Damn Reincarnation

Chapter 199: The Crusader (2)

Chapter 199: The Crusader (2)

The Commander of the Knights of the Blood Cross, sworn to the Yuras Empire, the Crusader, Raphael Martinez.

Eugene had also heard several stories about the man.

His name was one of the ones that cropped up whenever it came to discussing the continent’s strongest warriors.

The Council Head of the Black Lion Castle.

The Commander of the White Dragon Knights.

Shimuin’s Twelve Finest.

The king of Northern Ruhr.

And the Commander of the Knights of the Blood Cross.

Eugene watched as the man walked towards them from the other side of the forest.

The years that this man had seen surpassed those seen by Carmen or Alchester and were comparable to the hundreds of years lived by the now-deceased Doynes Lionheart. However, from his appearance, it was hard to believe that the man who was now approaching them had lived for over a hundred years.

Raphael looked like he hadn’t even reached puberty. Calling him a ‘young man’ would actually be overstating it, as by all appearances, he looked like a boy. A young boy with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes….

However, those large blue eyes didn’t carry even the slightest hint of boyish innocence. Instead, the desolate and somber look in his eyes combined with his boyish appearance to create a strange atmosphere.

‘It really is bizarre,’ Eugene admitted to himself.

Although he had heard about this several times, this was Eugene’s first time seeing it in person. But possessing an appearance that was different from the actual years lived was nothing special for someone who had reached such a level of strength.

It was only natural for a younger body to be stronger than an older body. Therefore, as soon as wizards, knights, and other types of warriors reached the point where they could perfectly control their bodies with mana, they would reconstruct their old bodies into younger bodies.

After rejuvenating their bodies, what they did with their ‘looks’ depended on their taste and status. For example, they might put on a dignified appearance that matched their age, or they might just follow the example of their body and make their face younger as well.

If they didn’t care about the surrounding opinions or their own position of authority, they might decide to keep a young body, and appearance like Carmen did. On the other hand, if they did care about the looks that their station would draw, they might maintain a dignified middle-aged look like Klein, the current Council Head, or Gilead, the Patriarch of the clan.

However, Raphael was going too far. Or at least that’s what it looked like in Eugene’s eyes. Not only did he have a young boy’s face, but he also had an immature body to match. Was he about a hundred and sixty centimeters tall? Eugene guessed that it wasn’t that short, but….

‘They do say that his growth stopped during his childhood.’

Compared with other knights, Raphael was especially small-framed. It didn’t stand out that much when he was younger. But in his mid-teens, the point at which the body’s physical growth accelerated, while the other knights all sprouted up like weeds and strapped muscles onto their frames, Raphael’s body hadn’t shown any further growth.

Even under such adverse conditions, Raphael was still able to rise to the rank of Commander of the Knights of the Blood Cross. He should already be able to perfectly control his body with his mana, but Raphael’s body remained small. For the past half a century, the Crusader had made a name for himself as the smallest and strongest knight on the continent.

“Sir Eugene Lionheart?” Raphael cautiously called out to Eugene as he approached with a slow gait.

Then Raphael stopped where he was, not approaching any further. Instead of replying immediately, Eugene stared at Raphael.

He certainly was small. That boyish face combined with the eyes of an old knight who had seen just about everything didn’t match even in the slightest, so at first glance, it felt like Raphael was wearing a mask.

Raphael wore the uniform of the Knights of the Blood Cross, which had a red cross embroidered on the neck and the chest. He wasn’t wearing any armor, but at the same time, he wasn’t unarmed. Behind Raphael’s head stood the hilt of a cross-shaped greatsword that was taller than Raphael’s own height.

Raphael’s eyes traveled down from Eugene’s face. Eugene knew what that obvious gaze wanted to see. So he lifted his cloak and showed Raphael the hilt of the Holy Sword in his hand.

“It’s fortunate that you’re alright,” Raphael said with a bow of his head.

It was difficult for Eugene to guess what this old man was thinking behind his boyish mask. Especially since, as someone who could sit at the head of the Blood Cross Knights, Raphael should be quite a zealot of the Light; and from this incident, Eugene had concluded in his heart that all zealots of the Light were incomprehensible existences.

