stomach with blood rapidly falling from her body.

The badly injured youngest was unconscious and carried by another wolf-girl with a small icicle embedded directly through her right shoulder, and blood was dripping down their bodies.

The wounds were extremely fresh, and blood could be seen oozing down, pooling onto the grass below.

“Leon! Give Serra treatment, I need to restore up the temporal barrier.” The oldest wolf-girl lifted herself up without delay, summoned a book with various magical runes on the cover and cast a series of spells in short order.

The wolf-girl with icicle in her upper-right shoulder grimaced in massive pain, but swiftly carried the badly injured wolf-girl over to him for treatment and spoke rapidly. “There’s poison in the icicles, she’ll need greater toxin removal and superior healing.”

Leon stared at the badly injured wolf-girl with an icicle piercing her stomach and constant blood oozing onto the grass below. This was not the time to ask questions despite his confusion regarding the situation.

“I don’t know any of those spells.” Leon replied and silently swore to himself, and quickly removed his shirt and prepared to use it as a makeshift bandage for the wolf-girl that was bleeding out, “You need to get her to a proper doctor immediately, I can only cast cleaning to disinfect the wound and use regeneration as an emergency measure.”

“Shit! No, there’s no time!” The wolf-girl frustrating yelled with an icicle on her shoulder, and put the youngest wolf-girl on the grass with a groaned. Then, she part of her uniform that covered her stomach with magic to wrap around her own wounds. “Do what you can…”

“Incoming!” The oldest wolf-girl called out and pulled out her gun and shot multiple times, missing most shots. “Two flame hounds!”

Two men with flaming red-eyes teleported approximately twenty meters away.

The two men were a subspecies of dog beast-kin, they had black dog-like ears and aggressive appearance with eyes with flaming illuminating the surroundings. Similar to hounds at a glance and their flaming eyes was likely the reason they were called flame hounds.

They didn’t look like good people at a glance.

Moments later, Leon knew his prediction was accurate as the two flame hounds summoned twenty spears of fire that rapidly flew in their direction. Several fire-spears seemed to be aimed at him.

“Damn it!” The wolf-girl with an icicle in her shoulder tossed away the cloth in her hands, constructed a blue barrier that shimmered brightly in protective light and summoned a semi-transparent ice wall. “You treat her, we’ll take care of them.”

The oldest wolf-girl fired multiple shots at the hounds with the sci-fi pistol and hit a barrier that surrounding the hounds.

Meanwhile, the flaming spears directly broke through the protective blue barrier like a hot-knife through butter and slammed into the ice barrier.

The transparent ice barrier had several cracks from the assaulting flaming spears and seemed ready to break.

The hounds began to summon more flaming spears for another round of assault.

“Die!” The oldest wolf-girl knew there was no time to hesitate and directly overloaded the gun in her hand with magic.

The gun in her hands began to emit dangerous-looking electric sparks.

When the gun fired, the bullet directly destroyed the barrier of the hound with a single shot and splattered the hound into a blood mist.

The other hound managed to block the bullet with his barrier and seemed panicked by the death of his friend. The hound instantly teleported away.

“Damn it! No! He teleported away!” The oldest wolf-girl frowned; a complex magic circle appeared on the ground around her as she began to cast several tracking spells. “No! He’s really gone, I cannot track him.”

“Did he return?” The wolf-girl with an icicle in her right shoulder collapsed onto her butt and breathed a sigh of relief.  

“I completed a temporary temporal blockade moments after those two arrived, otherwise countless hounds would have reinforced them.” The oldest wolf-girl shook her head, “He must have teleported away.”

“Not trying to bother you…! But-” Leon yelled to draw their attention and continued to cast a regeneration spell, along with a frost spell to try and ensure that the icicle remained intact and did not melt worsening the injury. “Your sister really needs proper treatment from a doctor!”

“What?” The oldest wolf-girl was alarmed and rushed over. She checked her sister’s injuries. “What have you been doing, Leon!? Heal her.”

“I don’t know any recovery spell yet beyond lesser regeneration! And that’ll only heals small cuts!” Leon snapped back at her and continued to try to take emergency measures to curb the loss of blood. “I can only do some preliminary treatment to prevent infection; She needs a qualified doctor!”

