Damn it! You Call This Beast Taming?

Chapter 171 - The Shocked Foreign Races, Wandering Planet

Chapter 171: The Shocked Foreign Races, Wandering Planet

“Awoo!” The Wild Bear let out a weak but determined cry, its were shockingly bright. Chu Feng smiled in relief, proud of the Wild Bear’s determination.

The illusory soul in the beast space gradually dissipated. The tension in Chu Feng’s heart finally relaxed, and the atmosphere in the beast space became much more relaxed as well. This was great! Now that the Wild Bear had successfully withstood the terrifying erosion of the Demon God myth skill, the Demon God bloodline would be completely under the control of the Wild Bear! Even if the pain exploded in the future, it would be able to take it.

“Wild Bear, king level 10, 11 new skills…” Chu Feng looked at the newly activated myth skills on the Wild Bear’s interface, deep in thought. From basic to super skills, the attributes of the Wild Bear’s body had been continuously improved. With these terrifying boosts, when its combat strength was fully unleashed, it could probably come forth with a terrifying combat strength that was hundreds of thousands of times stronger than an ordinary king level 10!

What was even more terrifying was that the Wild Bear was now weakness-free! If it was to be said that the Wild Bear’s attacks had been relatively weak in the past, then the three Demon God myth skills that it had now activated could make up for this sole weakness! Demon God sky splitter, shield, and shattered star. Looking at these three Demon God myth skills, Chu Feng slightly understood the difference between the Desolate God and the Demon God.

They were both gods that cultivated the body, but the Desolate God seemed to focus more on all-rounded strengthening, while the Demon God was more focused on killing! Since the Wild Bear had managed to combine these two incompatible bloodlines and activate the skills of both gods, it was no wonder that it was now like a god of battle.

“The wild world is another skill that requires an alternate dimension as a carrier…” Chu Feng couldn’t help but sigh. He simply couldn’t avoid it. At first, he thought that the mechanical beast would be the one who would burn a hole in his pocket. He didn’t expect that the four beasts he raised would be able to crush the amount of money the mechanical beast needed with just a single world creation skill!

“It’s too difficult, this is really too difficult on me…” Life wasn’t easy, and even Chu Feng couldn’t help but sigh.

In the endless void, a peak overlord poluo behemoth was wandering around. Among the foreign races, the poluo behemoths were relatively stronger in terms of combat power. After all, they once had two totem-level ancestors! Although their strength wasn’t considered the strongest, in terms of misery, the poluo behemoths were indeed among the most miserable races!

Three hundred years ago, when the human Beastmasters rose up and resisted the foreign races, the poluo behemoths had been the ones who suffered the most losses in the war. Even the alternate dimension that their race resided in had been completely destroyed by the cannon fire. Although their totem-level ancestors had been around then, they were still unable to construct the alternate dimension three hundred years later.

The construction of alternate dimensions was extremely difficult. Just the plane heart among the construction materials alone required a totem-level ancestor to spend over a thousand years to form. In addition, their race had already lost their totem Poluo Behemoth ancestor, so the poluo behemoths that were already in a difficult situation were now having an even more difficult time. For example, the poluo behemoth that was currently wandering alone. Although it had the name “Anglo”, it did not have a home. As such, even though it was quite powerful, it was not very happy.

Ever since the race lost its collective settlement, the entire race had lost its sense of belonging. The deep ties between the poluo behemoths had become much weaker. There were even many that had been drawn to the camps of other foreign races.

The wandering that was filled with endless silence and silence stopped at a certain moment. Anglo’s pupils shrank with shock as he cried out, “This? This is impossible!!”

In its field of vision, a planet was moving forward along the Aurora Line in the vast void! A star was clearly pulling on it, but the planet did not revolve around the star, nor on its axis. It was as if the gravitational force in the laws of physics had no effect on it, or there was some special force that could not be seen or felt pushing it forward! The surface of this strange sky-blue planet which was as blue as the Blue Planet itself was covered with a shield that protected it.

Anglo’s eyes flashed with confusion and it simply couldn’t figure out what this planet was doing here, “What kind of existence can make such a sky-blue planet which is as blue as the Blue Planet move along the Aurora Line?”

“This sky-blue planet must have passed by many stars in the process of moving forward, but there is no driving force on the planet either, so how does it move? Is it driven by some unknown force? If that is the case, how magical must the force be to prevent it from being affected by the gravitational force of the stars?”

“The reason why all the foreign races have joined forces to conspire against the Blue Planet is due to the rich and abundant resources on the Blue Planet, isn’t it? Mow that this sky-blue planet, which is not inferior to the Blue Planet, has appeared in front of me, this is clearly an opportunity for the Alliance!”

“As long as we occupy it, we will be able to rely on the endless resources on it to develop and expand. When that time comes, in less than a hundred years of development, the foreign races will be able to completely crush the human race!”

The more Anglo thought about it, the more excited it became. It immediately took a picture of the sky-blue planet that was moving forward without being pulled by the gravitational force of the star. Then, it turned around and accelerated to leave, intending to report this matter to the headquarters of the Alliance.

After the poluo behemoth’s silhouette disappeared, not long after, a lava behemoth also discovered this wonder. Its eyes were wide with shock, obviously very incredulous. This lava behemoth was at the overlord level 7 and it chose to head towards the mysterious sky-blue planet, contrary to Anglo’s actions. Greed appeared on the lava behemoth’s face as it wanted to take the opportunity to take over the planet!

Not long after, the lava behemoth arrived at the edge of the sky-blue planet. It was ready to push the planet away from the Aurora Line. However, the minute it approached the surface of the planet and came into contact with the layer of protection on it, it was corroded until only half of its body was left in just a moment! A pool of thick blood floated in the void. The lava behemoth that had narrowly escaped death looked at the sky-blue planet in fear. At this moment, the life force in its body was very weak. It did not have the same air as before.

Without waiting for the lava behemoth to think further, two totem-level foreign races flew over from the void. One was from the kunwang race, and the other was from the shadow race. Witnessing such a strange sight, Blunt was shocked, “A wandering planet! This is a planet that escaped from other galaxies, and to think it wandered into the Solar System!”

As the kunwang race’s totem, Blunt knew very well how valuable this sky-blue sta before him was — it was no less valuable than the Blue Planet! In the past, the foreign races had united to seize the Blue Planet, but they were defeated by the human race who had suddenly risen. And now, a planet of infinite value from another galaxy had crossed the vast universes and wandered to them!

He shouted excitedly, “God bless the Alliance! The human race will definitely lose!”

The other totem who was from the shadow race was not so excited. Olari muttered to himself, “Such a large-scale wandering of a planet is very likely a trap set by an ancient or even far ancient supreme existence!”

“A trap?” Blunt calmed down and said calmly, “Even if it’s a trap, we should still explore such a resourceful planet!”

Olari nodded, “Indeed, it’s impossible to give up this planet. There must be countless treasures inside…”

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