“Saint Candidate Kristina is still with you, correct?” Raphael asked as his head lifted from his bow.

Raphael’s perpetually somber gaze was still fixed on the Holy Sword.

Eugene pointed to the tent behind him and said, “She’s over there. But what is your reason for looking for us?”

“It’s not like you’re asking because you’re unaware,” Raphael pointed out.

“Of course I know,” Eugene admitted. “But that’s exactly why your attitude seems quite mysterious. After I did such a thing… well… I don’t think you’d ever be able to accept the reasons for it from your point of view. So it’s strange for you to come here alone under such circumstances, and your demeanor is also strangely calm.”

Raphael’s lips twitched at these words. With a slight smile, he pointed at the Holy Sword that Eugene was currently resting his hand on.

“Sir Eugene, you have been recognized by the Holy Sword. So for you to have done something like this, you must have had a reason that left you with no choice but to do so. And Sir Eugene, since you are still able to rest your hand on the Holy Sword, that must mean that the God of Light who created the Holy Sword also approves of your action… or at least I would like to think so,” Raphael finished hesitantly.

“Hm,” Eugene hummed consideringly.

“Also, Saint Candidate Kristina is still staying by your side,” Raphael added. “Although I haven’t met her too often, I know that the Saint Candidate is a very sincere and kind person.”

Eugene cocked an eyebrow, “Is that so?”

“Yes,” Raphael nodded. “If you had somehow forcibly kidnapped her, then I believe the Saint Candidate would have taken her own life.”

Eugene really didn’t enjoy hearing such words.

With a twisted smile, Eugene wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the Holy Sword and said, “I really hate hearing things like that.”

“The same goes for me,” Raphael said with a nod and a returned smile. “However, as someone who has been raised by Cardinal Rogeris, from what I know and have seen, the Saint Candidate is just such a person. …So for that Saint Candidate… to have abandoned the sacred ceremony midway and sought refuge with you, Sir Eugene, it’s still hard for me to believe it.”

“Did you see the temple before you came here?” Eugene asked.

Raphael nodded, “It’s in quite a miserable state.”

Eugene had expected the question to leave a crack in Raphael’s expression, but it seemed to have failed.

“Ah, I just realized that I should have checked something. Though, in fact, I wonder if it is something that I really need to confirm… was everything done by you, Sir Eugene?” Raphael belatedly inquired.

“I did kill over a hundred Paladins and Inquisitors, as well as the Punisher Atarax, and… there was also… who was it again?” Eugene trailed off uncertainly.

“If you’re talking about the Captain of the Knights of the Blood Cross, that friend’s name was Giovanni,” Raphael answered.

“Ah, yes, Lord… Giovanni, as well as Cardinal Rogeris. I killed them all,” Eugene confessed honestly.

Throughout this whole conversation, Raphael’s expression hadn’t changed. He had maintained the same smile that he had had from the start, and his calm eyes seemed to be treating all of this like an extremely formal and business-as-usual report.

“You really did something amazing,” Raphael commented.

“Yes, well… things just turned out like that,” Eugene replied.

Then the two stood there as a brief silence spread between them.

Was this really how the conversation was meant to play out? Eugene asked this question deep inside his heart. Wasn’t Raphael’s reaction way too casual? Even though, as a Paladin who served as a symbol of his nation, his loyalty to the empire and the church, and also his faith in the light, must all be strong.

Raphael’s expression seemed to truly be calm. However, Eugene still didn’t let his guard down. From what he had experienced in his previous life, the more he couldn’t understand what someone was thinking, and the more bizarre their attitude, the more absurd the madness that person concealed.

Raphael perked up, “Ah, Saint Candidate Kristina.”

Kristina, who had been waiting inside the tent, suddenly emerged.

Although he was still standing quite a distance from the tent, Raphael spotted Kristina emerging and greeted her with a smile and wave of his hand, “I’m glad to see that you’re unscathed.”

Eugene snorted, “Didn’t you say that she’s someone you haven’t met with that often?”

“I was telling the truth, but that doesn’t mean I’m indifferent to her. I’m also the one who taught her how to use the flail that she wields,” Raphael explained.

Kristina began to approach. Eugene tried to keep her from getting closer by raising his hand to stop her, but Raphael held his hand up even faster than Eugene.