“Damn it, move over!” The oldest wolf-girl held the book with various runes on the cover and stood over the patient casting several healing spells on the youngest wolf-girl that was bleeding out to stabilize her.

The condition of the youngest wolf-girl immediately improved with the help of healing spells.

Leon breathed a sigh of relief when he saw patient’s condition visibly improve, before glancing at the odd trio with a strange expression.

If he wasn’t mistaken, they mentioned a temporal barrier?

Although Leon was busy attempting to heal the youngest-wolf patient with an icicle in her stomach, he was still listening to their speech and had memories from his past life that provided him with high adaptability.

They seemed to be familiarity with themselves based on their action and intimacy? Plus, their futuristic weapons, it can be tentatively believed they are from the future.

Further confirmation necessary...

Their situation should be quite bad, and they pulled off some kind of emergency escape.

The healing-type spells the wolf-girl with an icicle embedded in her shoulder asked him to use were also unfamiliar, and he’d never seen the healing spells that the oldest wolf-girl cast on the seriously injured wolf-girl.

…But why did they believe that he can heal their sister? He’d never even heard of the spells [greater toxin removal] or [superior healing].

Is he able to use advanced healing spells in the future? Should he study in the direction of medicine?

Also, the book with various runes on the cover that the oldest wolf-girl summoned... It’ s extremely close to the perfect grimoire in his impression, and the wolf-girl seemed to be reliant on the book when casting magic.

Can it be theorized that his attempts to create a grimoire were successful? At a glance, the oldest wolf-girl appeared to be holding a fully functioning grimoire.

Leon has never heard of anybody else using external aids like books to cast magic. Furthermore, Leon didn’t believe that anybody else would replicate all of his ideas so perfectly into a grimoire besides himself.

None of the research that he did on the topic brought up any result.

Therefore, Leon tentatively believed they are from the future… but decided to keep silent on the topic for the time being.

“Damn it, their new spells are more resistant to greater healing. My spells are only effective are only enough to stabilize her condition.” The oldest wolf-girl groaned and shook her head. “If they keep improving their anti-healing functions, our healing spells will be useless in a few years.”

“Do you want me to call the hospital to pick up your sister?” Leon relaxed, breathed a sigh of relief and glanced at the blood splatter of the so-called hound in the distance.

“No!” The oldest wolf-girl and her sister shouted out in refusal.  

“Are you certain? She needs a doctor!” Leon stared at the two of them with seriousness in his eyes. “If we aren’t careful, she’ll die from blood loss.”

“We cannot go to the hospital.” The oldest sister refused and rolled their eyes. “The hospital cannot heal her condition, and hounds will instantly track down us down from any records the hospital retains during the process.”

“Freya, we need to teleport back and receive treatment from our specialist.” The wolf-girl with an icicle embedded in her right shoulder grimaced in pain, her entire belly was exposed and visible due to her tearing off the cloth of her armor.

The wolf-girl with an icicle in her shoulder temporarily glancing at Leon’s shirtless chest before averted her gaze.

The oldest wolf-girl, Freya, breathed deeply and attempted to remain calm but the panic could be seen in her eyes. Freya still replied to her sister’s words with solemnity, “A hound escaped. Stella, we cannot leave yet.”

“So, we are just going to let Serra die?” Stella’s wolf-ears drooped, she painfully tapped at icicle in her right shoulder and frowned.  

“For the time being, we preserve her life with the petrification spell and give us time to get rid of the hound. Once the hound is killed, we can give her proper treatment.” Freya shook her head and held the book to cast another spell on the severely injured Serra.

Serra’s body turned into stone from petrification spell, and all her life functions were temporarily frozen.

“This a terrible plan.” Stella’s eyes turned red, and she grasped the stone body of her sister, “With petrification, if we cannot save her in a week, she’ll die.

“We don’t have a choice.” Freya sighed, “The poison inside the icicle will kill her with her current physical condition. Only by maintaining the current situation is there a chance she can survive.”

“So what exactly are you planning to do in the meantime?” Leon interrupted them with suspicion.

“First, fix Stella’s shoulder before doing anything else and we need to go to a safe house.” Freya relaxed, loosened zipper of the cloth covering her chest and let her cleavage be exposed to the air. She flapped the underside of her shirt. “I hate this armor, it’s way too stuffy.”

