Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

Chapter 449: Killing heads and blood flowing like rivers! Zhu Yuanzhang opened the eyes of everyone

After witnessing Zhu Qizhen and Sun Yaohou being dragged away from Fengtian Hall by their second and fourth sons, they went to the execution.

Zhu Yuanzhang turned his attention to Xu Youzhen.

Zhu Qizhen, this unfortunate thing, and Empress Dowager Sun deserve to die.

But in this Jingtai Dynasty, besides them, there were other damn people.

For example, Xu Youzhen and many other people who welcomed Zhu Qizhen from Nangong wanted Zhu Qizhen to sit on the throne.

Likewise, no one can be spared!
These people have ulterior motives and deserve to die!

Holding a knife, he chopped down one by one, and no one was unjust.

Do these people really not know that that piece of shit Zhu Qizhen is not suitable to be an emperor?

After getting into their position, how many people are fools and can't understand what Zhu Qizhen did?
Do you know what Zhu Qizhen is like?
They basically know it!
Could it be that they didn't know that Yu Qian and the others were already preparing to submit a memorial to ask the emperor to make the original prince Zhu Jianshen the prince?

They know it too!
However, they still did it!
For what?
It’s just for selfish gain!
The purpose is to obtain this power from the dragon, reopen a new track, and soar into the sky!
In their eyes, they only have their own interests and do not consider Ming Dynasty at all.

We really can’t keep any of these people!
Especially Xu Youzhen.

He treated this person with true hatred and looked down upon him.

Being stared at by Zhu Yuanzhang, Xu Youzhen, who had already ignored her own life and death, could not help but shudder slightly.

The mood is nothing to mention.

He seemed a little panicked.

It was as if he was being stared at by a tiger that preyed on humans.

This feeling is really uncomfortable.

Xu Youzhen is no longer afraid of death. The key is that the people she meets now are too scary!

In front of the civil and military officials of the court, the emperor and the queen mother were beaten to this state.

The most important thing is that not only did he beat him, he also beheaded the emperor.

Moreover, the Empress Dowager must be skinned and stripped of her skin!
What a concept!

That was the Ming Dynasty’s Supreme Emperor, and the Ming Dynasty’s Empress Dowager!

It is regarded as a place of hope for them.

People who think they can achieve great wealth by doing this!
As a result, at this time, these two people were eliminated by dogs like Zhu Yuanzhang.

In this case, what good results can these people have?

"Your name is Xu Youzhen?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Xu Youzhen and asked.

Xu Youzhen said: "Yes, my name is Xu Youzhen."

Although Xu Youzhen was frightened in her heart, at this time, she still refused to stand up.

As much as possible, I want to show my magnanimity.

"You called Xu Youzhen a bastard!"

Zhu Yuanzhang cursed loudly: "You bastard, your real name is Xu Wei!

It was you, this bitch, who was the first one to propose immediately abandoning the capital and moving south after the news of the Tumubao Incident spread back to the capital!
You motherfucker still have the nerve to live in this world?
Damn it, do you have the nerve to do these heartless things just to fight for power?
You know clearly that Zhu Qizhen is a piece of shit, but you still want to make him an emperor, just to satisfy your own selfish interests.

Through extremely unfair means, he achieved great success! "

Xu Youzhen, who originally looked cold, was prepared to be insulted by Zhu Yuanzhang, and even Zhu Yuanzhang would announce some ingenious punishments.

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's sudden words, his face suddenly turned red.

A face can be as ugly as it needs to be.

As the saying goes, hit someone without slapping someone in the face, and expose someone without exposing their shortcomings!

He was humiliated because he was the first to propose moving south.

Especially when Yu Qian shouted the words that anyone who moved south could be killed.

And then, he really led people to win the battle to defend the capital.

He became a laughing stock.

The emperor Zhu Qiyu went even further and made it clear that he would not be allowed to be promoted again!
In order to be promoted, he had no choice but to change his original name.

After walking some paths, I relied on my true talents to learn.

Step by step we have reached where we are today.

I originally thought that my makeover was very successful.

As a result, now, Zhu Yuanzhang, this bitch, suddenly started talking about this matter again in public.

This is really an extremely serious insult to him!

"So you are Xu Jue!

Didn't I tell you a long time ago that you are not allowed to be promoted again?

When did you change your name? !

You are such a treacherous person! What a good idea!
How can a thief like you live in this world? ! "

After Zhu Qiyu heard what his great-grandfather said, he instantly seemed a little confused.

Then, the emotions started to get excited.

Looking at Xu Youzhen, he asked such a question.

It is normal for Zhu Qiyu to have such a big reaction to this matter.

As a person who won the battle to defend the capital and other things, he became the emperor.