“Saint Candidate,” Raphael called out. “Please don’t get closer just yet.”

Kristina hesitated, “Lord Raphael….”

“I still haven’t decided what exactly I should do about all this,” Raphael informed her.

Eugene smirked at these words.

Looking down at Raphael, who was shorter than him, Eugene asked, “What else do you have to consider?”

Raphael refused to ask any further questions, “I don’t think we need to say anything more about the matter that just occurred. I don’t really want to do something like that, and I don’t think it would be good for you either, Sir Eugene.”

“Why do you not want to ask about it?” Eugene asked curiously.

“Well, that’s… it’s because I took a look at the temple before coming here. Cardinal Rogeris was strong, and friend Giovanni was a Captain in our knightly order, so his skills were unquestionably good. Atarax from the Maleficarum also wasn’t an opponent to be taken lightly. There were also about one hundred and seventy Paladins and Inquisitors who died there,” Raphael said with a shake of his head. “For such a tragedy to take place within a single day, Sir Eugene, you must be incredibly strong. That’s why I can honestly say I really don’t want to fight with you, Sir Eugene.”

Eugene raised an eyebrow, “Then we just don’t need to fight, right?”

“If that were the case, I wouldn’t have even been sent here. You must also be aware of how absurd what you have just said is.”

“So it really has to be this way?”

“Yes, Sir Eugene, you have truly done something incredible. If I were to set aside how much I don’t want to fight with you, look at all the facts of the matter, and seriously think about the situation, then I have to conclude that I must fight with and kill you no matter what.”

“But it would have been easier to do so if you brought a few other Paladins with you instead of coming here all by yourself,” Eugene pointed out.

“It couldn’t be helped,” Raphael shrugged. “The temple and the Fount of Light located here are meant to be kept secret even within the church… and I only came here to find out what exactly had taken place.”

“So that’s the case,” Eugene nodded in understanding.

Raphael sighed, “Honestly speaking, this goes beyond what I could even imagine. I examined the corpses of those that you killed, and what I found was truly… impressive. Such ruthless swordplay is hard to see in an era like this one.”

Silence fell once more.

Raphael eventually broke the silence, “It was the Holy Father who sent me here. After confirming what happened here at the Fount, he ordered me to completely subdue you and bring you to the Vatican, or else… behead you and bring your head to them.”

Eugene hesitated, “That’s…. Lord Raphael, in your opinion, do you really think that will be possible?”

“Although I’ll have to try to know for sure, among all the knights under the command of the Holy Father, there is no knight as strong, faithful, trustworthy, and loyal as I am,” Raphael declared without any apparent arrogance. “As such, I had no choice but to come here.”

“So what are you going to do now? Are you going to draw that greatsword of yours?” Eugene asked challengingly.

“I’m still in the middle of thinking about that, but… Sir Eugene, what if you run away instead?” Raphael proposed.

Eugene frowned, “Huh?”

“I’m just saying this because I think it will be easier for me to muster up some motivation for it, but if at all possible… what if you leave the Saint Candidate here and run away on your own?” Raphael explained.

“Are you being serious right now?” Eugene asked in disbelief.

“I’m only saying this after having given it a lot of thought,” Raphael nodded. “I don’t want a swordfight to break out where the Saint Candidate can see it… and after seeing you stand there so imposingly, my faith has also been shaken slightly.”

“Really now,” Eugene said doubtfully.

Raphael gasped, “Ah, I forgot to tell you something? That’s… before we turn our swords against each other, may I ask you for a favor?”

“What kind of favor?”

Although there wasn’t any anger, hostility, or murderous intent present in their conversation, Eugene could still detect the strange scent of drawn steel. It felt like he was talking to a sword with a mouth. The same was true of Eugene, but Raphael was someone who didn’t need anything like a warm-up routine before springing into a fight.

As a Paladin who was wearing the skin of a young boy, once he had made up his mind to do so, Raphael could immediately unleash an insanity-inducing murderous intent. If needed, Raphael could muster up anger and hatred for the deaths of the Paladins, the Cardinals, and the members of the Inquisition. He would then hone all the emotions generated by this into his murderous intent and would infuse this intent into his greatsword.