Freya suddenly paused and seemed to remember something and stared at him with a tilted head. “Ahem… By the way, Leon, what the full date today?”

“August 15, 5256 AD.” Leon’s eyes twitched by her blunt question, and he could basically confirm that time-travel was at play.

“That means…” Freya's wolf-ears twitched and her face froze. “Ahem… It’s nice to meet you?”

“Nice to meet you.” Leon’s raised his eyebrows, showing an expression ‘Oh, so you’ve finally realized’ and bluffed her by crossed his arms in an authoritative manner. “Little wolf, I thought I told you to not travel so early in my timeline.”

“That- it was really not intentional.” Freya’s face turned fluster and she argued. “Serra was injured and needed healing, and we escape in a hurry… so we set you as the focal point, who knew that we would land so early?”

“Why don’t you think before acting!? How many times do I need to tell you?” Leon rubbed his temples in annoyance, pulled out his encrypted notebook and began to write down key information.

[Freya, eldest silver-haired wolf-clan…]

[Nickname: Little wolf]

[Reminders for object: Remember to think before acting; do not travel and visit me too early.]

“Your craziness is making my life infinitely more complicated.” Leon sighed and added a brief note of the names of the other two wolf-girl before putting away the encrypted notebook and complained. “I haven’t even created my own grimoire yet…”

“Sorry…” Freya face turned depressed, she lowered her head in apology and her wolf-ears drooped on her head.

“Forget it, little wolf.” Leon couldn’t bear to scold her and shook his head, “-But you are too early in my timeline, I haven’t prepared any safe houses.”

“What about your residence? Does that mean we can stay with you temporarily?” Freya wolf-ears rapidly perked and she looked at him excitedly, the emotional recovery that happened at superhuman speeds likely indicates her previous pouting was completely fake.

Leon’s lips twitched at the speed of the wolf-girl changing her face.

“I’m currently living in the public villa of elves, and delegates from the Darklands are present.” Leon didn’t bother hiding any information. “At the moment, the maids of Elena Fireheart are living inside the villa. If you appeared, they would definitely report your information to those behind them.”

“Understood.” Freya sighed in regret.

“This is our first meeting, right? Leon.” Stella grimaced from the pain of the icicle asked from the side, standing up carefully and rubbed her exposed tummy.

“Well, it is indeed our first meeting from my perspective.” Leon nodded without any intention of concealing it, glanced over at the injured wolf-girl. “You’re slightly smarter than little wolf over there.”

“What…? This is our first meeting?” Freya, the eldest wolf-girl, looked at Leon in confusion and her wolf-ears twitched. “Why do you know us then?”

“Leon doesn’t… he has been bluffing you for information and testing the mechanisms of time travel through you, idiot!” Stella rolled her eyes. “So, shut up! Stop acting stupid...”

“No, wait!” Freya’s escaped from her sister’s grasp and wolf-tail swayed behind her angrily with annoyance. “Why do you call me little wolf, then?”

“Because that’s your nickname, little wolf.” Leon shrugged.

“No! I won’t accept that! Have you written that name on me in invisible ink or something?” Freya’s eyes twitched, “I strongly protest, change it to something else.”

“Rejected.” Leon ignored request.

“I’m oldest of the three sisters!” Freya protested and attempted to argue with reason and logic, “I’m the most unsuitable for the nickname of little wolf!”

“Little wolf.” Leon rolled his eyes, “It’s impossible to change your nickname in this life.”

“Freya.” Stella rubbed her temples and collapsed back onto the floor, “You’re just giving him more information. He’s using our reactions to establish a baseline and determine whether his current decisions can influence the future and the degree of control that is possible.”

“That right, little galaxy.” Leon nodded with appreciation. “I’ve always said you’re the smart one.”

“Don’t think I don’t understand that you’re calling dumb!” Freya glanced between the two of them and shook her head. “I just think it’s best to simply stop thinking about it. None of this time travel stuff makes any sense…”

“Leon is currently testing our reactions to information with nicknames to determine whether the timeline is variable or constant.” Stella rubbed her head in annoyance. The wolf-girl began to tear apart her clothing and prepared to use it to bandage her own wounds. “If we acknowledge that he does anything with absolutely certainty, young Leon will do the opposite in the future… No wonder you always said you were troublesome when you were young.”

