Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 39 Is This the Emperor?How come there is no imperial power at all? !

Chapter 39 Is This the Emperor?How come there is no imperial power at all? !
"For example, Emperor Chongzhen was eager to see victory, so he ignored the actual situation and forced his generals to go to battle.

If it fails, then those generals will be questioned.

For another example, most of the more capable fighters in his era did not die in battle.

It was all dealt with by him..."

Han Cheng's voice continued to resound in Qianqing Palace.

Every time he said a word, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help breathing faster.

The rise and fall of the chest is also getting bigger and bigger.

"When doing things in the Chongzhen Dynasty, everyone summed up a rule later.

That is, do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and do nothing.

So when we got to the back, everyone simply lay flat together and laid it out badly.

Those who wanted to do something for Daming died, but those who were unwilling to do practical things and behave badly lived a very comfortable life.

Under such circumstances, naturally there will be no one who is willing to exert all his strength..."

"Dog thief!"


Zhu Yuanzhang's curse sounded again.

Venting his anger towards Chongzhen, a descendant of later generations.

He had never seen such a stupid person!
How can anyone do this?

Why does Chongzhen know nothing about the emperor's power tactics?

Is this the emperor?
How does this look like a no-brainer!
Emperors don't do that!

Using people to do things is not so useful!

In times of crisis, we must dare to delegate power and appoint those who can do things.

At that time, the most important thing was the ability to do things, not character!
What needs to be done most is not to attack those who dare and can do things.

It's about killing those who don't do anything!

It is necessary to unite all the forces that can be united as much as possible, and use the strength in one place.

Under such circumstances, even if some people are not going well and are arrogant and domineering, they have to endure it.

After the crisis is over, it is not too late for another gentleman to take revenge.

Settle after autumn!

For example, he tolerated Li Shanchang, Hu Weiyong, and Liao Yongzhong... It's a reason.

Do more and make more mistakes, do less and make fewer mistakes, and it’s not bad to do nothing!

The court of the Ming Dynasty has become like this. There are no people who dare to do things and take responsibility. Under such circumstances, how can the Ming Dynasty survive? ! !
"That...Your Majesty, do you want me to continue?"

Han Cheng glanced at the agitated Zhu Yuanzhang and asked aloud.

He was a little worried that if he continued to speak like this, he would provoke Zhu Yuanzhang into something wrong.

Zhu Yuanzhang took a deep breath and said, "Speak! Continue to tell us!

Today we want to see how stupid a person who becomes the emperor can be!
I just want to see what crimes our descendants have committed! "

Well, since Zhu Yuanzhang said so, then Han Cheng didn't hide it anymore.

He continued to speak: "Besides these, this Chongzhen has a fatal flaw, and this flaw is that he did not take responsibility and did not dare to take responsibility.

On many major issues, he wanted to throw away the responsibility and let his ministers take the responsibility.

He cares a lot about what other people think of him.

The courtiers are not stupid, those are the responsibilities he should bear as the emperor, and those courtiers naturally don't accept them.

More importantly, after accepting the responsibility he threw out, if something goes wrong in the future, he will lose his head.

So, this leads to a very serious prevarication.

It is very appropriate to use a thing from later generations to describe Chongzhen's behavior in this regard, that is, non-stick pans.

For example, in the end, the situation deteriorated step by step, and the thieves attacked the city aggressively, and the capital was about to be lost.

Chongzhen also intends to send the prince and others away, but he is afraid of being held accountable and infamy through the ages.

He wanted some of his courtiers to speak first.

But all those courtiers knew Chongzhen's habits well.

In addition, those who dared to do things before are basically gone, or they are not around, so these people are pretending to be confused and don't take this trouble.

When the Ming Dynasty finally collapsed, Chongzhen and the crown prince all died in the capital.

It was a huge failure of his not to arrange for the prince, or some of his other sons, to leave Beijing.

If he could send his son away in advance, the situation after his death would be much better.

At least those, the surviving forces of Ming Dynasty, will have a backbone.

Be able to unite with the prince's side and continue to fight the enemy.

There will be no such serious civil unrest.


Only a cracking sound was heard.

In this quiet Qianqing palace, it was very loud.

The sudden sound made Zhu Biao and Han Cheng tremble violently.

Have been frightened.

Busy to look at it, it turned out that Zhu Yuanzhang, who was emotionally agitated, couldn't bear it anymore, and dropped a beautiful teapot to the ground.

It fell to pieces.

Zhu Yuanzhang has always been frugal, and the clothes he wears are all sewn and sewn, mended and mended.

The teapot in front of him was his favorite, and he was reluctant to destroy it.

But now, he smashed it to pieces.

From here, one can see the extent of his anger.

"Such a person is also worthy of being an emperor?
Such a person is probably not as good as a normal person!
As an emperor, how could he not even take any responsibility?
Because you are afraid of being discussed by others, and you care about the so-called posthumous reputation, you dare not do things?Just let his son die with him?

Let the remaining strength of Ming Dynasty be left without a leader?

Really stupid home! !
How could we have such incompetent and unworthy descendants? ! "

Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he yelled and cursed, his emotions were abnormally agitated, and he spit all over the place.

His eyes were bloodshot, and his body was full of killing intent.

I can't wait to kill Chongzhen, so that I can kill my relatives in a righteous way.

But this is his descendant, more than 200 years away from him.

In this situation, no matter how angry he was, there was nothing he could do about him.

So I can only spread some dissatisfaction on Zhu Biao.

Unable to bear it again, he gave Zhu Biao a hard look.

Looking at Zhu Biao reprimanded.

"Look at what good offspring you gave birth to?!
Really embarrassing our old Zhu family! ! "

Zhu Biao was aggrieved.

"Father, isn't this also your descendant?"

At this time, Zhu Biao also wanted to beat this descendant to death.

It's a trivial matter to be scolded for implicating his ancestor.

Most importantly, it is really infuriating because of his strange operations.

No wonder Han Cheng said that his various deeds had forcibly reduced Daming's national fortune for decades.

This is really a few decades!

This is considered an idiot to be the emperor, living a life of wine ponds and meat forests every day.

Then Daming will definitely not perish so quickly!
"Then... don't our descendants have anything remarkable?"

Zhu Biao was a little worried that if Han Cheng continued to speak, he would continue to suffer unreasonable disasters, so he changed his words and asked like this.

Zhu Yuanzhang snorted.

He has done so many stupid things, is there anything remarkable?

He has a fart! "

Han Cheng shook his head.

"Your Majesty, you are really wrong about this point. This Emperor Chongzhen really has something remarkable and commendable."

Hearing Han Cheng's words, Zhu Yuanzhang was taken aback.

This Chongzhen has done so many stupid things like a pig, but there is still something remarkable?
Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Han Cheng with some doubts.

This guy, didn't he say something ironic on purpose, to entertain and stimulate himself?

(End of this chapter)

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