It seemed that Raphael was someone who thought that solving his problems with fighting and killing was unnecessarily messy. From what he had shown through his words, gaze, and attitude so far, he wielded his sword in a highly business-like manner.

“Please draw the Holy Sword,” Raphael finally spoke up. “And call on the light of the Holy Sword in front of me.”

Kristina exclaimed, “Lord Raphael! Sir Eugene really is—”

“Pardon me for saying this, Saint Candidate Kristina, but I’m afraid I cannot listen to your words. Currently, what I need is to confirm the facts so that I can make my judgment,” Raphael said as he took a few steps back.

After staring into Raphael’s perpetually clouded eyes, Eugene nodded slowly. This wasn’t the first time he’d received a request to pull out the Holy Sword and show off its light.

Whenever Eugene pulled out the Holy Sword and drew upon its light, all the believers of the Light who saw it celebrated the fact that Eugene was the Hero. But even under such circumstances, upon learning that Eugene’s opinions contradicted their own points of view, they changed their evaluation of Eugene as quickly as a flip of the palm.

“Is this enough?” Eugene asked as the blade of the Holy Sword was drawn fully from within his cloak and began to radiate light.

Causing light to shine from the Holy Sword wasn’t of any difficulty to Eugene. He just needed to hold the Holy Sword and focus on his desire for light.

Eugene himself had many questions about this ‘light.’

When Eugene was killing the faithful within the temple, the Holy Sword didn’t emit light as Eugene had desired, but it hadn’t burned his hands to try and escape Eugene’s grasp either. Instead, it had actually guided Eugene into finding the right path through the temple’s fog, and at the very last moment, when he had slain Cardinal Rogeris, it had burst into a brilliant light even though Eugene hadn’t called for it to do so.

It was as if it was trying to prove that this really was Divine Retribution, as Eugene had claimed.

Even under such circumstances, the ‘Light’ had also lent its strength to all of the temple’s clergy. In the end, Sergio had summoned angels using high-level divine magic and even made use of his stigma.

In Eugene’s hands, the Holy Sword seemed to show that the God of Light despised this attempt to imitate his Incarnation and the ceremony that was meant to complete Kristina’s transformation into this false Saint, thus delivering Divine Retribution.

But at the same time, God had lent his light to his other believers.

Anise had said that the God of Light loves all his followers and bestows his light on every one of them.

It would have been better if the God of Light had responded to Eugene’s will and had withdrawn his light from the priests that Eugene was facing. Then, given his position as the Hero, Eugene would have been able to act without any restraint.

However, the God of Light hadn’t done that. The God of Light seemed more indifferent than benevolent. He had allowed the corpse of his Incarnation to be used to create an imitation of his Incarnation in the form of a Saint, and he had silently bestowed his light to be used in the inhumane experiments that Yuras had been conducting for hundreds of years to perfect their Imitation Incarnation.

This had gone on for hundreds of years.

While it was true that Eugene was the Hero acknowledged by the Holy Sword, the zealots of Yuras — especially the Pope and the Cardinals who had known what was going on behind the scenes and had lied that the Stigmata they had carved on themselves were bestowed by the light — might not show any regret or repentance, even if Eugene were to reveal the truth of this tragedy. The fact that Raphael Martinez had come here on his own today also allowed Eugene to guess what they were thinking.

The Pope and the Cardinals intended to completely bury this matter.

Raphael silently stared at the shining Holy Sword for a few moments.

Then he raised his hand and grasped the hilt behind his head.

It was impossible to pull out a greatsword strapped onto his back over his head in one motion, so Raphael pulled the hilt of the greatsword towards his shoulder. The belt wrapped around his chest was moved along with this motion, so the greatsword was now slung over his shoulder.


The cross-shaped greatsword slowly slid out of its scabbard. Raphael held the hilt of the drawn greatsword in both hands.

Without turning off the light emitted by the Holy Sword, Eugene just stared at Raphael.


A light flared out from Raphael’s greatsword. This light that was summoned so casually was incomparably more brilliant and deeper than the light summoned by the Paladins that Eugene had seen a few days ago.

Raphael silently compared the two different lights.