The clothing that Stella was wearing had basically been torn to shreds by her to be utilized as makeshift bandages. The clothing that remained on her upper body was covered in blood oozing from her wound and was utterly disgusting.

Stella seemed to dislike the feeling of being covered in blood and simply unzipped the armor, tossing it to the side.

“Listen, the timeline is a constant and immutable… history is written in stone.” Stella directly ignored his presence to her nudity, the wolf-girl’s breasts and nipples were completely exposed with some dried blood scatter across her breast. “The timeline is akin to words on pages, any actions you taken to change a known future will only cause that future to happen. Nobody can go back in time and kill your grandmother before she gave birth to you because nobody has killed her.”

“That’s an interesting theory…” Leon tried to avert his eyes to avoid staring at the exposed breasts of the wolf-girl in front of him, but found his eyes were constantly drawn to her attractive body. “What’s your evidence?”

“I’m just a repeater! You explained it to us in the past.” Stella rolled her eyes and continued to wrapped up her wound with cloth, “Who knows, maybe history is actually variable? Maybe, it’s constant and unchangeable? Anyway, we don’t dare to test it. If you want to test it for us, you can try killing yourself?”

“Would committing suicide help in the slightest?” Leon’s eyes twitched in annoyance.

“Not really, but if you manage to succeed, we have a slim chance of proving that the future is actually indeed variable and can be changed.” Stella shrugged and began wiping away the dried blood that was on her breasts with water magic. “How about it? Can you dedicate your life for science?”

“No.” Leon rolled his eyes and refused, “I mean, cannot you just find someone famous in history to murder? Like some famous idol or something?”

“-And how do you ensue that history books have not been tampered with? A few tweaks here and there to make them consistent with what you remember.” Stella retorted, tossing the water that had been dyed red with blood aside and looked exhausted. “… Or how do you ensure that time-travelers in the future will not set up an organization to preserve history. For example, stealing the identities of famous dead people and reenacting their deeds to ensure the continuity of the timeline?”

“An organization of time travelers using their knowledge of history to pretend to be famous dead people to reenacting history in their place? That’s completely unreasonable and illogical.” Leon raised an eyebrow at their oddly specific example. “For what reason? Just to ensure history matches with the previous established timeline?”

“Who knows? Anyway, only fiction requires logic and reasonability.” Stella shrugged and shook her head, “Reality doesn’t need logic and reason, existence itself determines reasonability.”

“We’re not here to chat about this philosophical nonsense.” Freya growled in annoyance and kneeled down utilizing the grimoire to casting several healing spells on Stella. “Leon, can you find us a place to stay? We need to find a safe place for Serra to stay and to heal Stella’s injuries.”

“I’m not a sociable person with many friends.” Leon grimaced, thought of Levi and her kitten, “If we want a private residence, I could probably only ask Dr. Levi?”

“Who?” Freya was confused.

“Dr. Levi Kella… but I don’t want to involve anyone else in this nonsense.” Leon shook his head and sighed.

“It’s best to not involve others.” Stella completely agreed with his perspective. “Safer for everyone.”

“Forget it, we will have to remove the icicle here and make other plans.” Freya squatted down and prepared to remove the icicle from her sister’s body. “Help me hold Stella down.”

“That…” Leon stared at Stella’s exposed nipples and looked away in embarrassment. “Do you have any spare clothes for her?”

“Nonsense, the spare clothing is for after dealing with the injury. Otherwise, the spare will get bloody after pulling out the icicle.” Freya glared at him in annoyance and wanted to kick him. “This isn’t the time to be shy.”

“Pft~ Leon, are you shy because you’re aroused by my exposed breasts?” Stella’s fingers playfully stroked her small breasts and circled around her nipples, proudly thrusting up her chest.

The seductive wolf-girl tilting her head to the side, wiggling the cute wolf-ears and shook her tail playfully, playfully asking. “-Or are you captivated by my wolf ears and tail?”

“It wouldn’t be-” Stella changed her words, and the beautiful wolf-girl moved her arms to behind her head in the posture of being tied up and sensually spread open her legs. Raised her knees into the air in the motion of accepting a sexual partner. “-that your youthful body simply desires the wonderous release of a sexual partner?”

