Danger! The heroine of Quick Wear comes from the end of the world

Chapter 59 The man wakes up

But Ye Xiaoxiao couldn't find a medicine jar that could be used to brew medicine after looking around the house. After thinking about it, she had to stay in the capital for a while, so she might as well go to the market and buy it. Anyway, she had space. You can put it into the space and take it with you when you leave later.

I looked at the man again and found that he was still having a fever, so I didn't delay any longer. I went to the market after leaving the house. The fall of the capital still had an impact on the lives of ordinary people. At this time, the capital had been destroyed by Japanese soldiers. Occupy, there are many things that may not be available for purchase.

Ye Xiaoxiao also went to three pharmacies in succession before buying all the things she needed. After thinking about it, she didn't have anti-inflammatory drugs in her hand, so she asked the shopkeeper of the drugstore. The shopkeeper heard that Ye Xiaoxiao wanted to buy anti-inflammatory drugs. , after quickly looking around, he whispered.

"Hey, my little aunt, you are trying to kill me. Come on, come in with me."

After saying that, he pulled Ye Xiaoxiao into the inner room. Ye Xiaoxiao didn't resist, so he let the old shopkeeper pull him into the inner room.

"Little girl, you want anti-inflammatory medicine, but someone is injured?"

Ye Xiaoxiao did not speak, but looked at the old shopkeeper and asked, "Do you have any anti-inflammatory medicine? If so, sell it to me. If you don't have it, go to another store."

The old shopkeeper also realized at this time that the little girl in front of him was unwilling to say more, but this made him more convinced of his guess, so he said.

"I have anti-inflammatory drugs and can sell them to you, but you can't say that I sold them to you when you go out, you know? I only sold them to you for the sake of being Chinese."

Ye Xiaoxiao nodded, "Yes."

Not long after, the old shopkeeper came back from outside and brought back several white pills, which were very small, only as big as rice grains.

"I got this from foreigners, just take it! I just hope you will be careful in the future, live longer, and kill more Japanese soldiers."

After saying that, she no longer looked at Ye Xiaoxiao, but turned around to do other things. Ye Xiaoxiao glanced at the back of the old shopkeeper. She seemed to see a trace of sadness in the back, and presumably the old shopkeeper too. Some of your close relatives must have died under the gun of the Japanese!

Not long after Ye Xiaoxiao left the medicine shop, she realized that she was being followed. She knew that these people were spies of the Japanese and traitors to China. Thinking of this, her face darkened. She did not choose the way back, but I turned a corner in the middle and arrived at another street. This is the famous Fireworks Street, and it is even more crowded here.

She walked far away and saw the person who was following her following her. She turned a corner and arrived at a secluded alley. She stood in the corner and waited for the person to arrive. Sure enough, within a minute or two, there was a rush of footsteps. came.

Until the footsteps came closer, Ye Xiaoxiao swept his legs, and with a bang, the person he was following was swept back several meters, and then fell to the ground with a plop. Ye Xiaoxiao took a few steps forward, He kicked the stalker until he fainted.

She didn't intend to get any news from him, so she just broke his neck and found a few silver coins from him. There was nothing else. Throwing the silver coins with her hand, Ye Xiaoxiao calmly After leaving the alley, he walked towards home.

When he returned home, he found that the man's fever had not gone away, so he quickly gave him anti-inflammatory medicine, and then went to give him anti-pyretic medicine. Half an hour later, Ye Xiaoxiao walked in with a medicine bowl.

He stretched out his hand and touched the man's forehead. He found that the temperature had dropped a little, but he still seemed to have a fever, so he took the spoon and gave him the medicine again.

"Humph, my aunt has never served anyone since her previous life. You are the first one. When you wake up, you will have to give your aunt at least a hundred oceans. It is your honor to have my aunt serve you. You must know that this girl is going to ascend to the immortal world and be ranked in the immortal class.

But, hey, if you wake up and don't have money, it's easy to say, then just promise me with your body. It would be nice for me to reluctantly accept you as my husband. "

After much trouble, in the evening, the man's fever finally subsided, which made Ye Xiaoxiao breathe a sigh of relief. If it was because he could not cure it, it would not be a loss to him, but looking at such a handsome man who poked his own aesthetics. It was a pity that he died, but now he seems to be fine.

When eating in the evening, Ye Xiaoxiao just remembered that she didn't seem to feed this man. Although he was injured and had been in a coma, he could still feed him some porridge and water, otherwise it would be difficult for his body to recover quickly. Then he went to the kitchen and cooked a bowl of porridge by himself, and fed him slowly.

When she got up the next day, Ye Xiaoxiao went to the wing to take a look and found that the man was looking at her with his eyes open. Ye Xiaoxiao really didn't expect that this man looked more beautiful with his eyes open than with his eyes closed. , but she quickly regained her composure.

"You're awake. It was you who made the first move yesterday, and I knocked you unconscious. But you can't blame me. Who told me this was my house, and you suddenly broke into my house and attacked me sneakily."

The man looked at Ye Xiaoxiao like this. He waited for Ye Xiaoxiao to finish and then said, "Thank you for saving me. I was also chased by the devils and entered this courtyard out of desperation. Please forgive me. Regarding the sneak attack on you, I thought it was the devils who came in, so It was my fault that I took action without thinking."

After the two cleared up their original misunderstanding, Ye Xiaoxiao walked to the kang and sat on a stool nearby.

"Who are you? Why were you shot and wounded, but you went to kill the Japanese?"

After hearing this, the man laughed. Only then did Ye Xiaoxiao notice that this man's voice was very pleasant and magnetic. His words seemed not to come from his mouth, but from his chest, low and It is magnetic and makes people want to listen again after listening to it once. Thinking of this, Ye Xiaoxiao felt a little blushing. This was the first time this happened in her third life. She quickly stood up and said.

"If you don't want to say it, forget it. I don't have to know."

The man laughed enough and said, "Please forgive me. I remembered that when I saw you for the first time yesterday, your expression was very cold, but now it is very different from that time, so I unconsciously wanted to laugh. , I hope you’ll forgive me.”

After hearing what he said, Ye Xiaoxiao wanted to roll her eyes, but she remembered that rolling her eyes was a bit rude, so she resisted the urge and curled her lips.

"You wanted to kill me back then, how could I give you a smile? Now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, we are naturally friends. Do we still have to be shameless when we get along with friends?"

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