The light was reflected in Raphael’s deeply shadowed eyes. Without any trace of amusement, he looked at his own greatsword, then nodded slightly.

The greatsword spun in a circle. Then, resting the greatsword down beside him and holding it up in support, he knelt down on the spot.

“Respect the Hero,” Raphael said as he bowed his head.

Eugene still couldn’t figure out what Raphael’s intentions were.

Raphael then raised the greatsword up into the air above his head using both hands and said, “And worship the Light.”

Raphael raised his head. Through the brilliant light coming from their swords, Raphael looked up at Eugene, then lowered the greatsword he had raised above his head onto the ground in front of his knees.

“What are you doing?” Eugene finally asked.

“The Holy Sword has recognized you. Even though you have killed many believers of the faith, its light hasn’t faded, and even now, it shines so brilliantly,” Raphael said by way of explanation as he lowered his head once more. “Since the light remains so bright, even when held in your hands, Sir Eugene, what you did wasn’t a massacre of the faithful, but instead a Divine Retribution delivered from the Light.”

“Do you really think so?” Eugene asked skeptically.

“As a simple believer, I don’t feel any need to separate the facts from the truth. I just need to follow the will of the Brilliant Light,” Raphael stated calmly.

Eugene raised an eyebrow, “Aren’t you suspicious that I’ve fallen?”

“If a fallen one’s hand was still able to emit such a light, then they were only right to fall,” Raphael said with a shrug and a laugh. “I’ve followed the Light for a long time and have always loyally served the Faith. During that time, I have seen so many things that have nearly shaken my faith. What I’ve found here was a secret temple, traces of a ritual that was no different from abuse, the lost remains of our deceased former Saints, and evidence of a secret collaboration between the Pope and the Cardinals.”

Eugene remained silent.

“But the Light has still generously bestowed upon them a light that is more brilliant than most others, and even as I am in pain and doubt, having lost trust in my faith because of all that I’ve just seen, God has still granted his light to me. As such, I eventually decided that ‘this side’ must be the right one… but Sir Eugene, having seen your light, it’s clear that this side isn’t in the right,” Raphael declared firmly as he rose to his feet. “So let us go and behead the Pope.”

“...Huh?” Eugene gasped.

“Pope Aeuryus is awaiting my return in the Audience Chamber of the Vatican,” Raphael revealed. “Cardinal Beshara and Cardinal Pietro should also be with Aeuryus.”

Eugene was struck dumb once more.

“Since the three are together, we can take all their heads at once. There are quite a few Paladins assigned to the Vatican, but if I lead the way, it should be easy for us to reach the Audience Chamber,” Raphael plotted.

“Hold on,” Eugene demanded.

Caught up in his plans, Raphael continued uninterrupted, “There are Escort Knights directly accompanying Aeuryus, but they are only ten in total, and their skills are similar to Giovanni, whom you have killed.”

“Hold on a second,” Eugene attempted once more.

“I think the real problem will be with Aeuryus, Beshara, and Pietro. Sir Eugene, you said you killed Sergio, but was he able to use the light?” Raphael inquired.

Eugene replied, “He was, but—”

“Indeed, the merciful light illuminates all those who possess faith. Thanks to that, we’ll have a tough time killing the Pope and the Cardinals.” As if it was only natural, Raphael had counted himself alongside Eugene and Kristina, tying them together in his plans as ‘we.’ “So I, of course, recommend a surprise attack, but that will require your help, Sir Eugene. First of all, you pretend to have been subdued by me so that we can enter the Audience Chamber together, then we should be able to kill the Cardinals by surprise. But that still leaves us with Aeuryus…. Hm… the problem is, as long as we’re unable to kill Aeuryus in one blow, all the Paladins, Inquisitors, and Priests will be called, so even if we do succeed in killing him—”

“Hold on, just hold on a moment!” Eugene hurriedly shouted to cut off Raphael’s words. “I have no intention of killing them.”

“But don’t they deserve to be killed?” Raphael questioned in confusion. “And they’re also planning on killing you, Sir Eugene.”

“Really?” Eugene asked.

“In my opinion, that’s probably what they’re after. From what I’ve heard, most of the sacred relics stored in the special reliquary have disappeared somewhere,” Raphael informed them.