Leon’s body burned with arousal from the sight of the wolf-girl, his throat felt dry and gulped. The beautiful wolf-girl before him did succeed in raising his desires.

“Are you crazy!? You’re injured!” Freya smacked Stella lightly on the top of her head and yelled at her. “You dare to move and seduce others? This isn’t the bloody time to be thinking about sex, you have plenty of time to think about nonsense after healing your shoulder.”

“Ow… ow… Okay! Okay! I’ll wait.” Stella grimaced in pain from previous movements after being reminded by her sister, but still spread her legs further apart.

“-and you.” Freya gestured to Leon and gestured for him to come here. “Ignore her nonsense, get over here and help me… The more fuss that you make, the more pleasure that Stella is going to get out of the situation.”

“Okay.” Leon walked over to her head, gently felt the smoothness of shoulders of the wolf-girl and the soft warm skin with the distinct scent of blood. Awkwardly grasping the top of her shoulders and pushed downward.

“That’s not going to work…” Freya stared at his position and tapped on the in the middle of her small breasts, right below Stella’s neck. “Based on my experience, the best spot and most comfortable spot to hold onto and rest your body weight. Then I can easily access the icicle without you getting in the way, and you can hold her down properly.”

“That…” Leon hesitated, the position that Freya indicated to was directly on her exposed breasts… specifically the nipples.

“Less nonsense, hurry up!” Freya frowned, “Stella is literally oozing blood onto forest floor.”

“Fine, got it.” Leon knew that this wasn’t the time to think about sexual matters and placed both of his hands onto her breasts.

The wolf-girl’s breasts were soft, small, and squeezable. Although Stella’s breasts were a modest size, Leon felt them squish into his hands with resistance and the nipples were rubbing against his palm. He instinctively squeezed them with his fingers and the breasts’ squished.

The squeeze elicited an erotic noise from the wolf-girl underneath him, which caused Leon to freeze.

“Are you holding onto her chest properly?” Freya asked from the side.

“That? Uh, I think so…” Leon responded, leaning slightly over the wolf-girl to apply pressure on her breasts. The sensation of her soft and warm sensation of her breasts on fingers and hands causing arousal despite his best efforts.

Leon found felt it was difficult to put his weight onto the breasts for fear of hurting her, and the soft sensation of her breasts beneath his palm was extremely addicting.

“Nonsense, you are simply groping my sister with that weight.” Freya glanced over at him and found him gently resting his hands on her breasts. “Put your entire bodyweight onto Stella, this is the best way to avoid any movement when removing the icicle.”

“Is this really necessary?” Leon asked, but followed the instructions regardless and rested his entire bodyweight on his two palms that were resting on her breasts.

Stella seemed to be gotten excited from his actions and her wolf-like tail began swaying gently back and forth between her legs, which began to separate even further like a female inviting a mate. Additionally, the wolf-girl’s lower body began to thrust slightly into the air in an extremely inviting posture.

“It’s necessary… I’m pulling out the icicle in three seconds.” Freya directly announced and cast magic on the icicle to ensure that the ice did not stick to any skin on the way out.

“Hold onto Stella tightly.”



“One…” Freya directly yanked out the icicle that was embedded into the Stella’s shoulder.

The icicle was easily removed, and blood began to rapidly spread from new wound. Freya directly summoned the grimoire and rapidly cast three healing spells in a sequence.

The wound on Stella’s shoulder slowly stopped bleeding and the damaged muscle swiftly reattached itself. A large visible scar appeared on the location that had been healed and showed no signs of disappearing.

“What spells did you just cast?” Leon glanced at the scarred skin with some confusion.

 “Any rejection reaction?” Freya instinctively checked her sister’s condition.  “Stella?”

“None, just normal soreness and pain after recovery.” Stella tapped the circular scar on her body.

“Good.” Freya breathed a sigh of relief and answered Leon’s previous question. “I used advanced toxin removal to clean the wound, greater healing, and rapid regeneration to fix the wound.”

“I haven’t heard of any of those spells.” Leon glanced at the scars that remained on the wolf-girl’s body.

“They are more advanced healing spells that will not be officially invented for another thousand years… or so.” Freya relaxed after checking her condition, lay down on the grass and gazing at the blue sky. “-Uhh… I should mention that I flunked history class and time travel really hasn’t helped, so it’s best to not quote me on that information.”

