Dangerous Fiancee

Chapter 156

Chapter 156: Chapter 155


“Wes, you were not a knight but an official who swore to live by conscience and good faith. Even if the road ahead is steep and treacherous, if you know it’s the right one, just go there. Please try not to be a shameful parent to our child.”

Those were the words of his wife who, putting Blair’s ring in his hand, advised him that he should be a proud father of her baby.

If she had lived to this day and discovered this, she would have been willing to risk her life on the battlefield like Marianne. She would not have left him hesitating until now.

“If I force you to flee from this fight, can you respect my decision? If I die and you survive, can you live happily for the rest of your life?”

Marianne reached out and touched her father’s cheeks wet with tears.

“You told me that someday the truth would be revealed, that what I was doing was the right thing, right?”

She wiped away her father’s tears and held his hands with a smile.

“Let’s do the right thing together.”

“… Marie.”

“It’s not too late yet. It’s only the start now. So far, you have been trying to protect me. From now on, let me take the lead. So, let me protect myself and everyone. So, please be my spear and shield as well as the emperor’s.”

What she said now was different from what she told him on the night she returned to the capital. Back then, she falsely vowed to him that she would not be hurt. Obviously he didn’t expect that his daughter, who he thought was so young and fragile as she was raised without any fear of difficulties and troubles, would say something so daring and mature.

“You are not going to let me fight my enemy without any weapons, right?”

He did not hate his daughter’s courage like that. Actually, it was bold and beautiful.

The duke stared at his daughter’s white and fine face for a long time. After a little long and heavy silence, he asked his daughter one last time.

“Are you sure you’ll be alright? Do you think you won’t regret it?”

“Nope, never.”

He surrendered completely before her decisive and righteous answer.

He even felt that perhaps the result of this fight had already been decided a long time ago.

“… Okay. Let me follow your decision. How can I beat you?”

Marianne again jumped into her father’s arms, who let out a sigh as if he had surrendered.

Relieved by his hand stroking her hair as always, she smiled faintly.

“Do not worry. My mother in heaven will certainly help me.”

Goddess Kader’s prophecy was right. She was moving forward little by little at every moment.

“But… Why did you act so recklessly that day? You said if you die once more, you can fix it…How can you say such terrible things?”

“Oh, that’s because…”

* * *

After a stormy day, the sun rose anew. It was extremely calm in Milan.

As it was past the beginning of June, the weather was getting hotter, and the humidity was rising a little bit as if it wasn’t long before the rainy season would come.

The Elior Mansion, which banned visitors for several days, was opened again because Marianne resumed her activities in social circles as scheduled, starting today.

Numerous people focused their attention on her activities as she was at the center of the scandal. They gossiped about whom Marianne would go first to meet after her recuperation.

By this time, gamblers in the capital were secretly playing for high stakes, depending on how accurately they could predict how often she went out and where she was going.

Amid such huge attention, Marianne left the mansion as soon as she had lunch. The brilliant wagon carrying her left the gate and turned east.

“Will you really go there? Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’ll will. I’m already going there. ”

Cordelli was upset even before she got into the carriage. She snorted as if she opposed her visit.

.”Even if you go there, you won’t be treated well. You already saw her treating you badly and rudely several times, didn’t you? I just don’t know why you are so anxious to give a gift to her.”

She sharply stared at the luggage compartment of the wagon with bitter eyes. Although she was only three years younger than her, Marianne felt she looked like a much younger sister whenever she saw Cordelli throwing a tantrum.

Smiling at her, Marianne pinched Cordelli’s cheek. Her cheek stretched up and back like a spring. Her flushed face turned more reddish when Marianne pinched it.

“Miss! Don’t tease me!”

“Oh, how cute you are! Cordelli, you really like me a lot, don’t you? Are you that worried about me?”

“Pardon? Of course! I was so happy that you were up and coming after you became lean these days. I was a little scared because you might pretend to be okay on purpose, but…”

Her face, which turned red like an apple, quickly became sullen. Marianne quickly shook her head and eased her anxiety.

“Cordelli, I’m really okay.”

“That’s what I guessed. It seems to me that you’ve really gotten a lot better. Since you’re going out for a long time, I wondered if you were going to a picnic or meeting someone, so I prepared as many as five dresses for you. But you are not going to the emperor or your father, Marquis Chester, or Mrs. Chester!”

After pondering over the next candidate, Cordelli snorted again and said with a sullen voice, “Why are you trying to meet Miss Ronstat? I hate that lady.”

Marianne just laughed, resting her chin on the sofa’s armrest.

“Why are you laughing? Anyway, you are so tender-hearted. If she treats you rudely again today, I’m going to pull out all of her hair.”


“I’m serious. I am not going to sit idly.”

Apparently burnt out by her recent quarrel with Lonstat, Cordelli renewed her resolve to get even with her, clenching her fists tightly.

“Yes, yes. Do whatever you want.”

Marianne nodded, a bit resigned to her strong resolve. She felt Cordelli would not listen to her at the moment. Of course, she would intervene if Cordelli really wanted a fight.

As Marianne was about to grab a teacup on the table casually, Cordelli narrowed her eyebrows.

“Oh, I’m serious! Do you think I can’t beat her up? I’m really good at fighting. Not long ago, I learned about self-defense skills from Mrs. Charlotte. I want to protect you. Self-defense with a fan. Anyway, it’s amazing…If you don’t believe me, can I show you later?”

“I believe it because you said that.”


Marianne spat out the tea in her mouth at the moment.

“Lady! What’s the matter with you?!

Surprised, Cordelli quickly grabbed a handkerchief and wiped her face. As soon as she stopped coughing, she stared intently over the couch.

“Phebe, how can you.. ”


Poibe, which was smoothing down its feathers casually, tilted its head. Its bright eyes were glistening. Obviously Poibe was doing it to tease her. But it was so cute that she couldn’t respond, which made her more annoyed.

“Why are you scolding Phebe? Phebe says it believes me, right? It looks like Phebe is on my side. As I have been feeding it snacks faithfully, it has paid off!”

Cordelli smiled happily, clearing up the messy table.

Marianne coughed again. She was embarrassed as she felt mocked by the parrot.

After recalling his voice at the moment, she felt strange about missing the emperor.

<Break my heart as much as you can.>

He was looking down at her while saying that.

“Uh? But that voice…I think I heard it a lot before…”

Marianne opened the window wide, pretending not to have heard Cordelli.

As it turned out, the weather was amazingly good.

In no time her wagon was driving through the Noble Road.

* * *

Servants at the Lonstat Mansion were very embarrassed by the appearance of an unexpected visitor. While they were at a loss about how to respond, the door was opened. Marianne’s party, including Iric and Cordelli, had already entered the main residence while they were busy looking for Miss Lonstat.

In fact, there was nobody who could stop them from entering the house, given that Marianne was a duke’s daughter as well as the emperor’s fiancee who already had the engagement ceremony. Of course, Earl Lonstat and his son might have stopped them recklessly, but fortunately they were not at the house as they had gone to the palace.

For this visit, Marianne even had Iric accompany her, but she could enter the house so easily.

“Lady Marianne, sorry, but we hadn’t heard that you would visit today…” said a maid.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t think that I’d get permission to enter this place even if I notified you of my visit here. That’s why I came here unexpectedly.”

The maid was speechless as Marianne played hardball.

“I heard Ms. Roxanne has been feeling bad all this time. I was very worried because I couldn’t meet her at social meetings. So, I’ve come here like this. Can you tell me which way her bedroom is?”

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