“...Huh?” Eugene reacted in surprise at this news.

Raphael nodded, “While I don’t know the exact reason for their disappearance, it probably has something to do with you, right?”

Eugene recalled what he had seen of the Fount of Light and the relics that had acted as filters and water purifiers within the temple’s mechanisms. All of those had turned into light and disappeared in front of Eugene’s eyes.

‘Did he just say that the holy relics in the Vatican have disappeared as well?’ Eugene considered the news with a frown.

In the end, most of those relics were the remains of former Saints.

“Most of the special-class relics that have been in storage since the founding of Yuras have been lost, and the Fount of Light, which was considered a sacred location, has also disappeared. Cardinal Rogeris has died, and droves of Paladins and Inquisitors have also been killed, so isn’t it only natural for the Pope and the other Cardinals to try to kill you or find you accountable for this, Sir Eugene?” Raphael warned.

“But in the end, aren’t they also priests. Won’t they convert like you did upon seeing the light of the Holy Sword?” Eugene asked hopefully.

“I wasn’t converted. I was rescued from my disillusionment,” Raphael said with a calm smile. “Since I was disillusioned in the first place, I just needed a trigger to set me on a different path. But the Pope and the Cardinals are different from me. To them, as the Hero who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Sir Eugene, you are just a whim of the Light. They might worship you as a miracle, but if they had to, they wouldn’t hesitate to call you a fallen one or a devil.”

Just like Sergio had done.

“Sir Eugene, the best you can hope for is their acceptance, not their conversion. Those three have been in too high a position, seen too many things, and have firmed their resolve for too many difficult decisions to be so easily swayed. They will demand you to do something to balance out all the things they have lost because of you, and according to my judgment, it will be impossible to fulfill such a request, so it would be better to kill them,” Raphael advised.

“What do you think they will ask me to do?” Eugene checked.

“They might ask you to assassinate one of Hemluth’s three Princes to prove that you’re the Hero…. Hmm, on second thought, that might be too much of a provocation toward the Demon King of Incarceration. Complete naturalization into a citizen of Yuras would be far too light… ah! I’ve thought of a request with just the right amount of impact. Pope Aeuryus will probably ask you to assassinate the King of Ruhr,” Raphael declared loudly.

“...Huh?” Eugene gaped in disbelief.

“The King of Ruhr, the Bestial King, Aman Ruhr. Their country has repeatedly refused to join the Anti-Demon Alliance led by the Holy Empire, and since a few years ago, it has started interacting with Helmuth. King Aman’s personal strength is worthy of being counted as one of the best in the entire continent, so you could call his continued existence a thorn in the Pope’s eye,” Raphael explained.

“But why would they ask me to do that?” Eugene demanded.

Raphael continued to extrapolate, “No matter how irritating he is, the Pope can’t make a move himself, and Yuras won’t gain anything from waging war against Ruhr. That’s why they would try to use you, Sir Eugene. They would probably place a seal in your brain in case you fail. That way, even if the attempt did fail, the connection to Yuras wouldn’t be revealed, and Kiehl or the Lionheart clan would be forced to take the blame.”

“Hah,” Eugene huffed in belief.

Raphael thought of another idea, “Or perhaps they might chop off your limbs and make them into relics.”

“If that’s the case, then let’s discuss how to convince them without me having to accept one of their requests,” Eugene forcefully changed the subject.

“That seems like it would be impossible…,” Raphael muttered with a grave expression.

Eugene ignored these words and turned his head. Kristina was still standing at a distance.

Eugene called out to her, “Kristina, come here.”

Kristina reacted in confusion, “Huh?”

“Don’t just walk over here, do that,” Eugene instructed her.

What did he mean by ‘that’?” Kristina was taken aback for a moment, but she soon understood what Eugene was asking her to do. With a low cough, she placed her hands together in front of her chest.

When Kristina next took a step….


Eight wings snapped open from behind her back.

“Won’t they be convinced once they see that?” Eugene turned to ask Raphael as he pointed to Kristina, who was still approaching with her wings spread wide.

Raphael’s stoic mask had shattered.

His mouth was wide open in an expression of pure admiration and excitement that finally suited his boyish face.

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