“For advanced healing spells, they don’t seem that great.” Leon had seen doctors cast healing spells.

Professional doctors could bring people back from the brink of death with only a single breath remaining and not leave the slightest scar. Unless the ailment was extremely rare and special, there was no chance of dying in a professional doctor’s hands.

“I’m not a doctor like you, what do you want from me?” Freya snapped back, sitting upright and crossed her arms. “Plus, the injury has several anti-healing curses attached and contact poison embedded in the icicle. The healing spells of doctor at present would have no effect on the injury in the slightest. We’re lucky that our armor can blocked most of their curses, otherwise Stella would be dead.”

“I see…” Leon nodded and fell into thought.

“Also, how long are you going to grope my sister?” Freya glanced at him with an angry glare and her tail smashed the gross behind her.

“Uh…” Leon’s mind returned to the present, and he looked down and realized that his hands were still on the wolf-girl’s breasts and removed them. “Sorry.”

“I don’t mind~” Stella happily remained resting on the grass, tapped her bare breasts with her fingers and shaking them with her hands with no intention of covering herself. “If you want, you can continue to feel them?”

“What do you plan to do about your residence?” Leon ignored the aroused wolf-girl’s nonsense and asked Freya.

Freya thought blankly for several seconds and crossed her legs, “Can you book us a hotel for a week?”

“…?” Leon stared at her bluntness with furrowed brows, “What do you think our relationship is?”

“Uhh… Friends…? I think?” Freya seemed caught off guard by the questioned and answered with the blink of her eyes.

“For the sake of ordinary friendship, I wouldn’t assist you beyond normal medical treatment.” Leon crossed his arms and tilted his head in seriousness. “You seem to take it for granted that I’ll do my best to assist you? Why?”

“Do you need a reason?” Freya became confused and seemed slightly lost by the statement.

“-Business partners.” Stella interrupted and answered from the side, attracting his attention. “We’re business partners.”

“Oh?... Really?” Leon stared at her face to judge the authenticity of her statement.

“Really.” Stella’s face was completely expressionless and didn’t show any emotions, her wolf-ears were focused forward on his.

Although Leon couldn’t determine the authenticity of the statement, he remained suspicious. Leon knew that he was relatively pure and innocent person. Even in his previous life, it was extremely difficult for him to thinking badly of others.

After getting scammed in his previous life, Leon’s initial thoughts were angrily scolding himself for his falling for the scam.  

Leon never had any negative emotions like anger toward the scammer. He never even considered being angry with the scammer until others pointed it out.

In his mind, who wanted to scam others for a living if they had other choices? Maybe their lives were threatened by others? What if there were some special circumstances that forced them to scam others to survive?

-but Leon’s kindness is simply emotional kindness… not idiocy.

It was precisely because he was kind at heart and easily believed that others had reasonable reasons for their behavior that Leon learned to think carefully and never fully trust others.

Most people are sharks that instinctively surround those with pure kindness and devour everything they can gain from their kindness.

People are infinitely greedy with an appetite that will never be satisfied.

After receiving consistent kindness from someone for a long-time, people will take that kindness for granted and demand more after accepting it as the status quo. After stopping your kindness toward them, someone will jump out with accusations blaming you for being selfish and ungrateful.

Even if some people remain rational, most people will have a worse opinion of you than if you hadn’t helped them at all.

Never understatement the malice of the world.

If two of the wolf-girls were not injured when they appeared, Leon would have immediately abandoned them and avoided any interaction with them.

Leon had a kind of innate divination ability, or instinct; although this innate ability was not particularly useful and sometimes failed entirely, it occasionally allowed him to judge the character of others at a glance.

His instincts told him that these three wolf-girls were good people in deep trouble, and the trouble that was following them was not something he could handle.

Therefore, Leon knew himself extremely well and could easily predict his future actions.

In face of cute dying beast-kin girls, while Leon would not let them die from injuries in front of him and would definitely provide them with a place to stay if possible… but it was impossible to provide additional help.

Doing anything more is simply letting others take advantage of you.

“So, Partner~” Leon crossed his arms in obvious suspicion and continued to examine Stella’s facial expression. “So, what are you willing to give me in return for booking a hotel for you…?”

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