For Xu Youzhen and others, as soon as there was some trouble, he was immediately ready to run away. The capital did not care, and he was about to throw away half of the people of the Ming Dynasty.

I really don’t like it!

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that this guy actually changed his appearance and became an official in such a grand manner.

He also joined the ranks of senior officials.

This is a great irony for him!

This shows that there are also very big problems in many things in Ming Dynasty.

This is definitely not something that Xu Youzhen can do alone.

There must be other bribe takers.

After Zhu Qiyu asked this question, Xu Youzhen's face became even more ugly.

I just felt that my face had been peeled off hard and bloody, and trampled on hard.

There is really no dignity at all.

"Hahaha, so what if it's me?


I'm afraid you've already hated me to death and haven't allowed me to be promoted.

But it happened that I became a senior official.

how about it?
Feeling uncomfortable?

Are you about to be pissed off? ! "

Xu Youzhen finally gave up.

In the Fengtian Palace, he directly retorted to Zhu Qiyu.

Zhu Qiyu's face became even more ugly.

"Who gave you the courage to carry out such an operation, allowing you to change your appearance and become a high-ranking official?!"

Zhu Qiyu shouted and asked.

Xu Youzhen laughed and said, "Want to know?
Just give up on this idea!

I just won’t tell you!
I'm so anxious to death, you idiot! "

When Zhu Qiyu heard what Xu Youzhen said, he was furious.

Xu Youzhen, on the other hand, seemed a little confident.

Feeling that so long has passed, it is really not easy for Zhu Qiyu to find out the truth about that year.

It doesn't matter whether Zhu Qiyu can be found out in the future.

The most important thing is that at this time, he can use these words to make Zhu Qiyu angry!
It can be considered that he did some tough things before he died.

“You think no one will know if you don’t tell?

Didn't I just ask you to go and ask Chen Xun, who gave you the idea to change your name? "

At this moment, a voice sounded coldly.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who spoke.

After hearing what Zhu Yuanzhang said, Xu Youzhen stood there and sneered, feeling proud of it.

His face suddenly stiffened.

It was like a rooster that was crowing when its neck was suddenly grabbed.

All of a sudden there was silence.

Obviously he was surprised that Zhu Yuanzhang actually knew this very secret matter!

Zhu Qiyu listened to what his great-grandfather said.

Seeing the change in Xu Youzhen's expression again, he understood a lot of things at once.

The complexion was the same, looking very ugly.

He knew that what his great-grandfather said must be true!

However, Zhu Qiyu's expression was so ugly, not just because Xu Youzhen did such a thing.

What's more important is that Chen Xun is actually involved!
Chen Xun was a minister he relied on extremely.

He was the chief minister of his cabinet during the Jingtai Dynasty!

As for Chen Xun, he was very obedient in many matters.

He trusted Chen Xun very much.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Chen Xun to be the chief minister of the cabinet.

As a result, now, I was extremely surprised to receive such news from my great ancestor,
For him, it is not uncomfortable!
"Chen Aiqing, is what Taizu said true?"

Zhu Qiyu turned to look at Chen Xun and said.

Originally, Chen Xun's expression changed slightly because Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly mentioned this matter.

After facing Zhu Qiyu's question, his expression changed even more.

He wanted to deny it out loud at this time.

After all, if he admits to what Xu Youzhen has done, there will be no good consequences!
However, he had to admit it.

If you don't admit it, I'm afraid life will become more difficult.

Because at this time, the person who really calls the shots is not just the soft-hearted person Zhu Qiyu.

There is also the even more terrifying Taizu Gao Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang!

It is obvious that Emperor Taizu Gao was very clear about these matters...

Immediately he made a thud and knelt on the ground.

"Reply... to report to Your Majesty, he came to ask me about it at that time, but I just mentioned it casually.

I didn't think much about it.

Who...who could have imagined that this...this would eventually turn out like this.

Xu Jue, a thief, has such incredible courage.

To do such an outrageous thing.

This was really an unintentional mistake on my part. "

Chen Xun defended himself here.

Hearing what Chen Xun said, Zhu Qiyu's face was as gloomy as the bottom of a pot!
"Good! What an honest mistake!"

He took a deep breath and said: "I think Chen Ge is old.

It's time to take care of yourself.

There is no need to do this toilet anymore, go home and retire! "

Hearing Zhu Qiyu say this, Chen Xun felt bitter in his heart.

He has been the first assistant for several years
As a result, at this time, he was fucked to the end all at once and went home to retire...

This was a big blow to him, but he didn't dare to say anything more.

It seems good to be able to save one's life at this time. He kowtowed to thank the emperor for his kindness and took off the hat on his head.

A head of gray hair was exposed.

