Danger! The heroine of Quick Wear comes from the end of the world

Chapter 54 Leaving Home Again

After listening to her aunt's words, Ye Xiaoxiao didn't look strange, but took out the gifts and gold bars she had brought.

"Auntie, I returned to the old house. This is something that I have hidden before. My father told me after he hid it. I think my father was arranging things for the future at that time, but I didn't think much about it at that time. Auntie keeps these gold bars, my cousin is getting married soon, and there is plenty of money at home."

Aunt Ye was shocked when she saw it was a gold bar, and hurriedly wrapped the gold bar with the cloth that wrapped the gold bar.

"Girl, you took out these gold bars without saying a word, and you don't have to be careful. My aunt doesn't need these gold bars. You can take them. They will be used as a dowry in the future. This will also be the confidence for you to come to your husband's family in the future."

After hearing what her aunt said, Ye Xiaoxiao couldn't even laugh or cry. Knowing her aunt's kindness, she reopened the cloth wrapping the gold bars.

"Don't worry, aunt. No one is here at this noon. Besides, it's only a few gold bars. It seems valuable, but in fact it's not worth many oceans. These are just for household use. Besides, aunt, I have prepared them. I'm going to northern Shaanxi in two days, which is a good place to kill Japanese. I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in three or two years. I came here today just to say goodbye to my aunt."

Although Ye Xiaoxiao's words were not much, they meant a lot. As for the gold bars, Aunt Ye was about to continue to refuse, but she heard Ye Xiaoxiao say that she was going to northern Shaanxi to kill the Japanese. I was still a little confused as to why I wanted to go to northern Shaanxi to kill the Japanese. Later I realized that Ye Xiaoxiao was here to say goodbye to me, and she suddenly became unhappy again.

"Xiaoxiao, didn't you just say that you killed the Japanese commander and the Song family, and your revenge has been avenged, why don't we just stay in the village and live a good life? We must go to fight and kill, and you must know that you She is a girl, she has to get married and live a life after all, how can she get married after fighting and killing all day long!"

Ye Xiaoxiao knows what Aunt Ye is thinking now. Their generation is still influenced by the ideas of their ancestors. Another small village is located in the mountains. It is relatively safer than Chang County, and people living here are quite happy. They are at ease, so it is inevitable that they have these thoughts, but Ye Xiaoxiao responded to the original owner's request and came back to kill the Japanese. Besides, she also likes the feeling of comfort when killing Japanese and enemies.

"Auntie, I have met some anti-RV patriots in the county in the past few days. I have already agreed with them that we will meet near Changxian County at noon tomorrow and we will go to northern Shaanxi together. I also ask auntie not to be angry, and from my parents and younger brother From the day I was killed by the Japs, I swore in my heart that if the Japs were not driven out of China in this life, I would not get married, so I will definitely go."

The reason why Ye Xiaoxiao said this was because she had not thought about getting married. Secondly, she was fifteen years old this year. Even in eight years, she would only be twenty-three years old. It would not be too early or too late to get married by then. ,Just right.

Ye Xiaoxiao's expression was very serious when she spoke. That expression made Aunt Ye, who wanted to persuade her, open her mouth several times. In the end, she did not say any more words of persuasion, but Zhang Cheng on the side smiled and said .

"Xiaoxiao, since you insist on going, your aunt and I won't persuade you any more, but you have to remember that although your parents are gone, your aunt and I are still at home waiting for you to come back. , you must live, even come back with all your hair and tail, you know?"

Ye Xiaoxiao felt a little touched and immediately stood up and saluted.

"Aunt, uncle, don't worry. I will come back to see you alive and well. When you hear that the Japanese have been driven out of China, you will know that I am coming back soon."

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Xiaoxiao got up and left quietly. She was actually very afraid of the scene when parting. The cold heart she had developed in the last life of her previous life was also affected by these subtle family affections. She was influenced, so in order not to be embarrassed, she decided to leave without saying goodbye. Of course, she had to leave a letter. But she knew that her uncle was a waiter in an inn in the county town and knew some words, not to mention My cousin also went to private school for several years.

At dawn, Ye Xiaoxiao arrived at the Xicheng Gate of Chang County. She would buy a mule from here to travel. After arriving in the capital, she would then take a train or car to northern Shaanxi. The journey would definitely not be peaceful. , and Ye Xiaoxiao didn't intend to be calm. Anyway, she was alone. If she met a Japanese, if she didn't kill him, wouldn't she be sorry for traveling back to this era?

Ye Xiaoxiao spent an ocean to buy a skinny mule, and Ye Xiaoxiao also dressed herself up as a poor young man who came out of the countryside, but it didn't seem to be successful, because the original owner had lived a good life since he was a child, and his front was very tall and straight. All the clothes were raised high in front. In order to reduce the height, she used cloth strips to tie them tightly, but it was very uncomfortable. In the end, for the sake of her own body, she gave up using cloth strips. .

Chang County is about two hundred miles away from the capital. Ye Xiaoxiao was not in a hurry. She just sat on the mule and swayed slowly towards the capital. Speaking of the capital, Ye Xiaoxiao also found something from the memory of the original owner. A brief memory shows that the original owner came to the capital with his father two years ago. Their family also had a small house in the west district of the capital. The house was not very big, with only seven or eight rooms. But at this time, Ye Xiaoxiao also I don’t know if anyone lives in that house. My home was massacred by the Japanese, and everything in my home was looted. The house deed and land deed were also gone.

"Forget it, let's go take a look first. If it's still there, then let's use it as our base for the time being!"

Just as Ye Xiaoxiao was riding a mule slowly towards the capital, Aunt Ye in the small village was still wiping tears sadly.

"This heartless girl left quietly again."

Zhang Cheng comforted him with a dumbfounded expression.

"Well, the child also said it in the letter. He was worried about your tears when leaving, so the child chose this method to leave."

Zhang Lin, who was sitting under the eaves, said, "Mom, my cousin is really powerful. If I had her kung fu, I would also want to go to the battlefield to kill the Japanese."

Aunt Ye, who was still worried about Ye Xiaoxiao, became very angry after hearing her son's words. She stood up, picked up the broom behind the door and hit Zhang Lin.

"I asked you to kill the Japanese, and I asked you to envy your cousin. Those of you who are careless, don't you know how worried I am? You are thinking about things day by day, and you are not letting me live. Every day I am worried about you careless ones."

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