Zhu Yuanzhang's voice continued to sound, and he wanted to continue killing people.

"Xu Jue, you are such a bitch, let me tell you about your ending in history!

According to the original history, we did not come to intervene, and you did succeed in seizing the door.

And you, this piece of shit, Xu Jue, have indeed risen to great heights and become a high-ranking official.

Do you think you can sit back and relax?

Big mistake!

Not long after, he was directly demoted to a commoner!
He was assigned to the southwest and never held an official position again for the rest of his life. "

After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Xu Youzhen's expression changed, and her mood seemed particularly complicated.

It turns out that all my struggling for so long was in vain!
Why did Zhu Yuanzhang still say these words before he died?
This bitch is so vicious!
After Zhu Yuanzhang said this, he looked at Chen Xundao and said, "Don't feel wronged. The back-ups you have left have no effect either.

According to the original history, you, the first assistant, will be beaten to the end!
He was beaten with a hundred sticks and driven out far away!
After Xu Youzhen succeeded in taking the position, she did not give you a hand. "

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang tell his ending, Chen Xun felt extremely uncomfortable for a moment.

I just feel like I've been stabbed in my heart again.

What is murder and heart-breaking? What Zhu Yuanzhang did was a typical murderous act!
"Xu Youzhen, peel off the skin and remove the grass! Kill the nine tribes!
Cao Jixiang, peeling off the skin and pulling out the grass, killed the nine tribes!

The rest of the people who participated in the coup to seize the door will all be killed by the nine tribes, skinned and grassed! "

After Zhu Yuanzhang killed people and punished his heart, he was too lazy to talk nonsense to these people.

The punishment for these people was directly announced.

He didn't have any good impressions of these people who participated in the incident.

If one of them counts, they will all be killed.

When Zhu Yuanzhang said such a punishment, many people's expressions changed drastically.

Some people simply collapsed on the ground, too frightened to speak.

Some people cried bitterly here, praying that Zhu Yuanzhang would be merciful and forgive them.

Or forgive your family...

But how is this possible?

Is Zhu Yuanzhang the kind of soft-hearted person?
Zhu Yuanzhang turned his attention to Xu Bin again?

He said aloud: "Xu Bin, do you know your guilt?"

Xu Bin hurriedly knelt on the ground: "The guilty minister knows his guilt.

But the guilty minister was not involved in this matter.

The guilty minister is not in the same group as them..."

Xu Bin was busy defending.

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at him and said: "You didn't participate in it, but what is the difference between what you did and participating in it?
Don't think that we don't know what your plans are!
It’s nothing more than hedging your bets!

Not to mention anything else, I just knew that people like Shi Heng, Zhang Qian, and others were going to do something treacherous and unethical. If they didn't report it, it would already be a serious crime!
You also instructed Zhang Qian and Shi Heng to find Xu Youzhen.

This is adding crime to crime!
Then you will be beheaded in public, your family will be exiled, and your property will be confiscated! "

Hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, Xu Bin was filled with bitterness.

All my hard work over the years has been in vain...

Xu Bin was of course unwilling to give in and wanted to defend himself.

But he saw Zhu Yuanzhang, who looked very cold.

Think again about the records about Taizu Emperor Gao who killed people without blinking an eye.

There is no way to hide the many things that happened here from him.

Then he swallowed these words forcefully.

Kneeling on the ground with tears in his eyes, he thanked the emperor for his kindness.

At this time he really regretted it.

If he had known this, he would have never participated in this matter!

I originally thought that I could make a two-sided bet through this method.

Don't worry about who wins or loses, you can just sit back and relax.

But who could have imagined the final result. But he beheaded himself!
All family property was confiscated and the whole family was exiled...

As Zhu Yuanzhang issued orders one after another. Above the court, more and more people were captured.

In a short period of time, nearly one-third of Jingtai's court was cleared!

Many of the remaining people were frightened.

I just feel that this Emperor Taizu Gao really deserves the illustrious reputation he left in history.

This is just such a short period of time that the spirit has appeared, and it has already captured so many people.

And most of them are high-ranking officials and dignitaries.

The key is that even his own descendants can do it.

If you say kill, kill!

Moreover, he didn’t spare any dignity and just beheaded him!


Zhu Yuanzhang always did things vigorously and resolutely, and did not want to delay any effort.

I just want to deal with all these people immediately.

Therefore, after the results of the treatment were announced, people were immediately prepared for execution.

And he personally took the remaining officials of the Jingtai Dynasty to the execution ground in the capital to watch the execution...


"Dog...dog thing, suffer...die!"

You...this bitch is so stupid...so stupid! "

The King of Qin, Zhu Xi, looked at Zhu Qizhen and cursed loudly.

My heart is filled with a sense of intellectual superiority.

"Then Yu Qian has... prepared to submit a memorial to establish... your son as the crown prince.

Zhu Qiyu's body... isn't too good either.

It shouldn't last more than two years.

At that time, Zhu Qiyu is gone, and you...your son ascends the throne, he is still young, and you are the Supreme Emperor.

When...at that time, who has the final say in Ming Dynasty?
Still... need I say more?
You idiot!
Even... I can't even grasp this point, and I have to let these people launch some kind of coup to seize the door.

They are treating you like a fool! "

Zhu Xi told him the comments he heard from his second brother-in-law and his father about Zhu Qizhen's coup to seize the family.

Zhu Qizhen, who was already frightened and peed his pants, heard what Zhu Xi said.

His expression immediately changed.

I just feel like I'm really too stupid
like! It seems that this is really the truth!
He himself was really taken advantage of by people like Shi Heng!

He wanted to know if he could treat it as a coup that never happened.

According to what Yu Qian and the others prepared, they then made him the Supreme Emperor and let him live in Nangong...

But he could no longer say any complete words, and could only make some whining sounds.

When Zhu Fang said these words to Zhu Qizhen, he just wanted to give Zhu Qizhen a good blow before killing him.

Don't say you don't understand what Zhu Qizhen's whine means.

Even if he could hear it, he wouldn't do anything else and would only look down on him even more.

After saying these words and murdering Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Xiang picked up the knife he brought with him.

He chopped off the desperate and frightened Zhu Qizhen's neck!
With one strike, Zhu Qizhen's head was chopped off.

Hate is neat and tidy!

He bent down and reached out, picking up Zhu Qizhen's head.

I found that there were actually two lines of tears left on Zhu Qizhen's fat pig-like head.

I couldn't help but take a sip at him.

This piece of shit, he still has the nerve to cry?

He cried so much!

For what he did, hacking him to death a hundred times wouldn't be enough! !

On the other side, Zhu Di also started to skin and grass the Empress Dowager Sun.

However, peeling daylilies is a craft job that ordinary people cannot do.

Although Zhu Di knows a lot of things, he can still do it.

But this peeled daylily still didn't work well for him.

So, after carrying the knife for a while, peeling the skin and pulling the grass turned into using the knife to cut the flesh underneath.

Became Lingchi execution...

When Empress Dowager Sun was about to die, she was particularly unwilling.

Everyone was very confused.

Obviously, she had arranged everything.

In the end, this happened.

The ancestors of the Ming Dynasty appeared and stopped this matter from being mentioned.

He also wanted to kill his son and himself.

This was also the point that puzzled her the most.

She has always felt that it was really the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty who had manifested themselves.

Then it depends on how outstanding your son is and how orthodox his bloodline is.

The ancestors of the Ming Dynasty will definitely protect their sons.

But in the end, no one would have thought that after this bitch really showed up, he would actually treat his son like this!
How could this be?
This is totally wrong with what she thought!
Isn’t it said that Zhu Yuanzhang, a thief, values ​​family ties the most?
I had known that thieves like Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di would be so ruthless.

Before that, I had paid homage to their rankings and made sacrifices for them!

With immense resentment and confusion.

Empress Dowager Sun was soon driven out of her mind by Zhu Di himself...

At this time, the entire capital seemed to be in a state of shock.

There is no other reason.

It was Zhu Yuanzhang who ordered people to post notices everywhere in the capital to announce the incident in Fengtian Hall.

He also took all the civil and military officials of the Jingtai Dynasty to see the beheading.

Also gathered at the same time were many common people.

While beheading, there are also corresponding troops from the Beijing camp, who are constantly dispatched to take people.

One after another, the family members of those who participated in the rebellion were arrested, escorted here, and then beheaded.

When had these officials of the Jingtai Dynasty, as well as many common people, seen such a grand gesture?
Although there were beheadings before, it was generally difficult for officials to be beheaded.

Even if there are officials, they are not high officials.

Moreover, the scale of beheading will not be too large.

How can it be like now, killing only high-ranking officials and powerful people!
And it's so big.

More than a thousand people were killed that day!

He really killed a man with his head rolling and blood flowing like a river!
After seeing it, many people vomited after seeing it.

At the same time, I was frightened by it.

After Emperor Taizu Gao appeared, his handiwork was completely different!
He is worthy of being Emperor Taizu Gao!

After Zhu Yuanzhang's killing spree, the Jingtai Dynasty was immediately commanded, and many officials were awe-inspiring...

After doing these things, Zhu Yuanzhang called Zhu Qiyu over.

He wanted to tell Zhu Qiyu something very important... (End of chapter)

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